Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Phoenix

The weather was warm and the skies were dotted with fluffy white clouds with a soft breeze, perfect for sailing. Two young teens were looking out over the ocean as their ship was about to depart from Whale Island to go to the hunter exam.

The male with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes around 17 years old with a feminine facial structure, was currently leaning against the rail of the boat with his forearm resting on the ledge with his body facing the younger female next to him sitting on the ledge. He wore a plain white training suit with a traditional blue Kurta turban over the training suit. Around his neck under his clothes was a special necklace, a scarlet red crystal connected to a silver chain.

The young girl a waist length black hair which she kept in a bun at the back of her head with bangs to frame her face with two strands that reach her shoulder either side of her head. She had toxic green eyes with a tint of yellow around the pupil. She wore a sleeveless V neck that ended mid-thigh with biker shorts underneath, a sleeveless fishnet under the shirt that could be seen at the neck of the over shirt and a maroon soft material belt around her waist.

She had black open toe shoes with small platforms on the heels, black thigh high socks with a maroon leg warmer that started at her ankle and ended just under her knee on her right leg. On her arms she had black arm warmers that began at her knuckles and ended after her elbows on both arms. Around her neck was a maroon scarf that wrapped several times around and worked as a hood if needed. It cover her shoulders and was a special gift from the older blonde next to her.

Together they relaxed just watching the ocean together with the blackette swinging her legs calming over the side of the boat.

There was a commotion behind them as a young boy around her age clad in green with a fishing rod shouted to the people of Whale Island; his home the two decided mentally, about coming back as the worlds' best hunter.

The men on the boat began to mock him as the two ignored everyone around them just like a man in a blue suit with black glasses continued to read his book.

The boy didn't seem too bothered as he walked past the two with his hands on his backpack's straps. The blonde of the duo watched the young boy walk past out of the corner of his eye. The carefree air around the boy interested him, he was definitely was going to keep his eye on the boy.

The girl next to him turned to him as if she heard his thoughts, "Hey Kurapika, that boy interests you doesn't he?" She asked softly with a gently smile on her pale face.

The boy, Kurapika, nodded and smiled back with his free hand on her head that wasn't covered with her scarf he had given her when she had gotten seriously hurt once, like it usually was when out in public. "I must admit he does, he seems very innocent. He reminds me a little of you Phoenix" Kurapika added as he rubbed her head before dropping his hand to his side again.

Phoenix only blinked curiously before turning her head to observe the boy trying to understand what her friend was talking about. Beside her Kurapika chuckled as he knew exactly what she was doing.

She looked around a bit before finding him on top on the watch area looking down at the captain with a look of certainty while the birds were going crazy in the air, "It's a huge storm that's coming!"
When the captain looked surprised he added, "It's true, I can tell from the smell!" The captain seemed to be looking at the boy before coming to a realization about something before ordering everyone below deck and telling the sailors to get to work.

Later on the ship was swaying to and fro like a seesaw at a playground, all the men who were making fun of the young green clan boy were all groaning and moaning from the seasickness.

'Karma' Phoenix thought, smirking to herself as she sat at the end of the hammock she was sharing with Kurapika, who had his feet on his feet on her lap as he read. Phoenix absent mildly played with the ends on his pants as she watched the people in the room roll around with the waves with amusement.

Looking around she noticed the little boy wasn't affected by the roughness of the sea and was even helping people with their seasickness. There was also the man in the suit was sitting in the corner eating an apple, also not bothered by the roughness. Turning to Kurapika next she watch him read, his eyes showing his interests in the book he was reading.

She had always found it interesting the way eyes would not only show their emotions but could also show nothing at all.

Feeling someone staring at him Kurapika looked up and found Phoenix watching him with a distant look in her eyes. Kurapika knew the look was just her getting lost in thought about something simple and smile secretly and nudge her stomach with his foot gently so he didn't hurt but snap her out of her thoughts, which seemed to work because her eyes came back into focus.

Phoenix focused back on Kurapika when she felt his foot nudging her stomach. Kurapika had an eyebrow raised, silently asking what she was thinking about but Phoenix only smiled cheekily back at him making him chuckle under his breath before going back to his book.

Before Phoenix cause go back to observing to males in the room considering she was the only female on board the door to the room open to reveal the captain. She seemed to be the only one who noticed but she knew better after being with Kurapika for a few years that he was always aware of what was going on around him.

