Twelve Years Later...
"So tell me again, why are we going to this place out in the middle of nowhere?"
"I told you Rainbow Dash, Celestia said this was a new up and coming town..."
"Ooh, ooh, and she said that Twilight should get used to doing princess duties. So she sent her here to get her hooves wet with visiting new towns for good relations!"
"Thank you Pinkie."
The voices belong to several ponies, all mares, as they rode the Pony Express. A pink earth pony was currently smiling to herself as she rocked on her seat next to a butter colored pegasus. Said pegaus was smiling nervously next to her fellow pink haired friend, before she turned to a violet alicorn with two-toned hair and a bookish air about her.
"Uh, um, Twilight?" The pegasus addressed the alicorn, who turned her head towards her.
"Yes, Fluttershy?"
"Where are we going exactly?" Fluttershy asked, to which Twilight rummaged around in her saddlebag before bringing out a map. Unfurling it, she pointed a hoof towards a space good distance away from Ponyville, more near Baltimare.
"That's the place, it's called heky, henya, heki?" She tried and failed to pronounce the name, bringing attention from her other three friends.
"What kind o' fancy-smancy talk is that?" Came the input of an orange earth pony, as she eyed the town's name, scratching her head through her Stetson hat. Coming up on the earth pony's left was a pristine white unicorn with a rich purple mane, and inquisitive blue eyes.
"I've never even heard of such a word before. Much less, I don't think it's in Equish, Applejack." The unicorn mare said, as she eyed the map herself.
"Yah sure about that, Rarity?" Applejack asked, as the farm pony looked back at the map. The fashionista shook her head, as she looked to a blue pegasus lazing down on one of the train seats. Said pegasus had a multicolored mane and tail that she was currently blowing out of her face at constant intervals, trying to keep herself amused.
"I don't really care! I was hoping for some butt kicking. We just got Tirek beat down and now we gotta go be PR ponies. Blegh!" She waved her forelegs in animate gestures, before lunging out her tongue in distaste. Rarity rolled her eyes, before commenting.
"You do realize that the Wonderbolts do this too, correct? Rainbow dearie, you should consider this a sort of...practice! Think about it." The words of the gem seeker caught the prism maned pegasus's attention. She rubbed her hoof on her chin, before she started grin lazily.
"Heh, it might not be so bad to make some jaws drop. Oh yeah, I bet these ponies have never even seen the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria! I'll be dropping the jaws of every pony there with my speed. Bet they've never seen anything cooler!" She started to pump herself up, as she circled up by the bagging area, before floating over the map.
"Besides Rainbow, don't you remember? We had help. We still needed to charge the elements, Tirek wasn't going to just stand there and take it. We were lucky he didn't just destroy us, when he got all my magic. We were just lucky that whoever chucked those attacks at him, they gave us enough time to defeat him, ourselves." Twilight reminded, though Rainbow was quick to brush it off.
"Yeah, yeah, now...What's the name of the place that's going to be blessed with the presence of the Awesome Rainbow Dash?" She took a good look at the map where Twilight pointed a hoof, before she gave it a confused look.
"What the hay is Henkigakuri?"
"W-whoa, wait, wait what?!"
"I-I don't...Huh?"
"Oh my..."
"They're all wearing something! I need a couple of that headband!"
"The hay? What in tarnation?"
"I think the princess might have underestimated the normalcy of the inhabitants."
Wasn't that an understatement?
The sight that greeted them when they exited the train, and traveled for maybe a mile down the road, was more than what they were expecting.
Large structures made from stone and brick that were at least three meters tall that were walls. Two large opening doors, made of a darkened wood that clashed with the pale tan walls around them. Above the entrance was a large circular sign, in the shape of a red and white paddle with a short handle, with a strange set of symbols they'd never seen before. Coming and going from the large open entrance were ponies of various kinds. Wait, no, not just ponies. There were Gryphons as well, as well as maybe a Minotaur or two.
A good half of them seemed to be wearing normal casual clothes. Things you'd find on any pony who'd wear clothing in general.
But the other half...
"I can't wait, I can't wait!"
"This will be our first mission outside of the village!"
"Ugh! I can't believe I'm going to be stuck with you two. This trip is gonna suck!"
"Okay, that's enough children. Quick go to the port so we can find our way to the location."
The group of six mares watched on as a trio of slight teenaged ponies and a gryphon passed by the front entrance. The strange group was wearing what could only be a set of padded vests, with the same symbol on the entrance on the back. The children's vest were a light blue with the gryphon's being a dark color. On all of their foreheads were headbands of some sort. The colors of the bands on the children being the same, while the gryphon's was black in coloring, with a metal plate on the front in the symbol of sign above the gate.
Said weird combination of adult and children walked over to a small booth. The booth was seeming like a vending machine. It was red and white, in coloration, with a small black panel above a dispensing tube.
The gryphon walked up to the panel, before fishing out of the pockets on the front of his vest, and placing a piece of parchment on it. There was a small flash of the panel and a pair of small marbles, of red and black coloring, came out of the tube.
"Okay everyone, stand together." The gryphon called out, tucking one of the marbles into a pocket, before he crushed the other marble in his claw.
"Kamui: Seaside port!"
The next moment, the group of four were gone from their very eyes.
The Mane 6 could only stare for a moment, jaws dropped, as they witnessed what just happened. Rainbow could only articulate.
"W-what the hay was that?!" She couldn't help it. What the heck did they just see?
"Who's making all that noise ov-Rainbow?!" A voice, familiar to the blue pegasus called out, causing the group's collective heads to turn, before they gasped. Rainbow being the loudest.
"G-Gilda?" She stared at her former-friend, no her friend, with shock. The gryphon herself was also shocked, though that' not what caught their attention.
