Severa shivered as she walked down the dark roadside. It was late, she stepped quietly so that she didn't alert any bandits to her location. "At least there aren't as many Risen" she comforted herself. Since she had gone back in time, and gotten separated from her friends, she had seen a lot less of the undead creatures.

She could still smell their foul stench on her father's blade, no her blade now, from the last encounter. The smell was bad enough that she used the last of her clean water just to dull the scent. At least it would repel predators in these woods.

After walking for another six kilometers, she came across a small cave just large enough for her and a small camp fire. "Just warm up and rest my legs" she promised herself.

It wasn't more than five minutes before she had a small fire and removed her sweat soaked boots. Gods she wished her sister was here. Morgan would know where they were and what to do, she always did. Last time she saw her sister was when the group had been running for the outrelm gate. Poor Morgan had been cut off by Risen, Severa tried her best to fight to save her sister but Morgan was lost to the sea of foul monsters.

Now where was she? Lost in the woods of what was hopefully Ylisse, without any help. "Naga... I don't even know when I am!" Maybe that's what the worst part was. Lost in time, was Chrom Exalt yet? Had her parents met yet? If so, was she born? But the worst one was: "Is Daddy still alive?" She cried.

Without knowing it, she had pulled out a photo of her family, a gift from Anna. A tear dripped from her eyes with every face she looked at. They all looked so happy. But that was before Grima. Her dad was still around, mom hadn't died, and Morgan hadn't been forced to experience so many terrible encounters.

"No! I can't watch this happen all over again!" She ordered herself, dropping the picture into the hot flames. "Whoever exists in this timeline is not my Father, he's Robin! Mom... she's just Cordelia." She stood up and grabbed the magical sword at her side. "I'm sorry Daddy, if I bring you with me, it will only make this harder." Slowly, she propped the blade against the cave wall. She had to make a life for herself in this time, away from the Robin and Cordelia of this time.

Severa began to slide her mother's ring off her finger to throw it into the fire but she just couldn't do it. Maybe she could hold onto this one keepsake. One memory couldn't cause that much heart ache right? Slowly, she slid her boots back on and stepped outside.

She had never been great at magic, but she did know a couple her Father had taught her. "Thoron!" She declared as lightning burst from her palm and struck the entrance, with a loud crash, rocks and dirt sealed the cave from outsiders. "I'll miss all three of you..." One last tear fell before she left all her memories behind to find the next town, and hopefully a job.

An/ this might be a one shot, might not. Depends how you guys like it. If you want it continued, I will. One thing, Owain/Severa and Morgan/Brady. Others are negotiable. If you guys have any chapter ideas and I like them, I will defently try my best to write it