
Once upon a time, long, long ago… well, more like 20 years ago, Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends… Big Cake. And instead of a Honeymoon, Beast united all the kingdoms and proclaimed himself King of the United States of Auradon! They rounded up all the villains, the sidekicks, the bad guys, basically all the Interesting people and booted them off to the Isle of the Lost, with a magical barrier to keep them there. Now this is my hood. No magic. Now Wi-Fi. No. Way. Out. Or so I thought.

Hang on! You're about to meet us, but first… this happened:

Prince Benjamin stared out at the dark island through his castle window with a sympathetic and somewhat dreamy expression. Every time he looked out at the Isle of the Lost he felt so guilty, not for the countless villains contained there but for their children who had done no evil deeds and were completely innocent.

The old tailor turned his head to get more measurement for his coronation tux, the garments he would wear when he was crowned the next great king of Auradon.

Just then his parents walked into the room arm-in-arm with proud smiles on their faces. "How is it you're going to be crowned King next month?" said King Beast as he gestured proudly to his only son and heir. "You're just a baby!" he chuckled making Ben smile for the first time that day.

"He's turning sixteen dear," his mother, Queen Belle, admonished, also smiling at her darling boy.

"Hey pops," Ben greeted his parents, thinking over what he was about to tell them about his first proclamation as a kind and wise ruler.

Beast continued, "Sixteen?! That's far too young to be crowned King! I didn't make a good decision till I was at least forty-two!" he joked.

Belle smirked, "Uh, you decided to marry me at twenty-eight," she scolded.

"Well it was either you or the tea-pot." He threw a wink to his son making Ben stifle a laugh at the look his mom was giving his dad, causing the king to defend himself with a "Kidding."

Ben thought it was now or never to tell them his amazing idea, he stepped off his pedestal, much to the tailor's disdain, and approached his parents. "Mom, Dad," he stepped back onto the pedestal after the tailor scolded him. "I've chosen my first, official proclamation." He said, puffing out his chest and standing tall. Belle and Beast smiled at each other, completely oblivious to the words that were about to come out of their son's mouth. Taking a deep breath Ben continued, "I've decided that the children on the Isle of the Lost be given a chance… to live here in Auradon."

Well no taking it back now.

To say his parents looked surprised would be an understatement; Belle was so flabbergasted that she dropped the coat she was holding with a choked squeak.

Decided to continue Ben explained, "Every time I look out to the island I feel like they've been abandoned." Ben looked out to the dark island again with the same guilty face as before, only to be pulled back to the conversation by his angry father.

"The children of our sworn enemies, living among us?" Beast questioned, making sure if his son was serious or just pulling a joke.

But Ben was far from joking, "We only start with a few at first, only the ones that need our help the most. I've already chosen them." Ben tried to be firm with his parents, but it proved to be a challenge with his dad's glare and his mom's worried expression.

"Have you?" Beast said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Belle chose this moment to step in, "I gave you a second chance," she told her husband, making him drop his scowl and sigh at the memory of his wife's love curing him of his beastly appearance. Belle turned back to her son, "Who are their parents?" she asked.

Ben took in another deep breath, not knowing how his mom and dad would react but knew it would probably not be happy and cheerful. "Cruella De Vill, Jafar, the Evil Queen, Scar…" Ben paused, his parents kept straight faces so far but he knew it would break as he said the last name on his list. "…and Maleficent."

Everyone in the room trembled at the name, even the tailors were broken from their focus and decided to leave the royal family alone with their conversation.

"Maleficent?!" Beast shouted, "She is the worst villain in the land!"

"Dad just hear me out," Ben tried, but his dad cut him off,

"I won't hear of it! They are guilty of, unspeakable crimes!" he countered, now fully against this ludicrous idea, it was insane, mad, unreasonable, and not a decision a good king would make.

"Dad, their children are innocent! Don't you think they deserve a chance at a normal life?" Ben asked, both of his parents fell silent after that. He could tell they were in deep thought, Beast still looked skeptical until Belle put a hand on his arm and gave him a compassionate look, making his scowl soften.

Feeling his anger crumble Beast turned back to Ben, "I suppose… the children are innocent." He said before leaving the room, leaving Ben with a smile meaning he didn't like it but he would support his son's decision. Belle crossed the room and straightened his jacket before smiling warmly,

"Well done," she praised before following her husband out of the room.

Ben smiled again before once again turning his head to look out at the Isle of the Lost, its darkness radiating around it like a dark cloud; his idea may be unorthodox and maybe a bit reckless, but he believed there to be good even in the most unlikely of places.

Even an island full of villain's kids.

And on said island, a young teenage girl with cool purple hair who wore all manner of leather and spikes and green and purple stood on a platform with a can of spray paint, creating a silhouette of the villainess Maleficent standing in the midst of green fire that read LONG LIVE EVIL, in big broad letters.

Finishing her work of art the violet-haired teen turned to reveal bright and malevolent green eyes and a smirk that went perfectly with the words that she began to sing,

"They say I'm trouble, they say I'm bad. They say I'm evil, and that makes me glad…" she sang as she purposely shoved a bystander, ignoring their glare as she strode away.