Gilda herself was dressed up in ensemble of brown shirt, with yellow lines circling the border on the bottom. Over this she wore a royal blue vest, with a set of dark bands on her arms. Around her neck was the same headband from before, but her's was a lavender in color.
She looked strangely nervous, as she spotted the pegasus, who wasn't exactly doing much better herself, as they both scratched the back of their heads. The rest of the mane 6 could only look on in confusion, as the gryphon walked over to stand in front of the wonderbolt reserve recruit.
"S-so, uh?" Rainbow started, before she was halted with a claw. Gilda leveled her with an impassive stare, before lowering the appendage and sighing.
"L-look. About last time...I-I'm sorry I uh, acted like a jerk." She seemed to edge out, as she scratched her cheek and looked in another direction. Rainbow's eyes widen, as she looked on at her friend. Mind slowly catching up to what was said, before she launched into a full body hug on the gryphon, who was caught off guard, but returned the symbol of affection in kind moments later.
"Gilda, what's the hold up over here? We gotta go if we wanna beat Trixie to the sparring grounds! What are yo-!" The group turned to find themselves in the presence of another familiar face.
"Lightning Dust?!" They crowed as one, as the teal pegasus pony, with alternating orange and yellow hair, just facehoofed.
"So strange to see you here, of all places."
"Yeah, well, life does work in strange ways."
"Yeah, getting kicked out of an academy would teach you that, huh?"
"I'd be careful Rainbow, I've heard legends that attitude of yours could inflate a balloon."
"What'd you say?!"
"What do you think?"
"Why I should-!"
"That's enough! Dash keep it cool! And Dust, quit it with the antagonizing of our guests, especially one with one of the princesses. Idiot don't go presenting badly for the village." Gilda broke up the fight, as they group walked through the village. Though the group couldn't help but tilt their heads, when the gryphon spoke to the put off pegasus so strangely near the end.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. This is a pain in the flank anyway. I'm going on ahead, come quick once you're done playing tour guide," and with that she flew off. Royal blue vest ruffling in the wind.
"*Sigh* that idiot. Sorry about that guys, she's still a little" Gilda apologized on Lightning's behalf, though the group waved it off.
"So...Trixie's here?" Twilight seemed to press, as the group walked through the village itself. Eyes passing over the architecture of the village, as all walks of life passed by them. Many stopping to look and stare at the alicorn in their midst.
"Ooh, mom, look! An alicorn! Do you think she's here to meet with Obito-sama?"
"Never seen an alicorn so up close."
"She's probably here to see the chief."
"Oh did we finally get recognition."
Whispers of other such nature were uttered, as the group passed. Applejack and Twilight's eyes furrowing as they tried to make do with the slight attention they were receiving.
"Mighty fine, set up going on here, err, Gilda." The farm pony started out. The village was surprisingly large, but only a good 60% of it seemed to house the buildings, housings and any sort of actual important places.
"Yeah, Henkyōgakure. The Village Hidden in the Outlands. Yeah the amount of guys here isn't a lot yet, but we're growing every day. As for Trixie, yeah he's here. You know her?" Gilda explained, before turning back with a raised eyebrow.
"Uh, heh, heh, we have a...history." Twilight nervously chuckled out, as the group came up to a large building with the symbol of the entrance on its top. The building wasn't that big, maybe about three stories, but the base was large and it grew smaller as it ascended in height. Red and light tan in color, it painted a picture of importance.
"Looks like this is your stop. I'd love to stay and sit tight with you guys, but I've got to go before LD does something stupid again. Later Dash! And uh, Fluttershy...Sorry." She said, before she took off down the road, before jumping from building to building off into the distance.
The group watched her go, before heading into the building. Meeting the secretary at the front desk, they were sent ahead to the top of the building. Climbing past the steps, they found themselves at the top and in front of a door to an office. They could hear something going on inside, as they knocked, before a voiced "Come in" was heard.
Entering the room, the group were greeted by the sight of unicorn mare behind a desk in a rotating chair going over some paperwork. The mare was pink in color, with a mane of dark purple with bluish grey streaks. Her mane went down the length of her neck, with a small curl near the end. The bangs over her head swirled around her horn, with two small tuffs of hair that flared out from the top back of her mane and from her long tail. Adorning her head was a headband just like all the others, though hers was black like the gryphon's from before.
She wore the dark blue vest, with symbol on the back, but her's was also adorned by a marking of a star with two streams coming from it on the bottom left of the vest. Over the vest was a dark blue jacket, with orange lining, with sleeves that came down to halfway of her legs. Around her neck was a necklace with the symbol of the red, white and black fan.
She looked up, as the group entered. Her eyes passing over a few more papers, before she set them down and gave the group her full attention.
"Yes? How may I help you?" She greeted them with a smile, as she brought her hooves together in front of her. They turned to look at one another, before Twilight stepped forward, and greeted the chief.
"Good evening, my name is Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship, and here to help extend an accepting hoof on behalf of Equestria." She held out a hoof, which was quickly received, before they shook on it. Twilight receiving her hoof back, shook it slightly.
Strong grip.
"I'd personally like to welcome you, Princess of Friendship, to Henkyōgakure. My name is Starlight Uchiha Glimmer, and I hope your stay will be well." She said with a small smile, which Twilight reciprocated.
"Oh, Ms. Starlight, I can't help but interrupt," Rarity started, to which Starlight simply gave a nod of the head towards the fashionista.
"Well, I've been pondering. What is with those vests and headbands everypony's wearing? I've never seen so many different ponies, griffons and Minotaur included, wearing so much of the same clothing. IS there some sort of new fad, perhaps?" She asked, to which the unicorn leader, gave a laugh.
"No, no, that's not it at all. In fact..." She looked over to a clock in the corner of the room, nodded her head and removed herself from her seat.
