Love Letters
Umi had always been an inspiring person to be around. The way she led others without pushing them too hard, and her mastery over words (that usually ended up producing cute lyrics~) were things I admired in Umi.
Everyone, even people outside of μ's knew about the Umi that was always cool around others. Seeing that side of Umi could make anyone fall for her. But, in addition to the chivalrous Umi that could make my heart swoon, she also had this unexpected cute side to her.
She only showed her cute, innocent self when she was flustered. Because of this, I teased her whenever I was with her. At first I didn't understand why Nico always teased Maki, but I realized after relentlessly teasing Umi. Seeing a side of Umi that most people never had the opportunity to see... It made my heart race even faster when I was with her.
But when she responded to my teasing with a serious, cool answer, I was stunned.
"I have a guess about who wrote this... And I might feel the same way." Umi's flustered expression seemed different. I could sense happiness in her embarrassment, and that made my heart sink for some reason.
There's no way she could know I did it... She didn't open the letter... Then who could she think it is?
As the faces of other μ's members came to mind, Umi smiled at me.
"I have archery practice right now. So, I'll see you tomorrow, Eli?"
"Y-yeah." I watched Umi's back as she walked away and didn't turn back. After a few minutes I left to the train station alone.
Kotori? Maybe Maki? Or is it Honoka? Who could it be? Am I missing something?
Those thoughts filled my head as I boarded the train and rode towards home. I almost missed my stop because I was so distracted, but I made it home after what had seemed like an eternity.
"Welcome home, Onee-chan!" As Arisa greeted me I sloppily slipped off my shoes and dropped them on the floor. Arisa must have noticed my mood, because she walked towards me with a worried look on her face. "D-did something happen?"
"Hi, Arisa. I guess something did happen... You see, I was teasing Umi..." After explaining to my younger sister the events that had transpired over the past two days, she looked at me in amazement.
"Harasho, Onee-chan..."
"I know right? What should I do? Should I tell her that I wrote it? But that would be a bit embarrassing..." Arisa's expression turned into a confused one as she tilted her head slightly.
"Huh? I was just amazed at how dense you are. What happened to cute and clever Elichika?"
"What was that?!" I raised my arms like Nozomi does before groping her prey and proceeded to tickle Arisa. "What did you say?"
"Ah- Onee-chan! Sto-" She doubled over in laughter and collapsed onto the floor while trying to escape me. I continued my assault until she was out of breath from laughing so much.
"Should I be worried, Arisa?" She sat on the floor and thought about that for a little.
"You should trust Umi-senpai, Onee-chan."
"Hmm? Trust?"
"Hehe, don't worry about it!" Arisa giggled and stood up, getting off of the floor. She moved to the couch while I started to walk to my room. "I'm sure Umi-senpai feels the same."
"Hmm? But I'm just teasing her."
"Is that so... Well, I'm sure you can figure it out, 'cute, clever Elichika.'"
"Hmmmmm? Do you want me to come back over there and tickle you?"
"N-no thanks!" After that I walked into my room and started to study, unsuccessfully trying to rid my thoughts of Umi.
"I'm sure Umi feels the same." What did Arisa mean by that? That Umi likes being teased? What is she, a masochist?!
And after a long day of struggling to study while juggling thoughts of Umi and of my teasing love letter, I laid down in the hopes that I would sleep peacefully.
I woke up feeling groggy and didn't want to go to school. But the thought of Umi made me rise out of bed and get ready quickly so that I could greet her at the school gates and tease her. And so I could ask her about what she had said the previous day.
Upon arrival, I stood at the gate of the school. Within a few minutes, I saw Umi walking with Honoka and Kotori, as usual.
I wonder if one of them knows who Umi is in love with... But what if it's one of them? Doesn't Honoka seem a bit too close?!
Appalled at the thought I just had, I shook my head to rid myself of it.
"Eli? Is everything alright?" I turned and saw piercing amber eyes.
"Umi! Yeah... I'm fine." Umi looked at me with worry, but I nodded and smiled to reassure her. "Anyway, what did you mean yesterday?"
"A-about the love letter."
"Well... I don't really understand l-lo..." Umi took a deep breath before continuing. "Love, but-" The bell loudly rang, causing Umi to turn towards the school. "Ah, we should go."
