Mind Game

This is a DBZ fic about how a young woman finds out that she was found as a child (shortly after Majin Buu was defeated) by Vegeta, and he took a strong liking to her. She soon finds herself fighting between a thin line of love and hate for her father. Can she control her anger in time to free herself from the clutches of evil?

The fic takes place right after DBGT, I guess. Let's all just *pretend* that Trunks, Adrienne, and Goten still live with their parents at Capsule Corp., and Mount Paozu (I think that's it…). And I *promise* it gets better! Just hang in there!!! ^_^ Hope you enjoy!

This fic is dedicated to a girl who thought she wasn't loved and didn't have a family, but then found out that she had been loved and she was right at home all along.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own DBZ, the characters (except Adrienne, Trunks' purple-haired friend and the bad people), the song "Sk8er Boi" (by Avril Lavigne) (but I do own "Saiyan Boi", my version of "Sk8er Boi"), "Barbie Dream Date", "Goodbye To You" (by Michelle Branch), "Adrienne" (by The Calling), "…Baby One More Time" (by Britney Spears (EWWWWW!!!!), The Chicken Dance, Alphabet Cereal, The Far Side Gallery (YOU GO, GARY!!!!!!!), Nike, Adidas, Cross Trekker, City Slicks, Faded Glory, Elmo's World, or anything else I may mention in this fic.

"Oh, hi, Bulma!" Chi-Chi greeted her friend at the door. She wore a short, purple oriental dress that had golden flowers embroidered into it and Bulma was wearing a short, sporty, tight, red dress with no sleeves. The two were wearing identical shoes: black, three-inch high high-heel sandals.

"Hi!" The friends hugged and someone spoke from behind them:

"No offense, but I didn't come here for 'girl talk'." Chi-Chi turned to see a girl with dark brown hair that stopped a few inches below her shoulders standing there, arms crossed. She wore a tight, white tank top that stopped at her waist with baggy, orange pants that she wore at her hips, revealing about three inches of her stomach. She wore a pair of "Nike's" that had a highly creative design with different colors streaked across it.

"Oh, of course not!" Chi-Chi agreed with a slight smile. The girl smiled back.

"Is Goten here?"

"No, not yet." The girl frowned. "Do you want to help cook?"

Her face brightened. "Yeah!"

The girl raced into the kitchen and Bulma laughed. "That girl *loves* to cook!"


"Mom, you've got the heat on too high." The girl pointed out.

"Oops!" Bulma quickly turned down the heat on the chili. "I hope it didn't burn…!"

"Nah!" The girl said with a slight grin.

"Adrienne, could you get me the butter?" Chi-Chi asked.

"Sure!" Adrienne reached inside of the refrigerator and pulled out the tub of butter. "Here you go!"

"Thank you-" Just then, the door flung open and slammed. They all looked over to see Goten walking in with a depressed expression. He was wearing a green long-sleeve shirt with khaki jean shorts, and a pair of light gray and light blue "Adidas" sneakers. "What's the matter, Goten?"

"I don't want to talk about it!" Goten turned his head and sat down in a chair.

"Come on, Goten!" Bulma said. "Maybe we can help…!"

"No!" Goten rejected their offer.

"What if Adrienne helps?" Chi-Chi asked.

"Oh, alright." Goten gave in, knowing they would continue bugging him no matter what. Chi-Chi and Bulma grinned at each other.

"What's the matter?" Adrienne asked. She pulled up a chair next to him and straddled it. Goten sighed. "Come on, you can tell me!"

"Paresu's goin' out with some 'normal' guy!" Goten told her.

"A fling?" Adrienne asked, cocking her head.

"I don't know," Goten told her. "But when I get my hands on him-"

"She's lucky to have someone like you watching out for her." Adrienne interrupted his sentence, not wanting Chi-Chi to bring out her frying pan. Goten blushed a little, noticing his slip up, and quickly recovered. "But don't worry, Trunks and I know what you're going through. Dad chased off my boyfriend last week!"