"Allow me to show you."
"Attention, students! Now I know you were all expecting genjutsu with your normal teacher, Ms. Lulamoon, but she's off today! So I, Iron Will, will be your sub instructor in the ways of management!" The Minotaur they saw leading a group of fillies and colts, surprised to a large degree.
Iron Will's blue hide was the last thing they were expecting to see today. The blue, former-aggression instructor, stood in front of the class in a royal blue vest. His hands behind his back, before he took notice of the incoming group.
"Mrs. Uchiha! Welcome to the Shinobi academy! We were just in the middle of some teamwork exercises. And welcom-! You!" He greeted Starlight cordially, before pointing a finger in the direction of the group. Rarity lifted her snout in the other direction, while Pinkie waved and Fluttershy seemed to paw slightly at the ground in nervousness.
"Hello Iron Will, I was just showing them around a tour of our academy for Shinobi Arts. I'm actually happy to catch you in the middle of an exercise. It'll save explaining some things." She brought him back to her, and he nodded his head, the two rings on his horns jingling slightly. He moved his eyes over the group, eyes focusing in on Fluttershy, before turning back to his students.
"Today we have a special exercise course for you youngsters!" He made a quick running in place motion, arms animated, much to the amusement of the students. He then put the students into groups of three, before running them through the courses.
The group watched on, as Iron Will set several strange environments within the confines of the schoolyard. They watched on as students ran tracks in coordination to instruction switches, attacked hanging sandbags in tandem at combo calls, and much more.
One such obstacle course involved the students using teamwork to reach a high reaching item of importance.
The three-man cell of a unicorn, earth pony and a gryphon sat at the starting point, as Iron Will stood by the sidelines.
The trio ran off in tandem. Their movements slightly off, as they galloped or ran towards the 10 meter high pole, which held a green vase at the top.
The unicorn colt was leading the group, as he was ahead, before the magic glow around his horn came to life. The gryphon female and earth pony filly were quick to overtake him as they neared the target. Once close enough, the duo jumped just as the colt's magic encased them, sending them higher.
Mid-air, the earth pony turned upside down legs bent, just as the gryphon reached over her. Landing on her teammate's hooves, the filly pushed her high, just to the apex of the pole, where she swiped the vase. Coming down, she twisted backwards to land on the soft padding on the other side.
"Good job! Nice hustle, nice hustle! Remember, trust in your comrades to keep thing going!"
Starlight and the others watched, one with a smile of pride, the others with awe as they watched the children perform acrobatics more likened to something in the range of a professional. Turning back to the group, she smiled at their expressions.
"We are Henkyōgakure, a budding ninja village." She said, before she frowned, looking over the students. Her expression not changing, as Iron Will came over with a concerned expression.
"Is something wrong, ma'am?"
"Actually yes, you wouldn't happen to kno-"
"Mrs. Uchiha!" A voice called over to her, causing her and the rest of the group + Iron to see an earth pony, wearing a blue vest, rushing towards her. Once in front of her, he saluted her to which she nodded, before relaying his message.
"He's returned!" He was curt with his relay, before he was blown off his hooves, as the unicorn blew past him. The others looked confused, as Starlight ran off, before choosing to follow after. None of them noticing as a small shadow watched from a rooftop above, before following after them.
Iron Will simply smiled as they did, though he was surprised to find a certain one of them had stayed behind.
Fluttershy reached into her saddlebag, before pulling out a small bag of bits. Walking over to a surprised Iron Will, she deposited it in front of him, before speaking.
"I wanted to apologize for not paying like I should have back then. You did choose to h-help me, and technically it wasn't your fault that I took it the way I did. Then you had to go away without your payment,'s a small thing, but I'm sure to get you the rest soon." She said, with a small bow of the head before looking at shocked blue Minotaur.
Iron Will looked down at the bag, before picking it up. Walking over to the shy pegasus he lifted one of her hooves and placed it back in her hands. Seeing her questioning look, he responded.
"Iron Will is, also sorry about what he may have told you. I've learned that maybe sometimes being aggressive isn't always the correct choice or way to handle things. Iron Will has learned that he can be of use by encouraging teamwork between others for a far better profit!" He started off softly, and finished strong, blowing back Fluttershy's hair slightly, but she smiled.
It was good to know that she could be cordial with him, given their past circumstances.
"Yes, it's all thanks to Lord Obito!" He stated, to which she asked who that was. He answered with a grin.
"Why, he's the leader of the village! That should be him coming back right now, for the dail-" His words were cut-off as an explosion happened off in the distance, in the direction of the gate. The same direction the others had ran off, too.
"Yup, that's him!" He stated, much to her confusion.
They looked on as several ponies lined the top of the gate. The Mane 6 stood by Starlight atop it, as she surveyed the situation.
"Give me a status report!" She shouted. Her wait wasn't long, as she was quickly greeted by a white stallion, with blue eyes and an airy short mane.
"Chunin, Double Diamond, Ma'am! The target approaches from the northwest, at a steady pace. He'll be here in a matter of minutes." He sounded off, as she turned her eyes out towards the outer area beyond the walls. She squinted her eyes for a moment, before she molded her magic and projected it outward.
"Tomuki-me no Jutsu!"
The magic formed in a circle in front of her, as it project the landscape. It's seeing lenses-like attributes were quick to hone in on an approaching figure. When the princess's entourage saw what was coming they let out a gasp of shock. What appeared in the circle was the encroaching for of what could only be a large wolf.
It was big, at least just as tall as Celestia, its body lean and muscular. It's a fur was surprisingly well kept, giving off a glossy black shine, with the white around it's right legs and face looking soft to the touch. Stranger still, it was dressed. He wore a black and red heavy jacket that was adorned with patches of red clouds on the front and back, as a gourd hung off his waist. On his head was a set of blue goggles, with orange tint. On its back it carried what could only be a large weapon, maybe?
