Well Well Well it has been a time since I last posted anything to here as for the most part the writing spark in me had died out quite a bit and I really didnt feel the urge to write at all. But then I heard it...a divine thought giving me new ideas of how to continue this story of Absol (though only bits and peices) but I decided eh what the hell why not

SO I shall attempt to keep writing this story out as much as I can as everybody seems to love the crazy murderer know as Absol so please enjoy and lets see where this goes

The sun still hadn't risen yet above the horizon when I left the Admirals office. Silence still permeated around the base as I pulled the hood tighter around my head as it was a fairly crisp dawn. The thoughts of this mission I was about to go on filled me with the utmost excitement as I had been given permission to be myself for once and to not hold myself back as I have been doing for Shoukaku.

"I told him that I'd be leaving in a little bit so why not stop and see if Hoshou is open as I could use a drink." I thought to myself as I moved silently along the path through the dark morning.

Hoshous bar was still lit up inside and of course always offered a nice cozy atmosphere to be in. A small bell rang above the door when I entered. A warm smell of cinnamon permeated my nose as I looked around the bar for Hoshou.

"Hello! Is anyone home?" I called into the empty bar making my way over to the barstools and taking a seat.

"I'm in the back Absol, hold on a moment." Hoshous voice called from the back room.

Looking around the bar, I could picture how it is when it's busy as even when the place is empty it still has a very cozy and homely atmosphere. A few clangs of metal sounded from the back room as Hoshou was moving around some pots I figured for breakfast whenever that came around.

"Is there anything that I can get you Absol?" Hoshou said still in the back room. "I haven't really opened up yet for the morning so some things may still be put away."

"Just some coffee is fine Hoshou." i said slouching a little in the barstool leaning over the counter and spotting a bottle of beer sitting behind it.

Making sure that Hoshou was still in the back, I slowly leaned over the counter to grab the bottle. I had just managed to grip it when Hoshou spoke up again.

"You better not be leaning over the counter to grab something Absol." Her voice said in a stern tone.

'Uh, no of course not, why would you think i would do that?" I say quickly retreating my hand.

'Well, because that's something I know you'd do without a moment's thought. And also you're hood better not be up in here as I don't need your menacing look in here." She said.

I pulled my hood down just as she came out the back carrying some cups and coffee. I gave a little nod of greeting as she set to work tying up her apron and beginning to make the coffee that i had ordered.

'So what brings you here this morning as I rarely see you at this hour?" She said turning to face me as the coffee pot brewed.

"Well I've been called away on a mission given to me by the Admiral and for the most part I am to leave as soon as possible, which at my best guess means today." i say resting my elbows on the counter.

"Ah, well do you know how long you'll be out?" She asks casting a glance back at the coffee pot every few moments.

"A few weeks maybe a month at the most." I say letting out a small sigh as the pot finally made a small ding indicating that it was done. "So I'm not going to see Crane at all for that time and honestly thats the only issue I have."

Hoshou chuckled a little as she grabbed the pot and poured me my mug of coffee. Besides Montana, Hoshou was the only other person who knew of my thing for Crane, and I mean who wouldn't? Shoukaku is her "daughter" so mother always knows.

"I find it to be playfully adorable how much you fawn over her, I mean your only concern for this mission is that you won't be able to see her for a period of time and that you just want to be nearby." She smiled sliding me my mug. "But trust me, I'm sure she'll be just fine and awaiting your return as she's grown quite attached in a nice friendly way."

Hoshou was correct in that aspect as for the most part most of the fleetgirls were terrified of me to varying degrees, however Shoukaku was the only one out of everyone who treated me kindly and actually talked to me freely, though at times some of the younger ships such as the destroyers came and talked.

"Also I'll be sure to keep Inazuma cheery in your absence as well." Hoshou said with a wink as I nearly spit out the sip of coffee I had just taken.

"How the fuck do you know about that?" I say in a low hiss even though we are the only two in the bar.

"Thats a mothers secret." She says with a finger to her lips before turning her back and prepping things.

