Fae was curious about Sebastians bed. Just wondering if it smells just like him. She knows it's been a while since he slept in that bed because he sleeps in hers sometimes. Sometimes their on missions have them sleep in different bed together.

"Something on your mind, Lady Fae?" asks Lao

"Huh? Oh no sorry. Please continue." says Fae

He nods and continues on with another one of his stories about his adventures. She sighs he's told this one three times already. She could sit there and mock him as he tells it again. Knowing exactly what he's going to say. It's way past dinner time when he's off. While she's suppose to be doing her work she sneaks away and peaks into his room seeing it clear she climbs into the bed and gets a whiff. She smiles as she recognizes the scent. It's him it smells exactly like Sebastian. She grabs his pillow and takes a smell of that too. It smells like him too. She cuddles his pillow happily smelling his pillow.

"Are you enjoying cuddling my pillow, doll?" asks Sebastian

She freezes cold in the bed. She was trying not to get caught. She pulls herself together and sits up.

"How long were you there,Sebastian?" asks Fae

"Long enough to see you crawl your way up to my pillow smell it and cuddle it. My question is why?" asks Sebastian

"You'll laugh at me" says Fae

"Try me" says Sebastian

"Sigh. Fine" says Fae

She then explains her thinking and why she was doing what she was doing. He doesn't laugh he simply smiles and gets her ready for bed and plopping her in his bed instead of her own tonight. He then strips off his clothes to his boxers and holds Fae close.

"Then how about we sleep in my bed tonight?" asks Sebastian

"Alright" says Fae

She snuggles into his big chest and he holds her close. It's not long before they are both out and asleep.

The End