Hey all so this is number 12 of my 13 pics/ 13 stories challenge. So it's set in a modern day Tokyo City kind of place only the country is called Fiore and the city is called Magnolia, read on to find out more!

~I Do Not Own Fairy Tail~

Chapter 1:

Lucy met Levy for coffee at their favourite café, it was a short walk from campus and in the direction of her apartment.

"Morning Lu!" Levy called seeing her and putting her book down, Levy's computer was also out, syphoning off the free Wi-Fi for whatever Levy was using it for. Lucy couldn't help the twinge of guilt she felt for the café owner's internet bill since Levy and her kept coming.

"Hey Levy, whatcha doing?" she asks taking a seat next to her, she nodded to Kinana one of the waitresses who knew exactly what she wanted.

"Just running some programs, doing some updates, checking out news sites, the usual" Levy says with a shrug, taking a sip of her mocha, Kinana put a cappuccino in front of Lucy and she graciously took a small sip of the hot liquid.

"Thanks Kinana"

"Anytime Lucy" the purple haired girl said.

"What about you, have you been writing at all?" Lucy shook her head she'd had writers block for over a month now.

"No, I really need some burst of inspiration, something needs to happen to get me back in the mood, uni work really isn't cutting it" Lucy says discouraged, Levy laughed turning to her computer as a notification came up.

"Whoa" she exclaimed.

"What?" Lucy asked curious.

"There's been a massive jail break!"

"Huh?!" Lucy asks a little stumped, did she hear that right?

"Where? When? Who?" she asks quickly, Levy was scanning the article like a computer herself.

"Okay, um six prisoners in six different max security prisons across Fiore have broken out, they're still investigating, I'll have to look into it more later" Levy says frustrated with the lack of information.

"What what's that?" Mirajane suddenly asked, she owned the café she must have seen us and come out to say hello. She was absolutely beautiful, silver hair to her waist, bright blue eyes and a model body. No joke she was actually a model when she was in collage she retired from it two years ago when she decided to open up the cafe.

"Jail break" Lucy says, Mira's eyes widen in surprise.

"Oh dear anywhere close to here?" she asks, Levy was typing but manages to answer.

"Yeah one I got another report a huge fire started inside the place, they've had to evacuate everyone, it was Grimoire Prison"

"That's only an hour from here" Lucy says a little scared, even if only one guy escaped he was in maximum security right?

"What were the other prisons?" Mira asks suddenly serious, Levy types some more before answering.

"Raven Tail, Tartarus, Eisenwald, Phantom and Oracion Prisons and I've found their names!" Levy says triumphantly.

"Natsu Dragneel is the one who escaped Grimoire, Gajeel Redfox escaped from Phantom, Laxus Dreyar escaped from Raven Tail, Eric Cobra escaped from Oracion, Sting Eucliffe escaped from Tartarus and Rouge Cheney escaped from Eisenwald"

"Their pictures will be all over Fiore before you know it" Lucy says shaking her head.

"Yeah…" Mira says softly.

"Are you okay Mira?" Levy asks, Mira nods with a small smile.

"Yeah…it's just I knew Laxus a long time ago, ten years or so…I had no idea he was in prison" Mira walks away and Levy and Lucy share a sad look.

Around nine o'clock that night, Levy calls Lucy who had been stirring at her computer with a blank word page for about an hour.


"Lu! Good you're up, you won't believe what I've found!"

"I believe you already, did you find dirt on one of our professors again?"

"No…well yes, but that's not why I called!" Lucy smiled even though Levy couldn't see.

"Alright hit me" Lucy says leaning back on her chair.

"Those guys who broke out today, they knew each other!"

"Okay?" Lucy said a little confused.

"How High School? Job what?"

"No! I had one of my feelings and got curious especially when I couldn't find anything on them even with their names, which I had to hack into the government for by the way and found classified documents and guess what I found?! They were in the military! They were a six-man team and really good at what they did. However, they were tricked into volunteering for a mission which bull-crappenly meant that military could throw them in a lab and use untested experiments on them! They…excuse the language, fucked with their DNA! However, afterwards the military expected them to be all grateful and do whatever they said, they refused and escaped. They were captured, separated and locked in maximum security prisons and I don't mean the normal kind, I mean they were thrown into hell pits and the keys were thrown away!"

"Jeez why didn't they just kill them? Wouldn't have that been easier?" Lucy asks.

"Yes, however when they broke out they had only just gotten the treatments the government wanted to know the effect on them so…that's why they were kept alive to study them, over the next few years to see the effects on their bodies and if they died…"

"No one would be any wiser" Lucy realises.

