Okay, a couple of things.

First up, Detective Arc is now officially dead. I put it out of its misery. Ashes to ashes and all that jazz.

Secondly, it's reincarnation is going up soon. This Friday to be specific. It will be called Spectral, and this one is going to be a bit more paranormal investigator type then detective. I'll explain why in a minute.

Thirdly, here's my obligatory apology for never actually updating soon like I promised. I did honestly mean to update that as soon as I could. In fact, the plan was to be ready by that Friday. Unfortunately, I was bombarded with assignment after assignment throughout November and December, including writing mountains of research papers and tons of presentations. So when Finals finally came, I called December as a break from writing. So you might be asking yourself, "where were you in January then?!" I'll admit it, that was laziness on my part. But I'm actually very glad that I did, and here's why.

Spectral is going to a story where Jaune has unlocked his semblance and created a forgery to get into Beacon. Only this time, he will be introduced to the world of the supernatural. Now to stem off the question here and now; no, this is not a pseudo-crossover with Supernatural. Not even a bit. That was already done by a different guy, and I'm not going to steal his thunder.

This is going to be using some elements from Detective Arc, such as the semblance being the same, but that's it.

Now some you might think that this is a terrible idea. That Detective Arc would have been good, and I should have done a remake of that instead. Look, I know that it was a good idea. There was a reason why I wrote it in the first place. But here's the problem. Almost as soon as I began planning for this story, I slowly lost passion for it. I tried to make myself write it out, but it was pretty much torture on my imagination and creativity.

So how did I get from that to where I am now? Well, it started off as a joke idea that I had of an evil box under Beacon. Here's the thing; I liked that idea. I liked that idea so much that it started bouncing around in my head. And so I started thinking about what this box was, and how I could fit into Detective Arc. But I couldn't, as the idea wouldn't have worked out as it was. Cue the next joke idea, make it about ghosts instead. Until that became rooted in my mind, refusing to let me go. And as soon as the ideas came to me, I was filled with that old passion that I used to feel when writing.

So here we go. A brand new story going live on Friday, one that I'm going to take my time on and do my best at. If you still don't like this idea, then I'm sorry. But I can't bring back Detective Arc, no matter how much I try. So I'll say goodbye, and I wish that you find that right story that you fall in love with.

Also, no I'm not going to delete Detective Arc. It stands to me as the first time I really tried my hand at this writing thing. I may have crashed and burned with it, but I don't hate it. It serves as a fond memory, and as a reminder of what could have been.

So goodbye Detective Arc. I will always look back on you with fondness.