Usually it didn't happen like this; usually they could slip in unnoticed un-scrutinized but this time it was different. Looking back they should have known he would have brought so much attention to himself that it drew in the feds. Now, now they had no choice but to roll with it. As Sam looked to Dean, then over to the two Agents with guns pointed at them they had no choice but to surrender, neither one of them wanted to get shot. Not that it would bother Dean much, the Mark of Cain would prevent him from dying but Sam didn't really have that kind of protection.
"Put the guns down" the bulky, well built, dark skinned agent ordered.
"Put the guns down and get on the ground" The blond one said echoing him.
"Guess we better do what they say." Sam said dropping his weapon.
"Yeah" Dean said gruffly as he too set his down.
48 Hours Earlier
Sam was asleep in the back; Dean kept glancing in the rearview. He wouldn't admit he was checking on his little brother but that was exactly what he was doing. Dean was protective of Sam, hell he had practically raised his brother himself. Dean glanced down at his arm. The Mark of Cain seemed to stare back at him, mocking him. He knew Sam would do anything to try and rid Dean of the Mark but he couldn't think about that right now. They had traveled to Georgia, on the out skirts of Savannah there had been several female bodies to show up, all of which had demonic glyphs carved into their skin. This wasn't the first time something like this had surfaced, according to their father's journal, he had hunted this demon before but it always seemed to slip off the radar before he could get close enough. He had been dormant it seems for awhile but now he was back and they had a crack at him.
Dean pulled into a motel close to the highway. He checked them in and then woke up his brother. "We're here sunshine" he said giving him a quick shake.
"What? What do you mean we are here you were supposed to wake me up so we could swap off" Sam said frustrated.
"Wasn't tired, now we are here, let's get to work." Dean shrugged. To tell the truth Dean was exhausted, but sleep meant he would have to deal with the dreams that the Mark gave him. So much blood and anger, it was safer for him to stay awake. He didn't want to go all demon Dean again.
"Work? Don't you want to sleep?" His brother asked whining it was obvious that Sam wanted to go back to sleep.
"We can sleep when we're dead, well you know if it ever sticks." Dean gave a half smirk.
"Jerk" Sam mumbled
"Bitch" Dean replied automatically.
Sam crawled out of the Impala's back seat and grabbed his bag. "Alright if you want to start work let's hit it." He sighed in defeat.
"Great" Dean said clapping his hands together and leading the way to their room.
Once the brothers where settled inside they started to spread out, all their research was laid out in front of them. Dean had made sure to stop off and grab a burger for him and the rabbit food Sam called a salad for his brother.
"Are we sure this is a demon?" Sam asked
"I mean it sure sounds like it; Dad was convinced it was some crazy demon that got off killing people and carving them up." Dean replied, "Sounds like a demon thing, right?"
"Could be, but without seeing the victims and crime scenes, I can't be sure. So maybe we should go see them?" he said hinting to his brother.
"Maybe I should just call Crowley and ask him." Dean suggested.
"Let's not" Sam said dryly.
"Fine, suits?" he asked.
"Yeah, then we can stop in and see what the Locals have on the case."
20 minutes later they were standing in an empty field, there was a 10' by 10' section roped off where the victim had been discovered, this was the latest one number three.
"They got someone watching the crime scene" Sam nodded over to the cop who was sitting in his car.
"Great he looks like he's passed out" Dean said approaching. "He is" Dean laughed and knocked on the window. The officer inside jumped. Dean pulled out his 'FBI Credentials' "Hey buddy where with the FBI Agents Rolling and Maiden, where here to take a look around the crime scene."
"Sorry Agents uh, this late at night?" the officer looked confused.
"Yes Sir we just arrived in town and want to get started right away." Dean told him with his boyish smile.
""Oh, okay well go ahead and look around then." The officer said getting out of his vehicle.
Dean thanked him and rejoined Sam; they approached the tape and searched the area. "I'm not smelling anything" Dean whispered quietly.
"Tell me Officer where their burn marks on the ground?" Sam called as he kneeled down to inspect the ground. It looked as if the grass was burned.
"Yeah, weird shape to it was almost as if they where…"
"Wings" Dean sighed.
Penelope Garcia thought she had seen it all, she had thought over the years that maybe she might develop a stronger stomach but this was something completely new and unusual. As she prepared the presentation for the team she had to stop several times to puke, the amount of blood and torture, and guts it was enough to make anyone puke except maybe the members the Behavioral Analysis Unit. When it was ready she looked at the time the team would be coming in by now. "Kitties, puppies, sexy male agents" she said trying to keep the case off her mind. Gathering her things she hurried out of the safety of her tech room and called to the bull pen. "Conference room 5 minutes" she said hurrying in to get everything set up.