Goten laughed. "With your Dad I would be, too!"

"Hey!" Adrienne yelled, standing up.

"Sorry," Goten said with a smile. "I was just joking!"

"Hey, the others should be here by now!" Bulma exclaimed, looking at her watch.

"Why don't you two go outside and wait for them?" Chi-Chi suggested.


"K!" The two left through the back door.


"Kamehameha!" Goten jumped up into a flip to dodge the soaring Kamehameha Wave that was shot at him. He could hear his opponent charging another wave above the sound of the wind rushing over the grass. He grinned just as he landed and the Kamehameha Wave charged through his After Image.

"Where did you-" Adrienne smirked and did a back flip, bringing her right foot into Goten's back.

"Ow!" Goten was sent flying across the yard. Adrienne gestured for him to stand.

"Come on, get up!" Goten growled.

"I'm gonna do a lot more than that…" Goten got onto his hands and knees, causing his sparring partner to frown.

"I know I didn't hurt you that bad!" Goten grinned and seemed to disappear from his spot on the ground. Adrienne growled and threw her arms out. Goten had to move his head a little as Adrienne's cupped hands (which were forming a Ki Blast) met his cheek. Goten grinned up at her and Adrienne smiled back down at him. He had his hands below her chin and was forming a Ki Blast as well.

The two jumped backwards and went into their flawless fighting poses, fifty feet away from each other. Adrienne smiled and stood up straight. Goten frowned. She was plotting something…but what? Adrienne disappeared, moving faster than the human eye could see, and reappeared behind Goten without him noticing. She smirked as her hair and clothes blew to her right, finally catching on to her speed.

Goten felt something slither around his waist, grasping him tightly, nearly causing him to jump. The next thing he knew he was being flipped onto the ground, something coming down hard on top of him. He growled as Adrienne pinned his legs to the ground with her own, and then pinned his arms down high above his head. Goten tried to push her off of him, but her tawny-colored tail wrapped tighter around his waist.

Adrienne looked at Goten suspiciously. "Last time we fought you weren't this weak." Goten threw her off balance and, to her surprise, a second later she was the one being pinned. Adrienne snarled and writhed beneath his weight, trying to pry her body from his grip.

Goten smiled down at her. Sparring with Adrienne always took other things off his mind… off of reality… plus the fact that it was fun to watch her squirm. "I've been practicing."

Adrienne smiled back up at him. "Well my death grip isn't defied easily. Next time I'll use nails."

Goten laughed at her joke, causing her to smile even more. Adrienne's tail loosened its grip and slithered away from Goten's waist, making him stop laughing. Goten's body tensed up as her tail snaked down his leg and back up again. He looked at Adrienne questioningly, who had her eyes closed. Goten swallowed as her tail wrapped around his thigh. He couldn't stand it anymore: "Adrienne-" Adrienne just smiled and her tail left his leg. She couldn't help but wonder what he thought she was going to do.

Goten's heavy breathing was tickling Adrienne's face gently, which seemed to get closer and closer as it got hotter and hotter. It was her turn to swallow and Goten's lips were suddenly forced against hers in a lustful passion.

"Hiya, Goten! What are you up to?" Adrienne opened her eyes and turned to see Krillin. She blushed at her foolish antics and hoped nobody would notice. Krillin spotted Adrienne's gaze and noticed she was blushing. He grinned. "Oh, I see. Better not let Vegeta catch you or you'll be dead!"

"What?" Goten finally got it as he realized the position that he and Adrienne were in. "*Krillin*!" Krillin laughed as Goten jumped up. "We were just fighting!"

"The quicker you deny it, the more chance you're lying." Krillin told him as Gohan offered a hand to Adrienne. Goten gaped and moved his mouth, but no words came out. Krillin smiled. "And that's exactly what Gohan and Videl said."