"Wait, Umi!" I reached out towards her, but she moved away in a hurry.
"We'll continue this after school!" I watched her blue hair sway as she quickly walked inside the school, and I followed her a few minutes later.
After class had ended, I hurriedly went to my locker to put on my shoes so that I could meet Umi. Inside my locker was an envelope.
Another one, huh? I'll read it at home.
I stuffed the letter into my bag and walked over to Umi's locker. I saw her standing there, her long hair draping downwards as she put on her shoes. Umi looked up before I could surprise her.
"Hi, Eli! W-what's up?"
"Hi... I just wanted to continue our conversation from earlier..."
"D-d-did you... Read it?" Umi was wearing that embarrassed expression I loved to see, but I didn't understand why.
"Read what?" Umi stared at me with confusion and looked downwards. Then, as if she confirmed something, Umi turned back to me with a hurt expression.
"Do you not even care about how other people feel?!" Umi rarely had tears in her eyes, so seeing her on the verge of crying was a bit of a shock to me. Before I could respond, Umi ran away from me, headed outside the school. I tried to follow her, but I lost her as she turned the corner.
What was that about? I don't even care about other people's... Feelings... The letter? But, how did Umi know-
Suddenly everything clicked, and I scrambled to open my bag and tore open the envelope. Written on it, in beautiful handwriting, was:
Eli Ayase,
The feeling of love, I cannot say I understand it. But, after reading your letter, I may have caught a glimpse of that mysterious emotion. So, I've decided to tell you that I think I feel that way for you. Perhaps you were just teasing me, in which case nothing should change. But on the off chance that you feel the same, please tell me. And maybe you could help me find what love truly is.
Umi Sonoda
With my heart pounding and heat rising to my face, I made up my mind to search for the bluenette.
After repeatedly calling Umi and searching around the neighborhood, I saw Umi sitting at the playground where we had talked before. Seeing her on those swings wasn't a new sight, but seeing her hunched over, clutching her skirt like that... I couldn't stand it.
"Umi..." She looked up at me, then turned away immediately.
"I get it, Eli. You've probably received countless love letters before… But, that doesn't mean mine meant any less!" I approached Umi to comfort her, but she got up from the swings and stood further away from me. "I don't want to talk to you right now."
Ah, I understand now.
I walked up behind Umi and embraced her from behind. Umi flinched and tried to push me away. Instead of letting go, I held on tighter.
"What are you doing? Just go…" I placed my head on her shoulder and whispered in her ear.
"Umi… I read your letter." She stopped struggling, so I turned her towards me. Her cheeks were red and she didn't make eye contact with me, but I could see the frown she was making. "You know how I always tease you? Especially about love… Yet, I think we're in the same boat."
"… What do you mean?"
"Truthfully, I don't really understand love, either!" Umi looked at me in confusion, then started to giggle.
"Then why do you tease me about it?!"
"I just think you're so cute when you're embarrassed."
"Umi... I think I love you, too." Umi didn't react for a while, but then she raised her arms from her sides and hugged me back.
"T-t-then… Show me…" Umi looked up at me, then closed her eyes.
Ah, this is too perfect…
I leaned in towards her face, pressing my nose against hers. She tensed up a little, then I placed a finger on her lips and whispered.
"Chu~" Umi's cheeks were as red as a tomato, but I failed to stifle a laugh, so she opened her eyes. After backing away, she pouted at me.
"What was that?!"
"Hehe, you really are cute when I tease you." While I laughed, Umi suddenly pulled me back towards her. "Ah, Umi what are you mmph-"
Umi's lips were on mine, and my eyes were open in shock. Her tongue invaded my mouth causing my knees to feel weak. I eventually gave in to the kiss, matching her movements. When we synchronized I felt bliss take control of my senses, overshadowing the passage of time and our surroundings. The only things on my mind were Umi and her lips. After a while, she separated from me.
"I-I'm sorry, Eli... That was a bit shameless of me." After hearing that, I smiled at the bluenette and pulled her in for a quick kiss.
"I love shameless Umi."
Thanks for reading!
Ooh, I updated that super boring summary. I think it's better now.
So, does anyone else think that Arisa acts like this when she's alone with Eli? Cuz I like that kind of sisterly dynamic.
Anyway, sorry for the long wait. Hope you thought it was worth it.