Cherry was on her way to the Fudo house with something in her pockets.

Atticus came to get Patch, Darla, and himself a late breakfast. "I had this weird dream..."

"Me too." Patch said.

"Can't be stranger than mine." Atticus chuckled.

"Wanna bet?" Patch asked.

Darla came into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes with a small yawn.

"Morning, Sis, you won't believe the dream I had." Atticus said to his adopted sister.

"What happened?" Darla asked as she took a seat while he made breakfast for them.

"It was like something out of a sci-fi movie," Atticus said. "There was this court trial for this mad scientist alien that made something he called Experiment 626 and he was put under arrest for... Illegal... Something..."

"No way, that's the same thing that I saw in my dream." Patch said.

"Really?" Atticus asked.

"I dreamt about flying in the air..." Darla smiled as she waved her tiny hands like wings.

"What an amazing dream." Emily smiled.

Cherry knocked on the door.

"I'll get it, dear." Emily told Atticus since he was cooking breakfast.

"Sure, Mom." Atticus nodded as he then cooked while thinking about his and Patch's dream.

Emily opened the door. "Cherry, what a surprise."

"Excuse me for being early, Mrs. Fudo, but I was hoping to ask Atticus and Darla something, and maybe even Patch." Cherry replied.

"Well, we're about to have breakfast at the moment, but you can come in if you want." Emily said.

"I'll make this quick." Cherry promised as she stepped inside the house for a moment.

Emily let her in, then came back into the kitchen.

Atticus, Darla, and Patch greeted Cherry and she greeted back, then it was time for the topic of why she was there.

"You guys ever wanna go to Hawaii?" Cherry prompted.

"You know it." Atticus, Darla, and Patch smiled.

"Good..." Cherry smirked, then took out plane tickets.

"What!?" Atticus, Darla, and Patch asked.

"I was bored listening to the radio and there was a win free tickets to Hawaii contest for the thirteenth caller," Cherry said. "I figured 'what the heck?'."

"Do we need a shaporon?" Darla asked.

"Shaparon?" Cherry asked.

"Yeah, an adult to look after us while we're traveling." Darla said.

"Oh, a chaperon..." Cherry said then. "Yeah, we do."

"Mom, you wanna do it?" Atticus asked.

"Well, maybe..." Emily smiled halfway. "I could use a vacation... Plus, it's sometimes hard to keep the house still standing by myself while your father's out of town for important business... Well, okay!"

"Great." Atticus smiled.

"Sounds good, I know it's sudden, but I figured you guys could use a vacation." Cherry said.

"We really could." Atticus said.

"I've never been to Hawaii before..." Darla sounded excited. "Oh, I hope I can take a hula class."

"That sounds like a good idea." Emily approved.

"I wonder if we can watch." Patch smiled.

Darla smiled bashfully as she daydreamed about becoming a hula dancer.

"You ever dance outside of the movies?" Atticus asked.

"I wanted to take ballet classes, but LB wouldn't let me..." Darla pouted.

"He never did let you go out and make friends very much, did he?" Patch asked. "I think I understand why you were kind of a spoiled brat in Hollywood."

"Yeah, all because of LB Mammoth." Atticus said.

"Oh, you poor dear..." Emily hugged Darla.

"I wish you could've come to the orphanage instead of him..." Darla smiled up to her new mother.

"Me too, honey, me too." Emily smiled.

After breakfast, Atticus and Patch came back to his room, pondering the dream they had while also being excited for Hawaii.

'I wonder what that dream was all about.' Atticus said.

"Did you watch a sci-fi movie before you went to bed last night?" Patch asked Atticus.

"No, I didn't," Atticus shook his head. "Did you?"

"Not that I remember..." Patch pouted. "That thing in the jar freaked me out though..."

"Me too..." Atticus said. "What did it even say?"

"I have no idea, but it wasn't 'Dog'." Patch shuddered.

"Well, whatever it said must have been a bad word." Atticus said.

"I just remember that this lady who seemed to be in charge of everything didn't like it one bit." Patch said.

