Hello guys, everyone of you, doesn't matter which label they put on you. Straight, Gay, Pan, Bi, Trans, Genderfluid, Cis, Bi-gender, hermaphrodite, or whatever I didn't think of right now.

I mean, be real, the only label we have the right to put on you is that of "Human"... and even that might be...

I mean some people just really can't identify with human race (with all mess humanity causes/d, I understand), and who knows, perhaps aliens are reading this to -shot out for all elves, dragons, angels, gods, ghosts, and other spirits reading this!-

But however, I'm myself struggling with my label. Not especially that I'm someone who likes labels -on the contrary- but it kind of helps (somehow) to understand what you're feeling. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. I don't know "what" exactly I am, right at this moment, and I still don't know if I really care. Just the "I'm scared of the male inside of me" really sucks.

But hey, I'm friends with spirits, and I'll just take the Aang way of resolution = find a Lion Turtle and meditate! (I'm a writer, and optimist... so please no "oh poor thing, speak with a psy!" I might as well delete the story immediately.)

I just found that there aren't much people writing about this kind of stuff... or they just use it to make Korra have a d*ck, so that lemon is more fun (seriously?). There are a few exceptions, sure, but I can count them on my hand, while there are more than 13K of LOK stories. And so I found that it was time to make a change (and write my feelings out of my head, that's always good).

So here I am. Maybe this is going to be continued someday. Probably not. It depends how I figure myself out in the future ^^.

But I wanted to make a challenge to all of you: write a story about gender-complications/feelings. Just so that people realise that's normal, not weird, just nature. And yeah, people like this have existed for ages. Trans-people were in most cultures even really well respected! (and please, send me a PM if you do, because I would love to read them.)

Did canon not do this too, with Gay-ness? So why not go just a few steps further?



PS: Yeah, I completely believe there's a dragon living on my roof... okay, no I'm kidding, she doesn't live there anymore, she's more the forest type, so it's more like in my garden ^^.

PSS: feel free to leave a reaction, or just a PM if you're up to a little chat.