Chapter 1

" COME ON LUCY! WE'RE GANNA BE LATE!" her friend yelled up from the staircase. Lucy done with her pinned up hair was deciding on an original little black dress or a yellow skin tight one for the club. Her friend Levy really wanted Lucy to get out of the house after such intense workweek.

"I can't decide! aah! Come up and helped me pick," she yelled back laying down both of the dress at the bed.

Levy came inside of Lucy's room. As the blonde turned to face her friend, she awed at how adorable she looked. Levy was petite framed and she had soft short wavy blue hair. She had on an orange crop top with high waist purple shorts that showed off her curves. Then she had on brown wedged gladiator straps that went up to her knees. She walked over to the bed and turned to give her a sly smiled.

" Lu, defiantly the yellow dress" she stated.

"Thanks, Levy I don't know what I would do without you" Lucy grabbed the dress and headed to the bathroom.

"Par it up with black pumps Lu and bring flats!" she yelled.

"ok!" Lucy yelled back

The place was flashing with hues of lights of every color. The club overflew with riotous sound of the bass music, peoples laughter and glass clinging against each other. All of the energy made Lucy heart pumped causing small hairs to creep up her back. Her eyes wouldn't stop taking in the sight.

I really needed this, she thought. Lucy felt a strong tug from her arms that forced her to pick up her pace.

"They're here!" Levy shouted out to win over the muster sounds of the club.

Lucy viewed forward, sighting her group of friends Rogue, Hibikki, Virgo, Droy, Jet, and Gajeel, They were sitting on the most isolated part of the building. Before she could even tell, Levy was all ready seated by her boyfriend Gajeel. He always wore black shirt and pants, the only thing that ever exalted from his fashion choose was the amount of piercing on his face. A giggle escape Lucy's lips. Who would of thought the elite executive Levy had a soft spot for bad boys.

"Who is this beauty?" A silk voice whisper on the back Lucy's ear holding her hands gently.

"My, Levy you never told you would bring a lovely friend" The man walked in front of her. He had spiky brown blonde hair with dark eyes focusing on her brown eyes. He was quite handsome and he seemed a bit older than Lucy. "u-uh" Her face was burning from the intensity of his approach as the space between them was getting short.

"My princess looks uncomfortable, please get away" Lucy's eyebrows twitched at the sight of violence and the cry of pain. The fair looking girl with purple hair kicked the man down to the floor. "Is my princess ok?" she asked calmly.

"Yes, thank you Virgo but I think we should be asking that to Hibikki."She gazed over her injured friend. "Princess?" He quoted while cleaning himself of the floor. " I couldn't even recognized you Lucy" He's smile was crooked and weak as a tint of red crept on his face. "Gehee, same here bunny girl, you don't look like a hot mess" Gajeel snickered.

For the past couple of weeks Lucy has been working hard with her marketing team and hasn't really been taken proper care of her image. Even though her job was about beauty and fashion.

Lucy sat down at the table. " Well you should thank Levy, she's the one who dressed me up, basically."

"Lu!" She blushed

"Levy does have the best eye" Droy cheered as he lifted a cup in the air.

"And she also knows what is best!" Jet beamed while clashing cups together as both boys married along.

The boys seemed to have an amazed admiration for Levy.

"Stings not with you?" Rogue spoke up.

"Oh yeah, where is your boyfriend Luuu" Levy teased.

Lucy didn't even looked over to them, her back stiffed at the mention of his name. She was gawking at her hand which were shaking.

It's ok. It's ok. She whispered to herself as she let air come inside her lungs and then out. This small action became a mantra for her in such short hours. Regaining her strength she flashed a bright smile while shaking her head. And as if the Devil himself knew her pain, a voice was heard behind her.

"Hey guys! Mind if we sit with ya?" Everyone turned to see a spiky blonde young man with a canine grin. Next to him, holding his hand was a slender short light hair girl. The girl was wearing a white shirt with a teal mini shirt and white booties.

