o.o 0 o.o

A few people gave me reviews.

"Out of pity."

That is not nice.

"I'm not nice, remember you've got me as a self-sacrificing yet still vulga-"

"Hello, I am Ahri!"

How did she get here.

"Because you put her here? Duh."

You are no fun.

"Do you like fishing? I love fishing and I love Quinn and I love Valor and I love-"


I think it is cute.

"PUPPIES! I love puppies too, but not the mean ones that chase me and try to bite my tails, only the cute fluffy ones that-"

I like puppies too.

"YOU DO!? I like it when they wag their tails, it reminds me of when I was a fox. When I was a fox I would wag my tail but now I have too many and I knock things over, it makes people mad. This one time I bumped all of Talon's knives off his work bench, it went CLANG DAWOOSH CLASH BOOM and-"

"Make it stooooooooop!"

Do you like having all those tail Ahri.

"Yes! I love my tails! They keep me warm when it is too cold out and if I get bored I can chase them! Also they are super soft and cuddly and I love them so much becaus-

"I will never critique your work again!"

"But the best part is I can use them to pick things up! If I need to pick something up and my hands are full I can use the-"

I should get on with the story.


"Did I do something bad?"

No Ahri I am just thinking of what I could have her do.

"You have the same look in your eyes that Tryndamere does when I lean over things."

Do not worry it is a good thing.


o.o 0 o.o

"Cortana how's the suit."

The Master Chief warily eyed the four beings in front of him, the landing had been smooth. Until the end, whatever weapon had hit the H.E.V. it vaporized most of the outer protective shell. A shell meant to protect the pod from the extreme heat of reentry and the impact against nearly anything. If not for Cortana screaming bloody murder at him to overcharge the shields on landing he more than likely would have met the same fate.

Whatever and whoever had shot them was dangerous.

"No major damage, a few new scrapes and burn marks but the shields did their jobs."

That was some of the best news he had heard all day. The Chief swept the barrel of the Spartan Laser mounted over his shoulder back and forth eying each individual, its red targeting dot tracing an angry line over each of them, ready for action in case of hostilities. He was slightly peeved, not pissed mind you but definitely peeved about being shot at the second he landed...

The dot stopped over something he had never seen before.

"Who are you stranger?" Garen stood to his full height, just shy of this new being in armor. It was his duty to maintain peace as best he could, and seeing that his sisters rampage had halted momentarily while she glared at the armored figure... he was more than happy to extend a hand of friendship. "Whatever that weapon is on your shoulder perhaps it would be best if you put it down, we mean you no ill will."

Garen knew guns... he would never admit it for as much he loved swinging his giant sword around he always dreamed of being able to wield one of the smaller weapons like Lucian or Miss Fortune.

It was a secret passion, too him there was something romantic about the ballistic weapons.

So with all the knowledge he had accumulated over the years he knew for sure that the thing on this armored monstrosity was most definitely a gun of some kind... and the only gun he had ever seen that that had one of those red dots on it before was Caitlynn's ultimate technique. Her weapon was also much smaller than the monster on this beings shoulder and even that hurt to be shot with, a lot.

So he had no doubts that this would hurt even more.

If not kill whoever was hit with it.

The figure in front of them had not yet lowered the weapon and Garen was tempted once more to pray, he had an inkling that nothing good would come of this. Especially with how Luxxana was fidgeting. "Could you perhaps give me a name at least?" he asked politely as possible raising his bare hands in front of him showing that he was unarmed. "My name is Garen."

As he feared Luxxana had had enough, "Garen! It's four of us, one of whatever that thing is!" she seemed to have forgotten the close call she had to fighting with Ahri and her also earlier attempt to murder her brother. "Let's just get rid the weirdo an-" the beam of light swung and stayed focused on her.

"My name is Quinn."

The young ranger interrupted, taking a stand besides Garen and also raising her hands to show she was unarmed as well. The Pride of Demacia looked towards the younger woman and gave her a brief thankful smile before once more looking towards the unknown with a somewhat desperate plea in his eyes.