It looked like it was in the shape of a large eight, with the inside being white with a pair of three commas on each side, and its borders being a dark purple. The handle came over his should, and what seemed like a chain came from the pommel down into the coat it wore. On his back legs he wore what seemed to be leg warmers.
All in all, with its size and mass, he painted a very intimidating image. Rainbow couldn't be happier, to be honest. Time to show these ninja ponies, that they couldn't upstage Rainbow Danger Dash!
Just as the blue, prism maned speed demon was about to get her groove on, she was stopped by Starlight. The supposed leader of the village, was quick to shake her head no. The thrill-seeking pegasus was put out, as Starlight turned to their group.
"I would please ask you to refrain." She stated in a no nonsense tone, much to their confusion. With their compliance, she walked back over to the edge of the wall, her voice carrying over to those gathered below.
"Defenses at the ready!" Several ponies, all wearing blue or light blue vests stood tall in the front of the incoming lupine, whose eyes tracked each of and every one of them. His movements slowed slightly, as he saw the virtual horde of ponies.
Twilight and others couldn't help but stare at the ponies. They seemed as if they were prepared for a war, but for those not of the village itself, they couldn't help but think that these ponies looked...
~Play : I Get Wicked by Thousand Foot Klutch~
Obito couldn't help but to grin, as he slowed to a stop. His eyes moving across the army of Chunin, and some Genin, that amassed at Starlight's call. They were well trained to that point, no one was questioning her orders or anything else.
So it was time to play his part, so with that he began to kneed his magical energy. His form glowed an orange hue, before the vapor like energy leaking off him swirled around his mouth. With that he took a deep breath, and spat out a fireball.
'So good to be back up to standards again.' He thought as he watched the jutsu move forward.
He watched, as the ponies in the front glowed for a moment a deep brown, before a wall made of uplifted earth blocked the way of his Grand Fireball. The ball of flame compacted against the earth wall in an explosion of light, heat and force, creating a cloud of dark smoke. He idled as he awaited what was to come.
He didn't wait long.
The earth beneath him began to shake, as the sound of rapidly oncoming water met his ears. His eyes watched on as the cloud of smoke dispersed from the middle as a blast of aqua exploded out of its occupants. The encroaching wave of liquid was soon upon, so he made quick to vacate the premises and jumped high into the air. His eyes viewed his last spot, as he noticed that an earthen bowl rose up to cup the water, creating a miniature lake on the outskirts of the village.
His form landed on the water, just in time to watch as several things began to eclipse the sun. The sight of so many groups of pegasi and gryphons dive-bombing a being, might bring up a feeling of hesitation. To him?
He didn't feel a thing.
So with that, he brought down his goggles over his eyes, and dodged the onslaught of pony missiles. That impacted the water like torpedoes, and each one sent a strong force across the faux-lake's waters, waves cascading over the edge of the bowl the lake was held.
Obito jumped to and fro and dodged each one, with ease, before with one last flip he settled backwards near the edge of the earth bowl, farthest from the village itself.
That would be the least of his problems though, as he looked down at the water and found that the entire surface was cloudy. His eyes could not see past the surface, his ears hearing the slight *poomf* of something down below. His feet left their current location immediately, just as a set of chains shot out of the water at alarming speeds. His speed keeping him a step ahead of the rushing linked weapons, as he leaped from part to part of the water, as he neared the farther edge. With one last leap, he brought himself over the bowl's edge, only to find a pit waiting at the edge point.
Mid-air as he was he saw fit to grab onto the handle of his gunbai uchiwa, flipping it around, just as he slipped a paw over his right foreleg. A poof of smoke later, and a tag was retrieved and slapped on the fan side. Grabbing onto the handle, he swung it, his body glowing a brief bluish white.
"Futon: Daitoppa! (Wind Style: Great Breakthrough/ Devastation)"
An expulsion of air blast down from the fan as he stopped his descent momentarily, before he activated the tag below on his fan. An explosion of air later that sent him forward to the ground past the pit, before he touched floor once more.
He continued forward to the village itself.
They all just blinked as they watched what just transpired. The very notion of what just happened was ludicrous. Even as Starlight kept yelling out orders, towards the front lines, to engage the "threat". They're minds caught up to them, when they found another body had joined them up on the walls overseeing the battle below.
It looked to be a colt. With white fur, and a dark purple, almost black, mane and tail. His features were a rough sort, as they looked wilder than any pony would ever look. Another strange thing was that this pony's muzzle was a slight more angular than most any pony around. His eyes were a dark blue, each of his back legs were tipped in black near the hooves.
He wore was a hooded, long sleeve black cloak that covered his forelimbs, on the back of his cloak was the same marking, as that of the Starlight's necklace. On his back was what could be considered a large metal shuriken.
Overall, they were confused when the "colt" appeared next to them out of nowhere. Pinkie Pie was quick to get an up close look at the colt, who seemed to ignore her, his eyes focused solely on the fight down below. She was close enough to notice that the male's eyes were a strange shade of-
*Thwack, thud, thud, thwack, thwack*
Her eyes were back on the scene down below, as was everypony else's as they saw the ground force rush to meet the wolf "intruder".
The battalion of ponies found themselves thrashed, as they moved to encroach on their advantage in numbers. The wolf wasn't having it, though. Seeing this, Pinkie turned back to the colt to ask him what he saw, and maybe tell him to get away, before she saw him jumping off down into the fight below.
"Whoa, get back here! That's no place for a foal like you!"
The group turned as they saw the colt moving off into midst of the fighting.
"Oh no!" They chorused as one, as Starlight facehoofed, before jumping down below after the colt.
