Hey! I've already gotten a few follows and favorites, which I greatly appreciate. Also, did anyone else notice how many spelling mistakes were in the first chapter? My phone did that. - I'll fix those.

Marinette groaned as his blaringly loud alarm clock woke him from his sleep. He shouldn't have been this tired, but...

He just couldn't sleep last night.

Thinking about what Chat Noir said really did break his heart. He wished they could show thier identities to one another but... It just can't happen. Marinette knew they way Chat felt about him, more than anyone else. It'd be an outright lie to say there wasn't something there but...

Adrien was still on Marinette's mind. Everything was pretty confusing right now. Marinette stretched and pushed off his blue sheets, taking his time to climb off his bed. "Morning, Tikki." She waved and gave a smile from her spot on Marinette's nightstand, stretching as well. "I'll bring you something to eat from the kitchen. Stay hidden." It was only 7, school was in two hours. He had plenty of time to get ready. He stopped to stare at Adrien's picture for a moment(Marinette swore it was brief), and quickly flipped open the trapdoor leading to the bakery.

"Good morning, Marinette!" He stopped to hug his father, who was currently working the bakery. His mother must still be asleep, forgetting to follow her own chagrin about waking up early. He could hear snickers from the kids waiting for their parents to finish ordering. He honestly couldn't care less anymore. "I don't care if it's a girl's name. It's MY name." He always whispered this to himself when he got made fun of. Marinette sent them a dirty look and continued on his way to the kitchen.

Marinette checked his phone.

March 17. 8:31 am.

Alya: i swear if your late this time

Marinette: *you're and, I'm already on my way. :P

Alya: You're lucky we're best friends, asshole

Marinette: Hey, looks like you managed to spell that right! :D Kidding, but I'll be there. Gotta go.

He quickly turned his screen off, ignoring the buzzing from Alya's responding text. He had the school in sight, getting to the steps just in time to see Adrien being escorted out of his car. Marinette felt his heart skip a beat. Adrien quickly caught sight of him and waved a hello. "Hey, Marin-"

Ugh, Chloe. "Hey, Adrihoney! Come walk in with me! Your seats all ready for you!" She threw Marinette a heated glare from across the pavement. Chloe quickly dragged him into school, looking suspiciously at Marinette's knapsack. Marinette followed her gaze and caught Tikki assessing the situation. He freaked and climbed up the steps, taking the quickest route to the bathrooms, ignoring Alya's wave as she got to school.

"Tikki! I thought you knew to stay hidden at school. Chloe saw you." He bent down and looked out of the bottom of his stall to see if anyone else was here. The coast was clear. "I'm sorry Marinette! Chloe's just so mean. I was trying my best to stay hidden but I couldn't see very well. Again, I'm sorry!" Marinette looked over his kwami, she was sincere.

Marinette sighed. "I'm not mad, don't be sorry. Just, stay hidden next time, alright?" Marinette opened the stall back up, hearing the first bell ring. He walked out of the bathroom and almost walked right into Chloe. "Wow, you're a freak. Who were you talking to in there? Your failed love life, our your non existent fashion sense?" Sabrina gave a amused smirk from her side. "None of your business. Go to class, but then again, it's not like your grades can get any lower anyways." Chloe scoffed at Marinette's smile and swifly pushed past him to class, Sabrina following behind like a lost puppy. Marinette could've sworn Chloe was smiling.

"Brat." He hurried off to class, even though his head was screaming something was wrong.