Author's Notes: This story takes place before "Solitude". Please follow me on Tumblr - shannyfishwriter for sneak peeks, extras, and updates! :D

The day was beautiful and Alex almost was sad about having to go to work into the dark, grey filled DEO base. Today, Alex felt sunny and she'd even put on something that wasn't black and then she remembered that the DEO uniform was pretty much black. Her cheery sky blue blousy top wasn't exactly what she wore for work, it was more something that Kara would wear. It was okay, though, she had an extra set of clothes in her locker, so she just planned on changing.

"What are you wearing, Danvers?" Torres asked as she walked past.

"Clothes," Alex shot back, biting back a smile and then shook her head. There would likely be a discussion later with the other woman. Right now, though, Alex needed to hurry to the lockers in order to change. She'd almost made it into the door, when she heard a familiar voice behind her.



Turning, she didn't wipe the bright smile from her face. "Sir?" she replied. Alex wasn't sure who was around, so 'Sir' was a good default to J'onn or Hank. Right now her boss looked confused, he probably didn't realize that she kept a spare set of clothes in her locker. "I was just going to change," she said quickly as she motioned to the door.

"I've never seen you wear a color before," J'onn said, his voice was still confused.

"Black is actually a color," Alex said slowly, an amused smile on her face.

"It's one you ever wear."

"That we...wear a lot...Sir," Alex pointed out and then pointed to the door again. "I should go and get changed." Most agents at the DEO wore all black, so there was a reason why she stuck out so much at the moment. She was feeling it, but she honestly didn't care about that, Alex mostly just wanted to get to work.

"Okay," he said. "And Alex?"

She'd almost gotten into the locker room and then found herself turning back around. "Yes?"

"Happy looks good on you."

Happy felt good.

"Come on, Alex! You've been out with this guy, how many times?" Kara asked. She was practically pleading as she followed Alex towards the exit of the DEO, Kara was still dressed as Supergirl. "Aren't you going to at least introduce him to me? I mean, I'm not as scary as your mom…"

"Also, don't tell her-"

"You haven't told Eliza you're dating?!"

Alex shrugged. "It actually wasn't brought up the last time we spoke." She'd changed back into the sky blue blouse and was looking forward to her date. "Look, Kara, I know you want to meet him, but it still"

"You two have gone to dinner practically every night this week. I don't even know his name," Kara pointed out.

That was fair.

"All I know," Kara said, turning quite dramatic. "Is that you met him somewhere in the city and-"

"Okay, okay," Alex gave in quickly. Kara was looking at her like a puppy and Alex had to admit that her sister was right. It was fair of Kara to ask questions. Multiple dates with the same person hadn't really been something that Alex had done in the last few months. So, for her to be as happy and serious about a person, Alex had just wanted to keep him all to herself. Everything else in their lives was shared so much between the two of them and even with J'onn. Sometimes it was nice to have something to yourself. "His name is Lucas Lewis and I met him at Noonan's."

"Maybe I know him…"

"Probably not," Alex told her with a smile and a shake of her head as they came to a stop.

"Do I get to know what his job is?"

His profession wouldn't hurt, Alex thought. It was sort of nice being able to share this with her sister even though she'd enjoyed it being just her secret. "He's a lawyer."

"A lawyer?" Kara questioned and was obviously surprised.

Alex nodded. "He works pro bono cases."


"Why is that so shocking?"

Kara shrugged and waved a hand around as she seemed to be searching for the right words. "I don't know, Alex. I guess I didn't really see you with a guy in a suit. I mean, you went on that date with Max-"

"We don't speak of that," Alex said quickly and sharply as she glared at Kara for a moment. "That was for work."

"Oh-kay…" Kara said slowly and didn't seem convinced. "Is this Lucas Lewis attorney guy going for sainthood or something?"

Alex was about to tell her sister the whole story that she'd been told. How Lucas had gotten into law because his wife and daughter (he's married her straight out of high school) had been viciously killed and the killer had been caught, but justice had never been served, but then her phone went off. A bright smile spread across her face before she put the phone up to her ear. "Hi," she greeted the caller a bit giddy. "I'm leaving work now-"

"Actually, I have to cancel," Lucas told her on the other end. It was clear that he felt bad about it. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me, I really need to work on this case I'm going to court for tomorrow. Trying to keep some kids safe-"

"No, no...of course," Alex said. "I forgive you, but I expect a rain check."