Ahri watched the whole situation with wide eyes that never left the figure in armor. She had no idea why, but something was drawing her towards it. Maybe it was the flashing lights that kept catching her attention, but for some indescribable reason she just wanted to go up and touch it. It only took a quick glance at the two more sociable members of the odd party before she made up her mind. Stepping forward she gave a happy wave at the figure before also putting her hands up in front of her, "My name is Ahri!" she said happily smile in full force, she went to move forward but was held back by Quinn. The firm hand on her shoulder keeping her rooted in position, as well as the stern shake of the head in the negative when she passed a confused glance towards the ranger.

"Hmph! Fine!" Lux was not happy, but she begrudgingly stepped up as well to join the other three champions. "Luxxana, but don't ever call me that only my big brother is allowed to do that! So just call me Lux!" However the evil glare she was giving the stranger definitely threw off the whole 'we mean you no harm' approach they were attempting.

"U.N.S.C. Master Chief Petty Officer Sierra one-one-seven." on auto pilot came the words, the targeting laser still moving between targets. However it hovered for a brief moment longer on one of the individuals and not the rude angry one. The fox ears... the tails... how had he not noticed this earlier.

Rusty, definitely getting rusty if he had not noticed this oddity right away.

He was not going to lower his weapon, no definitely not now.

His previous experiences with anything that was not human made it really difficult to trust anything that was even fairly anthropogenic. Especially things with some form of intellect. The creature definitely would be considered as such and was unlike anything he had seen from the members of the covenant... no not creature,



Billowing tapestries, their long shadows casting cruel arms of shade across the room. Blood red, the emblem of their State in black. All around the deathly flicker of candles struggling to maintain the flame, the circular room cast a sense of foreboding. In the center a small raised platform, two smaller raised platforms mounted on top of it.


From her position on the circular platform that served as her personal magick communication pad, the Sinister Blade bowed deeply down onto one knee. Head lowered her blood red hair created a silken curtain that kept her expression hidden beneath this a wicked grin formed. "My Lord Swain," still bowed down she waited for acknowledgment, permitting her to stand once more.


How droll this protocol.

"So what's up bird brain?" smile in full force, Katarina gave her countries leader a cheeky grin and sloppy salute as she stood to her full height. Placing her right hand down onto its corresponding hip, the assassin adopted a pose far more casual than one would expect from a person talking to the leader of a country. "How's the leg?"

A brief chuckle erupted from the dark figure that had appeared on the pedestal in front of her.

"Hurts when it rains, and when it's cold... still a wily old cripple I guess."

An unladylike guffaw left the woman's lips. "Go pick on Draven for me when you get a chance, it'll cheer you up." with an angry huff she added "Little pussy ran off earlier on me and let Garen spin all over me." she got the pride of Demacia back though, a couple strands of hair and she knew his little bro-con of a sister would try to murder him in her place.

Revenge could not get any sweeter than that.

"Perhaps I will." the figure seemed to stand a bit straighter, and Katarina realized she was about to find out why she had been summoned. "Onto more serious matters however. The Seer's have spoken, a new Champion has arrived. A, male Champion."

A slender brow raised in confusion. "So what?" Katarina replied shaking her head in exasperation, she had been pulled out of her leisure time because of this? "They find a new Champion every month or so lately." she was so going to murder her secretary, the blonde bitch had to have known. 'Ask if it's important they make it sound like it's the end of the world.' she thought to herself. "I don't see what the Seer's could possibly find so interesting about a new Cham-"

"This one did not come here because of the Council, but by chance... luck."

A gasp echoed throughout the chamber, Katarina stared in shock at the master tactician mouth still hanging open as she gathered her wits about her. "You mean?"


"I refuse! No way in hell am I going to do wha-"


Her bottom lip became victim to her current fury as she choked back the words threatening to spill from her mouth. 'THIS ISN'T FAIR!' the rage in her eyes would have burned Swain to ash had he been in the room with her. She took a deep calming breath, she needed her mind clear in order for her to properly dispute what her new mission would soon become. "There is no evidence to suggest that this is the ONE." she emphasized, she waved her right hand gesturing around the room she was occupying. "To say that my mis-"

"Your mission begins today. Katarina, the Seer's are one hundred percent certai-"


"... Kitt-"

"DON'T YOU DARE SWAIN!" she was beyond furious now. Pacing around on the pedestal she occupied like a wounded lioness trying to protect her cubs. "Don't you dare Kitty me right now!" she turned and threw her hands up in the air in exasperation. "This was never even supposed to be my job! Cassiopeia was meant too b-"

"And you know why she can't fulfill her duty now."

