Hello! I'm Rosie! I figured I should put a little note here for you guys so you can understand a little of what this is going to be about. Well, like the summary says, Raven and Gar are much different than how you remember them! It's going to be a little darker than teen titans normally is, but from the theme of the story, them being addicts and their lives being severely affected by those addictions, that's to be expected. Well... I don't want to give too much away right now so on to the story!

FYI: I don't own Teen Titans (Obviously)

"So! … Who would like to go first?"

Randy's cheerful voice echoed throughout the bland room like it did every session. Now, though i say cheerful, it's quite obvious that it was superficial. He always tried to keep an optimistic attitude because he thought it would "inspire others" … at least that's what he told us. It was crap and everybody knew it. We were all addicts, yes, but we weren't stupid, and we knew when hope was lost.

My hope was lost.


Ugh! Is there another Garfield in here i don't know about?

"Garfield, would you like to share?"


"Go ahead! There's no judging here, right guys?"

"…" I kid you not, i heard crickets through the silence.

"Alright, alright." I said softly, if only to put Randy out of his misery.

"I'm addicted to—"

"No, no! Say the whole thing!" Randy said with an eager glint in his eyes.

I sighed, "Hi, my name is Garfield— call me Gar."

"Hi Gar…" Everyone lazily offered.

"Yeah, hi, whatever. I'm here because I'm addicted to—"

SLAM! The door abruptly collided with the adjacent wall as the new comer entered.

Woah, heyyy newcomer. The most mystically deep-blue-almost-purple eyes scanned the room methodically, seeking the least threatening-looking seat in the room. Please sit next to me, please sit next to me…! Time slowed down as she found the winning seat… and sped up as it shattered my dreams, and she plopped into a seat across the room, pulling her hoodie farther over her face and securing it with its drawstrings.

Well, damn, I thought as I slid down my seat dejectedly. Suddenly, I noticed I wasn't the only one enthralled by this beauty, though probably for a different reason. Everyone in the room had their gaze set questionably on her, only not with the same interest I had.

"Well… though you were unexpected, you definitely are welcome. Nice to have you… what was your name?"

Purple Eyes quickly shifted her gaze to Randy and her deep blue orbs sharpened threateningly as she glared at him.

"Hee hee…" He mumbled nervously.

Okay, well! Before our newcomer arrived, our friend Garfield—"


"—Gar was sharing. Care to continue Gar?"

"Huh? Oh… yeah, sure.

I slowly stood up out of my seat as I cleared my throat. "So, yeah, my name is Gar, I'm 25 years old, and I'm addicted to…." My voice trailed off as I changed my mind about sharing. I was already uncomfortable about talking about the drug, and I especially didn't want to share in front of pretty Ms. Purple Eyes.

"…" I shuffled my feet and coughed awkwardly before deciding to sit down. Yeah, definitely not gonna share today; everything's wayyyy too awkward.

"Is that it?" Yeah, that's it!

I offered a mumbled "yup" before looking away and having my gaze fall on Purple Eyes. No, her eyes weren't really purple but they were the closest thing to it. And they were beautiful. They were never ending; when you looked into them, you were pulled in and trapped forever in her stare as if she'd put a curse on you. I wish I could say the same of her face but she's kept it hidden the whole time she's been here.

I'm caught staring and suddenly purple eyes shift to meet mine curiously— and also, I notice, with a bit of anger— and my breath catches. Her drawstrings must've loosened because as she lifted her head to look at me, her hood slipped off. My eyes widened when I saw her magical eyes against the pale-almost-snow-white skin that covered her bewitching face.

She must have assumed I was ogling her or something because she quickly snatched her hood up and over her head and all I could see then as she turned away were her plump lips set in a deep frown.

I subconsciously let out a low whistle and flinched when indigo eyes glared at me and I realize I whistled out loud.


"Gar, do you have something else to say?" Randy questioned, eager to have more participation.

"Uh… what? Oh! No, no!" I inwardly groaned as I slid down my chair and took a cue frown Purple Eyes by throwing my hood up.

"Okay, well like I was saying, I'm just going to go around the circle and have everyone share. Gar already shared so we'll start with you Sam!"

The man to my left unsteadily stood up and I could smell the alcohol on his breath as he started to speak.

"Hiii, my naaamee's Sam," he slured.

God this guy's still drunk! Didn't even have the decency to sober up before coming!

"Hi Sam…" everyone cheerfully offered up. Catch my sarcasm there?

"Hi! Well, 'm here because 'm a alco—, acloh—, alcloh—"

"Alcoholic?" Randy offered.

"Yeah! That!" Sam drunkenly smiled.

I scoffed as I witnessed the train wreck in front of me. Sam kept stumbling and I had to hold back the laughter that threatened to burst out at how pathetic he was.

It's been a while since I've done that…

Suddenly, I felt someone looking at me and was surprised to find it was Purple Eyes. I mockingly grinned at Sam and quirked my eyebrow up at her as if to say get a load of this guy.

But my grin quickly faltered as her lips contorted sorrowfully, and she swiftly looked down with— was that— shame in her eyes?

Uh-oh… What'd I do?

My train of thought was interrupted as Sam sat down and another stood up to share their addiction. And when the person before Purple Eyes shared their story, she stood up and excused herself and the session ended as our newcomer and last sharer was apparently all but forgotten.

By everyone but me, that is.

When I watched her hesitate before slipping out the door, I vowed something in my heart.

I would see this girl's sorrow-filled eyes turn joyful and her permanent frown quirk up if it was the last thing I did.

Okay! So there was the first chapter! I hope you liked it! The next one will be from Raven's point of view and you'll see a little bit into what caused her addiction in addition to what it is! Another thing, if anyone reviews, please let me know if I should label who's perspective the chapters are in because there might be a time where I switch within the same chapter. All right guys, see you next time!