"I had made reservations at Giovanni's, they already have my card and my permission for you to still go to dinner and I hope you bring Kara or perhaps some friends."

"You don't have-"

"Please," Lucas said gently. "I want to. I want you to have a good time. Can you honestly tell me that you don't have someone to go to dinner with?"

Alex looked at Kara and smiled. "Maybe I'll make it a girls' night."

"With Kara?"

"Yes, you two will have to meet soon."

"I'm looking forward to it," he assured. "Enjoy dinner and text me later tonight."

"Thank you and I will." She ended the call. "What do you think about Italian for dinner?"

"I thought-"

"He has to work," Alex filled in. "But he has already arranged reservations and is picking up the, are you available?"

Kara beamed and then linked her arm with Alex's. "Just as long as we have enough time for me to change."

"I don't think capes are part of the dress code."

"I guess glasses will have to do then."

Alex watched her sister hurry off to change, she was giddy with excitement. In truth, even though Alex was a little sad about not being able to have dinner with Lucas, this was a nice chance for her and Kara to have a normal dinner together and they never did that unless it involved take-out. She and Lucas had already gone over the fact that both of their careers were important and extremely demanding and they were both okay with it. As far as Alex was concerned, they were both doing good in the world.

There was a whoosh and Kara was back at her side and dressed as Kara Danvers instead of Supergirl and looked just as excited as before. "I'm ready."

"You know it's been awhile since you and I actually went out for a meal."

"We go out all the time," Kara brushed off with a wave of her hand as they headed out once again. "You always look very nice in black, especially with with the vest."

Alex let out a laugh. "I mean when guns aren't involved."

"Well, we have sister TV watching time and eating on my couch."

"It's not quite the same," Alex pointed out. "This is more adult of us."

"Does this mean I get to hear more about Lucas? And was I mistaken in hearing that he wants to meet me?"

Alex stared at her sister for a long moment before pointing an accusing finger at her. "You were using your super hearing."

"What? Can you really blame me? Also, he sounds really nice."

There was no way she could be mad at Kara, so she just shook her head brushing it off. "He is really nice."

"You know what?" Kara asked. "He makes you smile-"

"Like you smile around James?"

"Hey, we're not talking about me."

"I'm just trying to acquaint my relationship to one of yours." Alex knew that her sister was in complete denial about her feelings for James Olsen and vice versa, but that didn't mean that Alex had to ignore that it was actually out there. James was the only one who made Kara go stupidly smiley and happy in love. While Alex didn't think she was quite to that extreme, she could admit that Lucas made her extremely happy. Happier than she'd been in a while.

"I thought you were taking me to dinner?"

"Oh, we're going, just don't think that we're going to only talk about Lucas at this dinner."

"Who else would we talk about?"

Alex just eyed her sister. "Turnaround is fair play."

"What? That doesn't even make sense, Alex. I'm not dating anyone."

"It's still sort of early, we could watch 'Killjoys', I think it's next on our queue," Kara offered. "I even have ice cream-"

"I don't think I could eat another bite."

Kara beamed at her. "You'll have to extend my thanks to Lucas for the lovely dinner."

They walked a bit and the more that they'd talked about Lucas during dinner, the more excited Alex was to introduce Kara to him. After all, there was nothing in the world that she could think that Lucas and Kara would dislike in each other. Kara was such a sweet person and filled with such kindness and love while Lucas was dedicated to doing good things for the less fortunate. If anything, Kara and Lucas might get along too well and they'd have everything to talk about. Alex would be more than okay with that.

"We could have game night," Kara offered. "Or movie night. He could come over and we could invite Winn and James-"

"That might be too much all at once, don't you think?"

Kara shrugged. "There's always having Eliza coming to town to meet him."


