I always wanted to do something like this so hopefully its good. first fic with superman-batman conflict. please R&R

I stood atop Wayne Tower, looking over Gotham. The slight thump behind me alerted my senses to the fact that a certain 'friend' had come to visit. "Clark." I growled. Superman hovered next to me. "Hello Bruce. The rest of the league and I were talking and we..." The Boy Scout continued but I tuned out. He finished speaking and looked at me expectantly. I knew what he wanted.

The Justice League thought that they could just waltz into my city and 'help' protect it from my villain gallery. "Never going to happen, Clark." I divebombed off the roof, Clark following.

"Come on, Bruce." he whined. "Gotham is a sewer. Granted, yes, it has gotten better since you started being Batman but it still has the worst crime rate in the country."

"I'm well aware of the fact. I have others who help me though." He scoffed. "Your so-called 'bat-clan' can only do so much." I landed and looked down to see Two-Face and his goons approaching the auction of two twin paintings of the Gemini. Perfect crime that Bruce Wayne set up to trap Harvey. "Stay out of this." I said over my shoulder. Two-Face walked inside and his goons guarded the outside. Jumping down, I knocked them out and followed after Two-Face.

"Heads they die slowly! Tails they die quick!" Two-Face yelled as I entered. "Don't make a move, Batman." He flipped his scarred coin to determine the fate of the hostages. A quick batarang knocked it away, giving me time o get closer.

"Damn you Batman! I can't make a move without seeing the coin! The coin gives the decision. Not me!" Harvey grabbed a hostage and pointed a pistol to their head. "Harvey don't!" I cried, working out a plan in my head as I stalled.

Harvey always has twin pistols and two plans. A master and a back-up. If only I knew what his second...

Harvey cried out, interrupting my thoughts. Superman entered and used his heat vision to melt Dent's gun. "Idiot." I muttered. Dent pulled his other gun. "Guess the back-up will have to do tonight. Boys!"

Part of his gang ran in, one goon holding a bomb detonator. "Now!" Two-Face screeched.

The goon hit the button, me and Clark watching in horror. A loud explosion rocked the building and my heart sank, filled with dread. "That sound? That was Gotham's two biggest hospitals going boom." Harvey cackled. "Their blood is on your hands."

"You monster!" I shouted. Superman took out Dent's goons while I knocked away his gun. "You know me, Batman. I'm just filled with surprises." He groaned as I held him up by the throat. "Batman! Enough!" I turned to see the Boy Scout glaring at me. I turned back to Two-Face. "You're going to pay, Dent." I cracked his clavicle. He was going to be out for a while.

"That was unnecessary." Superman said. I lunged at him, knocking him down. "Was it? He just killed hundreds of people just because you couldn't listen and stay away." I sent him a deadly bat-glare and stood up. "This is why I work alone. You and the League just don't understand the lunatics of Gotham."

I turned and walked away. "So don't ask to help me again. Gotham is under my protection and mine alone." My voice faded into the shadows, leaving a confused and depressed Superman in my wake.

to be completely honest that came out different from what i intended. whatever. please tell me how i did with bruce and clark!