Hey guys!

This is one of the stories i wrote during my last break and i decided to post it now because having three other stories up at the moment...why not? haha

Anyway, this is gonna be dramatic and ugly, if you're one of my usual readers, then you know the kind of stuff i write...i am guessing, you're here because you enjoy that too so have fun!

Don't forget to review!

"Where the hell is Robbie? I'm starving" Jade commented annoyed.

"He must be trying to deactivate the alarm" Tori responded.

"I can't take this anymore, I need to leave!" Jade affirmed as she anxiously walked in circles.

"Calm down" Andre said.

"No, I'm not gonna calm down! I can't stay here any longer" Jade said anxiously and they looked at each other confused.

"We are all stressed, Jade, you don't need to make it worse" Trina commented.

"And besides, we are here because of you in the first place" Beck added and she rolled her eyes at him while she walked around breathing fast.

"Can you stop moving?" Trina questioned annoyed but Jade was just taking breaths

"Jade, are you okay?" Cat questioned worriedly but Jade didn't respond, she was just looking at the floor with her hands on the shelf trying to calm down. Cat turned to Beck, who after a few seconds remembered Jade was claustrophobic and he immediately walked up to her.

"It's okay, Jade, look at me" Beck demanded and made her look at him. "What was the song? ...Oh right, Lavender's blue, dilly dilly, lavender's green …" He started singing. "Come on, sing with me"

"When I am king, dilly dilly" Jade whispered.

"You shall be queen" Beck continued and so did Jade.

"Who told you so? Dilly, dilly, who told you so?" Jade whispered-sang.

"It was my own heart, dilly dilly, that told me so" Beck went on and after a minute she was more calm but they finished the song. "I told myself, dilly, dilly…"

"I told me so…" Jade finished and took a deep breath.

"Do you feel better?" Beck questioned nicely and Jade nodded.

"Thanks" Jade said sincerely and he nodded before stepping back.

"What did just happen?" Andre asked.

"Jade can't be in small places for too long" Cat informed and they looked at each other slightly surprised.

"Oh, damn…I didn't know you were claustrophobic" Tori said frankly.

"You didn't need to know" Jade responded coldly.

"Does this happen often?" Andre questioned.

"No, just when I'm stuck in a small space for too long" Jade answered. "But I'm okay now; I just need Robbie to appear"

"But this isn't a small place, you can walk around" Andre commented.

"Yes but I can't stand knowing I am unable to move away…it's complicated" Jade said.

"And why that song?" Tori asked.

"My mom used to sing it to me when I was little, it always works" She explained.

In the hall, Robbie was still trying to deactivate the alarms and the robbers were getting impatient. "Will you ever finish? We don't have a lot of time"

"I'm almost done…." Robbie said while focusing on the controls. "And...done! I'm a genius" He said proudly.

"Fantastic" Barney said. "Where are your friends?"

"Back there" Robbie informed.

"Let's go meet them then, they might help too" Billy commented.

"Sure, follow me" Robbie said and they all walked to where the gang was.

"Finally" Tori said relieved when they saw the lasers disappear.

"What do we do now?" Cat asked.

"How about we go eat?" Jade responded and started walking towards the other halls but she stopped when she saw two strange men coming.

"Hello there" Billy said to Jade and the gang looked at each other, at first they all got confused but then they saw Robbie behind them.

"Hey guys" Robbie said.

"Robbie, who are your friends?" Beck questioned.

"Oh these are Billy and Barney" Robbie responded. "I met them back at the security office"

"Okay…well, nice to meet you" Beck said slightly nervously. "I'm Beck, this is Andre, Tori, Cat and Jade" He informed as the twins looked at everyone, especially the girls.

"Nice to meet you too" Billy said and smirked at his brother, who smirked back and the gang looked at each other not knowing what to think.

"So what do we do? We have plenty of time" Robbie said.

"I need food…Now!" Jade said.

"I'm hungry too, let's go get a sandwich" Tori suggested and they all agreed.

"Sure" Barney said, they all went to the food section and grabbed a sandwich and a drink, after that they went back to where they were before because there weren't cameras there.

They ate and simply sat on the floor waiting for it to be morning. "Why are they still here? Shouldn't they wanna rob and leave?" Tori questioned quietly because the twins were still with them, they were standing in the corner whispering and nodding.

"I don't know but I don't like this, they seem suspicious…" Andre said.

"Suspicious? Do you mean that they could be here robbing?" Beck asked with irony and Andre shook his head.

"No, a different suspicious…just forget it" Andre said and Jade sighed.

"I'm so bored" Jade commented and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Beck asked.

"I just don't want to be on the floor anymore" Jade said and started pulling her muscles.

