
"Wake up."

Naruto suddenly woke up when he heard that voice. As he sat up, he looked around and found that he was in a hospital when he saw the white walls and sparkling floor.

"You've finally woken up." Naruto looked to his left and found a nurse sitting next to him. "Wait here, I will call the doctor." She went away and Naruto was left by himself.

"What happened last night?" he thought. "Let's see. I was walking home after eating at Ichiraku's when some people suddenly started chasing me. I hid in a dark alley and they ran past me. They didn't find me, so why am I in a hospital bed? I didn't get injured. At least, I don't remember..."

The doctor had arrived, but he didn't come alone – the Sandaime Hokage had come with him. Naruto smiled. "Ojisan!"

The doctor frowned. "Irrespectable brat," he muttered, but only loud enough for the Hokage to hear.

"Leave us after you finish checking him, doctor," the Hokage said, frowning himself. The doctor did some quick checks, and after seeing that Naruto was in a stable condition, left. The two were silent for a while.

"What's wrong, Ojisan?" Naruto asked. Hiruzen sighed. He had no idea of where to start.

"Naruto, what do you remember of yesterday?" he asked.

"Well, I had just had some ramen when some geezers started chasing me. I ran off and hid from them. I can't remember anything else. But they didn't get me, right?"

"Wrong," Hiruzen said. Naruto's eyes widened. "They must have sneaked up behind you, because when the Anbu found you, you had a massive wound starting on the back of your neck and ending on the lower part of your back. In fact, the injury was so serious that it will leave a permanent scar. The doctors are surprised that you even managed to survive, let alone be fully healed in one night."

"But if it's as serious as you are saying, why didn't I die?" Naruto asked. Hiruzen's eyes flashed with hesitation. Although it was very short, Naruto saw it and realized that he was hiding something from Naruto. "Hey! You're hiding something! Tell me!"

"Sorry Naruto, this is one of the few things I can't tell you," he replied.

"Grr! If you don't tell me I'll prank the whole village!" Hiruzen's eyes twitched. He was tempted to tell Naruto when Naruto threatened to prank the village, but that wasn't enough to make him spill the beans. He shook his head and smiled.

"Sorry Naruto, I came to check if you were okay, but I must go to a meeting now. Goodbye!" He quickly walked out before Naruto tried to force him to tell him the secret.

Naruto was annoyed. "What the hell? He can't tell me why I survived? What kind of bullshit is that?" The doctor walked in again.

"You will have to wait here for a while so that we can run some tests on you. You'd better not leave the bed."

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Naruto said. "What the hell? What kind of doctor says that to the patient? Anyway, there's no way I'm staying here. I know, I'll prank that stupid doctor!" Naruto had a devilish smile as he slid off his bed. He was about to get out of his room when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Wha-" he turned around and saw an Anbu member holding his shoulder.

"The Sandaime Hokage instructed me to keep you in this room until the hospital discharges you," he said, displaying no emotion.

"What the hell? Grr!" Naruto shouted. "Fine, whatever." He decided to go to sleep.

Suddenly, he found himself in a large area with no walls. Mist slightly obscured his view and he could see huge bars in front of him.

"What the hell? Where am I?" he asked. He walked up to the bars to see if there was anything on the other side, but he couldn't see anything. "What's the point of this?" he asked. Suddenly, he felt a massive presence on the other side. His eyes widened as he began retreating, but he tripped and fell over.

"You sure do ask lots of questions, brat."

"Who was that? Who is there?" Naruto shouted in panic.

"Two more questions." The voice finally got to the bars, and Naruto saw who was talking. It was a giant fox. Naruto would have made a joke about foxes if he wasn't paralyzed by the huge amount of chakra he was detecting. "He finally brought himself to speak.

"Who are you?"

"Brat, I wouldn't have talked to you if it wasn't for the attack that happened yesterday."

"You still haven't answered my question..." Naruto said slowly.

"SILENCE, BRAT! I was about to get to that part. I am the Kyuubi, and I have been sealed into you by the Fourth Hokage, your father."

That single sentence left Naruto so shocked, his legs failed him. He couldn't even make a noise as he began processing the overload of information. Meanwhile, the Kyuubi was getting more and more annoyed at the boy's silence. Finally, he could take it no more.

"Hey, brat. Speak."

"...What can I even say..." for once, Naruto was lost for words. Finally, he asked the Kyuubi something: "Why did you tell me all that now?"

"... Because you asked me..."

"No, I mean why are you telling me this now? You could have told me this ages ago!"


"What! Why do you hate me? I haven't done anything to you!"


"Well how do you know that I will!"


"...Was my dad the same?"

At this, the Kyuubi stopped. While it was true that his dad was a little different, there was no way he was going to admit that.

"But what if... maybe... this boy..." the Kyuubi thought to himself.

"Well anyway, I didn't bring you here to argue with me. I wanted to tell you that the attack did more damage than you think. The attack actually involved a sword and a blunt object – probably a hammer. The hammer rearranged your brain and damaged large parts of it while the sword somehow managed to take some parts of your brain out."

"What! So you're saying that I've got a smaller brain now?" Naruto shouted. He didn't like to admit it, but he wasn't that clever. Losing some of his brain would make school even harder than it already was.

"Not exactly."

"Then what?"

"I managed to fully heal your brain, but since I can't remember exactly what it was like, and we've got some missing pieces, I changed your brain a bit. I won't bore you with the details, but basically, you now have full control over your body."

Naruto face palmed. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Grrr! Fine, I'll give you one example. Before, you couldn't control your cell growth, right? But now, you can if you focus."

"Woah! You mean I can make myself taller!" Naruto had stars in his eyes.

The Kyuubi rolled his eyes. "Of course you would think of that."

"Hey! Anyway, is that what you wanted to say?"

"Pretty much."

"Okay, so what can I call you? I don't wanna keep calling you Kyuubi."

"Hmph. Why should I tell you, a mere mortal, my name?"

"Because you know my name? Duh. Also, I need tips on this brain thing."

"Grrr! Fine. It's Kurama."

"How can I get to this place again?"

"Just close your eyes and imagine this place. Anyway, it's time for you to go."

"Okay, see ya!"

"BASTARD! We're not on friendly terms yet!" But it was too late, Naruto was already gone.

Naruto opened his eyes and saw the same doctor.

"So you're awake? After we finish these checks you'll be discharged from the hospital," he said.

20 minutes later, Naruto was at his house, having been discharged.

"Alright! Time to see what I can do!"