(I'm thinking)
"I'm speaking"
Pairing: Hentai F/M - Naruko x Kimimaro
Last Time:
The ROOT leader frowned, "Up his training." He said and the agent left after a bow. If Sasuke was going to complete their plans he'd have to be able to repel a sage and any who wish to defy them by the time he graduates ...
Shizune deadpanned as she saw an excited Tsunade order a seventh cup of coffee, "I know you don't want to smell like alcohol when you meet her, but maybe you shouldn't drink anymore coffee-"
"Is that her?!" Tsunade exclaimed as she leapt to her feet, nearly knocking the outdoor cafe table over in her caffeine powered eagerness. Her body sagged sadly as she only saw Jiraiya and Kakashi headed down the road towards them. "Oh … it's just you two. Have you heard from Naruko yet?" She asked getting a giggle from Shizune who found the slug sage's eagerness quite funny. Tsunade was so determined to be there for Naruko that the second she heard the villagers were frequently drunk during the abuse she stopped drinking entirely. It was all so she wouldn't trigger any bad memories ...
Jiraiya pouted, "That's mean, Tsunade. Didn't you miss me? How about a hug?!" He grinned pervertedly while eyeing her breasts and doing groping motions with his hands.
"No!" The medic snapped and began beating the toad sage into the ground.
"Oh dear." Shizune chuckled sheepishly as she sipped her tea. "Don't beat him too much, Lady Tsunade! We don't want any delays to stop us from having all the bonding time we can with-" she noticed Kakashi put a finger to his lips and got the hint,"her! You want as much fun together as possible, right?"
"Ok!" Tsunade yelled and simply knocked the pervert out, but she was almost bouncing in place from the caffeine.
Kakashi chuckled nervously, "That got her to behave." He whispered playfully to Shizune. "Kurama, by the way, is checking into a hotel. Her sensei thought it'd be wise to have a room in case we found any Whirlpool items that can't be easily popped out and into a different scroll."
'Kurama, huh." Shizune smiled. "Isn't that great, Lady Tsunade?! We'll see Kurama soon!"
"And her teammates, sensei, mother and cousin!" Kakashi chimed in.
"Cousin?" Shizune asked curiously.
Kakashi nodded, "Small world. It just so happens one of the people Kurama helped save in her first mission got to chatting and let slip that she comes from the same clan. Kurama, of course, invited her along. That's a nice surprise, right?" He winced as he realized Tsunade didn't seem to share in the joy.
The slug sage didn't betray any emotion and just stared at Kakashi seriously despite the insanity dilated pupils, "How is she?"
"She's doing very well." Kakashi said softly, though the dilated eyes did unnerve him. "They thought of everything, even covering," Kakashi tapped his cheeks indicating that he meant that the birth marks on Naruko's cheeks were covered. "She's sweet and strong and well taken care of … I still wish she didn't have to kill in her first mission, bu-"
Tsunade grabbed Kakashi by the neck and started wringing it, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN KILLED?!"
Shizune quickly started shushing the slug sage who was attracting attention from the others both in and outside the cafe, "Please be quiet, Lady Tsunade. We shouldn't be talking about these things in public."
"She's right." Tsunade flinched when a very tall and muscular woman grabbed her wrists and actually made her release her grip on Kakashi with just a press of a couple acupuncture points. "I'm Barb, Kurama's sensei. Why don't we continue this on our walk to Whirlpool?"
Tsunade blinked as she processed what the woman said and she quickly focused in on the blonde girl not far away. Her heart nearly exploded in her happiness, and caffeine overuse, and tears came to her eyes. That blonde girl didn't have whisker marks, but it could only have been one person. "Nar-mm!-"
"Kurama, Lady Tsunade! It's Kurama!" Shizune hissed while physically holding the slug sage's mouth shut. "I'm sorry, but Lady Tsunade is actually quite bad at anything undercover and too much caffeine is making it worse." She explained quickly when she spotted the odd looks sent her way from the other ninjas, even Kakashi who regained consciousness..
A huge vein started pulsing on Tsunade's temple and she broke away from her apprentice's grip, "That's not true! I'm excellent at role playing!"
Unfortunately for Jiraiya, he chose that moment to regain consciousness, but not his common sense. "That's a lie. You became a medic because no one wanted you screwing up their infiltration missions-"
Shizune face palmed as Tsunade dove for the toad sage and began beating him again. "Lady Tsunade, at least try to behave." She groaned as her mentor just ignored her in favor of tackling her old teammate with a painful looking wrestling move. "I'm sorry. Lady Tsunade isn't always like-" a loud crack from Jiraiya's head colliding with the ground was heard. "-this." Shizune said sheepishly as she tried to ignore the chaos behind her and focus only on the group of people or, more specifically, the beautiful blonde girl.