Gohan gasped. "*Krillin*!" Krillin laughed and Videl shook her head. "Anyways, how are you, Goten?"

"I'm fine." Goten told him. Gohan was wearing a white long-sleeve shirt that was covered by a gray button-up shirt and he wore brown pants, which were suspended by a black belt and some black "Cross Trekker" sneakers. "And you?"

"We're fine." Krillin and Gohan said at the same time. Krillin was wearing something casual for a change, a blue, red, and yellow Hawaiian shirt with a pair of khaki shorts and red "City Slicks" sneakers.

"Do Chi-Chi and Bulma need help?" Eighteen asked. She was wearing a red shirt with red and white striped sleeves with a pair of short, five-pocket denim shorts. Marron had forced her to wear a pair of red identical shoes.

"Well, they kicked us out." Goten said, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder at Adrienne.

"I see." Eighteen said.

"Well, let's go find out, then!" Marron exclaimed, grabbing her mother's hand. Marron was wearing a pink jumper with a white, short-sleeved blouse underneath it. She was wearing a pair of high-heel sandals like Bulma and Chi-Chi's, only hers were pink. "Come on!"

"Alright, alright!" Marron dragged Eighteen into the house and Adrienne decided to speak up.

"Where's Pan?" She asked the woman who was wearing short black shorts like Eighteen's, a red tank top, with a pair of black "Faded Glory" tennis shoes. Videl smiled at her.

"She's out with Goku-"

"Come on, you guys!" A voice came from up in the sky. "We don't wanna be late!!!"

"Shut up, Kakarott!" Came a grumpy Saiyan Prince's voice. "I am having a lovely talk with my son!"

"*'Lovely'*?" Goku repeated. Goku, Pan, and Trunks cracked up laughing.

"SHUT UP!!!!!!"

"Sounds like Vegeta," Bulma said, smiling. She, Chi-Chi, Eighteen, and Marron had come back out of the house. A ticked off Vegeta landed, followed by three laughing Saiyans.

"Dad!" Adrienne ran over to him.

"Hey!" Vegeta's expression changed completely as he spotted his daughter. He was wearing a pair of black, leather pants with a tucked-in red tank covered by a black leather jacket. He wore red boots with navy blue tips and they seemed to have Velcro holding them together.

"Favoritism." Trunks said, crossing his arms. He was wearing khaki shorts with a long-sleeve navy blue "Capsule Corp" tee and his light blue bandana that he liked to tie around his neck. He wore a pair of orange boots with navy blue tips and they were held together with Velcro like Vegeta's boots.

"Hey, guys!" Goku said, waving. He was wearing a light blue shirt with gray sweatpants and he wore a pair of white and black "Adidas's". (A/n: -_- Yes I am aware that I like to put in shoe names, now LEAVE ME ALONE, COURTNEY!!!)

"Hey!" Everyone responded.

"You look rather normal today." Videl told him. Goku laughed and shrugged.

"Hey, guys!" They all turned to see Bra running towards them. Adrienne groaned and Trunks nudged her. Adrienne sighed.

"Hi, Bra…" Bra smiled.

"Hello, Adrienne!" Adrienne scowled at Trunks and Trunks stuck his tongue out at her in return. Bra was wearing a red mini-skirt with a pink tank top, and she, also, was wearing the three-inch high high-heel sandals.

"Hey, Adrienne, race you around the block!" Pan was wearing a red short-sleeve shirt with yellow lining, and light blue jean shorts. She was wearing an orange bandana to tie her hair back and she wore purple boots with black tips. Pan began to fiddle with the chain hanging from her pants.

Adrienne smiled. "You're on, kid!"

"Hang on, let's find a place for the finish line…" So the two took off in search of a clear spot for a finish line and starting line.

"Hey, guys, are we gonna start the cookout or not?" Goku asked. "Come on, I'm *starving*!"


"Hey, are Pan and Adrienne back yet?" Trunks asked.