This seemed to only make Kara giggle. Alex couldn't help but smile a little brighter. Her sister linked her arm with Alex's and then laid her head lightly on Alex's shoulder. "You've walked me about halfway home already," she pointed out. It had been easier to just park her vehicle in front of her apartment building and walk over, since it wasn't too far and it was a nice walk. She missed this. These moments with her sister. Alex was certain that she'd not fully appreciated how much she absolutely loved and needed these sister moments with Kara.

"I figured that I might convince you to a couple of episodes," Kara admitted. "It will be faster for me to get home than for you to get home."

It was a valid point.

"Okay, your plan is well crafted."

They'd watched more than a couple of episodes. Alex had actually started to fall asleep by the time they finally agreed it was time to finish watching 'Killjoys' another day. That many episodes was really too much for one evening, especially one that hadn't started off early and at home with the sole focus of binge watching the entire first season. It was good, but Alex preferred to be awake and conscious while watching it so that she didn't miss any of the good parts and there were a lot of good parts in 'Killjoys'.

Kara had already left and Alex was glad that she'd already changed into pajamas. It made things a lot easier. She crawled into bed and found that Lucas had texted her a few times while she'd had her phone on the charger in her bedroom. She realized then that the ringer volume was low and adjusted it back up to normal before sitting on the edge of her bed. She smiled at the messages. He was going on about how he had hoped that they had enjoyed dinner and that he hoped that she was having fun. He asked what they'd ordered and their thoughts on it and if they'd done anything afterwards (and then had later assumed since she hadn't texted back that that had to be the case).

Even though it was late, she texted him back, a bright smile on her face the entire time. Alex took the time and texted him about what they'd ordered and how she hadn't expected to get what she got, that the menu description was very misleading but how it had been surprisingly good nonetheless. That they'd been so full that Kara had actually been extremely disappointed that they didn't have room to eat dessert there.

Crawling into bed, she pulled the covers up to keep her warm and rolled onto her side and stared at the phone. It was silly, it was late. He was likely sleeping. She just liked to wait a couple of minutes to officially call it a night because sometimes...just sometimes he was still up this late.

Lucas Lewis: When I finally get to meet Kara, we'll have to make sure it's nowhere too filling so we have room for dessert.

Alex Danvers: You should be sleeping. I hope I didn't wake you.

Lucas Lewis: I was just getting ready to get into bed. I got everything ready for tomorrow, so that's what counts. I'll just have an extra cup of coffee before court in the morning. I'm glad that you two had a good time. Time for both of us to sleep. Goodnight, Beautiful.

Alex Danvers: Goodnight, Handsome.

It was silly, but every time he texted and referred to her as 'Beautiful' it made her blush. Setting her phone on her bedside table, Alex reached out and turned off the bedside lamp before fully settling into bed. She couldn't stop smiling, thinking about Lucas...and as she lay there she thought that maybe she'd even dream of him. Closing her eyes, she thought about their last date and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

Her alarm went off and then her text alert. Smiling, Alex knew exactly who it was. Grabbing her phone, she stared at her screen and read the lovely good morning text from Lucas. She got out of bed, texting him back to see how much time he had before he had to be in court in case they could meet for coffee first. She immediately set off to get ready in case the answer was that he had time. Alex knew exactly how quickly she could get ready and out the door in the morning if she was motivated and on a time constraint.

Fifteen minutes later, she was going out the door with wet hair after seeing that Lucas had texted back that he'd meet her at Noonan's. Today, she'd even been smart about her clothing choices and had stuck to black since she'd just go into the DEO early after finishing coffee with Lucas unless Kara was around. Normally, she took her time getting up in the morning and getting ready, but it was going to be well worth it to rush the morning in order to see Lucas.

"You remembered."

"Of course, I remembered," Lucas told Alex after watching her sip her coffee. He'd made sure that the coffees were ready when she arrived and had bought a couple of danishes before grabbing a table. He didn't have much time, but Alex was honestly just happy to spend any time with him.

"So, I was thinking maybe we could do dinner at my place with Kara on the weekend, if our schedules all allow for it?" Alex proposed.

"I told you, I'd love to meet your sister," Lucas said with a bright smile. "She has to be a saint to work for Cat Grant everyday."

"She's definitely something special."