In another part of the isle not far away another person took up the tune; a fairly attractive teenage boy with rippling muscles, long chocolate locks, and a red beany atop his handsome head. "A dirty no good, down to the bone. You're worst nightmare, can't take me home…" he joined in as he jumped from a rooftop, climbed down a ladder, and shoved open a warehouse door much to the annoyance to a passing woman.

Just then a girl with a wild mane of jet black hair snuck up on the boy grabbing his shoulders and smirking with a catty grin as she sang in an almost sirenic voice,

"They call me crazy, they call me wild. They say I'm bad luck, that I'm a wayward child…" the long-haired boy smirked back at her before she flicked his hair flirtatiously, winking one of her jade cat eyes and running off as the boy followed with a smile.

At the isle's resident soup-kitchen a girl with luscious blue hair stomped along one of the tables flipping her hair and singing in her fairest voice to sing, "So I got some mischief in my blood, can you blame me? I never got no love…" she slipped under a bar throwing a guy a charming wink before she stalked off.

A boy nearby with black and white hair and a lot of black, white, and red, darted out of a window, a smirk evident on his puppy-dog face. "They think I'm callous; a low-life hood. I feel so useless…"

He took a bandana out of a man's pocket before he grabbed an apple from a little girl and took a bite as all the teens shouted,


The three teenage girls joined up in an ally, the purple haired girl in the middle and the girls with blue hair and wild black hair were on her sides.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the baddest of them all?

Welcome to my wicked world…

Wicked world…"

The five teens met up all together at a chain-link gate, throwing it open and causing all sorts of trouble at a dock pick-up for the island's food. They slipped between people and knocked over piles of the burlap sacks. The black-haired girl hissed at a guy making him drop a bag on his foot and yell in pain. The teens laughed as they grabbed sticks and banged them onto barrels and pipes they passed.

"I'm rotten to the core, core. Rotten to the core, core. Who could ask for more?

I'm nothing like kid next, like the kid next door. I'm rotten to the core… rotten to the…

I'm rotten to the core."

The purple-haired girl ran into a shelter made of various kind of sheets and blankets, passing a bored fortune teller and grabbing a can of purple spray paint.

"Call me a schemer, call me a freak. How can you say that? I'm just… unique." She sang with a shrug as she flourishingly painted a big M on a plastic curtain, pulling it back swiftly to reveal a man in a bathtub, fully clothed. She laughed and ran off.

The muscled boy used a metal gateway in a market/bazaar giving the surprised occupants a mischievous smirk as he passed. "What me a traitor? Ain't got your back? Are we not friends? What's up with that?" the boy took up a tea kettle and pretended to pour a couple a drink before jumping over the table and leaving with the couple's kettle.

The black-haired girl snuck up behind the boy again, tapping his shoulder and darting to his right as he looked to the left. He turned to look at her as she held up what looked like a genie's lamp, making the boy immediately try to grab it but she held it away from him with a laugh.

"I may be a black cat, I may have some flaws. But I'm just different, can't handle this kitty's claws?" she sang as she took off with the lamp, the long-haired boy chasing her as she taunted him with it before tossing it to an old lady and running away.

The pretty blue-clad girl walked through multiple racks of scarves with a wonder-struck expression, then giving the vendor a flirty smile as she grabbed his scarf, "So I'm a misfit, so I'm a flirt. I broke your heart? I made you hurt?" she sang as she tugged on his scarf sending him tumbling to the ground. She giggled before disappearing into the scarves once again.

The black and white clad boy darted around the market, knocking over barrels and baskets of fruit annoying the heck out of the vendors. He even kicked a basket onto a woman's head earning himself a glare. He smirked, "The past is passed; forgive forget. The truth is…"

All the teens shouted once again, "You ain't seen nothing yet!"

The boy laughed before swinging into the back of a cart wheeling away as a woman yelled at him, but he threw hay at her and snickered. He met up with the long-haired boy outside the market, the white-haired boy grabbing hold of a metal beam while the larger teen grabbed a rope hanging from the beam and pulling it back and forth while the former swung from it like Tarzan.

The three girls watched from a higher balcony,

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the baddest of them all?

Welcome to my wicked world…

Wicked world…"

The boys dropped their Tarzan game and joined the girls outside, all of them meeting up in what could only be the town square, where people were gathering around the five teens in an extremely impressive and coordinated flash mob.

The dancing crowd was then silenced by the song taken up by everyone,

"I'm rotten to the core, core. Rotten to the core, core. Who could ask for more?

I'm nothing like kid next, like the kid next door. I'm rotten to the core… rotten to the…

I'm rotten to the core."

The purple-haired girl smirked as she blew her violet bangs out of her eyes, green orbs sparking with mischief as she snatched a lollipop away from a passing child. Turning back to the crowd she held up her prize with a triumphant roar of cheering.

Her friends joined in the victory, the wild black-haired girl even going as far as to grab the muscly boy's face and kiss him. The boy's eyes widening before he melted into it and the two continued with their mini-make-out session, getting multiple eye-rolls from the others.

Just then the crowd dispersed in a combination of frightened looks and terrified screams. The two kissing teenagers parted with a signature popping sound, they and the other three turned around in confusion to only be met with the faces of two scowling goons.

The violet-haired girl's smile became more forced than genuine, and with a sarcastic tone she said,

"Hi mom."