The blonde smiled, "I'm Kurama-" she was interrupted when Shizune hugged her. It was a sweet moment that Tsunade completely missed because she was too distracted with beating a toad sage.
The raven haired who was the same age as Naruko smirked at the sound of a bone snapping, "Sages are tough."
"Yes they are. No picking fights, got it?" Barb ordered teasingly making her student huff. "May as well finish the introductions. This is Sana," she said pointing to the young raven who spoke before. "This is Haru," the sensei said while pointing to a shy gray haired girl next to the blonde who was definitely Naruko. Barb gestured to the pretty green eyed woman, "This is Jade." She said before finally pointing at a young redhead, "and this is Karin. Karin, by the way, is related to the place we're going too."
Shizune finally, though reluctantly, let go of Naruko and smiled at Karin, "You know, Lady Tsunade is related to the Uzumaki clan. This is the first time she's been there since her grandmother passed."
"You mean I'm related to an insane old bat." Karin said and instantly regretted it as a deadly silence settled over them all.
A dark descended over the group. Karin slowly peeked behind a pale Shizune despite every cell in her body screaming to run and hide. Strangely enough there was nothing behind Shizune besides the, yet again, unconscious toad sage.
"What did you say, brat?" Karin's blood froze and she slowly turned around. The terrifying, and almost demonic, face of Tsunade was a coffee smothered hair's breadth away from her face.
A small sigh was heard, "This has gone on long enough." Naruko's ponytail dropped and Tsunade yelped before swatting her arm as if something bit her.
Shizune blinked as she watched her temperamental mentor suddenly drop completely paralyzed, "Lady Tsunade?"
Naruko chuckled sheepishly as she collected her hair and put the pretty clip with the blue gem back in, "You'll want to give her this anti-venom. She won't be able to move for a while, but, at least, she won't die." She said before summoning a small shot marked with a spider symbol that had a clear liquid inside. She handed the needle over, but didn't mention the spider that delivered the bite or where she was.
"Ok …" A bemused Shizune shrugged before injecting figured Naruko meant no harm and would explain when they were in a more private setting.
"We should probably go … we're scaring the locals." Jade hissed as she and Kakashi carefully carried Jiraiya in the direction of the path that led to their destination.
Barb noticed everyone who was in the cafe was either gone or hiding behind the counter inside, "This is more exciting than I expected." She laughed as she slung the slug sage over her shoulder.
"And don't worry about this guy!" Kakashi called out to those hiding nearby as he held Jiraiya up a little to imply he was talking about the toad sage. "This one has survived so many beatings for his peeping that this is nothing!" The comment, which was intended to be reassuring, just got glares from the mostly female staff who now wanted the perverted toad sage gone.
Sana scoffed as the entire group rushed down the path, "Well that was subtle."
Kakashi hung his head in shame, "We usually aren't this loud … honest!"
"Now isn't the time." Jade huffed more than a little irritated at how this went. Ninjas were supposed to be silent and stealthy, not loud and brash. Did Tsunade forget that they were all, Naruko especially, trying to not attract attention?
Once the group made it out of the village they slowed down to a more gentle pace for the two incapacitated ninjas. Of course, it turned out to be a lucky move because if they were moving at top speed they could've missed the turn they had to take to find the Uzumaki ruins. It seems the path became very overgrown over the decades that it was impossible to get through from the footpath on the forest floor.
"I'll go ahead! You guys wait 10 seconds, then follow." Barb exclaimed cheerily as she carefully shifted Tsunade to Shizune's shoulder.
Haru smiled softly at Karin, "Don't worry. I'll help you."
The feisty redhead huffed, "I don't need hel-" Karin gaped when she saw Barb jump really high and disappear into the treetops. Before she fully processed what was going to happen she felt slender, but strong, arms scoop her up and realized Haru was carrying her like a bride. "Hey! I didn't say you could carry me! Put me down!"
Sana glanced over her shoulder at the redhead and smirked, "You heard her, Haru. Go ahead, we're just 50 feet up!"
"50?" Karin murmured almost confused by the number, but then she looked down. "DON'T PUT ME DOWN!" She yelped when she saw how high they were and wrapped her arms firmly around Haru's neck.
"I wouldn't." Haru laughed softly.
Only a few moments passed before they saw a form that looked like the gate of a village. Every inch was covered in vines and moss, but it was easy to see the broken wooden doors. They dropped down to the uneven mossy stone path that was ruined by years of neglect. As Haru was carefully setting Karin down and Shizune was helping a recovering Tsunade stand properly Barb reappeared, but with a mask on. She gestured for them to stay silent and put on masks before she dropped a camera on the ground and disappeared again.
