Master of Legends (Chapter One)

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon.

In the small town of Pallet in the Kanto Region just sitting directly below the lab of the famous Professor Oak a young boy was awake in his bed looking into a book. The book was titled 'Pokemon Legends and Origins' it was a book that detailed all the known facts and myths about all the Legendary Pokemon of the world.

The young boy's name was Ashton Red Ketchum or Ash Ketchum for short. He was seven years old, had spiky black hair, brownish-red eyes and had a love for Pokemon that seemed completely unrivaled.

Yet despite his love for Pokemon Ash had an extreme love of the Legendary Pokemon; they sounded like the heroes that you would see in movies. Ash himself immersed his entire mind in the stories of the Legendary Pokemon and he knew almost as much as the experts did, based on the books he read.

Yet unlike the researchers Ash wasn't obsessed with them; sure he thought it would be amazing to meet a Legendary and completely awesome to catch one, but he knew they were called 'Legendary' for a reason. They don't just appear out of nowhere; the Legendary Pokemon stick to themselves and only on a rare occasion when a human gets incredibly lucky or the legendary slips up are they spotted.

Looking up from his book Ash saw his Mew Alarm Clock and saw it was close to midnight "I better go to bed" he said closing his book. Just as Ash was about to climb into bed a mysterious light shone through his window for a brief instant. Ash quickly got up and peered out his window to see some kind of light crash into the forest just across the fields.

Looking out at the sight Ash stared for a moment before he quickly opened up his window; he climbed out the window, landing quietly on the roof he scrambled to the drain pipe and slid down. He was always good at climbing; so much so his mother sometimes called him a human Aipom. Speaking of his mom, he needed to move quietly or else he would be been spotted.

Once he got to the ground he ran past the other houses and across the plains running as fast as he could. He crossed the plains in a matter of two minutes and was making his way into the forests. It took him another minute or two until he got into a clearing.

When he got into a clearing he stared in absolute shock because he'd recognize what was resting comfortable on a tree trunk anywhere. Currently curled up nice and cutely was a small cat like Pokemon with short arms, large rabbit-like feet and a long tail with small pink fur on its body.

It was a Mew.

Ash stared in absolute shock and silence; he must be dreaming. How could a Mew of all things just be in Pallet Town like this? Ash slapped himself a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming and when he still saw the Mew he knew that without a doubt he wasn't dreaming.

Now that he saw the Mew Ash didn't know what to do; he was now too excited to even have a chance at going to sleep and really wanted to get closer to Mew, but he also didn't want to scare the little cat-like Pokemon and make it run away.

As he was thinking on what to do he didn't notice that the little Mew was awake and was staring at Ash with curiosity. Then the New Species Pokemon floated up to Ash released a cute "Mew" to get his attention. So caught up in his thoughts Ash never saw Mew sneak up on him, but when he heard the call he jumped in surprise and landed on the ground. Mew giggled at Ash finding him funny.

Ash, now thoroughly embarrassed, got up rubbing the back of his head "Guess I got snuck up on" he said sheepishly with a laugh getting Mew to giggle as well. "Anyway I'm Ash, it's nice to meet you Mew" Ash said with a gentle smile.

For Mew she was staring in shock now for she had just met Arceus' chosen human. She knew, just like all other Legendary Pokemon, the true identity of the Chosen One, the one who would bring balance to the world of Humans and Pokemon, the ultimate Guardian of Aura, the ultimate Pokemon Master that would surpass all before him and never be matched by anyone after him and… the only human who a Legendary Pokemon would willingly be caught by.

She remembered eons ago when Arceus had informed them all of his Chosen One, who would come in time, and balance the world. More than a few of them were skeptical at what their father had told them as nearly all of them had bad experiences with humans, but when they saw the wisdom and faith that their father seemed to have in the Chosen One they had decided to go along with it.

Seven years ago each of them had sensed a massive influx of aura in the world and each of them had reported to Arceus that all the Pokemon in their regions had been acting very strangely. Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno especially had reported that so many Pokemon had abandoned their habitat and were heading west towards a location.