I eyed her suspiciously as I finished my coffee thinking to Inazuma. She was very shy and even more so when it came to me, but for some reason, even though I barely tolerate most of the girls I found myself growing attached to her as she was also like Shoukaku in the aspect that she would come and hang out with me at times in secret and honestly, I just sort of brought her under my wing of protection.

Now, I don't know how Hoshou found out as I know that if that ever came to light by anyone else I would probably have to kill whoever found out. "I'm probably going to be gone for close to a month maybe longer." I say running my finger over the lip of the mug.

'Well I'm sure that the girls here will miss you dearly though may I ask where you're going?" Hoshou asked as she took the mug and filled it again with coffee.

"Sorry, but Admirals order say no loose lips." I smile taking up the full mug again and sipping it.

"Well that is something the Admiral usually does, but whatever is meant for the best." She turned and faced me leaning over the bar.

I give her a grin as I finish the mug and put it back down. "Well at least I'll miss your coffee."

"Oh you flatter me Absol, but my coffee isn't that good." Hoshou laughs a little bashful.

"Anyways, I best be prepping to go as I'm leaving in a little bit." I say standing up from the stool and pulling up my hood.

"Alright, but be careful please I don't want Shoukaku to worry for you."

"I'll be sure to return Hoshou you can mark my words." I laugh giving her a nod before walking out of the bar where the first rays of morning light is beginning to pierce the horizon. I laughed slightly and adjust my sword before taking a breath and heading towards Akashis and the docks to launch.

"Well fancy to see you up this morning." A all to familiar grating voice says behind me as I grit my teeth.

"Well the morning was ok until you fucking showed up Montana." I say turning around to face the annoying goody two shoes battleship.

"Well I was on my way to practice sparring when I sensed a very dark and ominous aura and fearing danger I came to find that it's just you." Montana gave me a smirk as I gripped my sword.

"If you want to spar as you've annoyed me, then lets go, as I have to get going soon." I grit my teeth drawing my sword and made a strike towards him but he had gotten better and had already drawn his sword to parry the strike.

"I'm guessing you've got to go on a mission because you're always in a more foul mood when theres a mission." Montana says taking a few steps back as we circled eachother as I twirled my sword slightly.

"And whats that to you?" I growl making a strike towards him as our swords connected causing sparks to fly.

"Eh just curious, I mean the Admiral does have ways of getting you on missions so where to?" He says nonchalantly as he makes a swipe at my side as I sidestep and swing my sword towards his arm.

Montana takes a sidestep and pulls his hilt to deflect that blow. We stare each other down for a moment before unleashing a few flurry of strikes on each other to little avail in gaining the upper hand. Montana hopped to the side after blocking another of my strikes and sheathed his sword. I followed suit and lowered my hood.

"Well it's best that I don't keep you from your mission. And don't worry I'll take care of Shoukaku in your stead." He said with a smirk that made my blood boil and I had to restrain myself from hacking it off his face.

"I'll be back in about two weeks, a month at most. She better be fine or I swear I willl gut you where you stand." I say with a cold icy stare.

Montana laughed and waved as he walked off. "Don't worry she'll be fine, I give you my word." With that Montana disappeared as I turned and grumbling made it towards the docks.

The docks were relatively empty with a few of the destroyers returning from overnight expeditions and gave me yawning hellos when they passed. Absol opened the door to the docks where the ringing of hammers and whirring of machines indicated Akashi was up and at work. I really didn't want to get into a conversation with the fanatic mechanic. I spotted my rig where my fairy stood on one of the turrets and was making motions to the other fairies working on my rig.

"Alright….theres my rig so lets get going." I say hesitantly looking around to try and spot Akashi as I make my way to my rig and hooking myself up.

"Well taking your rig without telling me is rather rude." Akashi said pointedly as I swore under my breath.

I turn and look at Akashi who is wearing her usual outfit covered in oil spots but her breasts seem to be poking a little out of her shirt. "Well I would rather not get into a conversation especially with you showing off your rather sad set of drums."

