Here we are Ladies and Gents, Chapter 10! Apologies for the looooong absence.
Nick continued walking down the Hallways. His arm was still hurting. He lost so much blood that the color was drained from his face and he felt like he was about to pass out, or at the very least, feel dizzy. But He fought those feelings. Judy would want him to keep moving. For her, he'd simply do that, No matter how much pain he had to endure, he would do anything to see her again, even if it means he nearly has to die for that chance.
He turned a corner on the left. He saw a Glass window, revealing the outside world. On it, was a painted word; FREEDOM. He smiled, and moved his way to the fragile glass. this is too good to be true. he thought. It was.
His smile quickly went away as a huge iron panel moved down, blocking the glass. More words were painted on it.
all of Nick's hope went away in an instant rage, Nick slammed his good paw onto the panel. Causing a loud echo to boom. "This guy thought of everything." He said to himself. After a few moments, Nick continued his journey down the concrete hallways. After a few turns, he eventually reached a door. A word was painted on it. Brothers.
He pushed the double doors open. In the room was a rectangular bullet proof window, a locked metal door on his left and a Tape Recorder hanging from the ceiling on his right. The recorder was low enough for the vulpine Fox to reach it. He went over to the tape and pressed play. Of course Jigsaw's voice was on it.
"This test won't require you to test yourself, but to learn of the crimes that your cousins have committed. Press the button underneath the window, and their sins will expose themselves. The players on the other side of the glass won't see you, but you'll see them."
As the tape finished, Nick looked at the silver button that was right under the glass. He didn't know what he was going to see, but he surely knows that it won't be good. He walked over to it, and pressed it.
Suddenly, Lights illuminated the dark room, brightening it. He looked through the glass to see what looks like Peter, strapped to the wall, above a slope leading to a tube that is inserted to the mouth who looked like Adam. Next to Peter Were two pads of spikes, underneath them were two tubes that led down to the slope that lead to the main tube. Adam had his arms and legs strapped to the floor by iron shackles.
Peter woke up first.
He held his head and groaned as he felt pain in it. When his vision came back to him, he saw the contraption he was in. Scared, he tried freeing himself from the metal vest, keeping him locked to the wall. Adam woke up, when he felt the tube in his mouth, he began to panic.
"HELLOOOOO! Can anyone hear me?! HELP!" Peter shouted.
Just then, a giant light shined on the wall to Peter's right. They all looked at it as The Jigsaw Puppet was being displayed. "Hello, Peter. Hello, Adam." It said. "As Brothers, you two have trusted each other. shared the same thoughts and experiences. but perhaps Too Many experiences. like the way you both have manage to ruin lives of innocent vixens. I don't need to tell you that, you already know what you did Peter..."
After Hearing that, Nick stared at Peter through the glass in disbelief, who was staring at the puppet in terror and confusion as to how Jigsaw could possibly know this information.
"You use them for you're own personal fun and after your fun, you throw them away for them to be alone taking care of responsibilities which is what should be yours as well. how many kids do you have Peter? I guess you don't know what it's like to love and appreciate your own blood. You pretend not to even think or see the damage you have done. just as how your Brother keeps a blind eye on all of your crimes and sins. or am I wrong Adam?"
Nick then looked down at Adam, muffling and trying to breathe due to the tube in his mouth. Adam looked at The Doll projection.
"...You always helped Peter achieving exactly what he wanted and in the end you walked away without looking back and kept quiet. well now you find yourself in the same situation; Unable to Talk, and Unable to Move. Today, I will give you both of you a chance. Peter, in order to escape, all you need to do is push away the spikes next to you, making the chance of you surviving probable. But your blood has to flow somewhere. Your blood will flow into the tube below, causing and making Adam drink all the blood that is sent down the tube. Adam, if you want to live, you'll have to press the button by your left paw, causing Peter to die. If you want you and Peter to live, all you have to do is stay where you are, and drink the blood that you're given. How much blood will you lose to stay alive, and how much Blood will you drink to stay alive? Let's find out. You have a minute and twenty-five seconds. Let the game begin."
The projection finished and turned off, and then the timer began. The two trapped foxes started to panic once again and scream for help. After wasting precious time, Peter start to notice metal plates behind him start to slowly close in on his head. Breathing Heavily, Peter pressed one of his paws against the spikes and the metal plates stopped. Hearing Adam's worried breathing, Peter started to cry. Peter whimpered three words.