"Glint Glimmer, you get back here right now young man!" She shouted on the way down, causing the group to pause as the realization dawned on them.
'That's her son?!'
He quickly ducked under the wooden staff of an earth pony, before using his gunbai to knock him to the side with a twist of his head. Lunging forward at a Pegasus pony with a wooden kusarigama, he dodged the throw sickle, before slipping to her side and head-butting her into an incoming unicorn mare. He ducked just in time for the flying chain of the sickle to hit an earth pony stallion in the face, knocking the stallion into a black pegasus.
He flipped his fan to block a wooden sword, as he launched a back kick into the mare that tried to side blind him, after which he grabbed the fan and spun launching back several ponies and gryphons, as he stabilized.
He reattached his fan to his back, as he surveyed the fallen forms of the pony army that came to meet him. He thought in the back of his mind that he might have overdone it.
...They'd heal.
So it was with that thought in his head that he turned back to venture toward the village gates, that he caught sight of a small rushing figure. He didn't need long to identify who it was, he just sigh in exasperation before he smirked.
'Oh look, a new challenger.' He thought, as he watched the small form jump sky high. Right as the form reached its peak, it reached back with its head and tossed forward the large shuriken on its back, his body glowing a hue of grey before so.
"Ninpo: Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu! (Ninja Art: Shuriken Shadow Clone)"
Obito watched as the one shuriken turned into 10, before he reacted.
Running a paw over his right foreleg, he retrieved a tag, before launching it.
"Katsu!" With the uttered words, tag exploded into an orb of wind that blow away all the projectiles.
"Not this time!" The figure's male voice shouted out, before the sleeves over its forelegs were pulled back, as he glowed a grey hue that shot out and connected the shuriken to his paws. The young male colt with canine like forelegs pulled back, and the throwing stars circled in on the wolf's position.
Obito flipped away as the stars collided into his first position. The colt landed, before tossing his upper body upwards and swinging his forelegs down, the shuriken picking up from the ground before launching around his position. His eyes watched as the shuriken circled him in slow motion, his black orbs catching sight of the paper tags on the sides.
The "colt" chuckled, as his red sharingan eyes focused in on the "threat".
The tags exploded. Red eyes snapped open, as the tomoe in them turned to windmills.
The Mane 6, with a returning Fluttershy, + Starlight, finally came forward. Starlight being the first to reach, as the "colt" grinned at his work.
"Glint Glimmer Uchiha..." The words made him flinch, as he mechanically turned his head to Starlight, before he chuckled nervously.
"H-heh, heh, h-hey mom..." He slowly back up, as his mom stalked forward. His eyes focused on his unicorn mother, he didn't notice as Obito casually walked out of the cloud of dust, before he bumped into the wolf's forelegs. Looking up at the large lupine, he laughed nervously, as the others, the mane 6, watched on in trepidation.
Well they did before the colt opened his mouth again.
"Welcome home, dad. Heh, when did you get back? A heh, heh...I'm so grounded aren't I?"
"As sure as your mother is willing." The wolf spoke, causing Twilight and Co. to just stare. Before Starlight walked up to the wolf, and gave him a quick kiss to the cheek, which he returned with a nuzzle.
"Welcome home, dear." She said with a smile, Obito returned one of his own.
"Glad to be home. I see we have some guests," he stated as he looked over to Twilight's group, who all looked like they weren't ready for any kind of thinking anytime soon.
Twilight barely eek.
Obito gave her a raised eyebrow, before he ran a paw over his right foreleg, over the symbol on it. In a poof of smoke, he waved off the smoke before placing the conical hat on his head. He unzipped the front of his coat, revealing the dark blue vest underneath. Around his neck was a headband, not unlike the others, but also a necklace bearing the same symbol of Starlight's Cutie Mark. The colt zipped down his cloak slightly to reveal he had a necklace of his own, that had both the wolf and the unicorn's symbol on it.
"I think I should welcome, you officially." He started, as Starlight stood next to him, and Glint in the middle of them. Before they all bowed.
"We the Glimmer-Uchiha family welcome you to Henkyougakure." They said in unison.
"My name is Obito Glimmer Uchiha, the leader of this village. You've met my wife, Starlight, who is also my second-in-command when I'm away and this~" He stated, as he patted the colt on the head.
"Is my little bundle of joy, and exasperation, Glint Glimmer Uchiha."
"Hiya!" The colt-cub said, as his father blinked for a moment.
"Oh right, this is for you." Obito said, as his eyes glowed red, and a swirl appeared in front of him before a book dropped from mid-air. The colt was quick to grab the book, and look over the cover, before he grinned to an alarming degree.
"YES! YES, yes, yes, YES! You're the best dad ever! The signed brand new Daring Do book, mint condition! I gotta show this Snow Day!" With that he was gone, though not before Rainbow let out a small gasp, as she turned her head in his direction.
Obito smirked.
"I have connections."
They couldn't help but stare, as they walked through town a second time today. Watching the way things were progressing now that the "leader" leader was here, was...interesting. The very idea that this wolf was the leader of all these races. That he would lead a banner that they all fell under was honestly kind of amazing.
Equestria didn't really have many places where one could interact with a Minotaur one second and a gryphon the next. Much less, the idea of seeing them working side by side on a daily basis.
"So the Food Optimal Organization Development group have been coming in as of late with some new tested items, and have been asking for approval..."
"Tell them I'll come to oversee some of the product on the upcoming Tuesday."
"Check, and then we have the R & D department asking for some approval of higher budget. Seems they want to make use of a new kind of inducing unit for Kamui Booths..."
"I'll have one of the courier-nin arrange a meeting with them. Though I really hope it isn't going to be another "It's comes out in different colors" situation. There's only so much vanity I can take."
