Title : The Perfect Sky is Torn

Author : Caia Caecilia

Rating : Adult

Warnings : Non-con

Characters : One/Jace Corso, Five, Three, Two, Four, Android

Author's Note : This is the second in a three story arc the first part of which is "Three's Crying" (that was supposed to be a stand alone fic but the rest of the story wouldn't go away until I wrote it). The title is from the song "Torn" by Natalie Imbruglia. Also this fic is set after the ending of series One and since I guess Six will not be forgiven he is not part of the crew of the Raza in this fic. If new crew members are set to join in the next series I don't know who they will be so the crew is strictly One-Five with The Android.

Disclaimer : All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The Perfect Sky is Torn – Chapter One

It was probably only about an hour but to Three it seemed like a lifetime waiting for rescue after Corso had left, his time spent split between staring at the door willing it to open and staring at One's back willing it to keep rising and falling, for him to keep breathing.

When the door finally opened Four and Two hesitated on the threshold taking in the sight before them, even the usually stoic Four looking shocked. Two wrinkled her nose and Three couldn't blame her, he knew the room smelt of sweat and sex and fear. To their credit they only hesitated for a moment before moving quickly. Four moved behind Three and began cutting through the ropes that secured him to the chair and Two moved to the bed, crouching down and using her fingers to check One's pulse.

Reaching up Three ignored the pain in his shoulders which flared with the sudden movement and he pulled the gag off.

"It was Corso…the real Corso," he croaked, his mouth and throat dry. "The bastard's long gone by now. We need to get One to the ship, to sickbay…he's drugged and he's been…" He found he couldn't complete his sentence, couldn't say the word.

Two had taken in the state that One was in and had wrapped him in a sheet, Three could see from the pain on her face that she knew exactly what had been done to One. She nodded to Four who had sheathed his sword and he picked One up from the bed ensuring the sheet covered him completely. Three lurched to his feet swaying a little,

"I'll carry him," he said.

Stumbling when he stepped forward Two was suddenly by his side supporting him,

"You've taken a pretty heavy blow to the head yourself if all that dried blood is anything to go by. Let Four take him and I'll help you, we'll get back to the Raza a lot faster that way. " Two turned her attention to her radio, "We've found them. Android meet us in sick bay." Three didn't have his radio anymore so didn't hear the reply, but when Two added, "I can't talk now but you can meet us at the airlock, and stay on the ship until we get there." He guessed Five was asking if someone was hurt.

Three wanted to protest but the room seemed to lurch for a second and the headache that had been throbbing behind his eyes since he'd first come around tied to that damn chair had intensified since he'd stood up until it felt as if his skull would explode; so reluctantly he let Two take some of his weight. Two stopped briefly to pick up One's clothes and Three took back his guns feeling a little better, stronger, with their familiar weight at his waist. They made their way through the lower levels of the space station until they got to the docking ring and the airlock leading onto the Raza.

Five was waiting on the other side of the airlock practically hopping from foot to foot in her anxiety, her eyes widening when she saw Four carrying the unconscious One and the dried blood down Three's face. Two quickly handed her the bundle of One's clothes and his gun. Five took them without a word, shock and fear stealing her voice.

The Android was waiting for them in the infirmary and moved towards the wheeled examination table where Four had laid One. Using a hand-held scanner she quickly ran it over him her head cocked slightly to the left as she read the results before relaying the information,

"A potent tranquilizer is present in his system which is being metabolized and should clear his body in approximately 12.5 hours. There are multiple bruises to his wrists and thighs and bruising to his lower back which has caused some bruising to his kidneys. He has a human bite mark at the junction of his neck and shoulder on the right side which will need to be cleaned and dressed. There is also some internal tearing consistent with sexual assault which will also need treatment and a broad spectrum antibiotic should be administered due to this and the bite."

Turning towards Three she waved the same device over him before he had the chance to smack it away from him.

"Three has a minor concussion caused by a blow to the head, he has strained muscles in his shoulders and rope burns and torn skin at his wrists. A muscle relaxant will help with the shoulder strain and his wrists should be cleaned and dressed." Turning to Two she handed her the scanner. "If you follow the instructions on there Three can be treated while I look after One, I have a subroutine which deals specifically with the aftermath, both physical and psychological, of sexual assault on males and females. I will take him into the private examination room to treat him and maintain his privacy."

The Android waited until Two nodded and then wheeled the gurney One was lying on into the adjoining examination room. There was a moment of silence before turning to Three, Two asked,

"What happened."

"That bastard Corso jumped us. I got knocked out and when I came round I was tied to the chair." Three paused not really wanting to talk about what had happened but knew Two wouldn't drop it until she had all the facts, and he thought it would probably be better to get it over with sooner rather than later. So taking a breath he continued,

"He had One on the bed, he'd undressed him and One wasn't moving. Corso told me he'd drugged him then he told me exactly what he was going to do, sick bastard was getting off on it. I tried to get free, rip that piece of shit limb from limb, but I couldn't and he made me watch while he... He said if I didn't watch he'd kill him. The first time One was pretty out of it, but the second time he started to come around and he tried to fight back but he was still doped up. Corso hit him and held him down until he'd finished then he bit him, 'leaving his mark' he called it. He gave One another dose of the drug and got dressed. He said he wanted One to look in the mirror and see...and see his rapist staring back at him. He said he hoped One would space himself."

Two was very still, no one spoke, although Three heard Five sniff and knew she was crying. Two turned towards Five and Four and said,

"Get to the bridge. Five can you hack into the station's security cameras from there?"

Five looked up at her, eyes wide tears on her face. She hesitated for a second and then seemed to gather herself and she reached up and quickly wiped her hand over her face before nodding,

"Yeah, yeah, it shouldn't be hard."

"Good," Two said. "Search all the feed and find Corso. Check he has left the station and if so in which ship. Four go with her show her where we found One and Three."

Four nodded, his face its usual unreadable mask, but Three knew that Four considered them his family and he wouldn't want to be Corso if Four ever caught up to him.

After they had left Two turned back to him and said,

"There was nothing you could've done. The damage you've done to yourself trying to get free shows that."

"I was there...I had to watch while that bastard hurt him..."

"I know. When we find him we'll make him hurt." Two promised, before turning her attention back to the hand held scanner The Android had given her. "Now let's sort you out."