Derek Shepherd found himself looking skeptically up at the façade of the Seattle Waldorf School. Back home in New York he had gone to private school, but nothing compared to this. Girls brushed by him, chatting to each other and ignoring him and his little sister Amelia.
"It's not fair that mom made us move right before I started high school, and this one starts at 8th grade," she whined beside him, standing a whole foot shorter than Derek, who was going into his senior year. Derek rolled his eyes.
"You know Mom got a better job than she had in NYC, so we moved. Just…go to class and I'll meet you after," he said with a sigh. He stood there for a few more minutes before heading to the office to pick up his class schedule and a map. After a moment he ditched the map in a trashcan, before looking up. A guy was standing there with a questioning look on his face.
"Uh hi, I'm Mark, are you Derek? I'm supposed to show you around today since you're in most of my classes." Derek merely nodded; he was nervous as hell. Mark merely led him out of the office and down the hall; he had to give them credit, the school was gorgeous. Gleaming hardwood floors, sparkling windows, brightly painted walls.
"So here's your homeroom, we have the same one, it's done by last name. I'll take you to your first class afterwards, okay?" he said, sounding bored. Derek merely nodded and slipped to a desk. This guy sounded so bored, he felt bad that he had to spend the day toting him around the school. If he could get away from it, he could.
After a morning of classes that he and Mark shared, they headed to the café where he was introduced to Marks friends. There was an Alex, Jackson, Ben, and a Charles, all of whom seemed very nice. He was distracted though, by a pretty blonde, who seemed to be parting the damn red sea with only her presence, a tall red head right behind her. She seemed perfectly at ease with who she was; her shoulders were thrown back, her green eyes shone, and she actually looked good in the regulation white polo, navy blazer, and navy wool plaid skirt, expertly rolled up to give the effect that it wasn't. On her feet were a pair of grey heels making her taller than she was, and as she walked past his table, she and the red head gave Mark a wave, before her eyes settled on Derek. She gave him a smirk before turning to the red head, sliding into a chair at a table in the very center of the café. Oh, to be a fly on the wall near that table.
"Who are they?" he asked in wonderment, studying the blonde as she laughed at something the red head said. Soon they were joined by a medium-height blonde and a tall black-haired girl, and the four started gossiping and sipping on their lattes.
"The tiny blonde is Meredith Grey. She basically owns the school, and every private school in Seattle. Her mother is a world famous surgeon who's almost always traveling for work, and she has parties basically every weekend since only the staff is there and they'd never tell her mother. Her father is out of the picture. The red head is Addison Montgomery. Her parents basically own all of Seattle. The girl with black hair is Callie Torres, no one even knows what her dad does, it's very secretive. And the taller blonde, that's Arizona Robbins, army brat. The four of them together could buy half the country," Alex said with a roll of his eyes.
Derek couldn't help but watch the four girls, especially the one named Meredith. She was gorgeous, with classic good looks; of course, all of them were wealthy beyond belief, and from what Alex had said, they ruled the school. A few minutes before the bell rang, all four girls got up and tossed away their coffee cups before heading over to the boys table, all smiles. Addison wrapped her arm around Marks waist and grinned.
"So last night was great. Want to do it again? My place, tonight, 9 o'clock? Bizzy and the Captain are still away," she grinned, locking him in a kiss. Callie and Arizona looked bored, their fingers twitching towards each other while Meredith looked bored, before she caught the eyes of Derek.
"So you must be new," she prowled, pulling herself up, her blonde locks falling in front of her face. He nodded slightly, hardly daring to look at her. Up close she was more than beautiful, she was stunning. She wore the bare minimum of makeup, choosing instead to wear neutrals, a nude lip gloss applied to her lips. Diamond earrings were in her ears and she wore a silver charm bracelet around her small wrist. She was gorgeous and intimidating, and Derek wanted to know what she wanted from him.
"You're new," she started simply, raising an eyebrow at him. It wasn't a question, just a statement. He nodded, withering under her glare.
"Where did you come from?" She asked, before retracting the statement. "Oh, that's right, I don't really care," she smirked, twirling her hair around her index finger. She was the queen bitch of Seattle Waldorf and she had to keep everyone under control, including those that were brand new. It was first day of senior year and she ruled with an iron fist. Turning on her heel, the three other girls followed her as she walked out of the café, all eyes on the four of them. Derek looked up at Mark who was looking after the tall red head – Addison.
"What was that about?" he asked the rest of the table, pushing back a bottle of water. Ben snorted slightly.
"Mark told you they rule the school. Especially Meredith. We've all been here since kindergarden, she's been bossing us around since before we could read. She's a bitch but she has power. With the snap of your fingers she can send you down to the bottom of the Seattle Waldorf hierarchy," he chuckled. Derek only rolled his eyes. At Trinity in NYC, he had dealt with rich brats like her; he had even dated a few. But he had definitely met his match in Meredith Grey. She was gorgeous, sure, but never before had he met such a brat with a bitch of an attitude.
Just a new fic idea I had, high school AU! I don't know if I like it though and if you guys don't like it I won't keep it up! Yes Meredith is little miss popular bratty spoiled bitch! I like taking this view of her, and softening her up as we go along and molding her into Derek's love. And know if i continue this story i will ALWAYS keep up with the others! You know how good I am about that! Read and review, please!