"I don't think so…" Videl looked off towards a mountain in the distance.

"Hey, don't worry!" Gohan said, putting a hand on his wife's shoulder. "Pan can take care of herself!"

"I know, but…"

"It's just so hard to let them go, isn't it?" Bulma asked.

"Mm hm." Chi-Chi nodded. Suddenly, a strong breeze blew and they all had to grab the stuff on the table, and Goku and Gohan even had to hold the grill.

"What was that?" Goten asked.

"Oh, that must be Pan!" Chi-Chi said, smiling. Another quick breeze blew and they all grabbed everything. "That must be Pan again!" Yet, another breeze blew, and they all had to grab the stuff, *again*. "And that must be Pan- yet *again*!" Another breeze blew. "STOP IT ALREADY!!!!!!!!"

"NO, YOU CAN'T BEAT MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" The Saiyans heard a female shout. Adrienne suddenly appeared next to the table, getting something out from underneath her nail.

"Hm…?" Adrienne looked up at them all. Pan slid by, creating another great breeze. Pan finally stopped.

"You cheated!!" Pan pointed at Adrienne.

"I did not."

"You did your instant transmit thingy that Grandpa can do!" Pan exclaimed, panting for breath. "How did you get so much faster?"

"Hm hm!" Vegeta winked, stuck out his tongue, and made the peace sign with two fingers.

"What's the matter?" Puar asked. "Did Adrienne beat you again?"

"*Yes*!" Pan exclaimed. "I don't get it! Every time we race, she keeps getting faster!"

"Then race Puar…" Adrienne said, pointing at the flying shape-shifter.

"I wanna race a girl!" Pan yelled, stomping her feet. Puar changed into a little girl. Pan blinked, then looked back at Adrienne. "I demand a rematch!"

"Fine." Adrienne said. "How many laps?"

"Um… how about thirty?" Adrienne nodded.

"Okay, sounds good to me."

"HA! After the tenth lap, I'm sure she'll be worn out!" Pan thought. "Ready…"

"WAIT!" Everyone yelled.

"Huh?" Pan and Adrienne looked up. Goku pointed at the sky.

"Have it up there."

"Okay!" Pan and Adrienne took flight.

"That girl can fly?" Yamcha asked.

"Well, *duh*!" Vegeta yelled. "After all, she's the Saiyan Prince's daughter."

"Oh shut *up*." Bulma said. Everyone but Bulma and Vegeta started clapping.

"Go Bulma!" Eighteen cheered.

"Hey, are you okay? You don't look so good…" The Saiyans could hear Adrienne say from far above.


"PAN!!!!!!!!" Goku, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks gasped. Pan appeared as she fell through the clouds, then Adrienne appeared and caught her.

"OH MY DENDE!!!!!!!" Gohan clutched his face in horror. He fainted and fell off his bench. Videl jumped up. Gohan quickly recovered.

"Pan!" Everyone stood as Adrienne landed and they all rushed over to her.

"She'll be fine," Adrienne said. "Just let her rest for now."

Videl took Pan from Adrienne and went inside, followed by Chi-Chi, Bulma, Gohan, Goku, and Eighteen. Adrienne stared after them. Vegeta shook his head and sat back down. Vegeta noticed Goten was staring at something and Krillin quickly noticed that Vegeta had noticed. "Goten! Pst! Goten! Turn around, man!"

"Hm…" Vegeta followed Goten's line of vision to see that he was staring at what he had hoped he wasn't- his daughter. Vegeta started fuming as Krillin and Yamcha tried to turn Goten around. Marron noticed Vegeta's red face and grabbed a hold of Goten's shirt.

"Hey!" Marron pulled Goten behind the grill. "What's the big idea-"

"Listen!" Yamcha whispered, appearing behind the grill. "I know that you have a crush on Adrienne, but don't let Vegeta catch you staring!"

"What!? I do not have a crush on her!" Goten crossed his arms.

