A/N: Hello, I'm completely new here! (Writing wise) I have read a lot of fanfics here though, and have been greatly inspired by Zootopia movie and Zootopia fanfic writers too, and for the first time, decided to try writing a fanfic for a Disney animation. I struggled a lot on whether I should write this but I had a lot of fun reading other writers' works, and hope I can contribute in some small little way too.

Please pardon me for any error (you can kindly let me know too, I try my best but I'm only human), I hope someone will enjoy reading this! It's also my first time writing something crime/mystery related and I really am not sure how I will fare but well, you never try, you never know! Just trying everything I am legally allowed to here! :) As for the title, I'm trying to convey a sense of 'day to day' living, but not everything will be of daily basis, so the 'time to time' part too. Lastly, reviews will be extremely appreciated by this little bunny here, read away! :D

The furry paw tucked the handgun into the holstery as the animal holding it couldn't hide the bright smile on it's face, as it looked at the reflection in the mirror in front of him, as he patted the dust off his uniform.

Nick Wilde, would never have believed in a million years, that he would become a policeman, and a happy one at that. Life and it's surprises, are truly neverending.. he never expected to work alongside a rabbit, to become best friend with a prey, or to walk right in the straight path of the law.

His mother would have been so proud of him, he thought to himself, as he looked at the reflection of the picture frame, through the mirror, a forlorn smile hanging on his lips. The ring of his phone alarm aroused him from his thoughts, signalling for him to make his move.

The fox let out a light whistle, and even had a slight bounce in his step as he walked confidently into the ZPD, sending Clawhauser a cheerful greeting as he walked past the cheetah, munching on a chocolate donut, with rainbow sprinkles. That resulted in half his face being smeared with chocolates - Clawhauser wasn't exactly the neatest eater around. Despite his messy eating habits, he was not a sloppy officer and as one, who had honed his observation skills for years, noticed the fox was being unusually cheerful.

Either he had something to be really happy about or somebunny's infectious optimism was rubbing off him. Thinking of the devil, in she walked; or rather, trudged her way in. Her mannerism puzzling Clawhauser, the unusual lively bunny looked exactly as if she was having a classic Monday blues, something she never once had. Being a police himself after all, his instinct and curiosity kicked in, prompting him to find out more.

"Hopps!" Clawhauser called out to grab her attention as she was walking towards the direction of the stairs, and he could swear she was shooting daggers out of her eyes. Who knew such round - and cute (a word he knew better than to utter in her presence again)- eyes could be capable of that?

"What" her usual excitement was completely drained from her voice, leaving the tone of her question monotonous.

"Er.. Is something the matter?" Not wanting to offend his colleague, he hesitated and could only hope he appeared sensitive in his approach, as he looked on ar the rabbit, noticing puffy bags at the bottom of both her eyes.

"Why don't you try interogating a criminal for 24 hours?", came the grouchy-sounding reply from the usually friendly rabbit.

"24 hours?! Then shouldn't you be heading home for some rest now?"

The rabbit squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head vigorously, mustering whatever energy she had left, she squinted her eyes, a look of determination shining through, "No! Duty call, rest can wait", with that, she walked with her back more upright than ever, up the flight of stairs, to receive her assigned duties.

Judy gave another death glare as she caught sight of her partner at their seat as she stepped into the room. Nick gulped in nervousness, wondering if it was about what happened the day before.

"Hmf, some trusty partner, falling asleep in the car and creating sweet dreams, while leaving me alone to deal with everything", she grumbled as she used her remaining energy to climb onto their shared chair, and this time, intentionally leaving a wide space between both of them.

"Oh, come on, Carrots, it was just Flash, surely it was enough for you to interrogate him alone,", Nick protested as he nudged her, and attempted to slide closer to his partner, who retaliated by poking him in the ribs with the back of her arm, resulting in an "ouch", not loud enough for everyone to hear but loud enough to earn several 'shh's.

"Ya, right, just Flash. Nick, precisely because it is Flash! You knew how long it takes to get a statement out of him! And how boring it is! What makes it even worse, being on the road! Whenever loud vehicles whizz by, I had to retake his statements again! 24 hours, it took nearly 30 hours to find out everything I needed to!"