"I'm sorry, Adam..."
He pressed the other paw on the second pad of spikes and began yelling in pain as he pressed them hard, with the spikes stabbing themselves into his paws, which started to bleed. Adam then noticed the tube suddenly had red ooze crept its way down. Adam knew what this meant.
Nick was watching all of this unfold, paws pressed up against the glass, looking at Peter and Adam in fear and terror. He was praying they'd make it out of this.
Adam was trying not to gag at the taste of blood in his mouth. It tasted awful. He whimpered loudly and shut his eyes tightly. He just had to accept as much blood as his brother can give.
Peter pulled his paws back and looked at them as they were bleeding to the point where his paws felt numb. The plates continued slowly closing in. Peter then slammed his paws onto the spikes once again, causing him to scream and agony. Blood continued pouring down to Adam's tube. Adam continued to drink and gag. Nick, however, was trying not to gag at the sight of the bloody chaos before him.
Soon after, the clock had 30 Seconds left. All of this was torture to Adam, having to drink all of the blood he was given, torture to Peter, for having so much blood lost that he started to feel light headed, and torture to Nick, for watching what was happening to his cousins.
Suddenly, Adam began to choke, he started twitching and spazzing out. He couldn't take it anymore, he had to do it. He started reaching for the button. The button to Kill Peter. Peter noticed this.
"Adam! No! Don't do it! We're gonna make it! Adam, Please!" He begged. Adam didn't listen. He just wanted this to end, and wanted this to end now. He Then pressed the button.
"NOOOOOOOOO!" Peter Screamed.
Nick's eyes Widen in complete horror
The plates then swung to the sides of his head in a quick swift motion, simply crushing his head, making it pop. Blood shot and splattered onto the window Nick was watching from, he jumped backwards, yelling in fear. He looked at the pieces of brain and gum, along with dark red liquid that is splattered all over the window. Nick started to gag, eventually, he started puking.
Adam was crying. He just killed his brother, and he'd have to live with it the rest of his life. The shackles on Adam's legs and Arms unlocked and opened. Adam didn't hesitate to pull the tube out of His mouth and pull himself away from his spot. Throwing up and spitting out blood. Upon looking at Peter's headless corpse, Adam Sobbed loudly, consistently whispering "I'm Sorry" over and over, as he hid his face in his knees.
Suddenly, a door on Nick's left made a sound that made it seemed like it unlocked. He got up, walked over to it, and pushed it open. There was a staircase that seemed like it led to a door which the room where a horrified Adam is held. Nick walked down the stairs, turned to the door, griped the handle and slid the metal door open. Adam was too upset to see who it was, but when he heard Nick calling his name, he quickly looked at Nick, who was slowly walking towards Adam. The Tod got up and sprinted to the officer, locking him in a tight hug, which Nick gladly accepted.
Adam Sobbed loudly into Nick's shoulder, which Nick responded with brushing the fur on the back of Adam's head. Eventually, the two separated, and a long silence filled the blood covered room. Nick was the first to speak.
"Are you okay?" He Asked.
Adam, who was staring at the floor, replied with; "I don't know."
Nick sighed and decided to tell him that he was watching.
"I saw the whole thing."
With this, Adam's eyes shifted to look at his older cousin, with his eyebrows raising a bit. "You did?"
Nick nodded. "What did you do? He said you helped Peter with his personal needs, what were they?" He asked.
Adam knew that there was no keeping secrets from him. After all, Jigsaw did spill the beans on what he and Peter Were doing before today.
Adam sighed, trying not to cry more. "My dad... always treated me like shit, for that we continued to argue. Peter knew that my dad was gonna take his side no matter what. So Peter Took advantage of that."
Nick's ears perked up in attention.
Adam continued. "One day my dad bought a really expensive car, one day I took the car and wrecked it on purpose. Peter knew about this, and made up a false story, saying the car was stolen. He only did that if I agreed to do some of his dirty work."
"What kind of work?" The Vulpine asked.
"He'd make me go out and pay for drugs. We drugged vixens so that Peter could have sex with them." Adam admitted, with a frown on his muzzle.