It was 10 minutes later when everyone was seated and ready to hear the case she had to present. "So this one is particularly weird and all sorts of crazy, so we have three dead women, all killed in exactly the same way, but none of them look the same." She said flipping through the slides. "What makes this our case is we have two killed in Georgia one killed in Florida right over the state line. Anyway so each woman was laid out in a field, marks carved into their chest pre-mortem and then the scenes where then staged to look like this." She showed a picture of the last woman with her arms folded with her hands pressed together almost as if she were praying.
"Is that wings?" Spencer Reid said leaning forward to get a better look. "Burn marks in the shape of wings, the detail on that is amazing it must have taken a long time to burn a pattern like that. You can see the shape and detail of feathers."
"Look at how she is dressed, a white gown, hands folded as if in prayer, the markings carved into her chest, this says religious motivation all over it." J.J. interjected.
"Agreed, Spencer and I will go to Florida the rest of you will go to Georgia, let's find this guy." Hotchner said, "Wheels up in 30"
They all got to their feet and where out the door.
"Angels?" Dean said getting back in the car.
"We need to see what the locals have; this is not what we thought it was." Sam nodded, "If it's Angels we need Cas on this one."
"If he decides to show up, he got his mojo back and we haven't seen him in awhile." Dean pursed his lips as he stepped on the gas. 20 minutes later he was pulling into the Chatham County Sheriff's office.
Sam and Dean walked into the office and showed their 'Credentials', "Agents Rolling and Maiden with the FBI" Dean said with a small smile.
"Welcome Agent's we weren't expecting you this fast, is the rest of your team coming or did they head down to Florida first?" the chief deputy asked as he shook their hands.
"Yes, they went down to Florida first, we just happened to be sent here to get things started seeing as you guys have two bodies." Dean said. Sam gave him 'the look' which meant that he wanted to scram now before they got caught.
"Well no we set you guys up over here, so if you guys need anything just let us know." The chief deputy seemed to be pleased with himself for being so accommodating, then again in the south hospitality was everything to them.
"Thanks" Dean said as they entered the conference room. Everything was already set up, crime scene photos; the case file sat on the table multiple copies. Dean picked one up and looked inside. "Damn" he said looking at the photos, "Recognize her?" he asked showing it to Sam.
"No" Sam replied looking up from the case file he had in his hands. "We need to see the bodies and get out of here." He said in a hushed whisper.
"I know" Dean slipped the case file into the inside jacket pocket. "Hey Deputy" he called, "You mind if we go look at the bodies?" he asked.
"Yeah someone can take you over there in a little bit." The deputy said smiling.
"That's okay just give us the address and we can head over, I know you guys are busy and we wouldn't want to in convince anyone."
"Are you sure it's no in convinace at all." The sheriff said quietly.
"We're sure" Dean gave him his best smile. The sheriff wrote down the address and handed it to him.
"Let us know if you need anything" he said.
The morgue was luckily not too far from where they had been. Unsure how much time they had they wanted to make this quick. As they walked inside they looked around, spotting a fed vehicle was pretty easy when you knew what you where looking for. They of course knew from experience, but according to the FBI they were dead.
The inside of the morgue was done a lot more upbeat then one would have expected. The walls where done in a bright yellow and green which was tacky in its own right and much too cheerful. Dean looked over at Sam with a raised eye brow when they approached the window and where met with a very perky woman who seemed to bounce in her seat in excitement.
"You all must be the Feds the sheriff said to expect you and extend our full cooperation. We don't see too many Feds here so we are mighty glad to help you." She said in a sickie sweet southern accent.
"Yeah, thanks" Sam said trying to return the woman's bright smile. They were shown into the back where the coroner was working on a different case.
"Ah you guys are the Fed's" she stepped away and peeled away her gloves, tossing them in the trash. She pulled off the mask on her face and smiled. "Trish Hanson" she said introducing herself.
"Agents Rolling and Maiden" Dean said. "What do you have doc?" he asked following her towards her office.
She handed him a case file from her desk. "Not like anything I've ever seen. The cuts, well let's just say they bled a lot which was what I thought might be the cause of death but then there wasn't enough blood lost to do this. I thought maybe strangulation but there are no signs of that, I honestly can't figure out what killed them."
"Thanks doc anything else you can tell us any skin or fibers anything to go on?"
"Afraid not, other than the cuts on the chest there isn't a scratch on them." she frowned.
"Thanks, we better be on our way, mind if we take this with us?" he asked holding up the case file.
"Be my guest" she nodded.
Sam and Dean walked out, nodded to the woman at the window and strode right towards baby, Dean's Black Chevy Impala.
"Think we have enough time to make it to the other location?" Dean asked.
"Doubtful, and if the Fed's are involved they are going to be way over their heads. We need to find out what's going on and quickly before one of them gets hurt." Sam said worried now. "I say we get back to the motel pack up and put distance between us and the town while we figure out what is going on." Sam said looking at his brother with the 'Don't argue with me you know I'm right' look.
Dean scoffed, "we'll be fine let's get back to the motel and try and call Cas."
"Fine" Sam said knowing he really couldn't argue with Dean.