A/N: I'm sorry for such the long wait! Life got crazy (as always), but here's the final instalment for our epic tale. It's really short, and honestly I could've left the story at the last chapter, but I wanted to make one final closing statement before hitting the 'complete' button. I hope you enjoy!
Centuries had passed since Rose had fallen into the Void. Since then people had passed in and out of the TARDIS, Martha, Donna, Amy, Rory, River, Clara. The Doctor had made it through two regenerations in the time, Rose only one, but new faces never put a damper on their relationship.
She and the Doctor had gotten married shortly after Rose had come back from the Void, and not the weird 'I kissed you, now we're married' way. It was a small ceremony with some earth traditions and some Galifreyan. The audience consisted of Jack and the TARDIS, but Rose and the Doctor wouldn't want it any other way.
Jack the immortal flirt was still traveling with them. The Doctor tried to deny enjoying Jack traveling with them, but Rose knew that the Captain grown on him.
Even though the humans wandered in and out of the TARDIS, the two Time Lords and the Immortal stayed in the TARDIS. They made quite the team.
It had taken the Eleventh Doctor in the other dimension a while to shake the hurt of losing Rose again, he eventually moved on. The Ponds were there for him, even if the newly married couple didn't understand why he was sulky after their wedding. Amy never failed to make the Doctor laugh, and River kept his mind off of Rose and on the here and now.
There will always be more planets to save, and civilizations to rebuild. He had the Ponds to lean on, but eventually his best friends and his wife passed from his life, and it was just the Doctor in the TARDIS.
The pain came back full force when the Ponds left, combine that with losing his pink and yellow human again and the loss became practically unbearable. So the Doctor did what he always does, he ran.
Then came the girl who who saved him from Daleks, died, then came to life as a Victorian Governess, died again, and then called him to ask about how to fix the wifi.
The pain of losing his companions may never fade, but there were always places to run away and hide from the loss, and the Doctor happens to be quite good at running.
A/N: And on that slightly angst-y note, this story draws to a close!
Thanks to my reviewers, Seralina (HURRAH indeed), puppyface1000 (Thanks!), TheDoctorMulder (I'm definitely going to have to listen to the Stone Rose now! And I agree, Rose making him a pouch for his sonic was ultra shippy!), WonderfulWhovian (Thank you! I'm glad the reaction was OK), and RoyaleisiaTheStrong (Yes, it was definitely hard to figure out the technicalities of Rose turning into a Time Lord. Honestly, when I started this story I didn't even know how it would happen. It wasn't until the seventh chapter that the idea hit me! Thanks for the review)
If you review this chapter, I will PM you a response, and if you're a guest reviewer, then you'll just have to take my word for it that I appreciate feedback! Toodles!