Nick stared at Adam in disbelief. "My God..." he then turned to look at Peter's corpse. Suddenly, he noticed something attached to underneath the slope leading to the tube that Adam had in his mouth. Nick got up and pulled the object off the slope. It was a key. On it was a tag, with the word; Teamwork written on it.
Seconds later, Adam stood back up. "A key? Where to?" He Asked. Nick looked and sees another slide door. Nick suddenly put two and two together. He walked over and unlocked the door. Nick and Adam's worries were just beginning...
"What?" Judy asked.
"The cure for cancer." John repeated, leaning his head slightly like a confused dog. "Do you know it?"
Judy shook her head, looking at the desk, then back at the hyena. "No... No, John, I don't."
John reached to pick up a beverage and took a sip from it. "It's not murdering people for your own pleasure, though." The doe added.
John put his drink down. "I never murdered anyone in my life, their decisions are up to them. You see, Miss Hoops..." He Then leaned in. Judy was slightly getting nervous.
"The knowledge of death changes everything. You see, if I were to tell you the exact date and time of your own death, it would shatter your world completely. I'd know."
Judy then locked eyes with the Hyena, who continued to speak.
"Can you imagine what it feels like to have someone sit you down, to tell you that you're dying? The gravity of that? That the clock is ticking for you?" John asked. "Then, in a split second your world is cracked open. You look at things differently, you taste things differently, you smell things differently. You'd savor everything, either it being a glass of water or a simple walk in the park."
"The Clock is ticking John." Judy said, leaning back in her chair.
"Yes, but most people have the luxury of not knowing exactly when that clock is gonna go off. The irony of it is that it keeps them from really living their life. It keeps them drinking that glass of water without really tasting it." John stated. Judy was actually curious as to why a mammal like him would know something like this. Hyenas were mostly known for being really dumb. But John seemed really intelligent.
"You can still fix this, John." She said. John chuckled and had a sinister smile on.
"I'm unfixable. I have Cancer." The Hyena explained.
This made Judy sigh and pinch the bridge of her nose. "John..." she started. She then locked eyes with him. "You can't use Cancer as an excuse as to why you do this." She said. This made the Hyena frown and shake his head.
"No... the cancer isn't what started me and my work." John confirmed. "It was the moment I had decided to end my life, that started me and my work. It brought meaning to it." He said. Judy's eyebrows rose and her eyes widened in shock.
"I had literally driven myself to suicide" he started. "My body wasn't strong enough to penetrate cancer cells, but I lived through a plunge off a cliff. To my utter amazement..." John smirked a bit. "...I was Alive."
Judy was actually surprised to hear that Cancer would make someone risk taking their own life. She had relatives who had cancer and lived with it, but never before has she heard of someone who would attempt to escape such disease by simply killing themselves.
"I was then determined to spend the rest of my days testing the will and limit of mammals to see if they have truly have The will to live. The chance to accept and be grateful about what they have." He finished.
"So because you couldn't Kill yourself, you decide to put others in the same situation you did?" She Asked, one eyebrow raised.
"No. You see, everywhere I go, I see people who are always ungrateful for the gifts they are given and the lives that they have. Those who don't appreciate life do not deserve life." He declared.
"Nick appreciates his life." Judy argued. John slowly smiled.
"After he met you, he surely did." John argued back. Judy balled her paws into fists.
Jack and Skye, along with a few ZPD officers arrived at the first location that was marked on the map at the workshop. Where they are right now was an abandoned school house. A coyote was currently blowtorching a way into a locked metal door. When there was a shape budge enough for everyone to go through, Wolford kicked through the door pointing a silenced MP5. A few officers followed him holding the same weapons.
"Found a light switch." Fangmeyer announced. Wolford nodded, giving her the signal to flip it. She flipped it. It illuminated the room revealing it was a classroom. A corner of the room was drenched and stained with blood. What must've been the source was covered by a large tarp cloth.
Jack and Skye walked in. Fangmeyer looked at the two of them and motioned them to the huge cloth. Jack walked towards it. He placed his paw on the cloth and looked at everyone in the room, then back at the cloth. He yanked the cloth off.
Nearly everyone gagged and shuddered at the sight of what was underneath; body parts chained to the wall, burnt body parts blown on to the wall, and a body that has his remains from the abdomen down. The body appears to belong to a Siberian Husky. How did this happen?
