(A/N) Thanks to everyone who reviewed/favorited/followed this - it really means a lot to me! :) This is the final chapter, and it displays some major cheese, but these two are so cute, forgive my royal cheesiness XD


Lex repeated again, stupidly. It couldn't be though, she'd watched him...

"You're alive?" She thought of the last time she had seen him; laying on his back in the snow, his fluorescent, green alien blood soaking into the ice beneath him. Lex forced herself to remain in the present - and it wasn't especially hard when the large alien in front of her chittered a greeting at her, and took one large step to stand about an inch away from her.

She leaned her head back almost as far as it would go to look up at him, lolling up at him in shock. As if she couldn't be any more surprised and he was determined to prove her wrong, her companion lifted one of his huge, clawed hands, and clamped it down on her left shoulder, giving her a shake.

"Whoaaa-" Her skull rattled, and she realized that that was probably a "hey, what's up?!" where he came from. She grabbed his scaly wrist, which her fingers wouldn't even fit around, and held on so she wouldn't fall. Not like that grip on her shoulder would've let her go anywhere; she was probably going to wake up the next morning with bruises in the shapes of his monstrous fingers dotting her skin.

She noticed that he wasn't completely donned in the silver armor he had been wearing when she had met him. There were a few protective plates here and there, covering the fronts of his thighs, his calves, the joints on his shoulders, and one large slab covering his heart. The minimal amount needed to protect him, but still allow him freedom to move. She guessed he wasn't hunting any aliens on his trip, which made her wonder exactly why he was here, and how the hell he'd found her.

Lex gave the back of his hand a pat, giving him the benefit of the doubt that he probably didn't realize his own strength, and in his own excitement had overdone it a little. Her brain probably looked like a bowl of oatmeal inside her skull, but it was okay, because he was alive. He came back.

"Yeah, nice to see you too, big guy," She smiled up at him, patting his hand reassuringly. Satisfied that he had gotten his point across, he finally unlatched his hand from her shoulder, not stepping back to give her any more room, just looking down at her with his head tilted.

Swaying on her feet, noticing yet again how much taller he was than her, she leaned back against the island. Partly for support, partly because she was having a hot flash from her previous panic attack, and he was like a live furnace.

Scar tilted his head in inquisition, and she looked up into the expressionless visor of his mask. There was so much she wanted to say, so much she wanted to tell him. A part of her was, to be honest, a little angry. Why had he stayed away for so long, if he had been alive all this time? He obviously hadn't realized the extent of the trauma she had been experiencing thinking he was dead, but still... They had a bond. Why hadn't he at least come back to let her know he was okay? Was she just a silly human that had managed to survive alongside him, and nothing more? No. No, she refused to believe that. He wouldn't have marked her cheek, if that was all she had been to him.

"I thought you were dead."

That, pretty much, completely summed up everything she wanted to say to him.

Back in the pyramid, she had wondered if he could completely understand everything she said to him. He was sentient, she had figured that much out. As barbaric as he looked, there was a certain quality to him that led her to believe that he wasn't just a big brawny extraterrestrial. His weaponry was way more advanced then anything human beings had managed to conjure up, at this point, and the way he hadn't gone stomping around in the pyramid, wreaking havoc and trying to find a way out. Ninety-nine percent of the time, he moved more quietly than she did - taking a guess, she would assume that he had to be at least 300 pounds, but somehow that enormous body managed to keep completely silent. And there was something about his calm, calculating stare that conveyed his intelligence level to her.

Now, he seemed to be doing more of that analyzing. He did nothing for a moment, just stared at her, remaining eerily still. Then, he lifted one huge, clawed hand, and motioned towards his stomach. For the first time, in her prscence at leasta, he spoke in her language, "Thought so too."

Her eyes widened, first at the fact that he had spoken English, then at his words. They flicked down to his abdomen, and she noted the scar that traveled from the middle of his stomach up to almost his collarbone. She frowned; why was it so big? The Queen's tail hadn't been that wide.

