Title: The Son of Zeus and the Triwizard Tournament

Rating: T

Summary: Harry Potter, son of Zeus and Hera, heads back for his fourth year at Hogwarts. Betrayed by people that he thought was his friends, but gaining new friends, he finds himself in the Triwizard Tournament. It will take everything that he has, and his new friends, to win and to make Tom Riddle fear him. Sequel to Harry in a Whole New World and a crossover with Percy Jackson, with Weasley and Granger bashing!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of Rowling or Riordan's characters and I'm making nothing from this.


A/N: I'm going to try and not make any mistakes.


Chapter 1: On the Hogwarts Express

Harry's POV

I groaned as I dragged my trunk down the corridor of the Hogwarts Express to look for a place to sit. I passed by Weasley and Granger's compartment, not paying attention to any looks that I was getting from them. I really didn't care what they were doing or how their summer had been. Mine had been far more exciting then theirs had been. I had gone on a quest to get my father's Master Bolt and discover that Kronos is trying to come back. I had vowed that I would protect Percy and fight along side him.

"Harry," Neville called out, poking his head out of a compartment that I had just passed. I turned and grinned at the son of Demeter, "Come on, I don't really have anyone staying here except for Luna."

I dragged my trunk in and put it on a corner.

"So where's the dog that was given to you?" Luna asked me.

"Severus is taking it to the castle so that it doesn't draw attention," I told her.

"I heard that Severus agreed to be your guardian while you're at Hogwarts," Neville said.

"Yeah, normally I would find it just way too weird but he helped during the quest and so I can't be hard on him anymore."

"True and he's the son of Hecate," Neville added. "No wonder he's good at Potions and stuff."

"Yeah, better than Granger," I hissed.

We talked about the coming term and I told them about the Triwizard Tournament that was coming. "According to father Tom intends to use the Tournament to come back."

"Great; and I was getting use to no problems here," Neville told me. "And you know that Weasley and Granger are going to use this against you if you come back and say that he's back."

"Yeah," I said bitterly, "Which is why I'm not going to give them the chance. If he does appear I'm going to hit him with so much lightning that he'll think that he's three again. Severus is going to work with me during this term to bind him so that he can't come back to power at all. Also Apollo told me that he's got these Horcrux that he's using. I was thinking about going on a small quest to get rid of them."

"Count me in," Luna said. "You're going to need some additional wisdom."

"Thanks," I said, "Severus, Sirius, and Remus are going to help out as well. I'm hoping to have them all destroyed by time Tom can try anything."

"And then you'll send is butt to Tartarus."

I nodded.

The compartment door opened and, instead of Malfoy and his friends, Weasley and Granger were standing there. Granger looked at me with the kind of hate that I had only seen on my guardian's sister.

"So Harry Potter decides to come back," he said.

I crossed my arms and asked, "Is that a problem, Weasley?"

"Neville, you better stay away from him. He's got a bad habit of getting people killed."

"I don't listen to filthy traitors like you," Neville said. "And it's not Harry's fault that things happen. So why don't you leave me alone and let me and everyone here have a conversation. One that doesn't include the both of you!"

"He's going to get you killed," Granger told him. "It's better to stay away from a walking graveyard."

I jumped to my feet and I saw that Neville had a worried look on his face. I still had no control over my anger and I could blast things without thinking about it.

"Hay, you're blocking the isle," came a girl's voice and both of them left, "Thank you, morons."

The girl walked past us as Luna closed the door.

"Can you believe that?" Neville said, "Telling me who I can talk to and associate with."

"I have a bad feeling that this won't be over," I told him and Luna nodded. "We're going to have to stay on our toes."

"Do you think that Tom will use this tournament to harm you?" Luna asked me.

"If he does, I will make him wish that he hadn't," I vowed.

Nothing strange happened all the way to Hogwarts. No monster attacked us and no one else came to see us, though I did see Draco giving me the thumbs up as he passed. I guess that he wanted everyone to continue to believe that we hadn't decided to be friends. I really hoped, beyond anything, that no one found out about me and the others being demigods. That would be one strange story to try and explain.