Only Arceus had went to the source of the outbreak of aura and when he had returned he was in such a tranquil mood that it made everyone relaxed. All he said to the questioning looks of his children was "The Chosen One… has arrived."

Now here Mew was floating right in front of the very Chosen One himself. Even though he was just a child Mew could sense the massive amount of power locked deep inside of him as well as sense the pure kindness that radiated his soul.

She could no longer contain any excitement and began zooming around him giving off cute little squeals. Ash was surprised by Mew's reaction to him, but smiled either way petting the small Pokemon as it zoomed in front of him. Laughing and playing along Ash eventually caught Mew in his arms and held the giggling cat-like Pokemon up.

Could this be the start of a friendship?


Three long years had passed since Ash had discovered Mew by pure chance and in that time they had become fast friends. Ash had kept Mew secret for a long time and hadn't told anyone of her existence here in Pallet for fear of rabid researchers coming to get her. Honestly when Ash went to get his Pokedex and Pokeballs he would tell Professor Oak that he had a Pokemon friend in the forest and was going to make it his new Pokemon.

He couldn't wait to see the look on Professor Oak's fast; unfortunately it wouldn't be for a while because as soon as Ash would make the capture he was going to have Mew use Teleport so they could leave Pallet Town.

In the three years since meeting Mew Ash had also been training with her to help her get stronger since he found out that she was quite young; about a year and a half old when he first met her and that was incredibly young by Pokemon standards.

Right now it was almost time for Ash to go to bed; he lied in his bed staring up at the ceiling for a bit with his arms crossed behind his head. 'Tomorrow is the day' he thought. 'Tomorrow I begin my Pokemon journey… but where should I start? I know Mew wants to be a member of my team, but with her on my team we'll be targets. I know there are many Pokemon thieves out there that would love to get their hands on her, but… can I protect her alone with my power.'

Ash turned over and saw his favorite book 'Pokemon Legends and Origins' and he stared at it for a moment before his eyes widened. Quickly Ash sat up and grabbed the book flipping through the book seeing many pictures of Legendary Pokemon across the Six Regions.

'That's it' he thought. 'Pokemon trainers across the world have kept trying to capture Legendary Pokemon and to date two, maybe three in all of history have even captured one, but I'm the first one who started out with one. Maybe… maybe I can be the first one to capture them all.'

With that thought in mind Ash fell asleep dreaming of his future.


In the morning Ash woke up to a little weight on his chest. He looked down and saw Mew sleeping peacefully on his chest. Ash smiled and gently stroked her fur along her back; after a few minutes Mew woke up with a delightful purr.

"Today's the big day Mew" Ash said. Mew squealed with excitement and did a cartwheel in the air making Ash laugh. "I just got to make a quick trip to Professor Oak's lab and then we can get going" he smiled. Mew nodded and lied back down while Ash got changed into a pair of shiny red tennis shoes, black jeans, a plain white undershirt and a long sleeved blue V-neck shirt with black tribal markings. On his head he wore a red cap with a blue pokeball design in the middle. Once dressed he went downstairs and ate breakfast with his mother, who was a little concerned that Ash didn't seem worried about being over an hour late.

"Honey shouldn't you be at Professor Oak's lab by now" Delia asked.

Ash looked at the clock "Oh would you look at the time" he mused. "See ya mom" he waved before racing out the door. Delia blinked at her son's actions.

Ash simply walked at a leisurely place to Professor Oak's laboratory and it took him about ten minutes to get there. When he did he noticed a crowd already outside the lab along with a row of cheerleaders and immediately Ash knew who they were all here for.

"Well, well if it isn't Ashy-boy" a nasally mocking voice said. Ash saw it came from a boy his age with an arrogant smirk and spiky red hair.

"Gary" Ash greeted in a calm voice.

"Well Ashy-boy you snooze you lose apparently" Gary said with a smirk "I got a Pokemon and you don't."

"Mm-hmm" Ash hummed.

"And it's right here in this Pokeball" Gary said spinning the pokeball on his finger.

"Neat" Ash said uninterested.

Gary frowned at Ash's lack of reaction "Well good luck at getting a Pokemon; I'm already ahead of you. Let's go ladies." And with that Gary and his posy left area. Ash shook his head at his old friend's arrogance; it seems that Gary hadn't changed at all.