*The Previous Day*
The Siberian Husky woke up and felt pain all around his body. He looked and saw rings singled into his skin, in his paws, arms, legs, thighs and sides of his stomach, along with a shackle locked tightly around his chest. He started to let out blood curdling screams for help. Hoping to get someone's attention. Then, on the teachers desk, a Television turned on. The Husky looked at it. Soon, Jigsaw's puppet was all that appeared on the screen.
"Hello, Frank. I want to play a game. The room you find yourself in is somewhat much bigger than the room you spend most of your life in; a prison cell. Despite the multiple advantages and privileges you've been given at birth, you've returned to jail time and time again, confirming that you're more comfortable in chains than you are in society and freedom." It said. This made Frank pay attention.
"A few feet in front of you on the opposite end of this room you will find a handle. Pull the handle and you'll be set free. You'll have 45 seconds to get there." A projector that was on the ceiling flashed onto the dry board, showing the 45 second timer, in red bold numbers.
"You must push yourself there, press hard though, for the chain and shackle on your torso is retractable. I suggest you hurry, or the small device in the base of your skull will detonate. Let the game begin." The Puppet said before the TV shut off. Frank nearly shrieked knowing there's an explosive in his head.
The Timer started and Frank wasted no time as he started pushing himself forward. Halfway, one of the chains injected into one of his arms reached it's limit. He yelped in pain and stopped and the chain and shackle on his torso started to slowly pull him backwards. He noticed this and started to act quickly. He grabbed the ring that's in his arm yanked it out.
Frank shouted in pain. He yanked out the ring in his other arm. He looked at the Timer and saw he had 27 seconds left. So he grabbed each and every ring that was attached to his body and pulled them out at once. All he did was scream in pain and agony as he did. He looked again at the Timer. 18 seconds left.
Frank pushed himself foward. The process was slightly easier. He grabbed each desk he was near and pulled himself foward. And he was getting closer and closer.
10... 9... 8... 7...
Frank was only a few inches away. He reached for the handle and shouted in agony. Everything hurts, yet he had to keep going. He reached as far as he could.
3... 2...
His claw touched it.
A loud buzz was heard. Suddenly, He was forcefully pulled back into the wall and got slammed against it. A rapid beeping sound was heard in his head.
Frank was no more...
*Present Time*
Jack looked away from the mangled corpse as Ethan Rouge began to inspect it. He saw the handle that Frank fought so hard to get to. He walked over to it and pulled it, causing the shackle to open.
Ethan spoke up. "Seems as though the victim was challenged into reaching that lever in the given amount of time. Seems as though according to these..." He held up two of the rings that were implanted inside of Franks body, having flesh and fur on it. "...these seemed to have slowed him down." He said.
Skye and Jack nodded. However, Skye noticed something on one of the drawers on the teachers desk. An X. "Savage, you might wanna see this." She said as she pulled it open.
The striped rabbit made his way over to the White vixen to see what she found. She pulled out a file folder with words marked on it; Cherish Your Life.
She opened it. Inside was a news paper headline with the same title as the file, with a photo of John shaking hands with a lion as in the background, a new building was bought. This photo and event traced back to 3 years ago. Next to the photo, was an article stating how the building was bought by John and said building was the first to be bought from the Lion's company.
Next were 2 photos of a clinic building and there were three photos of a golden furred jackal. The jackal appears to be female. She seemed to be doing her job at the clinic in one photo, walking in the park in the next one, and she's in a photo with John. Both her and John seemed to be in wedding attire.
"Who is this?" Skye asked. Jack looked close at the Jackal's nametag that was in the photo of her doing her job.
"J. Tuck. It appears she works at the Silverside health clinic near Tundra Town." Jack explained. Skye nodded. "Let's go there to get some answers."
At the Silverside Health Clinic, Jack and Skye walked through the entrance and the receptionist greeted them. "Hello." Skye said. We're here to speak to one of your doctors; Jill Tuck."
At that very moment, a golden jackal waiting at the elevator heard this. She turned her head to look at them.
Wow! That was long. Anyways, I'm glad to have posted this and if you enjoyed this, I'm more glad. Also, special announcement; I am going to be remaking Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4, to fix their errors and to make them longer. Anyways, hope you enjoyed, peace!