"Oh yeah?" Yamcha asked. "How do you explain your little 'fighting' scene?"

"You had the *hugest* crush on her when you were a kid!" Krillin whispered. "You two liked each other a lot! Even then Vegeta knew what was going to become of a child-like crush! Why do you think you haven't seen her for the past two months? Forbiddance! Don't you remember when we were at the movies?"

"…" Goten went into a flashback.


"Hey, brat, move, I want to sit next to my daughter." Vegeta said to Goten. Goten shook his head.

"Uh uh!"

"Daddy, you can sit right here!" Adrienne said, patting the empty seat to her right. Vegeta stared at it, then looked back at Goten.


"No!" Goten turned his head.

"Fine then, I'll just be taking THIS." Vegeta took Goten's popcorn bag.

"Ugh!" Goten gaped. "Give it back!"

"Then move."


"Then I won't be giving this back to you." Vegeta said, waving the popcorn bag in front of him.

"GIVE ME BACK MY POPCORN!!!!" Goten demanded.









"I SAID MOVE IT, BRAT!!!!!!!!"

"NO!!!!!!!" Goten Ki blasted Vegeta, and left Adrienne's father smoking, popcorn bag in his hand. Trunks snickered from behind them. Goten took his popcorn back from Vegeta and popped a piece in his mouth. "MMMMMMM!!! POP-corn!"


"Yeah," Goten nodded. "Then Vegeta shot me back with a Ki blast and I was rushed to the hospital…"

"Exactly." Marron said, nodding.

"Be more careful next time." Yamcha warned.

"I don't have a crush on her!"

"So what is this, 'Behind the Grill Clubs'?" They all screamed and jumped out from behind the grill. Adrienne smiled and jumped off the grill.

"Mighty cute daughter you got there, Vegeta!" Master Roshi said. Vegeta growled and whacked the ol' geezer upside the head with a bag of hotdog buns.


"Look what I found! Look what I found!"

"What now?" Everyone looked up to see Chi-Chi come running out of the house with something. Chi-Chi had been finding things and rushing out of the house with them.

"I found Goku, Gohan, and Goten's grass skirts!" Chi-Chi exclaimed, waving three grass skirts in the air. The three Gos thought they were gonna be sick. "You know! The ones they wore at the sacrifice when we were on FHI!"

"Well why don't we get them to put them on for us?" Vegeta asked with a smirk. Bulma stifled a giggle.

"Okay!" Videl nodded.

"I can even run home and get Krillin's." Eighteen said.

"And Trunks wouldn't mind running home and getting his and Vegeta's, now would you, Trunks?"

"Uhhhhh, no ma'am!"

"What about me? What about me?" Yamcha asked. "I wanna wear a grass skirt!"

Adrienne, Goten, and Trunks stifled a laugh. "Oh, shut up, Yamcha! All you wanna do is flash the women!"

"No I don't! That's just not decent…!" Goten, Trunks, and Adrienne fell off the bench laughing. Goku smiled.

"They're all so alike."


"Hey, Puar, where's Oolong?" Bulma asked.

"He thought he would get barbequed," Puar explained.

"Oh." They all nodded. They all went back to watching the men have their Kamehameha Wave contest. They were trying to see who could make theirs go the farthest.

"Okay, now let me start over." Goku stood up. "Ka-me-ha-me-"

"HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" A huge blast came shooting past them, going right through the trees.

"Huh???" They all blinked. Adrienne ran forward.

"Whooooaaaaaa!!! COOL!" Adrienne jumped up into the air with a flip, and hovered. Her tail waved in amusement. She cocked her head and put her hands on her hips. "I wonder how far it went…?"

"How did she-"

"That's my girl!" Vegeta shouted with pride, as if they all didn't know. Bulma rolled her eyes.

"How did you do that!?" Goten asked.

"I *am* the Saiyan Prince's daughter!" Adrienne told him.


"Sorry, old turtle, you just don't have what it takes." Vegeta said.

