"Have you heard the news?" It was Randall, ringing Hershel before he had even picked up the morning paper. Immediately, Hershel knew this had nothing to do with a prank or trivial chitchat. Randall's voice sounded hollow, devoid of his usual excitement.

Hershel wandered into the kitchen, away from Flora, Luke and Alfendis' sensitive ears. "Is everything alright?" he murmured.

There was a sigh. "Do you remember Professor Tago? He's… he's died."

Hershel adjusted his grip on the phone. "I'm very sorry to hear that. Although I have read his books, I never had the pleasure of meeting Professor Tago in person. You and Dr. Schrader always spoke very highly of his work, particularly sharing puzzles with children. He will be remembered for generations to come."

"You're right." Randall sniffed. "He was the one who inspired me to take up puzzles as a kid, and I passed those puzzles onto you."

"I'm very glad that you did," Hershel said softly.

"Thanks, Hersh. We're holding a memorial in Monte d'Or tomorrow…"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world… See you then, Randall."

The door creaked open. Of course, his three young charges had been listening. He beckoned for them to come inside.

Luke cleared his throat. "Is there something wrong with Randall?"

"A great puzzle master has passed away." Luke gasped. Flora bit her lip. Alfendi frowned. Hershel touched the brim of his hat and continued, "Randall was quite saddened by the knowledge. He has arranged a memorial for tomorrow–"

"We're all going, right?" Alfendi interjected. Hershel blinked at him. Between the three of them, he was the one who showed the least interest in puzzles, preferring to investigate police cases.

"Indeed," Hershel replied. "You are welcome to attend, but you shouldn't feel obliged–"

"We're going with you," Flora reinforced.

Luke nodded. "One must always show gratitude to one's teachers."

"And leave no puzzle unsolved," Flora added.

"That's what a gentleman does," Alfendi finished.

A small tribute to Professor Layton's puzzle master, Akira Tago. Thank you for everything.