Her eyes locked with the captains for a second before he looked at the others in the room and made a mental note to not to cross him. Not even a second after the thought crossed her mind he looked back at her again and asked that she, Kurapika, the green kid and the suit guy go with him.

Quickly the four followed the captain to the room with the steering wheel and the four stood in a line in front of the captain. The suit guy was closest to the door, the green kid, Kurapika and then Phoenix who was next to the window watching the rain pour down and the lightening dance across the sky.

Storms like theses ones have always been her favourite even though they don't have the happiest memories to go along with them. She could feel Kurapika looking at her from the corner of his eyes with concern for he understood her reason for the memories but all she did was look back him in the corner of her eye and smirk at him.

Seeing this Kurapika looked at the captain and became to pay attention again, "First tell me your names!" The captain demanded.

The green kid happily raised his right hand like he was in school and said happily, "I'm Gon!"

'What a happy little fella' Phoenix though as Kurapika and Leorio then introduced themselves, "I'm Phoenix it's nice to meet you!" Phoenix said in a small but polite voice that made the captain smile at the shy girl reassuringly.

"Why do you want to become Hunters?" The captain the asked. Phoenix could feel Kurapika stiffen next to her and she look at him from the corner of her eye, her eyes telling him that it's okay. Kurapika nodded slightly and relaxed slightly.

Leorio pointed rudely at the captain before exclaiming just as rudely, "Hey! If you're not an examiner, you can't boss us around!"

Phoenix rolled her eyes and thought, 'Rude and loud, he must be popular at parties'

The captain didn't even bat an eyelash as he replied, "Just answer the question"

Gon was the one who answered before Leorio could make another rude remark, "My dad's a Hunter. I left Whale Island because I want to know why my dad desired so much to be a hunter" The captain looked like he just confirmed a theory about Gon.

Phoenix looked past Kurapika and at Gon curiously. 'Most people would hate their parents if they abandoned them but not Gon. I can see what Kurapika sees now, he doesn't look at things the way normal people do, just like me. Interesting'

"Hey, kid!" Leorio interrupting Phoenix's thoughts, making Gon turning to him, "You're not supposed to answer his question!"

Before Gon could protest Phoenix cut in with her gentle voice, "That's fine that you don't want to answer him Leorio-san but that doesn't mean that Gon is going to do what you want him to" Phoenix spoke calmly with some sass in her tone, but continued before he could argue with her and Kurapika could scold her, "The reason I want to become a Hunter so I can help Kurapika complete his goal and to discover unexplored lands and travel the world" Phoenix finished with an excited smile.

"That sounds like a lot of fun Phoenix-san!" Gon shouted with enthusiasm with big sparkly brown eyes.

Phoenix smiled sweetly at him, "Thank you, but please just Phoenix is fine" She said softly making Gon nod happily.

Leorio grumbled the two of us not being team players earning himself a look from Kurapika. Phoenix smile secretly to herself at Kurapika's overprotective big brother behaviour he had when it came to her. It never fail to make her feel special that someone care so much for her.

"I don't wish to reveal why I'm here" Leorio said obnoxiously while poking Gon's forehead, not even noticing the look he had gotten from Kurapika even though everyone else in the room noticed it, even Gon.

"I agree with Leorio" Kurapika spoke up for the first time since introducing himself. Phoenix noticed straight away the rude way Kurapika addressed Leorio and smirk amused at his ways of letting Leorio know that he wasn't his biggest fan at the moment.

"What?" Leorio said dumbstruck as he looked over up to Kurapika, before noticing the disrespectful he was addressed, "Hey! Aren't you younger then I am? Show some respect!"

Kurapika continued as if he hadn't even heard Leorio which continued to amuse Phoenix since she rarely saw Kurapika acting rude, "It's quite simple to avoid pesky questions by offering a plausible lie"

Leorio seemed to be getting madder every second he was ignored, "Hey! Are you listening to me?" He questions angrily.

"However, it is quite shameful to relay upon deceit. That said, if I were to tell you the truth, I would be exposing my deepest secrets. That is why I cannot provide an answer" During His explanation he brought his right hand up to clutch his heart.

Gon was looking at Kurapika curiously while phoenix looked back out the window knowing exactly what Kurapika was talking about and didn't want Kurapika to see the sadness that she knew was in her eyes. Kurapika knowing this felt grateful to her for knowing he didn't need anyone's pity.

"Hey, you… Don't ignore me!" Leorio continued to shout at the blonde.