"But, you were already gone when I got up?", Nick titled his head, puzzled at the amount of time she took.

"Did you not notice your environment, Officer Wilde?", a hint of sarcasm in her tired voice.

The head officer was starting to assign roles to some officers at this point in time, and the two animals quietened down, ready to respond if they were called upon.

"The police station? ", Nick answered Judy a while later, with a softer vokune now, as a look of realization crossed his eyes, "Oh, you brought him away from the traffic for further interrogations. I thought you went home! ", he said and smacked his face with one of his paws.

"And leave you in the vehicle? Aren't you a smart one, har har", Judy retorted, mocking him.

Nick winced, he would have retaliated in normal circumstances, "Sorry, my mistake, this time. Judy, how about you rest today, I can go solo."

The bunny shook her head firmly, "No, I'm not like somebody, who would leave his partner, without backup on duty", and she turned and scrunched her nose at him, trying to express her displeasure.

Somehow, Nick found them more cute, than annoyed though, as his eyes widened little in wonder, like a little boy looking at something that caught his attention.

Judy's attention was already turned back to the chief, too tired to notice anything else that she did not have her full attention on. She was listening in to the other cases, but mainly waiting for their assigned duties. Secretly, she hoped it will not be a task that was too physically exhausting yet she would prefer not to have work that werw too mundane, or routine too. She liked her work meaningful, but challenging but found herself at a dilemma here, considering her physical state. Her body was practically crying out for rest. Her unusually high energy had managed to sustain her the past 24 hours, but she was not that sure how many more hours of vigilance it could endure.

Thankfully, the chief, who seemed to be aware of Judy's tiredness due to her non-stop work decided to assign them a relatively simple duty of patrolling around Meadowtown (*), an area known to be peaceful.

Judy heaved a sigh of relief, her heart might have yearned for something more exciting, but she was glad for the quiet respite too.

The pair was quiet as Nick drove the vehicle to their destination, the bunny having no energy to initiate a conversation and the fox, wanting to give his partner time to rest.

As agreed on, Judy, the one in the passenger seat, kept a lookout for the pedestrians near her side of the vehicle, watching for anything suspicious. Her eyelids were slowly drooping, to the gentle rocking gentle of the vehicle and she slapped her cheeks with her paw several times to wake herself up.

"Carrots, you ok?"

"Help." "Falling Asleep", the lack of sleep was certainly taking her toll on her mental capabilities.

Nick panicked a little, wondering what to do, though the thought of letting his partner just sleep did cross his mind; he decided against it for a few reasons. It was in broad daylight and citizens will probably be looking at them as they drove by and his partner, with her strong sense of duty, would probably never forgive him for that.

"Carrots! Wait here!", he parked his vehicle by the curb and dashed into a store, only to reappear a few minutes later, with a few bottles of cold drinks, which he thrusted at the side of the face of his partner, who woke up with a jolt, from the sudden coldness.

"Energy drink and a cold shock, best way to stay awake!"

She received it, a slight smile on her face as she sipped the drink through the straw, her partner could be thoughtful when he wanted.

"So.. Carrots, how was the.. Err, interrogations, anything noteworthy? ", Nick decided a conversation might be a good way to stay awake too, seeing as his partner was really determined not to take a break.

Nick noticed as a frown appeared on his partner's face, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he rralized it was not directed at him, "He mentioned a mechanic, I suspect his car might have been tampered with, but why", she paused, and turned to look at Nick, "Do you know if Flash has always been a fast driver? I find it hard to believe ...well, because of their speed."

"Well, what do you know, we have a sheep who tried to murder animals, a rabbit who is strong, and a kind fox over here", he smirked, and gestured at himself, "why can't a sloth be fast?"

Judy rolled her eyes in response, "So, has he always been a fast driver then?"

Nick shrugged, earning another eye roll from his partner.

"But, I do know, how we can find out", he smirked at Judy, as he propped his head up, supported by one of his elbow, which was now resting on the car's dashboard.

End of Chapter 1

*based off Meadowlands, which did not appear in the movie.