"Alex?" James Olsen's voice definitely caught her attention and she turned to look over her shoulder. It seemed that once he'd realized it was her, he headed towards where they were sitting. "I thought it was you. Wow, Kara's not going to be happy that she's not the one picking up the coffee today."

"Why? What's up?"

"Cat needed her in first thing, I got the text before my alarm even went off asking if I'd bring coffee for her and Cat," James explained. "But I had heard something about how you have a mysterious boyfriend." He seemed to smile brighter. James Olsen was always smiling. "You must be the mystery man," he said as he extended a hand. "I'm James Olsen. I work with Alex's sister."

Lucas immediately got to his feet, reached out to meet James' offered hand, and shook in return. "Lucas Lewis, it's good to meet you."

Alex looked over at him just in time to see him glancing down at his watch. With a sigh, she asked the question she already knew the answer to. "Have to go?"

"Sorry, I wish it could have been longer. I want to get to court early, make sure everything is in place for my cases today," Lucas said before getting up. He leaned down and quickly kissed Alex before grabbing his briefcase and coffee. "It was nice meeting you, James."

"You too," James said before taking the now empty seat across Alex. He waited until Alex turned back, after watching Lucas go. "So, should I not mention this to Kara?"

Alex knew that her sister would not be pleased that James Olsen had met Lucas before she had, but Alex really hadn't had any control over that. "We shouldn't be keeping secrets," Alex said. She'd learned over the last few days to keep big secrets from Kara and she knew from experience that it just ate her up on the inside and she just felt so guilty. "Though, she's definitely not going to be pleased."

"Oh no, definitely not," James replied with a smirk. "Especially with how it sounds like her morning with Cat is already going."

"Olsen," they called from the counter.

"He seems like a good guy and you look really happy," James told her. "I'm really happy for you, Alex. You deserve it."

"Thanks. Now, if Kara was just as happy as I am," Alex commented and then took a sip of her coffee as she eyed James a moment, who suddenly looked confused and caught off guard. "Don't let the coffee get cold," she reminded.

"Right," he said as he got to his feet. "Well, it was good seeing you and meeting Lucas. See you later."

"Tell Kara I'll text her once I get to work."

"I can do that."

Kara Danvers: James got to meet Lucas before me?

The text had come through before Alex had even arrived at the DEO. Alex had just let out a sigh and hadn't responded when she saw it come through. When James had appeared at Noonan's, Alex had known that Kara was not going to be happy, she'd feel like she was going to be the last to meet him. Really, though, her mother would be the last one to meet him.

"Agent Danvers."

Or maybe J'onn.

Her boss had become increasingly protective of her over the past few months, though Alex didn't know if that was just something that she was more conscious on her part since J'onn had admitted to who he was and had told her that he'd promised her father. Whatever the reason, the thought of him meeting Lucas was a bit terrifying. J'onn could be so tough, gruff, and protective while Lucas was so kind, loving, and just so perfect. It wasn't that J'onn wasn't kind or loving, they were just different personalities, different personalities that both cared about her. She just wasn't sure if she would see a clash or a general acknowledgement of the other in her life. It was definitely a concern.

On the other hand, her mother might just be happy that she was in a relationship with something other than her job. That, though, likely would lead to the 'so, when can I expect grandchildren?' conversation. Alex was fairly sure that even though she was only twenty-five, her mother was already skipping the marriage pressuring for grandchildren. Sadly, she didn't think she could sluff off that pressure onto Kara. They were both too young as far as Alex was concerned, they had all kinds of time for that...later...when they were both ready for it (whenever 'ready' was for them).

"Sir," Alex greeted back as she turned and smiled at him. She tucked her phone away, telling herself that she'd text Kara back in a while when she had a quiet moment.

"You look happy."

"So, you've previously observed," she shot back gently with a smile. Alex could feel blush rising her in face and then she noticed that he actually looked quite happy. Perhaps it was contagious? Smiling at the DEO, it really wasn't the most horrific thing to see or think of. It was kind of nice. "What's on the agenda today?"

"I was hoping for a quiet day."

"Are there really such things, Sir?"

J'onn shook his head. "Mythic, aren't they?"

Her phone vibrated in her pocket again, her hand immediately went down to cover the pocket that it was buzzing in. She made a face, knowing exactly who it was. Kara was likely wanting to ask more questions and Alex knew she was having a day already with Cat Grant, but Alex also had to work.