Lex looked up at where his eyes would be under the mask, in question. Now, Scar put both hands over the bottom part of his mask, where his mouth would be, and put the insides of his wrists together, the backs of his hands facing her as his fingers all curled back over the cheeks of his mask towards his hair. It almost looked like he was trying to make it look like there was a spider covering his face... And then she got it.

"You- you had one inside you?"

He nodded that huge head once, his hair-like appendages gently falling around his shoulders. Then, in a mixture of his own clicking/growling, hand motions, and broken English, he went on to explain how he had been revived inside the ship, which had been followed by the discovery of the alien nesting in his chest. They had removed it before it had taken his life, but both wounds had become infected because of the foreign secretions from the embryo - plus the amount of blood he had lost had already hindered him. For all of his race's technological advancements, it had still taken him a long time to heal completely, and for fear of injuring himself further, his elders had ordered him not to leave until he had regained his full strength. He also explained how he had managed to sneak onto a few of his comrade's hunting crafts that had come to Earth, and he had gone looking for her. Lex was nomadic, as her job demanded, so it was easy to see how he hadn't been able to find her; it wasn't that small of a world. Even now, she was surprised that he had managed to locate her exact placement on this planet.

She took all of his words/motions/growls in, having to connect the dots from his three different story-telling techniques, piecing everything together. A sudden realization dawned on her, "So this is the first time you've officially been able to leave... And you came here. To see me."

Scar nodded his head once again, chittering contentedly behind his mask.

She waited for him to explain further, but when all he did was continue to look at her, she asked, "Why?"

He pointed to the marking on the forehead of his mask, then reached out, and very gently traced the identical scar on her left cheek. All of the blood in her face rushed to where his finger was touching her, and it wasn't a bad feeling. Not taking his hand away, he spoke again, "Enemey of my enemey is my friend." It was a statement that left no room for question. Lex's eyes widened - he had heard her and Sebastian discovering the history behind the events that occurred in the Pyramid. He considered her to be his friend. That fact, for whatever reason, made her inexplicably giddy. He had even come looking for her, against orders from his superiors, risking a hell of a lot to see her again.

She smiled up at him, making her desicion, as it seemed he had most definitely made his. He wouldn't have come back to find her otherwise. She reached up and placed her hand over his own that was still touching the side of her face, holding it there.

Scar purred loudly, the noise sounding so strange coming from a scaly, seven-foot-something alien with dreadlocks. He readjusted his hand to twine his fingers with hers, and for the first time, she actually felt a twinge of greatfulness that she had gone to the Pyramid at all. Not, of course, for all the awful things that had happened, and for permanently scarring her mind... But that small part of her knew that if she hadn't gone, she wouldn't have met him.

Staring up at him, Lex wondered how completely silly she was for feeling this way about someone she barely knew. But then again, she felt like she'd known him forever. Another part of her realized that maybe they had been destined to find each other. As sappy and gross as it sounded, she felt something for him that she just couldn't shake - something that she hadn't been able to shake for a year, even though he'd been gone, and she had thought he was gone forever.

Now that he was back, though, a new opportunity arose. And by taking his hand, Lex knew she was willing to take that opportunity by the horns (or claws) and go with it.

Gently, Scar pulled her backwards towards her open door, out onto her porch. Lex closed the door behind her, looking up at the full moon between the tree branches, "Where are we going, buddy?"

Scar released her hand, and knelt down with his back facing her. He turned his head, his dreadlocks flying over his shoulder, and motioned for her to get on. Lex laughed, "What, you mean I get to hop on the Scar Express?" Gingerly, she climbed onto his back, and nearly jumped out of her skin when he stood. Damn, he really could see everything from being that tall.

With one final look over his shoulder, as though making sure she was ready, Scar clicked in question, a low purr undermining the chittering sound he made. Lex grinned at him, "Just have me back by bedtime, don't wanna miss my curfew." she teased.

With an amused chortle, Scar turned towards the trees, and quite literally leapt off the porch at a surprising speed. The two of them disappeared into the trees, the moonlight still managing to reach them through the overhanging tree branches. The Hunter's Moon joined the two of them in a whole new adventure, and gripping his shoulders as they hurtled through the forest, the wind flying through her hair, a huge smile on her face, Lex knew this was only the beginning.