The older girl scowled down at the blonde. "Kyoya-sama and I are engaged, Chibi-chan! Why do you even care?"

The blonde sputtered, her face turning red. She would rather die than admit to Renge that she has a crush. She pointed a finger in front of her. She shrieked, "KYO-SENPAI IS OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE!"

"What?" growled Renge, butting heads with Rika. Fire burned in both of their eyes. Medusa mode was now activated. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN KYOYA-SAMA IS OUT OF MY LEAGUE?!"

The Host Club sweatdropped as the two girls shoved their heads together. They were seated in front of them but fortunately with enough space to avoid getting caught in the war. So far, they could not understand a single thing the girls were saying besides hearing Kyoya's name being thrown left and right.

"How does Rika-chan even know her?" asked the twins curiously. They were poking Emo Tamaki with a stick.

Mori held his head between his hands. It's been so long that he forgot how easily provoked/excited his sister could get. She was worse than Tamaki and the twins. He shuddered remembering the last fight Satoshi and Rika got into. That was two years ago. Satoshi still had the bite mark scar on his leg. Even Mori had some type of scar somewhere.

He heard Haruhi sigh. "This is getting out of hand. Someone has to stop them."

Honey shook his head furiously. "Haru-chan, don't! Once Riri gets in one of these moods – she. Becomes. Unstoppable."

Haruhi looked confused whereas Tamaki and the twins became horrified. Kyoya just looked indifferent.

That's right, Mori mentally groaned. He had to stop this before things esca-




Rika gasped softly. "Haruhi-senpai," she said, her eyes glistening with tears as sparkles appeared. "That's so sweet! You must take mine." She clasped her senpai's hands, placing the cake. Behind her, Tamaki gaped. He was going to give Haruhi his cakes!

Kyoya watched, amused. The Morinozuka girl was a character. He felt his heartbeat quicken for a second when they made eye contact. He looked back at his clipboard. What was that?

From afar a girl watched them behind the door. How long she was there was a mystery. Maybe she had some kind of secret weapon. Maybe it was magic. Maybe she was a ninja. No one knows.

Hikaru caught sight of her. "Are you new? Come inside!" Even Honey tried to encourage her to come in. Tamaki, of course, glided towards her like a swan across a lake and held out his hand. "Please come in, princess."

Rika noticed the boys and Haruhi gesturing for someone to come inside. She ignored them and continued talking to the fellow girls she was entertaining. Her head swiveled back to them when she heard a familiar, loud, obnoxious, annoying, insufferable voice scream, "DON'T TOUCH ME, YOU FAKE!"

OH. HELL. NO, thought Rika, a smile promising evil forming on her face. Her blue eyes twitched when she slowly stood up from the couch. She stalked towards them. The girls she was entertaining inched away from her in fear.

A girl with brown hair and stupid pink bow was calling out Tamaki on everything. Rika would have laughed her ass off it weren't for the face she knew the girl.

Mori, Honey, Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi shivered with fear when they felt something evil behind them. They slowly turned around and the twins and Honey started crying when they saw Rika's face.

Mori picked up Honey and Haruhi and made a run for it; the twins right at his heels screaming something about a monster.

Kyoya merely raised an eyebrow.

The new girl finished her rant off with, "YOU – ARE – THE – WORST!"

Tamaki has fainted. Would you like a burn heal?

Rika stood above Tamaki and swiftly (and gently) kicked him out of the way. "Ah, I knew I heard that obnoxious voice anywhere, Houshakuji-san~~~!"

A look of annoyance appeared on the girl's face. "Ugh. Who let the child in here?"

The Shaow King saw the youngest group member's eye twitch. So, he decided to step in. "Ah, Rika-san, do you know her?"

Everyone blanched when the newcomer burst into tears.

She happily cried out, "Kyoya-sama!" She launched herself around his body. (Rika's jaw dropped) "I wanted to see you so badly, my only prince!"

"What the flying-"

The female Morinozuka was severely annoyed that Renge Houshakuji was now at the same school she is. She briefly met the older girl when she was in France and things did not go pretty. She zoned out when the girl introduced herself as Kyo-senpai's fiancée. She knew that whatever Renge was saying was false. (Not like she did a background check on Kyo-senpai or anything…)

"But what if Houshakuji and Kyo-senpai recently got engaged and he didn't want anyone else to know?" gasped logical Rika, biting a blanket.

Denial Rika shook her head, crossing her arms. "No way! Besides if they were, then news would've gotten out already."

"My love! I just met him and now he's getting taken away from me," bawled Romantic Rika.

Naughty Rika patted Romantic's back. "It's okay if anything we can seduce him into having an affair and we can do **** in the closet and **** behind Renge's back and"-

Manners Rika smacked Naughty with a giant paperfan. "NO ONE ASKED YOU, NAUGHTY!"

"Ah~! If only Kyo-senpai could **** ** *** **** ** *** **** that!"

All the Rikas began to beat up Naughty with a paperfan and pipes while bushing furiously. "RIKA'S ONLY FIFTEEN!"

Rika snapped out of her daze. She suddenly jumped up and pointed a finger at Renge.

*please look at beginning of chapter for continuation. Author is too lazy to retype the whole thing (u.u)*


Renge gasped, now truly offended. "KYOYA-SAMA DOES LOOK LIKE ICHIJO MIYABI-KUN!"

The boys gasped in horror.

Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru hugged each other. Honey looked concerned but not as shocked. Mori and Kyoya just stared.


ahaha... so it's been a while, right guys? (sweats nervously) I really hope whoever stayed and had hope that I was coming back enjoyed this chapter. Don't worry, my actual story writing skills are not like this.

05/29/17: I just realized I accidentally put in 14 instead of 15. Reason why she is not the same age as Satoshi will be explained some time in a few chapters

With lots of love from the crappy author,

Classified Dork