"I'm gonna go see how far it goes!" Adrienne took off.

"Hey, wait for me!" Trunks flew off after her. Adrienne and Trunks came back from the direction that they had went, looking a little confused. "We just couldn't see the end…"

The ground began to shake and then a blast came through. Goten, Gohan, Goku, Trunks, and Adrienne had to jump out of the way. The blast disappeared and they all stared at the ground.

"Hm…"Goku observed how the blast had reached the same exact place Adrienne's blast had started. Adrienne jumped up and punched a fist in the air.

"WHOO-HOO!!!!!!!" Adrienne landed with a huge grin. "IT WENT AROUND THE ENTIRE EARTH!!!!!!!!!!"

"I bet I can do better!" Goku jumped forward. "KamehameHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Goku sent out a bigger Kamehameha wave than Adrienne's. Everyone looked around as it disappeared. The ground started shaking and all of the humans fell. The Kamehameha wave came by and disappeared.

"Neat… it already went further than Adrienne's!" Goten exclaimed. The ground started shaking again. "Whoa!"

"Dad, what did you *do*!???" Gohan asked, holding Videl up. The ground stopped shaking as the Kamehameha wave passed again.

"Okay, it should be over." Goku said, taking a step forward and looking at the ground. "Let's see, Adrienne's went around once, and mine went twice…"

"Look out!" Adrienne shoved Goku out of the way of his own Kamehameha wave came by.

"What…?" Goku looked up at his Kamehameha wave's trail. "How come the ground didn't shake?"

"It's smaller, and it's off the ground." Vegeta said. "It is *so* obvious. But it's just like Kakarott to- AH!" Vegeta dodged the Kamehameha wave. "KAKAROTT!!!!!!!!"

"Heh…" Goku smiled.

"Cool! Cool! COOL! COOL! *COOOL*!!!!!!" Goten was jumping around. The Kamehameha wave came back and then disappeared right where Goku had started it. "**COOOOOOOOOOOOOL**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Hey, can you teach me how to make mine that powerful?" Adrienne asked. Goku laughed.

"I think that's enough Kamehamehas for the day!"


"Dad, come on, I have a date tonight!" Trunks whined.

"Neither of you are leaving until you can create a Kamehameha wave as powerful as Kakarott's!" Vegeta yelled.

"Ohhhhhhhh!" Adrienne and Trunks groaned and looked at each other.

"We're gonna be here forever." Trunks said.

"Don't worry," Adrienne said. "I have a plan to get us out of here!"

"Really?" Trunks asked.

"Yeah!" Adrienne nodded with a smile. "Hey, is Goten still coming over for supper?"

"Um…yeah!" Trunks nodded. "Why? Are you and him going somewhere or something?"


"AHA!" Adrienne blushed.


"Yes, sir!"

"Guys, I brought cookies!" Bulma entered the Gravity Room and collapsed immediately, getting squished as flat as a pancake.

"OH MY DENDE!" Trunks squeaked.

"Turn off the gravity machine!" Adrienne commanded. Vegeta quickly reached over to the panel that said "1,500" and shut it off. Bulma's body sprung back up to its normal state.

"Baka onna!" Vegeta yelled. "You could have been killed!"

"Well, if you hadn't screwed around with the system!" Bulma yelled. She sighed. "My goodness, it seems like you keep raising the gravity every time…"

"Well, we are…" Trunks glanced at Adrienne, who was stifling a giggle.

"Right, of course you are…" Bulma picked up her tray and started picking up the cookies. She held up a cookie, which has been compressed. It was really thin, but really wide. "Oh my!"

Adrienne and Trunks laughed. Trunks picked up a cookie, and then it bent over. "I'll just clean this up later…" Bulma said, looking at all of the cookies. "Anyway, Goten is here!"

"REALLY!!!!?" Trunks dropped the cookie in his hand and ran out of the Gravity Room.