"S-sure?" Hibikki spoke dotting eyes on the new girl and back at Lucy.

"Her name is Yukino" He kissed her on the cheek. "S-sting, please" she blushed.

To everyone's knowledge, Sting and Lucy were an item.

"Princess" Virgo asked with a disdain voice, eying the blonde man.

The young women took the open sit next to Lucy then Sting sat right next to her. Everyone kept looking at each other, pleading, try to find out an answer to what this scene was making out of.

"So what is everyone up to?" Sting asked cheerfully as he took a drink that was in front of him.

Gajeel gazed over to the direction of Rogue, since Rogue and Sting were close friends. Rogue eyebrows were furrowed as he was scowling his friends with his eyes. " That's what I am wondering too?" Rogue asked distantly, crossing his arms.

"What do you mean?" the blonde stared down at Rogue taking another sip.

As Levy searched back to check on Lucy to understand this madness. She didn't meet her gaze. Lucy was leaning in on the girl smiling. "So your name is Yukino?" she asked gleefully.

The light hair girl swiftly turned around and nodded. Lucy stretched out a hand to her "My name is Lucy". Yukino awed at Lucy's approach and took her handshake as a welcoming.

"I'll be right back" the blonde excused herself. The brown eye girl was gone from the table as her body disappearing in the sea of people. The petite young girl sneak out and chased after her friend to what seemed to lead to the bathroom.

"Lucy?" the room echoed

A stall room creaked opened up, exposing Lucy sitting on the toilet, her hands covering her face. Levy never seen her golden hair friend crushed like this, what seemed her world collapsing down in front of her. Her body was shaken, Levy couldn't see the tears but the soft sobs echoed in that bathroom. She had no words to speak to her brokenhearted friend. So, she walked steadily to Lucy, kneeling down next to her and stroking her hair.

"Its ok Lu, why didn't you tell me anything? I'm here for you" She whispered.

All Lucy could do was shake her head, as she stayed still to calm herself.

"I don't know Levy, but thank you." In the mist of those hot tears. Her smile was strong and soft. Those eyes that were stunned red had a glow of strength. She didn't know how Lucy did it but she knew her friend never stayed down for too long. Though the thought that Lucy kept this to herself didn't stop bugging her. All she wondered was for how long.

Getting up from the stall Lucy helped Levy up. She headed over the sink washing off the messy stain of mascara under her eyes. "Let's head out! We came to have some fun with our friends." She cheered.

Yet, Levy didn't follow behind " But Lu.." her voice was gloomily. Knowing her blue hair friend was sincerely concern she nudge her on the shoulder. "It's ok Levy, I love him, yes, and well… she is innocent in all this. But let me remind you, at this very moment is all about us. Let's have fun together and I wont let him see me down!" She winked.

"Besides…" she leaned her body on the door looking up at the ceiling. "I respect him too much to treat him bad anyways, but you know what they say, kill them with love." She titled her head looking over at Levy with a giant grin.

Levy couldn't help but laughed, "Lu, you are too much for your own good."

"ORDER UP" A server with pink hair enter the circle with a line of food.

"Um I don't believe we order this food?" Virgo eyebrows rose up with disbelief of the feast. Lines appeared on the pink servant's forehead as he nose scrunched. "uh?, wait wait" he reached down to his apron to grabbed his pocket pad "Don't tell me I messed up the order, Erza would kill me" He mumbled under his breath.

"OH! It says the order was under the name Lucky Lucy" he confirmed.

"That's me!" Lucy appeared walking down to the table while Levy slide herself next to Gajeel.

"B-but Lucy this is ridiculous a lot" Hibikki added.

"Let her be! It's a feast!" Droy eyed the table as a wolf.

Sting had a steady gazed at the blonde unsure why she did this kind of act.