"Right, I'll have Lightning Dust carry the message, and include that in the post script. Last but not least, Glint's birthday is coming up, and he's feeling cheesy." She said with a finality and a seriousness that was unneeded in such a thing. He afforded her just as much seriousness with an impassive expression.
"How cheesy are we talking?"
"The cheesiest." He shuddered.
"I'll recall Cheese Sandwich as soon as possible. Hopefully he'll be able to get back here before Thursday hits. We can't have another incident like..." They both shuddered as one, as the memory hit them.
It got everywhere.
The lavender alicorn and her entourage finally had enough restart time to be back to working order.
"Ho-hold on a second! What? I mean, wait what?" Twilight couldn't help but reiterate, as the others nodded their heads. The two village leaders gave each other a look, before Starlight spoke.
"Perhaps we can talk over some dinner?"
"So what would you like to know first?" Obito stated, as he and Starlight sat near one another at the dinner table. The others were set around the table, to which Obito was happy that he could arrange the table with a little Mokuton. The food was a slight spaghetti vegetable mix for those of more herbivorous nature, with his own being a seafood medley Alfredo. Some oranges sat in the center of the table for some snacking was an appreciated touch.
"!" Rainbow pointed dramatically, mouth open to say something, but her mind seemed too fail her as she just stayed posed for a moment. Starlight looked to him, in which he gave a shrug, as they watched the pegasus try, and fail, to say anything. Twilight seemed to have more wits about her, as she coughed into a hoof, and smiled slightly at them.
"We were sent to greet you, as you submitted a form for national recognition. The princess would have come herself, but..." Twilight started, but he finished for her.
"She sent you, on account of the fact that you're recent princess hood means that you're unfamiliar with the duties to be undertaken." He said, as he pushed two sticks in between his claws, and used the digits to eat with the utensils. The others looked on as he did, before he looked up at them, and they went back to their own meals, realizing how rude they had just been.
Applejack, meanwhile, was currently inspecting the oranges set on the middle of the table before commenting.
"Them oranges seem awfully familiar." She muttered as she rubbed a hoof to her chin. Obito gave her a quirked eyebrow.
"I'm surprised you noticed. I heard that the Oranges and Apples, while related, were distant enough as is. At least Citrus Peel said so, which reminds me we're going to have to redraw the contract for their produce with the F.O.O.D. group." His words surprised her, as she looked up at him.
"You're contracted with the Oranges?" He nodded to the query and elaborated.
"A few years back, I helped out the Oranges with a settlement of land. It had been overtaken by some illegal squatters. So I removed them, simple. From then on, they've been doing a service for me as my main produce line for oranges." He said matter of factly, as he quickly devoured a shrimp. Idly outside the window, they could see a set of colts and fillies jumping across the rooftops, as they passed by, waving to the village leaders.
"Everypony here is so friendly," Fluttershy remembered a certain teal pegasus, "for the most part. I never thought I'd see Iron Will again after so long."
Obito thought for a moment, before realization struck.
"Oh right. Iron Will, minotaur, Chunin teacher at the academy." He recited, though they found themselves confused.
"Uh yeah, that's the one. I'm sorry Lord Obito-"
"Just Obito is fine." He interrupted, to which Rarity nodded.
"Forgive me for asking Obito, but this word "Chunin", I don't understand. That white stallion back from earlier today mentioned the same thing." She finished, and he nodded, before giving Starlight the go ahead.
Starlight went on to elaborate on their "Shinobi System". From student to Genin, Chunin, and finally Jonin. How with each rank above student they were given headbands, and depending on ranks they were privy to certain kinds of information, jobs and even skills and techniques.
"We had these vests made by a seamstress from Manehatten. A Coco Pomel? Yes, her. With each of the colors, represent the level of shinobi. Light blue is Genin level. Chunin wield the normal blue vests, and Jonin and above hold a dark blue vest." She said, as she gestured to both her vest and Obito's that were hung up on a coat rack.
"Fascinating~" Twilight couldn't help but utter, as she and the others listened in. Rarity muttered a, "Coco Pomel" before she smiled at the name drop.
"Speaking of, I think we'll have to have some new vests ordered from her. What with this morning's defense divisibility test, I'm more worried about some of the possible wear and tear on everyone's garments. Didn't she say she was going back to Manehatten for something last time?" Obito pondered.
"Ah yes, for that charity event. Oh we're going to have to go and seek her out, again." Starlight added, to which Obito just muttered, "That's another C-rank".
"Ooh, ohh, about this morning! When everyone was going all STOMP, Whoosh whoosh and PEW PEW! That was nutz!" Pinkie gestured as her forelegs moved around in surprising flexible shapes, as she mimicked. To this Rainbow was quick to jump on it.
"Yeah, what the hay was all that?! Last I checked unicorns were the only ponies to be able to use magic. Next thing I know I'm seeing Earth ponies spitting ocean high water, and gryphons making rock walls. That's not even including what you did. How do we know you're not a dragon in disguise hmm?" She spoke, as she narrowed her eyes, just as the others facehoofed at the aggressive pegasus. Fluttershy gave her a stern stare, which caused the Wonderbolt reserve to cow down, before she crossed her forelegs in a huff.
"I apologize on her behalf, she's been getting a little stir crazy with no new villains to fight as of late. WHICH IS FINE," Twilight started before stressing the three words, much to Rainbow's chagrin. "She does raise a point though. I've never heard of all these things being possible for so many ponies. That's not even putting into consideration the other pony races and the others."
"I can understand that the display from this morning might shock you. Yet, I feel I need to correct you on one thing, it's very much possible for ponies, and other races outside of them, to utilize magic." Obito's words caused the others to stop eating and stare.
"I don't understand." Twilight stated. "I'm sure they can. Pegasi can move clouds and channel the weather, Earth ponies are sturdier and can handle planting better, because of magic. What happened today...I can't comprehend it."