Akashi sighed and rolled her eyes. "You never know when not to be an asshole or is this how you usually are?" She said a little pointedly.

"Eh it's how I always am and if you don't like it take a hike." I say giving her a smirk. "Now is there anything important you want to say or are you just here to flaunt your tits?"

"I just came to wish you luck on your mission and for you to try not and wreck your rigs as it's hard to repair those things." She sighed as I turned and gave her the bird before stepping onto the launch platform. "Now I'm not gonna be back for at least a month so I hope this place doesn't go to shit while I'm gone."

"I'm sure it wont as the world doesn't revolve around you you know." Akashi crossed her arms. "Maybe on your trip learn to be a little less arrogant and a little less of an asshole."

"But those are my quirks." I say giving her a smile as I turned towards her and faced her again. "But I think you should relieve some of that pent up stress by having a little personal fun with one of your wrenches." I laugh and flip her off again as the launch shot me down the ramp backwards.

I splash down into the water and with grace turn myself around as I set sail to the shores of California and to my target. Im pull up a mental image of the Montana I was to hunt and kill. "USS Maine." I say to myself as my mental image popped up and I memorised her features.

Maine seemed to be a hardy girl with silver hair and brown eyes and a complexion who seemed almost on par as the viper Klara but, I promised myself that I would make sure that this skank suffered very dearly just like I was going to do to Klara and the other three ships that I was set on slaughtering. The journey that I had set up mentally was that I would hit the U.S first then either cross the country land wise or make my way through Panama, but the midpoint in my journey was going to be Bikini Atoll as these waters were a bit infested with Abyssals, though I really didn't worry that much.

The sun was now beginning to climb higher into the sky as I for the most part lazily cruised along swinging my sword with boredom as it would take me quite a decent amount of time to reach Bikini Atoll as from my rough positioning I was not even a quarter of the way there. By my estimate I'd probably be arriving just as it was getting dark. I groaned and slumped slightly as I lowered my hood.

"This is going to be so fucking boring!" I yelled to the ocean as I honestly had nothing to do except sail towards my destination as I wouldn't be able to have any fun unless by some random occurance I spotted a…

I smiled and unsheathed my sword as to what my luck I spotted a Abyssal convoy with three Abyssal transports and a few destroyers and cruisers. "Perfect, a opportunity to let out some of my pent up boredom!" I laughed diverting my course to intercept in front of them.

I quickly and with ease crossed in front of them and stopped resting my sword on my shoulder. "Well hello my unfortunate souls!" I called with a smile as the lead Abyssal slowed to a stop.

The other ships in the line began to take up a defensive formation and began to fire at me that with a sigh I literally just backhanded the shells away. "Oh come on is really peashooters all that you got?" I laughed as I aimed one of my guns at a transport. "This is what real firepower is!"

I laugh as my gun erupts a explosion of fire slamming into the transport and causing it to explode. "Oh don't be sad I think you'll enjoy some more personal attention." I smile charging in before the lead Abyssal could react and rammed my sword straight through.

The Abyssals expression was that of shock before that expression vanished with me slicing up cutting the Abyssal in half. Blood sprouted like a fountain and some of it hit my face which I wiped away leaving a bloody mark. "So…" I say cooly looking at the other Abyssals. "Whos next?"

Within a few minutes the encounter was over with the Abyssals sinking beneath the waves with various states of dismemberment. The ocean was a tint of red with how much blood I spilled and my sword was still dripping into the ocean. I wiped the blade with the sea water before sheathing it and wiping my face a little.

"Eh the cloak will wash out on my journey." I give a little laugh as I continue on noticing storm clouds beginning to gather in the distance. "Well isn't this just some fucking foreshadowing material."

I grumble as I sail towards the storm clouds and to whatever it is I may encounter on my journey as the killing and slaughter was only just beginning and I couldn't help but smile at that thought.

Well theres that done so lets hope I can keep going so be sure to like and comment as well as fav and follow it as well