Seth was on his way to see his first patient of the day. He wasn't really allowed to have favorites, but Roman Reigns was definitely his favorite. Roman was gorgeous and Seth had a little crush on him, the only problem was that Seth was a physical therapist whose specialty was coma patients. Roman was in a coma and had been for the last 6 months.

It all started out innocently enough, Seth "met" his new patient, a professional football player that had suffered a major head injury and was now stuck in a coma, possibly permanently. He had been hard to look at; he looked so vital that it was hard to believe that he wasn't just going to leap out of bed at any moment and resume his life, but of course looks could be deceiving and Roman never work up. So Seth worked with him everyday, exercising his arms and legs for him. It had been a shame to watch the muscular man's body start to wither over time, but there was no way to keep those muscles so big and strong while the owner was constantly asleep.

Seth preferred to think of his patients as asleep, it made it a little less sad to think of them that way. Roman was so unbelievably handsome that most of the nurses called him 'Sleeping Beauty' and even though the proper protocol was for the patient's faces to be shaved once a week and their hair cut short, they left Roman's hair long and groomed his facial hair just the way it was when he came in. From the first moment Seth saw Roman, he had been drawn to him and he didn't know why. Yes Roman was handsome, but so were so many other guys and Seth had a boyfriend and Roman was in a coma, but he found himself talking more and more to Roman while he exercised his muscles and joints, telling him little things about his day.

Eventually he started visiting Roman after his shift was over or coming back after he had dinner and sitting with him for a while. Roman never got any visitors and he didn't have to worry about intruding on any other visitors. At first he had thought that he only visited Roman because he felt bad that no one visited, but it soon became clear that he was visiting because he liked sitting with him and talking and he felt so comfortable there. Over time he realized that even when he was at home or with friends he was always thinking about Roman and counting the hours until he could see him again.

It was when he almost called out Roman's name while having sex with his boyfriend that he realized that he had feelings for him which was totally ridiculous; Roman was in a coma! He had felt so guilty thinking about Roman when he was with Hunter that he broke up with him and he started spending more time with Roman. He would talk to Roman, tell him all his thoughts and feelings, his hopes, dreams and fears, or sometimes he would just sit next to him and hold his hand. The nurses never said anything when they saw him, they just smiled and went on with their business and that was fine with Seth, he would have felt bad if he saw judgment or disapproval in their eyes, but that wouldn't have stopped him from coming, he felt connected to Roman in ways that he never had with anyone else.

It was 6 months to the day of Roman's injury when Seth got to work and saw a flurry of activity. It usually turned out that they had a new patient or someone had passed away or in the rarest of cases, someone had woken up.

"Seth!" Nurse Bayley called, running up to him. "Sleeping Beauty woke up!"

His mouth fell open in shock. "Really?" he squeaked out.

Seth tuned everything out and went about his daily routine, skipping his scheduled appointment with Roman. He knew that Roman would be busy with doctors and tests to see if there was permanent damage but he was desperate to go and see with his own eyes that Roman was awake. Roman would have to be assessed before Seth could work with him again and it was possible that he would have to start from zero again and learn how to walk.

He waited until his shift was over and he crept up to the door and peeked in. He spotted Roman propped up in bed with his eyes closed.

"I was wondering if you would show up." Roman said with a weak voice.

Seth looked around to see who he was talking to and saw the room was empty. His heart sank when he realized that Roman must have brain damage.

"You over at the door." Roman said and Seth jerked his eyes back to Roman's face and saw him watching him.

Seth slowly walked into the room. "Hi." he said nervously. "I'm glad you're awake."

"Me too." Roman said weakly, but with a smile. "I was worried that you would stop coming to see me now that I'm awake."

Seth's mouth opened and closed in surprise. "You knew I was visiting you?"

"Yeah. I heard you talking to me." Roman said quietly. "I liked your voice."

Seth blushed. "I liked talking to you."

"What's your name?" Roman asked.

"Oh, it's Seth. Seth Rollins." he said fidgeting nervously. Now that Roman was awake, he didn't know what to say or how to act and he felt like a shy teenager again.

Roman tilted his head and looked at him hard. "I went to school with a Seth Rollins, cute little guy with glasses, liked wrestling. Is that you?"

Seth gasped. "Yeah that's me but I don't remember anyone named Roman."

Roman chuckled softly. "They made me change my name for football. My real name is Joe AnoaŹ»i."

Seth rushed forward and stared right into Roman's eyes taking in the clear, sparkling grey color. He had dreamed about those eyes for years, they were the eyes of his high school crush. "Oh my god, Joe! I can't believe I didn't recognize you." He said looking at Roman's face for signs of the boy he knew. "I would have if I had seen your eyes."

Roman smiled. "And why is that?"

Seth stepped back and blushed. "I kind of had a... crush... on you in high school. I always thought your eyes were pretty. You've changed a lot."

"So have you." Roman said looking Seth over. "You've really filled out since then. You look great."

"Thanks." he said, looking down in embarrassment.

"Do you still wear glasses?" Roman asked curiously.

Seth touched his temple and smiled. "No, I got laser eye surgery earlier this year."

Roman nodded. "That's too bad, I liked you in glasses. I used to fantasize about taking them off and kissing you."

Seth couldn't have been more shocked if a kangaroo hopped in and started dancing. "What?"

Roman smirked. "I had a crush on you too."

Seth honestly felt like fainting. The guy he had a crush on in high school was the same guy he had a crush on now and that guy had admitted to having a crush on him too in the past. He felt something brush against his hand and looked down to see Roman trying to hold his hand but he was too weak to do it on his own. Seth took Roman's hand in his and brought it up to his lips and placed a kiss on their joined hands. Roman smiled up at him and Seth's heart raced.

"I know this isn't the time or place to ask, but I've been regretting it since we graduated so... will you go out with me?" Roman asked shyly.

"Yes!" Seth replied happily. "I would love to."

Roman smiled and Seth smiled back. He knew that it would be a long, hard journey for Roman to get back on his feet, but Seth would be there with him all the way and at least their relationship wouldn't have to start from zero.

*Well it's finally over. 26 stories, wow, I thought I would give up after 5, but I made it. Thanks for all the follows, favorites and reviews, your support really inspired me to keep going.

What were your favorite stories? Mine were Drag, Joy, Masquerade, Need, Partner, Reckless, Touch, Valentine and Wedding. Knowing yours might help me write better stories in the future. If you don't want to comment here, you can comment on my tumblr (jt-amethyst)