Obito gave Starlight a nod, before she closed her eyes and they watched as an aura arose from beneath her fur. All the while her horn did not come to life with magic, as the aura that rose around her change colors. From blue to bluish white to brown, before she stopped.
"As you've noticed, her horn wasn't lit with magic. That's because she's not processing it through her horn, but the body. All of Equestria and the world around it are full of magical races and creatures. It's not that they can't use it directly, they just don't know how. I taught Starlight how to do it, and from there I taught those who wanted to learn. Back then, it was mostly because some ponies didn't like being limited by their Cutie Marks, now it's more for choosing a job opportunity."
They just looked on, as he explained. Minds reeling, at the very idea of ponies not liking their special talent enough that they'd ignore it for something else.
"I can understand that this might be a shock to you, but it's true. Some ponies just don't find the idea of being limited to a certain random talent, appealing." Starlight explained, as she wore a distraught expression.
"Some ponies may use it to either pick on, or bully others," at this Applejack, Rainbow and Rarity flinched.
"While some might feel isolated by their own Cutie Marks. Honestly there was a time where we went through a period of removing Cutie Marks." This received a more violent reaction.
"WHAT?!" The six shouted, as Obito clamped his paws over his ears. Seeing that they were done, he unclasped his ears from his head, before continuing.
"You see, we thought that some ponies just felt that they didn't WANT them. So with some research, we concocted a spell for it." He responded casually, as if he was talking about the weather, though Twilight wasn't having it.
"Bu-But you can't do that! Everypony should have the right to bear their Cutie Marks! It's, it's just not right!"
"Right you are, that's why the method no longer exists." He stated much to their confusion/relief.
"Like my husband said. We did go through a phase of actually removing the marks for a year or two. Afterwards though, the aftereffects were...unsettling. Ponies would be more lethargic, losing time on jobs, making tasteless pastries, you name it. To that point we just reinstated them, and created the shinobi system." Starlight finished, as the group sat back down relieved.
"So it was created..."
"As a form of freedom, yes. It was far more comforting for ponies who may have wanted to just step outside their usual routine, and learn something else. Also with how we operate, it made it so they could travel to areas they may have never been before. As you should know I recently admitted us for recognition. With that passed, we can start expanding outside of Equestria. I already have a few things lined up for the village in the Dragon Lands, exploring the Undiscovered West, and even Daring Do. Oh I mean, forget that last part." He said, but the damage was done. Rainbow nearly flipped the table, but held back for the sake of being polite.
"YOU know her identity! Does everyone here know?! Oh my gosh, I hope she doesn't think this is my fault!" Rainbow was having a mini-panic attack, as she started looking every which way before she started flying circles around the light fixture up above. They all watched her for a moment, before Obito turned to his love.
"Starlight would you please...?" He asked, gesturing to Rainbow. Starlight was quick to appease him, as she caught the pegasus in a stasis spell, before bring her down to Obito's level. The wolf looked her in the eye, before his own black eyes shifted to red with three tomoe.
"Calm down."
The words seemed to have an immediate effect on her, as her hyperventilating died down and she was back to normal breath pace before she fell asleep. He blinked at this, before shaking his head, as Starlight brought Rainbow back to her seat and posed her to sleep comfortably on the table edge.
Turning his head back to his more awake company, he found Fluttershy, the shy butter colored one, giving his face an up-close inspection. She focused on his eyes intensely, before a cough from Starlight brought her back to reality and she was quick to usher herself back to her seat. She shook nervously in her chair, before hiding behind her mane.
"Sorry." It was quiet, but they all could hear her for the most part. Attention back on him, he continued the Q&A.
Time passed, and before they knew it, it was night time. Leading out of the house, Rainbow asleep on Pinkie's back, Obito was polite to lead them out.
"Thank you once again, for the meal and housing, Lord Uchiha."
"Calm yourself Twilight Sparkle. "Obito" is fine, no need to be THAT formal." He responded, as she gave him one last knowing nodded. That said, she was about to turn back to leave, before she looked back at him with a raised eyebrow before smiling.
"And thank you for your help with Tirek." She stated which surprised him, before he smirked.
"Just do your best to handle Equestria's problems. If need be, Henkyougakure is always willing to lend a helping hoof." She nodded at the offer, before catching up with her friends.
Closing the door and walking back into the kitchen, he found Starlight finishing off the last of the dishes. He couldn't help, but stare at the form of his wife working away the last of the day's duties. It filled him with a happiness that he was proud of, as she hummed while cleaning the dishes.
This was his life, and he couldn't be happier. Now he had one more thing on today's list. He stalked forward, as she began to slightly move to her own beat. A movement he was very approving of.
Shinobi life did give them some great rears, and his wife's as always the greatest.
So she let out a small gasp as he slid up behind her, her back to his chest as he rested his head on her shoulder. She was quick to adjust, leaning back into his form before looking into his eyes and sharing a loving kiss with him. He quickly received it, before breaking off and staring lovingly at her.
"Aishiteru." She smiled back at him.
"Aishiteru." That said, she turned back to the last dish and dried it. Yet, as she set it down, job done, she couldn't help but shudder as her husband's paws moved around her to latch onto the counter. She let out a small gasp, as he nipped at her neck, moaning as he her it a small nibble and lick.
"I've been smelling your frustration all day. Been quite the pent up mare, haven't we?" He whispered into her ear, causing her to feel a tingle run up her spine.
"You were away for a w-while." She murmured out, as he gave another quick nip to her ear, kissing the base, and then kissing the space of her neck. She let out a small moan as he did.