'Blasted curse!' the stigma afflicting her sister was permanent, their best sorcerers and magus had attempted to remove it for this very reason but because all efforts had failed what had been meant to be a fate for the younger sister had instead fallen upon the elders shoulders. "But what about me Swain?" Katarina was getting desperate, she was tempted to disconnect the communication and flee, somewhere far far away. "How is this fair that I need to giv-"

"It is your DUTY!"


"... Noxian High Command has told me that if you refuse to follow your orders, you WILL be tried for treason."

There went her plans too run, Noxian High Command would just send their best assassins after her. Again and again, forever hunted... by those she would have once considered her friends. To beg her enemies in Demacia, or gods forbid Ionia for safe haven. She would never stoop too such a thing. She had her pride and it would never allow her to do so. "I understand." Head bowed, Katarina felt something fall from her eyes she had not shed in many years. Tears. "I will do everything I can too fulfill my mission."

"Thank you Katarina, I wish this meeting had been more pleasant but my hands are also tied in this matter." the ghostly figure of Swain began to fade. "For what it is worth. I'm sorry." Then the image disappeared. Leaving the young assassin to her thoughts. For five minutes Katarina stood in silence, immovable as a statue. The only sounds escaping her and the only movement made were the minute shudders that accompanied her quiet cries.

"I am... The Sinister Blade, the perfect assassin." she whispered to herself still rooted in place. "Damn the Seer's and damn High Command." her voice had grown stronger as a wicked smile appeared on her face. "I wont have to fulfill any mission if the target is dead."

Without a sound, the woman vanished leaving not a trace except for the subtle breeze that swayed the candlelight.

"What is she Cortana?"

"I have no idea... Chief, bio-scans show her to be human. It's quite obvious that she's not though." puzzled as well Cortana was greatly enjoying this odd puzzle that had appeared before them. "Getting some strange energy readings from her, though the other three also have odd biometrics." the data she was compiling would require further study but first, to diffuse this situation. "I say we play nice until we understand what's going on, they seemed to have been fighting earlier from the damage of the surrounding area and scorch marks on that big guys armor. My predictions are that we just happened to be caught in the cross fire when we landed, I don't think that attack was meant for us." she concluded.

"I don't trust them, they could b-"

"C'mon tin man live a little! Play nice with the natives you could be stuck here for a long long time."

Startled, that was definitive to the way he was feeling... which just went to show how unusual Cortana's interruption had been. Spartans were masters of their feelings, it was rare for them too even feel the pain of a battle wound until after the mission was completed. So this, this was astounding.

"Cortana ar-"

"Listen... John, yes John... I'm not talking to the Master Chief right now. I want... no I need you too do this," realizing her blunder Cortana ran some damage control, from the suits sensors she could tell that her compatriot was suspicious of her well being. Protocol if she were rampant, she paused for a few thought cycles at the idea of what he would have to do. "We're stranded, OUTSIDE of U.N.S.C. controlled space. Hell I'm pretty sure we're even out of Covenant territory. We can't go waging a solo war against what could possibly be an entire planet."

The logic was nearly infallible.

"Just, try and be civil. For me."

"Understood." taking his finger off of the charging stud for the weapon perched on his shoulder, the Chief swung it back into place on the magnetic clamps on the back of his suit. The strangers in before him seemed to let out a simultaneous sigh of relief at the action.

Except the rude one.

"Well!" Garen, though he was a bit confused about how he could have possibly confused the voice he just heard with a woman, was the first to breach the palatable silence that followed after the behemoth before them put the weapon away. He took a cautious step forward "Allow me to properly introduce myself," he brought himself to full height, just shy of being the same as the being before them. Placing his right hand in a closed fist over his left breast plate he tilted his head down in a brief bow. "I am Garen Crownguard, Captain of the Dauntless Vanguard." raising his head once more he turned to his cohorts, "This is Luxxana," he gestured to the young blonde girl besides him who had her arms crossed over her chest giving him a haughty stare. "Crownguard, my younger sister."

