While I'm a true Adrien/Marinette shipper at heart, I can't help but be curious about Felix and Marinette. If not as a couple, their interaction at least. So I wrote this for fun and as an experimentation.

Marinette never knew just how much of a… grumpy shit Chat Noir was.

She caught sight of him just as Sabrina stomped off, and instead of the charming smile and wave she was expecting; she just saw the most grimacing sneer on his face. She raised a brow at the sight, surprised.

Never has she ever imagined there was a day she thought she'd receive a dirty look from Chat.

And an attitude.

He was deliberately giving her the stink eye.

Maybe she should call it off and have "Ladybug" take over guard duty.

…Knowing him though, he'd just invite himself along and "share the load".

Huffing, and realizing that she might be standing around a little too long, Marinette walked on, trying to ignore the searing blue grey eyes following her.

Was he always like this?

Ladybug definitely didn't receive anything like this.

She could only recall bright smiles and outrageous flirtations whenever she thought of their interactions... but that was only with Ladybug.

What about everyone else?

Or was it just Marinette he had an issue with?

She couldn't imagine why though...

Now that she thought about it, he never gave that charm to anyone else. Alya he completely ignored. People he only interacted with if they needed saving. It was really just her, well Ladybug, that he had any interactions and affections with. It brought back all the grumbles Alya had about Chat Noir and her scoffs of how Ladybug could have a partner like him; and usually they just flew over Marinette's head since the public seemed to always adore Ladybug more and she didn't think her partner was that bad.

But now…

She can get it.

Chat was really a grumpy cat.

A cat that was picky about his company.

At least she knew he would take his job seriously. As picky as he was about company, he still risked his neck to save citizens.

He wasn't that hopeless.

She hoped.

Worse comes to worse, she had full confidence that she could save herself if Chat didn't pull through.

Glancing up at him, she was glad to see that at least he was keeping a look out, though he did have a clear pout on his lips.

Rolling her eyes at him, Marinette headed towards her favorite fabric store, wiggling in excitement. She some had time before her date tonight!

Snagging a few bolts of fabric, Marinette was simply swarmed with inspiration. There were so many beautiful colors being sold today, her mind was filled with all that she could make. Unable to wait till she got home, she set the bolts down beside her as she sat on the bench, starting to sketch out ideas, her tongue sticking out in concentration.

"Are you really being targeted by an akuma?"

She jumped at the growl. Whirling around, she came face to face with a scowl Chat standing behind the bench.

Before she could respond, he continues, "If you're wasting our time-"

"I am," she snaps back, narrowing her eyes at him. "You can take a look at my room, go see my missing window." Thankfully it would be back after this.

And she doesn't have to deal with a grumpy cat anymore.

His nose wrinkled at that. Sighing, he pinched his nose, grumbling under his breathe.

Turning away with her own scoff, she resumed her work, trying to ignore the agitated hero behind her.

"What time is your date?" he pressed tiredly.

"An hour."

He let out a very loud groan.

"You know," she offered, partly out of pity, partly to send him away, "we can just meet up back at my house in an hour."

There was a flicker on his face. He was tempted. Only to shake his head as he insisted with great reluctance. "Ladybug said that I was to protect you. With how unpredictable this akuma is, it's best that you aren't left alone."

"I see," she sighed.

He growled in agreement.

"Well, you want to sit and make designs with me?" she offered, showing her sketchbook to him.

He gave her an odd look, turned, and left.

Marinette found she was really tempted to "tattle" to Ladybug about this behavior. They were "friends" after all.

Well, she's glad that was taken care of now.

Nathanael was much better, and she promised to get him a dessert as a late birthday present.

Her window was back.

And she didn't have a grouchy Chat hovering over her anymore.

Thankfully he still did do his job, though he could have been a little more gracious when they were trapped in that box together...

Alya whistled as she came up beside Marientte, eyeing her grimace. "Who spit on your breakfast?" the red head wondered.

"No one," Marinette eased. "Was just... dealing with a jerk yesterday."

"At the bakery?"


"Ugh that sucks."

"You have no idea."

Side by side as the headed to class, Marinette jumped when she accidentally walked right into Felix, just as he came in. Jumping back, her teal eyes met frosty greys. She could already see the grimace shaping on his face. Wincing, she was just about the voice an apology when he cut her off.

"Marinette," he bid curtly, and then walked off, leaving two gaping girls behind him.

She jumped when Alya grabbed her shoulder. "Girl what did you do?!" the blogger hissed in her ear.

"I, I don't know!" Marinette babbled.

Never before in these short school months has Felix greeted her.

He never greeted anyone!

What, what was going on?!