"Exactly, this is horrible" Levy crows.

"Levy you should really stop now, we've talked about your hacking, I really don't want the military to come and take you away for digging this up"

"It's okay they won't know" Levy says confidently.

"I'm serious this isn't funny" Lucy says, this was all really serious and something they should definitely keep out of.

"Okay, okay I'm getting out of it" Lucy heard her sigh.

"I feel really sorry for them! They were tricked and betrayed and practically forgotten by the world! Their families think their dead they are listed as KIA overseas" Levy says solemnly.

"We can't change that" Lucy says staring out her window over the city, I wonder where they are?

"But it's wrong and you know it!" Levy presses.

"We still can't change it Levy" Lucy says sadly.

"Well…I could possibly leak it online…" Levy casually suggests.

"No! One it will either be destroyed as soon as it reaches the net or it'll be passed off as bull by the government! You'll be arrested and thrown in a deeper hole than they were! And two there is no way to prove it, it wouldn't help anyone" Lucy implores.

"I hate it when you're right" Levy groans.

"Which is why I'm your best friend" Lucy smiles.

"I really shouldn't have looked into it huh" Levy says sadly.

"Yeah because now you feel bad, there's a reason there's a saying about curiosity killing the cat" Lucy reminds her.

"But satisfaction brought it back!" Levy tries to reason.

"Are you satisfied?" Lucy asks sceptically.

"No…they're just going to be captured aren't they? They're going to be caught and either killed or worse" Levy says, Lucy can't help but agree.

"Not necessarily" she says instead.

"What do you mean?" Levy asks.

"They might not be caught, they might get away" it sounded farfetched even to her but it wasn't impossible.

"They were caught last time" Levy reminds her.

"Yeah but since then, how long have they had to think of a way to get out and disappear? There were in solitary confinement or close to it right? Nothing to do but think" she reasons.

"But they were separated"

"Yet they escaped on the same day, so maybe they planned something, probably not getting caught but when they knew they would be…"
"Oh god! They planned to escape the same day and run away, but why wait so long?" she wondered.

"Maybe they used whatever the military did to them to do it and they guessed it would take that long for them to control whatever it is"

"Plus a little le-way to master it and I bet your right! This is why you're the writer and I'm the reader!"

"Thanks but it's just a theory" Lucy says.

"Well it's looking good, I'm going through exactly what happened at the prisons they were kept at and no normal person could do what happened"

"Levy I thought you got out of it!"

"Yeah sue me, anyway there was a freak lightning storm at one, and another the walls of the prison were pulled apart and eaten? Um, another had a searing, blinding flash of light another went pitch black throughout the entire place, um multiple explosions of fire in another, that was Grimoire and some kind of poison was unleashed in the last"

"So safe to say they're dangerous" Lucy says.

"I'll say and they haven't been around anyone in five years, jeez I just want to hug them and tell them it'll be okay" Levy says.

"I don't want to hug them, and anyway I'm not exactly sure how 'okay' they will be, where exactly are they going to go? They're not going to be welcomed anywhere and a lot happened in the past five years, technology, news, stuff they know nothing about, do they even know what year it is?"

"You're right, I can't believe all this"

"Me neither" Lucy sighs.

Well I better go get some sleep Lucy, okay?"

"Yeah sure, goodnight Levy" Lucy says.

"Night Lulu!" Levy says cheerily and hangs up. Lucy leans back and stretches, putting down her phone and closing her laptop, the only light left on in the apartment was the one on the dresser. Lucy went to the toilet and then rinsed the dishes, she had already had a shower and was in her pink pyjamas. She was about to head to bed when there was a knock on the door, Lucy looked to the clock which read 10:45.

She went to the door and tried to look through the peep hole but she couldn't see anyone, she was sure she heard someone though, she opened the door and looked out, before she could even take a step, she was shoved back into her apartment, the door slammed shut and she was being held strongly against the wall, he mouth covered and her body immobile by the man's body crushing hers, she saw pink hair from the dim light of the lamp and onyx eyes stared down into hers.

"Are you Lucy Heartfillia?!" his strong voice asked, Lucy swallowed in fear, what was going on?

"I'm Natsu Dragneel, where is your father?! Where is Jude Heartfillia?!" he demanded Lucy shivered in fear from the look in his eyes, they were filled with hate.

Ohh even I'm excited to see what's going on, hope you like this first chapter stay tuned for more, I left my USB with more stuff for this fic at my mums home so I'm going to have to remember it because it'll take too long to wait until I visit home again.

But please Review your thoughts and give me time between chapters, I have so many fics on at the moment I should finish some but I was inspired to do this one today.