"Oh there you are Ash" Professor Oak said from behind him.

Ash turned and greeted the kind professor "Morning Professor I'm here to start my journey."

"Well you are pretty late; I don't think I have any Pokemon left" Professor Oak said.

"Oh that's okay; I just need some Pokeballs and a Pokedex" Ash said.

Professor Oak blinked "Um Ash, you need a starter Pokemon to begin your journey. You know that right."

"I know that" Ash said with an easygoing smile. "It's just that I befriended a Pokemon three years ago and I've remained friends with it in the wild ever since. I promised that Pokemon that it could become my starter Pokemon."

"Oh" Professor Oak said interested. "Could I see it?"

"Ah, ah it's a surprise" Ash said with a grin.

Professor Oak laughed "Very well; I do love surprises." With that the old professor pulled out some pokeballs and a pokedex "Here you go Ash."

"Thank you Professor" Ash said pocketing the Pokeballs. He scanned the Pokedex "Hey professor, if at all possible could you update the Pokedex with information on the Pokemon from the other five regions?"

Professor Oak blinked "Sure, it's no trouble, but why do you want to update?"

"I plan on taking a few trips to the other regions to expand my Pokemon team. I mean when I eventually get enough badges not everyone, especially Gary, well expect Pokemon from another region."

"Clever Ash" Professor Oak said pressing a few buttons on the pokedex "Alright you're all set."

Ash took the pokedex back "Thanks Professor Oak" he said before he raced off into the distance heading back home. Once he got home it was an emotional moment with his mom, who couldn't believe her 'little boy' was all grown up now. Thankfully no one was around otherwise Ash would've been truly embarrassed at all the things his mother had packed for him as well as a reminder to change his 'you know what' every day.

Once Ash now had his stuff he went outside and once he cleared the house he called out "Mew" and in a flash the New Species Pokemon appeared. "Alright Mew, we're ready to start our journey at last." Mew nodded with a purr and Ash pulled out a pokeball. Mew eyed it wearily "It's just for an official capture Mew; you wouldn't want anyone else to capture you would you?" Mew violently shook her head appalled at the thought of being captured by anyone other than Ash. "So it'll just be for a quick moment." Mew nodded hesitantly and Ash gently tapped the pokeball to her forehead and she vanished into the pokeball. The pokeball in Ash's hand barely shook at all while it blinked and a few seconds later it dinged showing a successful capture.

Immediately after the capture Mew popped back out shaking her head like a cat who just got ruffled "You don't like it in there" he asked. Mew shook her head "Well then I suppose I can keep you out of your pokeball while we're travelling, but when we're in a populated area you have to stay invisible or transform, whichever you choose." Mew nodded in understanding "Also Mew there will be some instances where you must return to your Pokeball, not many, but some, okay" he said gently. Mew nodded again, this time more hesitantly. "Okay, then let's get our journey started."

Mew cheered along with her new trainer.


After having Mew use Teleport Ash pulled out a Poke-nav and checked where he was "Alright says I'm right out of Pewter City and near Mt. Moon" he said. Ash looked up and when he did he saw a massive tree; it was so beautiful looking. "So Mew I wonder what we can catch here" he mused out loud as Mew settled herself on his shoulder.

Ash walked towards the massive tree at a leisurely pace and soon he got to a small entrance in the tree. Ash was about to head towards the opening when the ground below him began to shake making Ash stumble "W-What's going on" he gasped.

Suddenly the ground in front of him exploded and a giant object came flying out. It spun in midair before coming to a stop revealing it to be a giant rock-like Pokemon with muscular arms, seven dots on its face with flat fists "Regirock" the large Pokemon said the dots on its face beeping before landing with a large thud.

"A Regirock" Ash gasped before hastily pulling his pokedex out.

"Regirock, the Rock Peak Pokemon; Regirock's body is made of rock and if something chips off in battle, it attaches rock to repair itself" his pokedex said.