Jade quickly placed her blank mask on and went to examine the camera. Naruko and her teammates were putting on masks and putting on long black cloaks to hide their civilian clothes when Jiraiya woke up for a second time. Thankfully, Kakashi covered his mouth making it very clear that this was not the time to talk. Of course, no one did until Barb returned a few minutes later and with a few more cameras.
"These are all around the perimeter. I removed all of those and I don't see any right inside the gate, but I bet there's more in the actual village." Barb reported seriously as she threw a white stick into the village ruins. The stick hit a puddle near the broken fountain and it produced a thick white steam that lingered for a while.
Jade frowned, "Someone was here recently since these were clearly here a while considering they're older models … but are being maintained. Unfortunately, destroying them won't change much since everything is being wirelessly sent elsewhere."
Naruko felt her familiars tense to prepare for a possible fight, but remained looking like innocent jewelry, "Who would be watching this place after all this time?"
"Someone hoping any surviving Uzumaki would take refuge here." Jade said deeply concerned about her daughter's safety. "There's probably far more hidden inside. Many could have triggers on the path, but are hidden far away. Kurama, Karin, do you want to continue or turn back?"
Karin glared, "I'm going-oh!" The redhead nearly fell over because of the uneven ground. Thankfully, Haru caught her with an arm around the waist before she fell over.
"I would like to, at least, go in to grab what was left behind." Naruko said from behind her mask.
"Then that's the plan!" Barb exclaimed happily. "Kurama, disguise yourself and Karin … and," she pointed to Kakashi, Shizune, Tsunade and Jiraiya. "You're too recognizable, especially if the usual suspects are responsible for this like a certain snake or hawk." Barb said clearly implying this could be Orochimaru's doing or even Danzo's. "We may have been spotted already, but just in case you guys go back and mess with some civilian cameras we might have crossed-" Barb's lip twitched as she felt the paralyzed slug sage glaring at her. "You can handle these guys, right Shi-chan?" Barb asked teasingly.
Shizune blushed lightly with a smile, "I'll manage. Kakashi said you stopped at a hotel before. Should we meet there?" She asked while fixing her grip on Tsunade, who has recovered a lot but not all of her motion. She noticed that Naruko had unsealed a makeup kit and an extra cloak from seemingly nothing and began coloring Karin's red hair
"Yes, after dark. Kakashi knows where." Jade said. The Konoha ninjas nodded and left. "This ground is unstable … it wouldn't be easy, but would be possible. If there's a trigger under us and it's camera is deeper in the village we may have been seen."
Barb nodded, "I removed as many as I could find, but you're right … any other village I'd want you to use the Cave Dweller, but we can't risk impairing our vision if we're looking for small seals." She commented and noticed Naruko colored both her's and Karin's hair brown and was helping Karin get the cloak on. "We'll move fast, destroy any cameras we find and leave mist sticks in the areas we cleared in case we miss a camera. Let's go!"
"Danzo-sama, there has been movement at Whirlpool." A ROOT agent reportedly he entered the training room where the ROOT leader was waiting for Sasuke, who should be done with his more public academy lessons.
Danzo cocked an eyebrow, "Bring it up on the monitors here." He ordered.
A heavy metal wall was slid to the side revealing that it was protecting a pair of TV screens. The screens were usually used for playing back training sessions in slow motion to find mistakes, but today it was changed to a different channel. Both screens had several smaller views from several cameras visible, but none of them really showed anything good.
"Thorough." Danzo muttered, not sure if he should be pissed or impressed that the blurs of cloaked people were either taking out his cameras or throwing sticks that released a smoke to block the cameras they couldn't find. "I suggest you watch this." He said to Sasuke, who just entered, without even taking his eyes away from the screens.
The 14 year old Uchiha scoffed, but did as told, "What are they throwing?" He asked after catching a glimpse of a white stick tossed by one of the very fast cloaked figures.
Danzo hummed thoughtfully, "Not sure, but it's not unlike dry ice. Effective and I bet there's no evidence left behind … what are they searching for?"" He mused as he tried to find any distinguishing features in the few camera views that were left. Suddenly, all movement stopped and the motion sensing cameras turned off. "Efficient, very efficient. It didn't last long so I bet they found the thing they wanted … rewind to the very first activations."
The ROOT agent did as told. The first motions consisted of black blurs from someone moving at an insane speed. In the 29 seconds since the first camera was activated all the cameras around the perimeter were destroyed. Only one camera caught something and it was the camera hidden on the broken building just behind a fountain.
