"What the hell is that?" Sam asked his eyes wide with disbelief.

"What, this? It's the triple double burger combo, or the Shaggy, you know like from-"

"Scooby-Doo, yeah I get it" Sam said cutting Dean off "Why the hell do you eat this stuff, if hunting doesn't kill you this crap will"

"You're missing out" Dean said as he attempted to take another bite of the monstrosity in front of him.

Sam shook his head in defeat and turned back to his laptop, the boys were in the bunker and starting to go a little stir crazy, it had been quiet recently and Sam was actually looking forward to the next case.

"This one sounds promising, three missing math teachers?" he said gesturing to his screen.

"Nah, they just solved it, angry student out for revenge, nothing supernatural" Dean mumbled through bites of his burger.

Sam sighed and after a couple more fruitless attempts at finding a case he turned to his brother, "Hey Dean, has it been a little quiet recently?"

"Don't jinx it Sammy, don't you think we get enough death and mayhem"

"It's not that, it's just, never mind"

Dean sighed and pulled himself away from his half eaten tower of a burger.

"I know what you mean, it's been too quiet, maybe we should check with Cas see if he-"

"Hello Dean" Cas said as he appeared behind Sam.

"Speak of the devil" Dean muttered

"What about Lucifer? Is he still in the cage?"

"No, uh, never mind" Dean said shaking his head, Cas always took things so literally.

"Look Cas have you heard anything strange lately?" Sam asked

"Yes" Cas replied his gaze still fixed on Dean.

"Care to elaborate?" Dean said with frustration.

"I went to see Chuck" Cas said looking away from Dean's penetrating gaze, he began flipping through an old newspaper Sam had left on the table.

"What, why? Did he have another vision?" Sam questioned.

"He is always having visions, that's what prophets do" Cas replied and Dean frowned up at him, it was odd that he wasn't meeting his gaze, usually Dean found his constant eye contact a little unnerving but now he was actually missing it.

Sam rolled his eyes in exasperation "Was it anything important?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask. You know Dean that burger is made of 6 different cows"

"Stop avoiding the question Cas, why did you go to see Chuck?" Cas lifted his eyes to meet Dean's gaze and there was something odd in his expression, he seemed hesitant and there was something else there too, something Dean couldn't quite describe.

"I had a few questions about the fan sites, you asked me not to search on-line so I went to Chuck"

"About-" Dean couldn't finish the sentence he was afraid he already knew the answer, Sam just looked confused.

"Destiel" Cas finished for him, silence hung in the air broken only by the muffled sound of Sam's incredulous laughter.

The anger that had been building up inside Dean vanished at the tone of Cas' voice, he sounded so vulnerable, and the anger had only been a front anyway, a way to protect himself from getting hurt, from accepting his feelings.

"What did he say?" Dean managed his voice sounding gruff, how would Cas react, would he be disgusted?

Sam managed to choke back his laughter and had the decency to look concerned at the expression on Dean's face "I'm uh, gonna go make some coffee"

Dean shot Sam a grateful look and Sam smiled tightly as he went in to the kitchen, leaving Dean and Cas alone.

"He said the fans of his books thought the characters Castiel and Dean should be in a romantic relationship"

"Ha, those guys are crazy huh? An angel and a human, I mean they sure are some wackos" Dean said trying to sound more casual than he felt.

"It's happened before" Cas said quietly

Dean's eyes shot up from the spot on the table he had been studying intently "What?"

"It's not common, but it has happened before, you've heard of Nephilim, a child of an angel and a human"

"Oh" Dean muttered lamely, his mind was racing, so other angels and humans had been together, there was hope.

"Dean, why didn't you want me to look into this if it's just some crazy fan theories"

"Come on Cas, I thought you'd be weirded out"

"Are you weirded out Dean?"

"Look Cas, don't worry about it, we've been through hell and back, literally, but we're just friends" Dean said his heart sinking with each word, he desperately wanted this conversation to be over.

"Of course, I understand that you feel that way, sorry Dean I won't bring it up again" Cas said trying to sound determined but his voice broke on the last word.

Dean stared at him for a moment, he couldn't bear to see him this way, to hell with the consequences, "Damn it Cas" he said getting up from the table and grabbing Cas' face.

He hesitated for a second staring into the angel's eyes before slowly pressing his lips to Cas' mouth. Cas froze, then suddenly his body softened and he reached his arms around Dean pulling him close. Dean gasped, it was like a wildfire took over his body, he has no control he was vaguely aware of his fingers intertwining in Cas' hair. It has never been like this before, he had loved others but this desire, this urgency was new to him. Cas pushed him with some force against the wall his body pressing up against Dean's, they were so completely lost in the moment that neither of them heard Sam walking back into room.

"Hey guys, I think I found a case" Sam said clueless to what he had just walked in on, his eyes still on the newspaper in his hand.