The Regirock then launched a hyper beam at Ash. Ash jumped to the side as Mew flew into the air to avoid the hyper beam. She could understand Regirock's aggression since he was one of the guardians of the Tree of Beginning, but attacking Ash, while she was on his shoulder no less, was kind of going overboard.

Mew flew back to Ash and squeaked something at him. Ash looked at her "You want to battle" he asked. Mew nodded in confirmation and Ash stood back up "Alright Mew, let's do it" he said. Mew faced Regirock bravely while Ash pulled out his pokedex and scanned all the moves that Mew knew.

'Alright this is a good arsenal; hopefully I can weaken Regirock enough' Ash thought. "Alright Mew, let's start this off with a flamethrower attack" he called. Mew took a deep breath and launched a flamethrower; Regirock merely crossed its arms and blocked the attack "No affect; alright try a focus punch." Mew charged forward her tiny fist glowing brightly before flying at Regirock.

Unsurprisingly Regirock's fist also glowed and just as they were about to meet in contact "Teleport" Ash shouted and Mew vanished. Ash couldn't tell if Regirock was surprised or not, but the hit to the very top of the head from Mew must have surprised the Rock Peak Pokemon as it was punched hard and now looking quite dazed. "Good job Mew, Iron tail let's go."

Mew's tail glowed brightly before she slammed it directly into Regirock.

Regirock flew back from the hit where it impacted with the side of the cliff, but was otherwise all right. Then the Rock Peak Pokemon put its hands together and its dot-like eyes glowed red. Then a circular beam shot from its hands and hit Mew. "That's Lock On" Ash gasped.

Regirock then fired another hyper beam; Mew flew up dodging it, but the hyper beam came back to hit her. "Mew fly" he ordered. Mew flew around as fast as she could, but the hyper beam kept following her. To make it worse Regirock had fired two more hyper beams.

"Mew charge a solar beam" Ash shouted. Mew let the sunlight absorb into her body as she continued to outfly the hyper beam; the solar beam was charging "Alright now fly for Regirock."

Mew did and flew directly for Regirock who was charging another hyper beam. "And… teleport." Mew did leaving Regirock, with a half charged hyper beam, to face three full powered hyper beams. The attacks hit and Regirock flew back from the massive explosion.

Mew reappeared above Regirock with the solar beam fully charged "Alright Mew fire the solar beam" Ash shouted. Mew fired, but Regirock also fired its now fully powered hyper beam attack. The attacks hit in midair with both legendary Pokemon trying to defeat the other.

Then both attacks ruptured and exploded in a massive sea of fire and smoke "Mew" Ash shouted running forward; he caught his exhausted Pokemon as she fell from the smoke. "Mew are you okay" he asked concerned. Mew panted, but nodded; she was just exhausted and a little scuffed up. When the smoke cleared it showed Regirock slumped against the ground; Ash hastily searched through his bag with one hand and pulled out a pokeball "Pokeball go" he tossed the Pokeball and it impacted with Regirock.

Regirock was sucked inside the Pokeball and the pokeball landed on the ground shaking and blinking. Ash held his breath as he watched and watched; ten tense seconds later and the Pokeball stopped shaking showing it was a successful capture.

Ash breathed a quick sigh of relief at the capture. He walked up and picked up Regirock's pokeball "You did it Mew… I'm so proud of you" he said with a smile his eyes shining. Mew gave a smile of her own and nuzzled Ash gently.

However the tender moment was ruined when suddenly Ash and Mew were blown away by another hyper beam and impacted hard with a rock. Groaning in pain from the hit Ash widened his eyes when he saw two more Pokemon. They had similar eye features like Regirock, but one of them looked to be made of solid ice and the other from steel.

It was Regice and Registeel "Not good" Ash said before two more hyper beams engulfed his vision.


Professor Oak was just outside tending to all the Pokemon in his enclosure on a warm summer's day. It had been one year to the very day that his grandson Gary Oak and the son of one of the most brilliant Pokemon Masters Oak had ever seen, had set out on their Pokemon journey. Gary was back in town already taking it easy mostly waiting for the Pokemon League to start, but Ash had yet to return.