"What's wrong?"

"Kara," Alex supplied without thinking about it. "She's upset because James Olsen just accidentally met Lucas-"

"Lucas, is he the one who's responsible for the smile on your face the last several days?" J'onn asked and seemed generally curious, not pushing for information.


She'd been trying to wait to give out information. She was trying to be slow about the relationship. Alex felt like their affections had come on quick and heavy and that was just too much for her life and Lucas had been so wonderful. He hadn't wanted to pressure and they'd both said at nearly the same moment that it was too much too fast even though it was just all feelings. Neither one of them had wanted to race into it.

It was silly, though, if J'onn really wanted to know, to dig for the information or have her followed, he could find out easily she was sure. He really didn't need to go to all of those lengths though. Alex knew that like with Kara, he deserved to know what was going on in her life outside of the DEO. He was family and deserved to know just as much as others in her family needed the information (well, except her mother, she was still going to hold off on that conversation).

"His name is Lucas Lewis," Alex said slowly and they started down a corridor. "He's a lawyer, he does pro bono cases mostly for women and children who victims of abuse and violence. He works with people out of one of the centers downtown."

"And he makes you smile."

"And he makes me smile," Alex confirmed.

"Why hasn't Kara met him yet?"

"It's only been about a week. I mean, it seems fast. Right?"

J'onn shrugged at that. "No one on this planet seems to have a timetable as far as romantic relationships go." He was quiet for a long moment. "It's been quite a few dates in this short amount of time."

"I really like him."

"Kara's your sister, you two are close...closer now, she wants you to be happy, Alex. I'm sure she just wants to join in on knowing more about this piece of your life that makes you happy that you're keeping hidden from her," J'onn brought up. "Think about how much easier it was once she knew you were DEO."

"You mean after the awkward parts? And then all the parts where I was pretty mean to her?" Alex questioned with a lifted eyebrow. She knew what he meant though. He was right. "I know. Kara brought up that we should have a game night with Winn and James, but I think that's a lot."

"Some might call that the true test," he told her with a smile.

"No, the true test would be Kara, Winn, James, my mom, and you," Alex pointed out. "Just throw him in and see if he can swim without me right at his side."

"I don't think that your mom would appreciate me being there."

"That's just because she doesn't know-"

"And she isn't going to know," he reminded gently.

Alex made a face at him. "It's just-"

"Not everyone in your life can get along swimmingly, Alex."

"It would be nice," she told him hopefully with a smile."

"It would be."

She went quiet for a long while as they continued to walk. Alex had realized a few steps back that they were heading for his office. She hadn't cared because walking meant that less people would overhear their conversation. Her love life didn't need to be the talk of the DEO watercooler.

"I just think that my mother would rest easier with Kara and I working at the DEO if she knew, if she knew that my dad died protecting someone, protecting what he believed in," Alex told him quietly and gently. "They didn't tell her anything. All she knows is that he died on some mission with the DEO and that Hank Henshaw was with him. They told her he died in a plane crash."

J'onn seemed to not be pleased with her point. Alex wasn't saying to bring her mother in on this. All she wanted to do was to give her mother some peace of mind. For her mother to rest knowing that Jeremiah Danvers hadn't died because of some botched operation, that he had died saving someone (her mother didn't need to know that it was J'onn J'onzz or that he was actually masquerading as Hank Henshaw).

"Just please think about it," she requested gently.

His look was stern and serious. J'onn let out a sigh and motioned for her to close the door behind her. "I will," he said finally before taking a seat. "I don't know how we sidelined the conversation from how happy you are with Mr. Lewis to this-this much more tragic conversation."

"My dad was a good man."

"You know that I know that, more than so many."

Alex was quiet for a long while and their conversations just seemed to sink in. "I do want you to meet him, Lucas, I mean," Alex said slowly. "If you want, just not yet…"

"I'd be happy to meet him, whenever you are ready," J'onn responded with a small smile. "As long as Kara's already met him."

"Yeah, we might need to step that up now."

"Just for sanity's sake."

"Yeah," Alex said. "Mine."