"In other words, you refuse to answer my question" The captain interrupted Leorio before he could continue his yelling at the blonde. "Hey, Katsuo" The captain addressed the sailor with a clipboard that Phoenix just noticed.

"Aye, captain" Katsuo answered.

"Tell the examination board that we have two more dropouts" The captain said seriously making Kurapika and Leorio look at the captain in shock and Phoenix and Gon in surprise.

"What do you mean?" Leorio asked unsure.

"You still haven't figured it out? The Hunter Examination has already begun!" The captain explained.

"What?" The two older teens asked in shock.

"There are as many Hunter wannabes as there are stars in the sky. The examiners don't have the time or resources to review them all. So they hire people like me to trim the fat. I've already notified the board that everyone else on this ship had to withdraw" Leorio made an annoyed noise and Kurapika one of realization, "If they can't handle a little storm, they'd stand no chance in the Hunter Examination's later stages. In other words, you can only proceed to the main exam if I pass you. So think carefully before you answer my question" He finished, giving them one more chance.

Gon turned to Leorio and said innocently, "So he says" making Phoenix giggle into her hand and the tension to somewhat disappear.

There was a suffocating moment of silence before Kurapika took a deep breath before speaking in a calm voice, "I am the last survivor of the Kurta Clan" This gained the attention of everyone in the room and Phoenix stepped closer to Kurapika in hopes of giving him some comfort even a little and it seemed to have work because sent her a grateful smile. "Four years ago, my clan was annihilated by a band of criminals. I wish to become a hunter and hunt down that band, the Phantom Troup"

The captain started at Kurapika blankly for a second, "So you want to be a bounty hunter? The Phantom Troupe is an A-class bounty. Not even the most grizzled Hunters can touch them. You'd be throwing your life away!" The Captain warned.

Kurapika closed his eyes, "I don't fear death. I fear only that my rage will fade over time" Once Kurapika finished Phoenix noticed the red tint in his eyes and placed a hand on his arm to calm him a little. She smiled a little when he subconsciously relaxed a little.

"So, in other words you want revenge" Leorio stated in a snobby voice, "Does that require that you become a hunter?"

"That may be the stupidest question I've ever heard, Leorio" Kurapika answered with a bit of sass in his tone which make Phoenix hid her giggles in her hand again.

"That's Leorio-san to you! And quit laughing brat!" The older teen yelled at the two making Kurapika mad for the brat comment aimed at Phoenix.

"Places accessible only to Hunters" Kurapika continued ignoring the interruption with a hint of anger in his voice, "Information otherwise unobtainable… Actions otherwise impossible" At this point Leorio was about to blow a fuss from being ignored and phoenix letting go of Kurapika's arm feeling the tension rising. "There are more reasons than your brain could possibly handle"

"Hey" Gon cut in stopping Leorio from yelling before he started, "Why do you want to become a Hunter Leorio-san?" He asked.

"Me?" Leorio answered now calm, "I'll make it simple. I want money" He said content, not noticing the two teens who he had a problem with exchange an eye roll, "Money can get you everything! A big house! A nice car! Good liquor!"

"You can't buy class with money, Leorio" Kurapika interjected while Phoenix bit the inside of her cheek to hold in her laughter knowing it wouldn't help the situation.

Leorio's face got red from the anger that was surely surging through him, turning his head slightly so he could look at the blonde through the corner of his eye he said simply, "That's three times now" Before straightening up. "Step outside, I'll end the filthy Kurta bloodline, here and now"

Once he said that Kurapika's face became dark and Phoenix's eyes widened as she looked at Kurapika for his next move, knowing that this was his fight and she shouldn't get involved.

"Take that back, Leorio!" The angry blonde shouted at the taller male. The taller male stopped in the doorway after he opened it and looked over his shoulder at the boy, "Take it back!" Kurapika demanded with a deadly tone.

All Leorio said was, "That's Leorio-san to you" Before leaving the room with Kurapika following shortly after and Phoenix going to follow but stopped halfway unsure if she should stop him not.

"Hey, boys!" The captain called, "I'm not finished yet!"

"Just let them go" Gon spoke up calmly, laying a hand on Phoenix's shoulder in hopes of calming her inner turmoil, "Mito-san once told me 'if you want to get to know someone, you need to make an effort to learn why their angry' It's important for them to understand why they're mad. So we should let them settle it themselves"

Once he was finished Phoenix relaxed and sent Gon a thankful smile while everyone in the room just let Gon's works sink in.