"Well, well…what can we do now?" Billy asked as he and his brother rejoined the gang.

"Aren't you supposed to take the money and leave?" Jade questioned.

"We still got time, it's 1am" Barney responded. "So, you guys got ideas?"

"No" Jade simply said and continued looking at her phone while leaning against the wall.

"Fortunately, I do have some ideas" Billy said and put his hand around Jade's hip.

"Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Jade questioned madly and pushed him away so everyone immediately stood up.

"Come on, don't be shy" Billy said and started stroking her face while keeping her against the wall.

"Get away from me" Jade ordered.

"Get away from her" Beck ordered seriously but Billy only chuckled and gave Jade a peck so Beck grabbed his shoulders and got him off Jade. "Don't touch her again, I'm serious"

"You're serious, kid? I'm not scared of you" Billy affirmed laughing and pushed Beck back.

"Hey, stop" Jade said and got between them to push Billy back.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, everything's fine…just come here" Billy said as he pulled Jade close to him and tried to take her jacket off.

"No, stop it!" Jade ordered angrily while trying to push him away but then Beck pulled Jade back and punched Billy on the face. Everyone was just there watching shocked, not knowing what to do or say.

"You asked for it, kid" Billy said angrily and punched Beck back, then he kicked his stomach so Andre got in the fight as well and so did Barney.

"Stop it, stop!" Jade exclaimed and tried to break them apart with Tori's help while Robbie and Cat were just nervously watching. When they managed to break the fight, Beck stepped back holding his stomach because they had kicked him and Andre was just recovering his breath.

"What's wrong with you? Get the hell away from us!" Jade demanded angrily and turned to Beck and her friends again but then all the sudden, Billy pulled her close and put his arms around her.

"Sh, sh…relax" Billy said on her ear, he was hugging her from behind and she was trying to get him off annoyed. Beck was still recovering but he was about to go fight Billy again.

"Get the fuck away from me" Jade demanded and tried to walk away but he turned her around fast.

"Pretty girls don't swear, baby" He commented.

"Fuck you!" Jade said coldly and before they realized, she was on the floor because he had slapped the hell out of her.

"Oh my god. Jade!" Tori said scared while Jade held her face not believing what had just happened.

"You fucking bastard" Beck said angrily in the moment Billy was making Jade stand up by her hair. "You're gonna regret this" He affirmed but just when he was about to start punching him, Billy pulled out a gun and aimed it at him.

"Ah!" Cat screamed terrified.

"Don't you dare touch me again" Billy said coldly as he kept Jade controlled with his other arm.

"Let's calm down, okay?" Tori said nervously.

"I agree, just put the gun down, man" Andre added.

"I agree too, I don't want to start another fight here…but we have a long time before the store opens so don't ruin it, we just want to have some fun" Billy said. "So Jade, you'll come to the back with me, darling, okay? No screaming, no fights…Be nice and I'll be nice to you" He ordered and Jade stared at her friends scared.

"We can't let you do that, you must understand she is our friend" Andre said.

"Nobody is denying that, but we are bored and the night is long and most importantly, I do whatever the fuck I want to do, a bunch of kids won't stop me" Billy informed. "Barney, which one do you want? I'm not sharing" The girls looked at each other and so did the boys; they were worried and scared for the girls.

"We are not things you can use" Tori said.

"Tori, baby why don't you come with me too?" Barney asked and Tori shook her head nervously. "Don't make me get angry, you just saw what happened to Jade because she made Billy angry, you don't want that, do you?" He said as he walked towards her but Andre stood in front of her.

"What do you think is gonna happen, uh? We are not just gonna do what you want, you fucking pigs" Jade affirmed coldly, she was trying to seem fearless but she was terrified on the inside.

"Shut up, I never asked for your opinion" Billy said angrily. "Don't make me hit you again, this is not supposed to be like this"

"You lay a finger on her again and I'm gonna kill you" Beck affirmed and Billy laughed.

"Are you two dating?" Billy asked. "Because I see you're not as worried for your other friend"

"That's none of your business, let her go" Beck ordered.

"Relax dude, I just want to have a good time with her…then she's all yours, I don't care" Billy said as Barney pushed Andre away and grabbed Tori's arm.

"No, get away from me! No! NO" Tori screamed scared with tears in her eyes as Barney dragged her away from her friends.

"We are not gonna let you hurt them and you know it" Beck affirmed.

"Nobody's gonna hurt them, they'll like it" Billy said and kissed Jade's cheek while she stared at Beck terrified. "And besides, we have the guns…you don't, we set the rules and if I say Jade and Tori will come with us, they will"


I hope you liked the first chapter, don't forget to review, guys :)