"So early???" Adrienne asked. "But it's only- oh, great, the gravity crushed my watch again! When will supper be ready?"

"Ten to twenty minutes." Bulma said.

"Okay, I'm gonna go take a quick shower!" Adrienne ran out of the room.

"And I am going to watch Kakarott's brat until you get out!" Vegeta called after his daughter.



"Hey, what's this?" Goten asked, pointing at a yellow flower. They were walking through the garden on the fifth floor of Capsule Corp.

"I have no idea." Trunks said. "Take one home if you want."

"No thanks."

"Hey, are you nervous?" Trunks asked.

"Hm? Me? Why?"

"About dating my sister," Trunks grinned. "Come on, you can tell me!"

"No." Goten crossed his arms.

"Fine, then, I'll just have to give you a… *nuggie* (sp?)!"

"AH! NO!" Goten tried to pull out of Trunks' lock.

"Is this a new fighting style or are you both just acting insane again?" Adrienne asked. Trunks stopped and looked at her:

"Huh?" Goten took this chance and pulled out of Trunks' lock.

"Mom says supper's ready." Adrienne said, turning. "I'll race you both there!"

"You're on!"

"Alright, I'll give you… a five second head start. Ready…go!" Adrienne said. The two flew off, and out of the Garden.

"OW!" Trunks hit his head on the ceiling where it sloped down with the stairs. Goten laughed and flew into the elevator. He pressed a button, crossed his arms and waited for it to arrive on the first floor.

The elevator doors finally opened and Goten flew out, Trunks appearing in front of him. Goten gave himself a boost off the wall, passing Trunks, but Trunks wasn't that dumb. He grabbed Goten's foot and pulled him back. "Hey!"

"Nyah nyah!" Goten flew off after his friend, and they arrived in the living room at the same time. Adrienne was standing there, arms crossed, tapping her foot. Adrienne uncrossed her arms.

"What *took* you? I'm not very patient when it comes to races, you know."

"But how did you…?" Goten pointed back at the stairs. "Did you instant transmit?"

"No." Adrienne shook her head.

"So which path did you take?" Trunks asked. Adrienne smiled.

"The dangerous one."


"What is she talking about, the dangerous one?" Goten asked Trunks as the three walked into the dining room.

"It's the fastest way," Trunks said. "But it's the most dangerous. I'll show you later."


"Hey, guys!" Bra was already sitting at the table. Adrienne groaned and looked at the sky.

"Please don't let her bug me! *Please* don't let her bug me…!"


"Bra, Adrienne, would you mind helping me with the dishes?"

"No, ma'am!" The two started gathering the plates, and Bra deliberately grabbed Goten's plate. The two left the room to the kitchen, following their Mother. Just as soon as the door closed, there was the thud of a plate.



"Okay, bye, Mom!" Bra came out of the kitchen rubbing her head. "Bye, Trunks! Bye, Dad!" She kissed her father's cheek. "Bye, Goten! Tell everyone else I said bye!"

"Bye!" Trunks and Goten waved.

"Where is she off to?" Goten asked after the door closed.

"Cheerleader Boot Camp." Trunks said. "She doesn't really want to be a cheerleader, she just wants to hang it with her friends. Sleep-overs." Goten looked confused. "You know, where the girls paint each other's nails, talk about boys, and play stupid games like "Barbie Dream Date", the kind of stuff that kills a guy."

"I'm just getting *all* of my children off my hands tonight!" Vegeta said with a smile.

"Hey, Vegeta?" Vegeta looked at "Kakarott's brat". "Who is Adrienne? Really? I can pick up your scent in her, but I can't smell Bulma."

"Ah, somebody with sense!" Vegeta said. He smiled. "You're not as dumb as you look, Goten!"

"Thank you." Goten glanced at Trunks. "I think…"

"Well, this story takes place a long time ago…" Vegeta said, reaching back into his memory to tell Goten the story of Adrienne.