"What are you guys saying, food taste so much better with friends anyways. And besides, we haven't seen each other like this for awhile. So lets enjoy." Lucy took her place next to Yukino and turned to the girl. "Please Yukino, don't be shy and feel free to eat too. It would make me so happy to gain a new friend."

She was thrilled "Thank you Lucy!"

The corners of Lucy mouth curled up. Yukino was breathless on how her smile was so radiate. She couldn't help thinking how pretty Lucy was.

BOOP "LETS DRINK!" Jet poured champagne on everyone cup

"YEAH!" everyone cheered.

Lucy waved to the pink waiter as he laid down more food.

"Everything ok?" he asked earnestly,

"It's great actually!" She hand over a $100 dollar tip.

His eyes widen at the money she was handing down. "W-why?"

"I insist, Its for all the trouble we are going to cause"

A punch on the table was heard "DAMN IT VIRGO! That was my shot!"

"I doubt you can take me down Gajeel" she challenged "All you wanna do is impress Levy" Gajeel blushed.

" IT'S ON" he croaked. Hibikki was laying down the circle shot as a challenge.

Lucy looked back at the pink waiter covering her face, she suddenly felt exhausted. "Please just take the $100."

Yukino tapped Lucy on the shoulder. "Say Lucy where did you get your dress from?"

"Oh! From my job line Stellar beauty"

In surprise Yukino looked at Lucy "you work there!''

Taken back by her shrill Lucy nodded. "Yeah but is mostly for marketing and consulting on the product at HQ"

" No way I love their brand but I work for Saber Alliance, so I can't be buying the products of our rival company" she mourned

"I know exactly what you mean! What's your position?" Lucy asked.

" Broadcasting" she said joyfully

Gajeel and Levy couldn't help but chuckle at Sting's misery. His eyes wouldn't come off the two girls every time they giggled, he would stiffen up. He was in complete shock how Lucy actually started a conversation with Yukino.

He leaned on her shoulder whispering "Hey, want to be alone for a bit" as he interlace his hands with Yukino under the table. She faced her blonde boyfriend. "No way, I love your group of friends. I want to get to know them more" she responded back and went back to Lucy.

Halfway through the night, the mood was merry. Levy got up and convinced Gajeel to come out and dance. The long hair raven grunt at the thought of dancing close to sweaty people but eying his girl that feeling soon vanish. Sting followed along asking Yukino to dance. Right after everyone else left. Hibikki asked Virgo. Jet and Droy left to wing-man each other for another girl. Lucy reassured everyone that she would stay back and watched the belongings so everyone could have a good time.

She looked out at them disappearing in the fog of the club. Relieved to be alone just for a moment. Her sadness overwhelmed her but there was no way she was going to break. She thought, I may be sad but I would not treat them bad. That's not love. Love is patient. And love, oh love will come, if it's meant to be… She end up chuckled at herself, how mushy can you get Heatifilia, she told herself.

Minutes past and loud beats of the music got her head bobbing and soon that bobbing wasn't enough. She started to sway her body on the sit moving her hands and head into the rhythm. Lucy couldn't help it before the whole fiasco with Sting she was up for dancing and having a good time. Now she wished more than anything to go to the dance floor and feel the bass swipe her off to another world. The music, the sweat, the sound that was real her medicine.

"Go dance"

She suddenly stopped. Lucy's minded started to race, how embarrassing someone caught her dancing alone… on the chair. She grunted. She must have looked like a complete weirdo.

Fluster, she responded "no, no I have to take care of the items" her heart was beating so fast, she couldn't even look at the person who spoke to her. She lowered her head to avoid any form of eye contact. Damn it, how she wished at this moment her hair was down to hide.

"ok, then. Let's dance here."

The guy came closer, kneeling down next to Lucy. He tilted his head down to be able to see her face.

When she peaked to the left to see who it might be without moving her head. She noticed strands of pink hair and what looked like an apron. Having more courage she finally turned to face him. The young man had a boyish grinned and his hand extended out to her.

"Let's dance"