Speaking of Ash Professor Oak was quite shell-shocked at the Pokemon Ash had left at the enclosure, sure it was only three, but still. Professor Oak went over to the river section of the enclosure and found a beautiful blue serpentine Pokemon swimming in the lake while a floating Pokemon with two protruding limbs, with sharp claws, silver in color with a yellow X across its face floated next to the pond and a small dinosaur-like Pokemon with a large snout and a hard skull was next to the pond smashing it's head hard into rocks.

It was a Dragonair, shiny Metang and Bagon; three very incredible and rare Pokemon known as Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon. Well technically they weren't considered Pseudo-Legendary until they reached their final form, but still it was very impressive and amazing.

Professor Oak had contacted Ash a few times, but each time Ash had his face hidden and told Professor Oak that they'd talk more when he got back. He also told him not to check his Pokemon profile until he got back so he could explain properly.

Confused and more than a little curious Professor Oak obliged and listened to Ash. He had been tempted many times to look, but refrained. It was then he heard a knock on his door; he finished up in the enclosure and went to the door "Hello" he said opening the door, but was shocked to see "Ash" he gasped.

It was indeed Ash, but he looked roughed up. His clothes were torn and covered in dirt and, what looked like, small blood stains. His hands were incredibly roughed up, his pants leg looks like it was ripped up and when he saw Ash's face he saw that there was a bandage covering the left side of Ash's face.

"Good lord boy what happened to you" Professor Oak gasped.

Ash rubbed the back of his head sheepishly showing he was still the same Ash personality wise "Like I said, long story; let's talk inside" he said. Professor Oak guided Ash in and sat him on the couch. He came back out with two cold drinks and handed them both to Ash. Ash greedily gulped down the first one in a minute before gently taking a sip from the second one.

"Now my boy, what happened to you" Professor Oak asked. "You look like you just went three rounds with a Group of Mankey's."

Ash laughed "Mankey's sound easier than what I went through" he said. He sighed a bit "Anyway, I guess I went a little bit overboard during my travels. And I definitely got into a few situations I wasn't ready for… but it was all worth it."

Ash pulled out six Pokeballs, enlarged them and laid them all out in front of Professor Oak. Professor Oak stared because these Pokeballs looked very unique. The first one looked like a normal Pokeball only it was all white with a single red ring in the center of it and surrounding the white button in the center. The second one was rock tan in color with orange splotches on it. The third one was mostly slate grey, but it had some black splotches on it. The fourth one was all blue with yellow dots along the top portion of it. The fifth one was a dark red with splotches of dark yellow/orange spots all over it. The sixth and final one was mostly green with red and yellow tribal markings all along the top portion of the Pokeball.

"What is this" Professor Oak asked.

"Custom made Master Balls" Ash said shocking the old Professor. "Now Professor Oak, I bet you're dying to find out what's inside these Pokeballs, right?"

"I am very curious" Professor Oak admitted.

"Then let's go outside" Ash said gathering up the six Pokeballs. The old professor followed Ash outside and once they were outside Ash shouted "Come out, everyone." Tossing the Pokeballs into the air all of them opened and in a flash six Pokemon were there.

Professor Oak nearly had a heart attack right then and there. The first one he recognized was Mew, who flew up to Ash nuzzling his face. The second, third and fourth one he recognized as the Legendary Golems of Hoenn, Regirock, Registeel and Regice. The fifth one he recognized as the volcano rock wall Pokemon Heatran and finally the last Pokemon he could recognize because it was the biggest of all. It was a long coiling snake-like Pokemon that was taller than his building, it was the master and leader of the Weather Trio of Hoenn, the Pokemon that ruled the skies, Rayquaza.

When Professor Oak remembered to breath he turned to Ash and immediately grabbed him by the shoulders "Ash, how in the name of Arceus do you have these Pokemon" he all, but bellowed.

Ash, expecting this kind of reaction, calmly spoke "Well remember how I said I already had a Pokemon in mind for my starter?" Professor Oak nodded "Well Mew was that starter. I found her three, now four, years ago just outside of town in the forest one night. We bonded pretty closely and Mew wanted to become my first Pokemon so she did."

Professor Oak nodded still looking frantic "And the others."

