AN: I know, I know. I should take the hint right. Two reviews for chapter 12, only one for 13. But I found the rest of the story, sitting around in my room so I thought I would type it up and post it anyway, just so I could toss the handwritten stuff into the box with the others. Anywho…here it is:

"Alright Max, I know you're awake." Janet said after standing next to her bed for several minutes.

"You're angry." Max whispered, not yet opening her eyes.

"No," Janet sighed, "well yes, but not at you."

"What happened?"

"Sam pulled on of your stunts. She used the Goa'uld healing devise. How are you feeling?"

Janet had run a battery of tests on both Max and Sam. Max appeared to be in perfect health, not a scratch left on her, and no sign of any head trauma, but she looked lost, scared. Max sighed and Janet was about to leave and give Max some more time when she opened her eyes and started talking.

"I was confused at fires, I mean I was in pain but it was disappearing so fast. I tried to talk but couldn't. When I opened my eyes and saw Sam I was so scared, I mean she looked bad. I tried to reach her, to make her stop but she just fell." Max closed her eyes briefly as a shiver passed through her. "There was so much guilt and pain, horrible pain. Why didn't she stop?"

"She blamed herself." Janet sat down next before continuing, choosing her words carefully. "Max, we didn't think you would live through the night. Your injuries were severe."

"Because I didn't wear the helmet?" It was as much a statement as a question.

"Yes. And you know Sam." Janet paused for a moment, not sure how much she should tell Max.

"Tell me."

Janet looked uncertainly at Max.

"You're uncertain, just tell me."

"Sam has a hard time using the device, it really takes a lot out of her. She wasn't in any condition to be using it."

"Why did she? I mean I know why, I've been in her position before, but I've never experienced pain while trying to heal someone. Especially pain that intense."

"Well that's the way she is. Sam'll push herself, no matter what the consequence, to ensure the safety of her friends."

"Will she be alright?"

"She has a concussion, a small cut on her head, she also re-opened her shoulder wound."

"What shoulder wound?"

"Sam was shot shortly after you passed out on the road."

"What!" Max sat up. "Where is she?"

"Oh no you don't." Janet shook her head. "Sam's going to be fine. She's very weak from the stress of the healing device but she's in no danger. I will not have the two of you healing each other and making yourselves worse."

"Janet I'm fine and you know it." Max challenged.

"No Max." Janet was gentle but firm. "I've got Sam in an iso room under guard."


"So you can't get to her with out an escort, specifically you have to be in the company of SG-1 or myself."


"No buts Max. You were this close to death. Even with Sam's help your body has been through a lot of stress. We are not going to see if it can handle more. You are staying here over night for observation."

"When can I see Sam?" Max cut in.

"I'm going over now," Max started to get out of bed, "oh no. I'm just going to do a quick check. If I see any of SG-1 I'll send them to collect you."


"Good." Janet got up and headed for the door. "And Max. If I catch you out of bed you'll be here a week."

Max flopped down on the bed. Janet just smiled. It didn't take long to get to Sam's room and she wasn't surprised to find Jack, Daniel, and Teal'c all gathered around her.

"Well Doc?" Jack asked.

"I'm not sure sir. According to Max Sam was in a lot of pain before she passed out. Her body was already weakened, the human body just wasn't designed for this. Even the Tok'ra drain themselves when healing massive injuries."

"MajorCarter is strong."

"Yes she is Teal'c. I'm in awe at what she did and at how her body responded to it."

"What do you mean?"

"After all she's been through I expected her to be in a coma at least."

"But she's not? Right?"

"No." Janet scrubbed her face with her hands. "She's just sleeping."

"She won't wake up."

"I assure you. She's exhausted, her body needs the sleep." Janet shook her head. "I need to go. SG-6 is due back. Would one of you go get Max? She's only allowed in here with one of you guys and she is not to touch Sam."

"I'll go get her." Daniel got up and left.

"I'd prefer if at least two of you are in her with Max. I don't want her healing Sam."

"Yeah, no problem. We're not going anywhere." Jack answered.


Janet was just outside the door when Daniel and Max appeared. She gave a reassuring smile before moving to her office. Daniel entered first returning to his seat leaving Max to approach Sam's bed. As she moved past Teal'c he placed a restraining hand on her shoulder.

"DoctorFraiser does not wish you to get too near."

Max just sighed and looked at Sam. She had an oxygen mask on and small bandage on her temple. The covers were pulled up around her but Max could see the straps of a sling where they came across her shoulder.