The silence was only broken when the sailor driving called the captains attention, "L-look" He stuttered.

We all looked out and saw a waterspout close to the ship.

"If we get caught by that waterspout, the ship with sink" Katsuo pointed out.

The captain began barking out orders to take the sail down and all hands on deck as he took the wheel. Gon said he'd help and Phoenix piped out that she'd help as well. The crew in the room were thankful that the two were willing to help and all of them but the captain ran onto the deck trying to lower the sails.

They noticed Kurapika and Leorio on the other side of the side about to face off but they ignored them for the time being. They were putting their all into pulling the ropes until an extremely strong wind blew everyone to the floor only Katsuo was able to hold on but because the wind was so strong he was being whipped around before he accidently let go and was thrown overboard.

Katsuo flew between Kurapika and Leorio before he fell overboard. The two made a run for it and jumped overboard and grabbed the railings to keep from landing in the water but only just missed his hands.

Before Katsuo could hit the water a green blue and a black blur jumped past them, it took the two holding onto the railing half a second to realize it was Gon and Phoenix. The two each grabbed one of Katsuo's wrist each before they began falling down but they felt a hand on one of their ankles each.

The two fell toward the side of ship and hit it with from Katsuo's chest down in the water. Putting their arms around Katsuo's chest the two looked over their shoulders and saw that Kurapika was holding Phoenix's left ankle and Leorio had Gon's right ankle.

Looking to her left she gave Gon a bright smile who returned it before the two holding them and the crew helped them back on board.

The storm quickly calmed down after that and Gon was sitting against the railing and phoenix was in a tight hug from a worried Kurapika while Leorio stood with his hands in his pockets.

When Phoenix and Kurapika let go of each other Phoenix sat next to Gon with her knees together, her shins pointing outward and her hands on her knees and he head bowed down knowing that the two older teens were going to scold the two of them.

It started with Leorio's shouting, "You two idiots! If we hadn't grabbed your legs, you'd both be shark bait right now!"

Kurapika took that moment to join in to, "Honestly, how reckless are you two"

"But you did catch us!" Gon said making all of them look at him in surprise, "You both caught us"

"Well, I guess so…" Leorio trailed off.

"Gon, Phoenix" The four heard and turn to Katsuo running towards them, and bowed to the two young teens and Gon stood up and Phoenix looked up at him, "Thank you Gon, Phoenix. You two saved my life"

"We couldn't have done it alone. These two helped us save you" Gon said looking at the older two.

The two looked at Gon a little shocked he had given them credit while Phoenix smiled and stood up moving forward to stand next to Gon.

"Thank you very much!" Katsuo thanked the two and bowed.

Kurapika being humble looked away, "No, you don't need to thank me" He said modestly making Phoenix giggled at him and a slight smile form on his face even if he didn't look at her.

Leorio looked surprised before waving his thanks away a little with a slight blush dusting his cheeks, "Yeah, I'm glad you're okay"

Katsuo announced that he was going back to his station as Kurapika watched Leorio with curious expression, before changing it to a contempt but smiled and looked away when Leorio looked up and noticed him staring.

Leorio looked a little embarrassed and ready for a smartass comment from the blonde, "What?" He grumbled.

"I apologize for my rude behaviour. Sorry Leorio-san" The blonde apologized sincere innocence.

Leorio only looked embarrassed now, "W-what's with the sudden change? We sound like strangers… Just call me Leorio... Leorio works" He said blushing again, "I'm also sorry" He added surprising the blonde, "I take back everything I said. I was wrong" He admitted.

"No, it's okay" Kurapika forgave as Phoenix came and stood next to him and smiled at the two.

Before anyone could say anything else the Captain's laughter cut through the air, the group turned and saw the captain leaning against the doorway. "I like you guys! Okay, I'll take responsibility for bringing you four to the closest to the exam site" He announced.

"Really?" Gon and I asked in excitement. "What about your tests?" Gon added.

The captain stopped and looked back at us sternly, "Like I said… It's my deciding to make. And all four of you pass!" He said happily before walking up the stairs.

Leorio gave a big grin, Kurapika smiled relieved, Gon jumped into the air yelling 'yay' and Phoenix grinned happily and looked at Kurapika who had put a brotherly arm around her shoulders and shared a smile with her.

The four of them were going to become hunters together, she just knew it.