"Ah, but I come home, after a long, hard day. I find this pent up mare, strutting that delicious looking rear of hers while I'm around." He said huskily, as he pressed his body against hers. She'd just as quickly grinded herself against him, ass to his crotch, hearing a growl come from his lips. The noise sent a shiver of excitement through her. Evening knowing her love wouldn't hurt her, she couldn't help the feeling of danger his low growls emitted. That nor the feelings she got when he did it when they were alone.
The sounds of a predator that wanted to just pounce. Taste every part of her body, lick her down to the skin and just ravish her.
"O-oh, is that s-so?" It was getting slightly harder to focus, she needed to reach for the blinds of the window, but found her motion arrested, as the feeling of something long, hard and hot near her hindquarters took her mind places.
"Oh, what this? Someone seems to misunderstand, who I am." The sound of his voice sent her mind into a frenzy, as the long hot length began to stand up and press against her lower folds. He moved slightly, causing her to let out a hot breath, as the length of the heat moved past to and fro on her entrance.
"I'm the Big, Bad Uchiha." It was barely a whisper, a few tones short of silence, but the feeling of her entrance getting plugged by heat made the words sound so much louder.
"And I'm gonna blow your door down." She felt him plunge into her depths, and her mind went white.
Rainbow couldn't help, but to groan as she was jostled. Her mind coming back to focus, as she felt her warm bed jerk harshly. Her eyes fluttered lazily, as she tried to get a good grasp on where she was. In her mind, she remembered freaking out about Daring Do, and then sleeping. That wolf dude probably did something, to her.
She couldn't help but notice that her mattress was strangely pink. Was that a thing here? They were warm, and smelled like cotton candy? Wait, a minute. This was Pinkie's back! Shooting up, she was quick to take note of her situation. Looking over the quintet of her friends, she found them in strange positions.
Pinkie and Applejack, just looked straight up red face and shocked. Eyes wide, as they stood frozen solid.
Rarity was on the floor, hoof to her head, as she probably posed dramatically before she fainted.
Twilight looked just as horrified and red faced, as AJ and Pinks. Her eyes shrunk to tiny specks, and even her wings stood on end.
The only one who looked anywhere near sane, was Fluttershy, who seemed to be observing something with a speculative look in her eye. Now that she thought about it, they were all facing the same direction, what were they looking at?
"Oh so he doesn't turn around?" Fluttershy muttered, even as her mind began to catch up with her on what she was watching. Her wings extending to complete stiffness, and her face going almost tomato red. Strangely enough a drip of red ran down the right nostril of her nose.
So with this thought in mind, Rainbow Danger Dash turned to face what the hubbub was all about, and froze. Her mind went blank, her face grew red and her wings had never been so stiff.
They all stared horrified, as the couple of Obito and Starlight stared back at them through the window, Obito bent over his wife.
Starlight just stared as the princess and her entourage froze in shock at the sight of their display of carnal desire. Starlight's mind, while hazy was clear enough to try and reach out to her husband.
"O-Obito, mmm, stop, their w-watching." His gaze soon locked onto the six ponies who froze at this display of bending the second-in-command over the kitchen sink and pounding away. Several thoughts ran through his mind, as he stared back impassively.
It had been a long day, he was in his own village and home, and his wife's scent had been baiting throughout the day...
Starlight's gasp was music to his ear as he pumped into her hard once more. She bit her hoof, as he felt her walls tighten around his length. She was enjoying this, and he could tell. So he brought his lips down to her ears, as he stared at those outside.
"Let them watch."
He rammed his length into her several more times, before he found her beginning to tighten around him. Starlight herself felt his fleshy lower organ begin to bulge inside her, and came the second his seed squirted out inside of her. Mixing both of their liquid arousal into one. She panted, as she felt herself come down. Her mind calm but satisfied, even with the running visage of the sextet outside.
So she thought that she'd get to relax.
Oh she was so wonderfully wrong, as she felt her husband's hot cock pull out of her, only to be placed near her "backdoor".
She wouldn't be walking straight tomorrow, that's all she knew.
And she loved i-tttthhhhheeeerrrreeeee it issssssssssssssss~.
Morning After...
They couldn't help but cough, as the wolf leader gave them a sendoff in his black and orange robes. No, not formal robes.
Bath robes. Just because this couldn't get more awkward.
"S-so, uhhhhh." Twilight tried and failed to keep herself composed, as Obito did nothing to give away how he was feeling at that moment. He simply raised a paw in shaking position, and she returned it with her hoof.
He smiled.
"I hope to hear good things, on your next visit." His words inspired some small amount of composure from her, as she responded back.
"I do hope so too."
"Don't make it too long of a wait." The emphasis on the word "long" was surely just her imagination.
"You know that the entrance of our village is always open to you, should you fall on hard times." He wasn't doing this voluntarily. No, no, of course not, a heh.
"Ye-ye-yes that'll be fine."
"Just remember what we talked about last night."
The train whistle sounded, and he would forever swear he'd never seen a mare's face glow that red, that fast and rocket into the locomotive. At this point, he just grinned.
'Heh, heh, take that.'
He heard a set of steps run up to him, and looked to find Glint sitting on his haunches next to him.
"Hey dad, what's so funny?"
"Oh nothing son. Nothing at all." He said as they got up and turned back to the village. His kimono flowing in the wind.
"Yeah, well mom's been acting kind of funny, and said that breakfast might be a bit. So she sent me to get you."
"Is that so?"
"You're still grounded."
"Ah, man!"
It was good to be home.
Author's Note:
That's a wrap on that little diddy! Bring it in, guys! Bring it in!
Finally got this baby done as of 3/19/2016 2:29 am. A FAR longer Two-Shot for what I had imagined wouldn't take more than 8k words...Oh well you know the saying.
No plan survives contact with the enemy. So enjoy your roaming eyeballs and review.
~Nasha Rei Kun Out~