Unfortunately, the camera in question was too far away to clearly see the people just beyond the crumbled gate. The trigger for it was right under the rubble they were standing on, but they were smart enough to not walk in so there wasn't a chance for a good picture. The blurry image did make Danzo wonder, however.
"Interesting. The group is definitely of ninjas and they know a thing or two about cameras." Danzo said as he watched the people drop down from the trees and a tall person dropping down in front of them. That tall person vanished for a bit and reappears seconds later only to throw a white stick towards the camera. The resulting steam rendered the camera useless.
Sasuke frowned and pointed to the tall figure, "The first cameras were disabled right before this person appeared and all the perimeter cameras are disconnected right after he disappeared. When this guy reappears he used that steam weapon … is it possible that one person moved so fast and disabled everything?"
"Possible, yes. Any skilled stealth master would know where to find cameras in trees … it's more difficult, however, in ruins where there are more options to hide the cameras with all the rubble and buildings." Danzo commented absentmindedly as he rewound the video and paused on the image with every blurred person present. All his focus was on four of the blurry figures. The ones in two pairs with silver being with white and blonde with black. "What are the most recent reports on Kakashi, Jiraiya and Tsunade's whereabouts?"
The ROOT agent shook his head, "Tsunade and her apprentice have been covering their tracks for months or she, at least, hasn't been gambling or drinking. Without her main habits to identify her it's hard to say which angry blonde is which so not much there. As for Kakashi, he was given permission to search for Naruko again, but the hokage asked him to check in on some information on Orochimaru's location from Jiraiya's previous report." That report definitely caught Sasuke's interest especially the mention of his possible bride.
"Really? … very interesting. It's not completely likely, but considering that report would put Kakashi and Jiraiya in the same village where we lost the people I wanted as bargaining chips. It didn't seem like he was involved, but that was near here … and just considering where this is … maybe ..." Danzo trailed off as he got lost in thought. It was hard to confirm anything, but if that was Kakashi then that made the possibly blonde person very interesting. He couldn't say for sure if the person was a small blonde girl or a medium height brunette because they were shaded by trees and on uneven ground, but considering the location he couldn't shake the possibility off.
Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "What is this location?"
"The cameras we're watching are in Whirlpool." Danzo said knowing Sasuke was intrigued by that information. "I think one person there has red hair so they could be there with a different Uzumaki. We don't even know for sure if they came with an Uzumaki at all or even if that is Kakashi. Nothing is concrete. However, because of him having a Sharingan you'll be placed on his genin team so it'd be safest to operate under the assumption that Kakashi found Naruko and is hiding her … potentially even training her."
"I understand … I'll keep my guard up." Sasuke said without taking his eyes away from the blur that could be Naruko ...
Naruko smiled as she shifted through the items she spread out on the hotel bed, "This is all the stuff that was missing from that inventory list." She said as she compared the things to the very inventory list in the scroll from her childhood. "Most of it seems to be personal items, but there are some seal records including experimental seals and a massive log of jutsu."
"Sure, they can protect a bunch of crap, but not their people." Karin huffed as she stared at an old photo sadly.
Jade smiled sadly, "They had civilians whose livelihoods depended on leaving the village and clients constantly going in and out. They never felt the need to seal off the borders."
Karin glanced at Barb and back at Jade, "You guys implied that your village is cut off."
"Each village is different. We found a way to separate the bulk of civilians while maintaining that income and found means to go to clients instead of making them come to us. The Uzumakis went for their own set up … and they never thought they'd be betrayed."
Tsunade raised an eyebrow as she exchanged looks with Kakashi, Jiraiya and Shizune. "What do you mean betrayed? The Uzumakis never even had a chance to send for help ...right?"
Barb hummed in thought, "Perhaps Konoha is more closed off than we thought … just in all the wrong ways." Before Karin and the Konoha ninjas could ask Jade started explaining, which was good because Barb saw a familiar bird carrying a bug. Sure enough, when she opened the window the bird handed her the bug, which was fake and had a message inside.
Naruko slipped away from the others who were listening to the story she heard before, "Is that the bug you slipped Kimimaro?" She asked curiously.
"Yes." Barb said amusedly as she read the long note. "I wish I had time to train him in codes so his notes aren't so long and easily read, but it was a spur of the moment decision. Thankfully, a successful one. He played hard to get and made Kabuto convince him to join Orochimaru. We have a spy."
"That's good." Naruko said with a smile though it saddened her. She hoped to see him again one day and thank him. After all, she couldn't help feeling responsible for his decision to be a spy in the first place, but how likely would that be if he's a spy?