"How come she's so pale?"

"I have noticed the Tau'ri often lose color when they are ill or injured." Teal'c voice rumbled even though he spoke softly.

"When will she wake up?"

"Probably not for a day or so." Daniel spoke up.



It was eight hours before Janet was able to return to Sam's room. She had to hide a smile when she saw everyone sleeping. Everyone except Teal'c who was standing on the opposite side of Sam's bed keeping careful eye on the bed's occupants, for Max was sound asleep with her head resting on Sam's bed, near her feet.


"I have kept a watchful eye DoctorFraiser. Not once did Max attempt to heal MajorCarter. She was very careful to avoid contact when she rested on the bed."

"Good." Janet wasn't thrilled but at least Max had listened to her. "Alright! Everybody up!"

"Ah! Doc! Don't do that!" Jack had literally jumped to his feet.

Max and Daniel had startled and were now stretching and yawning.

"I want everyone to go get some sleep. Sam's not going anywhere for a while."

"Doc. . ."

"No sir. I've ordered no one is allowed access to this room for the next 24 hours." Janet held up her hand to silence the protests. "If she wakes up before then I'll send for you. Now go. Off to bed."


There was no change during the day and everyone had listened to Janet and kept away, everyone but Max. She had tried twice to sneak in, she only stopped when Janet threatened to confine her to her quarters. Even then Max had stopped by Janet's office four times to ask if Sam was awake yet. It wasn't until after midnight that Max finally retreated to her quarters. Now Janet sat next to Sam's bed, lost in thought.

"How is she?" The general asked quietly, startling Janet from her thoughts.

"Sir! I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in." Janet started to stand but Hammond his and on her shoulder, stilling her movements. "Nothing's changed. I took her off the oxygen this afternoon and her vitals remained stable. She's just sleeping."

"Should we be trying to wake her up?"

"There is no reason, other than our piece of mind. It will do her more good to wake up when she's ready."

"Very well. Let me know when she's up."

"Of course, you and half the base." Janet chuckled. "There's only a few people who get as many well wisher's as Major Carter, and every last one of them want to know when she's better."

"Yes the base seems to drag it's feet when she's out. It never ceases to amaze me. Make sure you get some sleep Doctor." General Hammond stood for a moment longer before leaving the two women.


"Janet. Hey Janet, wake up."

Janet swatted at the hand shaking her.

"Come on Janet, my leg's gone numb."

Janet's eyes snapped open. She had fallen asleep and somehow ended up resting her head on Sam's leg.

"You're awake!"

"For awhile now." Sam smiled. "You looked so tired, I didn't want to wake you."

"You're awake." Janet repeated. Her look of surprise turned to anger as she stood. "What the hell were you thinking Major!"

"Janet please."

"Don't you Janet me Major Carter! Not only did you tear EVERY stitch in your shoulder by walking around with your arm unsupported. . ."

"Janet let me explain."

"No Sam! Do you realize the danger you put yourself in? We have no idea how that devise works. You had no way of knowing what it would do to you in such a weakened state!"

"Janet I had to!" Sam's voice was now raised to match Janet's. "I couldn't live with myself if I had killed her!"

"What! Sam you saved her from NID, a fate worse then death!"

"It's my fault! She asked what was going on, she asked me why everyone was so uptight. I brushed her off."

"Sam." Janet calmed down a little and cut Sam off. "We all agreed not to tell her of the NID threat until we were positive."

"I know that. But I shouldn't have ignored her. Shouldn't have taught her to ride that damn bike."

"It's not your fault she. . ."

"Didn't have a helmet on? Yes it is! I rode it in this morning. I was running late and didn't grab my helmet. I didn't wear my helmet in so there was no helmet with the bike!"

"Oh Sam, you couldn't have known." Janet tried to calm her friend, even though she wanted to yell at the blond for riding around with no protection.

"That's not the point."

"No, I suppose it's not." Janet sighed. "Sam why did you push so hard? Max said she cold feel your pain when she woke up."

"I had to fix it, had to make her better. She would have done the same for me."

"Yes she would, but. . ."

"No buts. I'd do it again in a heart beat."

"You do realize I'm getting a new security system for my office right?"

"Janet." Sam mocked a hurt look. "You know I'll still be able to get in."

"Sometimes you're too smart for your own good."


Okay. That's it, that's all I wrote. If anyone does read this, drop a little review, just to let me know these past 20 minutes of typing weren't wasted completely.