"Well I had decided that if I wanted to be the best Pokemon Master I had to capture the best Pokemon" Ash told him. "Sure all Pokemon are amazing, but I wanted to be the best so I set out to capture the Legendary Pokemon, not as trophies, but as great friends and companions." Ash took off the bandage along his head revealed a slightly jagged scar going down his face from the middle of his forehead to the middle of his cheek. "Sure it was a little touch and go for a while" he said indicating to his scar; Professor Oak was relieved that Ash could still use that eye "But they, and I, have come a long way and now they're all my friends."

Here was when Ash walked up and gently pet Rayquaza on the snout and the Sky High Pokemon closed its eyes releasing a soft breath enjoying the touch. Professor Oak was simply astounded at the scene he was seeing as Ash greeted every single one of his Pokemon including the three in/near the lake.

"Alright guys why don't you all go and have a nice break; I'll see you all in a bit" he said. All of them nodded and either walked, ran or flew off leaving Ash and the Professor alone.

Not for long "Is that who I think it is" a familiar voice said. They turned to see Gary walking up "Yeah, it is you Ashy-boy" the red haired boy said. He took a closer look at Ash "Wow, what happened to you; you sleep on a piece of rock."

"What happened to you; your head get dumped in the ego barrel" Ash sneered in return.

Gary just smirked "Hmph I bet you came back because you couldn't take it." Gary pulled out a small case and opened it up revealing ten badges "I have ten badges and I bet you don't even have half of this."

"Eat your words" Ash smirked pulling out a similar case and flipping it open revealing eight badges. "Still think I don't have what it takes."

Gary grunted "Not bad… but you'll never beat me."

"Want to find out" Ash said with a battle grin.

"I thought you'd never ask" Gary said with his own battle grin.

"Now, now boys not in the enclosure" Professor Oak said pushing the two boys away from each other. "Look both of you are excellent trainers. In fact out of all this year's starter trainers who started out on their journeys only you two have actually got eight badges to compete. The others got off to a great start, but couldn't finish; still to have two from Pallet Town going onto the Indigo League is amazing by itself. You two can have your battle at Indigo Plateau, two months from now."

Both boys looked at each other before nodding "Well I'll see you gramps; I've got training to do" Gary said walking off.

"Yeah I've got some training to do as well" Ash said walking out into the enclosure.

"Ash" Professor Oak called and Ash stopped. "Would you mind if I observe your training up close. It's an honor to see a Legendary Pokemon, but it's a whole new honor to see training up close."

"Sure" Ash said and two of them went farther into the enclosure gathering all of Ash's Pokemon along the way. In the end there stood Ash, Professor Oak, Ash's Mew, Heatran, Regirock, Registeel, Regice, Rayquaza, Dragonair, Metang and Bagon. "Alright guys we've got two months until the Indigo Conference and while all of you are amazingly strong already there are many Pokemon out there that are stronger. So we've got to keep training and show them all that we mean business." All of his Pokemon gave roars of agreement "Alright let's go."

Professor Oak watched with increasing awe as all of the Pokemon listened to Ash flawlessly as he gave them orders on what to train on. The Legendary Golems were practicing their speed and evasion abilities, Dragonair and Rayquaza were having a bout on power attacks, which Rayquaza was clearly winning at, but it was just for training, Heatran and Metang were working on their steel type moves and finally Mew and Bagon were clashing iron tail vs. iron head.

Professor Oak was jotting down notes left and right as fast his fingers could move trying to capture every single detail on what he was witnessing. They kept going at this training for three hours straight without stopping once.

Finally they did stop and all of them took a break "My goodness" Professor Oak breathed amazed as Ash took off his hat to wipe his forehead. "Ash your training skills are quite remarkable; where on earth did you learn to train this well?"

"I just go with the flow" Ash said honestly. "They pair up and work on their own improving where they need to improve and partnering up with different partners every time. Usually we do about three hours every day, but if it's for something serious we can go up to six or seven hour's straight."

"My word" Professor Oak murmured. "Well Ash… I'll… I'll leave you to your training, by the way would you mind if I call the main Professors from the other regions to tell them of this amazing discovery?"