"Interesting," Cortana's voice rang through the helmets internal speakers. "Seems that our new acquaintances are important."


The man then gestured to the woman wearing an elaborate helmet and what seemed to be an armored feathered outfit, "This is the promising ranger Quinn." the older, though not by much from how she looked, in comparison to the younger sister nodded in greetings. "And the final member of our small group is Ahr-"

"Hello I am Ahri!"

The Chief almost shot her.

She had moved incredibly fast, far faster than possible for any normal human. One second she was standing besides her companions, the next she was literally within arms reach of him.

Nearly as fast as a Spartan.

"Where did you come from?"

Ahri was intrigued, and an intrigued Ahri was a socially awkward, and extremely... no more than that, it was more like obsessively compulsive. Yes, an interested Ahri was a socially awkward and obsessive compulsive Ahri. Her curiosity knew no bounds if she wanted to understand something.

And she wanted to understand.

THIS Spartan.

She was circling him... and he did not like it, no he did not like it at all. It was eerily similar to how wolves would stalk wounded prey. The way she was flitting from one spot to the next at speeds that should have left him dizzy, all the while rattling off questions. His gut however told him she was no threat, and he always trusted his instincts. They kept him alive through so many FUBAR operations that it was second nature to follow them at this point.

"Where are you from?"

Behind him.

"How are you so tall?"

To his left.

"Do you like puppies?"

To his right.

"What is your name?"

Right in front of him.

"Cortana what should I do?" The Master Chief, for once in his life was not sure as too what course of action he should take. She had already asked him too try and 'play nice' "What do you suggest?" it was her plan after all. He hoped that she would answer his query soon however, the odd fox girl was starting to get on his nerves because of her proximity.

"Go ahead and tell her."

The subtle stiffening of his shoulders was the only sign of how shocked he was. "Are you serious?" This would be treason, it would be a direct breach of O.N.I. protocol and it would have him if he was lucky, only a court martial. "Cortana this is in direct violation of ONI proto-"

"Protocol be damned Chief," Cortana responded she was still confused about some of the odd readings she was getting from these new individuals but she needed to convince the Master Chief that this was the best course of action. "Them knowing your name wont really matter in the long run when it comes down to it. I'll explain everything if anyone from the U.N.S.C. We need these people to trust us and from what I've observed so far this will be the best course action."

"Understood." Activating the external speakers the Chief prepared to make his first introduction using his actual name since childhood.

"Take off the helmet."

His voice caught in his throat at Cortana's request.


"Take off the helmet, right now to them you look like a weaponized robot of some sort." Cortana explained, although she was also curious as to how these new acquaintances would react. "We want them to trust you, and don't bother telling me how many regs you're going to be breaking. I'm getting what I want one way or the other."

A small chuckle escaped his lips. "I get it Cortana," he did not like this idea, but he could understand her logic. Speaking to a faceless soldier hidden beneath armor had even been a serious issue when he was dealing with fellow U.N.S.C. Marines. Yes he was definitely not happy about doing this, "alright lets get this over with."

Reaching up with his gauntleted hands the Chief slowly removed the helmet to Mjolnir. The four people he had thus met so far on this new world he would be calling home for the foreseeable future seemed exceptionally interested in his actions. Especially the odd fox hybrid. Taking the helmet away from his head he slung it under his right arm, the fox girls eyes widened massively as she stared at him.

"My name is John."

o.o 0 o.o

"I hate you right now."

I do not really care.

"I think he is nice!"

Thank you Ahri.

"You're such a suck up foxy."

Be nice Cortana.

"What is a suck up."

"Something I bet you're really good at."


"Oh c'mon! She's probably awesome at the whole dee-"

OKAY. Onto a different subject. I believe this chapter did what I needed it to do.

"You mean take up space on the internet."


"What was Cortana trying to say earlier."

Pretend you did not hear that.

"You see Ahri some men appreciate it when you use your tongue and mouth on a certain part of their anato-"