Ash paused at that; he wasn't ignorant and knew many Legendary Fanatics would stop at nothing to take Legendary Pokemon once they were found, but he did trust Professor Oak. "Well… I guess it's okay, but you have to promise me that it'll all be kept confidential, you can only tell them and make them swear not to tell anyone else."

"You have my word Ash" Professor Oak said honestly. Ash nodded and Professor Oak went inside to make some calls leaving Ash alone with his Pokemon. Ash looked back at his resting Pokemon and smiled; it was a challenge to find and catch all of them, but he was glad he stuck to it and the results spoke for themselves.

Ash was about to sit down, but he heard a loud, high pitched, bark coming from the forest not far from here. Ash looked up sharply 'That didn't sound good' he thought. "Regirock" he bellowed running off; Regirock immediately hopped up and ran after Ash. If Ash sounded this serious than Regirock knew to follow and listen carefully.

They raced through the trees outside of the enclosure; they slid down a hill and continued running until Ash slowed down and held up his hand signaling Regirock to stop as well. Ash peered through the trees and to his horror, he saw Team Rocket Agents all surrounding a large Arcanine and her pup, but the shocking part was that the Arcanine and her pup were gold in color instead of the typical flame color.

The Arcanine roared and charged at the Team Rocket agents; two of them threw nets, but Arcanine burned them away with a single powerful flamethrower and continued on smashing into the two Team Rocket Agents knocking them out before continuing on.

The Arcanine continued burning through nets and bashing Team Rocket Agents until…


Ash stared wide eyed and horrified as the apparent Leader of the group had pulled out a gun and simply shot the Arcanine like it was nothing. The Arcanine landed on the ground with a painful whine "Eh, it was old and washed up; the pup is all we need anyway" the leader said nonchalantly.

The pup ran over to its mother whining and nuzzling her head, but the mother Arcanine could not respond to her pup's call… not anymore.

Ash's horrified look soon turned to rage; his normal reddish-brown eyes turned bright blue and a blue aura seemed to surround him making Regirock stare at its trainer in mild surprise even though its face couldn't show surprise. "Regirock… send them flying" Ash said furiously.

Regirock did not hesitate and burst through the bushes and trees and just went to town on all the Team Rocket Agents; they screamed for mercy and begged, but Ash did nothing and just watched with a detached expression.

When they were all either on the ground or sent flying into the distance Ash said "Bring the Leader to me" he said and Regirock picked up the leader and threw him at Ash's feet. "Do you see what you've done you trash" he said coldly. "What gives you the right to do this?"

"My boss told me to get the rare gold Growlithe" the leader said in a 'whatever' voice. "It's just a job kid; I'm not the only one who's done this before and I certainly won't be the last."

Ash glared coldly at him before turning around "You're right about one thing; you won't be the last… but this is definitely your last time." Ash snapped his fingers and Regirock got rid of the leader and Ash didn't see how nor did he want to know how.

Instead he moved onto the dead Arcanine and the puppy. The puppy was still whining and Ash felt his own eyes water; he bent down slowly and put his hand on the Growlithe's forehead. The puppy Pokemon looked up and was about to snap at the human until it saw the pure sadness in Ash's eyes and all of its suspicion vanished.

"I'm so sorry" Ash said quietly. Blinking back the tears he called out "Regirock" he choked. The Rock Peak Pokemon appeared instantly "I want to burry Arcanine, properly… please, make her a grave." Regirock beeped and using its rock powers made a large whole in the ground. Ash picked up the Arcanine and put her body inside the hole and covered her body with the dirt.

Giving a small prayer for the Arcanine Ash turned back to the saddened puppy "Growlithe" he said to the Puppy Pokemon. "I'm sorry about your mother, but… you don't have to be alone if you don't want to. Do you want to come back with me; I promise to look after you and I promise nothing bad will happen to you."

The baby Growlithe looked at Ash in silence; humans had killed its mother… but this human had saved him from the attackers and gave its mother a proper burial. The baby Arcanine ran forward and jumped into Ash's arms licking his face happily making Ash laugh.

"I'll take that as a yes" he said still laughing.

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