"No, she didn't..." Atticus said. "Oh, well, it was just a dream..."

"Yeah." Patch nodded.

Atticus smiled to him as he then lay back on his bed. "I wonder what Hawaii will be like..."

"Probably like it is on TV." Patch guessed. "But better."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Atticus smiled.

Patch smiled back as they daydreamed about a vacation in Hawaii. And where it was with surfing and where Atticus also daydreamed of being in a body-builder's contest.

Patch daydreamed of maybe surfing. "Cowabunga!" he laughed and hooted in his fantasy as a lot of people cheered for him.

After the wave passed, Patch was in the sand, being given a flower lei with a golden crown and Colette came over and gave him a winning kiss.

In reality, Patch was kissing the wall.

"Patch? Patch... PATCH!" Atticus called.

"Huh, what?" Patch woke up then.

"Why are you kissing that wall?" Atticus asked.

"Uhh... Well... Because I love this wall out of the other ones..." Patch said with a sheepish smile, then kissed the wall again.

Atticus laughed. "Silly puppy..." He then laid back on his bed and began to daydream.

Patch just remembered something, then decided to go. "I'll be right back."

Atticus nodded to him, then continued to daydream about their upcoming vacation.

Patch went to the window and did a quick call to someone, then went out the doggy door to a meeting place he always met a certain someone to just talk or maybe exchange something with that somebody. He waited as he sat at the spot by himself, hoping a dog-catcher wouldn't take him away while he was waiting.

Colette emerged from the bushes. "What's up?"

"I'm going to Hawaii with Cherry, Atticus, Darla, and Emily." Patch told her.

"Oh, that'll be fun," Colette smiled. "I hear it's sun, surf, and boat loads of fun!"

"That's what I'm hoping for." Patch smiled.

"Well, have fun." Colette smiled.

"I'll bring you back something." Patch promised.

"You don't need to." Colette smiled softly.

"I want to." Patch insisted.

"Well, okay, only if you want to." Colette said.

Patch smiled and nuzzled against the female cocker spaniel.

Atticus continued to daydream. Daydream starts.

The daydreamed showed the tropical paradise of the Hawaiian Islands. Mo was wearing a floral gown that was a coral reef color and had a flower in her hair as the ocean waves seemed to dance behind her.

"Hey, there, little lady." A muscular beach bully smirked at Mo.

Mo frowned at the bully. "Go away!"

"You look like you could use a little company." the beach bully laughed.

"Why don't you leave her alone?" Atticus asked, sounding serious.

"Who's gonna make me, geek?" the beach bully mocked before kicking sand against him.

As if on cue, a man appeared with a banner that said body-builders contest.

"I challenge you," Atticus challenged. "You, me, bodybuilding."

"Sucker's bet." the beach bully laughed in his face, thinking Atticus was only puny.

"Then let's just see who's the loser in the contest." Atticus said.

The beach bully stuck his tongue out, going his own way.

"I'll show you..." Atticus glared. "And I'll win the heart of my own Pineapple Princess."

"We'll soon see about that." The beach bully remarked.

"Hmph." Atticus nodded back firmly.

"Aloha, geek face." the beach bully scoffed, going off.

They both then went up to the registration desk and signed up. A woman behind the desk nodded to them and showed a golden trophy to them which would be given to the winner with a free luau dinner night with front row seats to see the fire dancers up close. Atticus smiled, already knowing who he was going to take with him as soon as he won. Atticus and the beach bully began to practice until it would be time for the competition.

And where after a short time it was time for the body-builder contest to begin so both Atticus and the beach bully got themselves dressed with the clothes they were given. People gathered around as it was time for the competition between the beach bully and Atticus. And where both of them came on to the stage with only them wearing swim trunks. The judge then gestured for the beach bully to go first.

The beach bully smiled smugly, then grabbed a very heavy bar bell of 50 pounds and lifted it right off the ground. And where he started to flex his muscles after doing it. There was light applause for him. The judge then gestured to Atticus for him to go next. Atticus went up to the stage next and lifted up a 500,000 pound weight and then flexed his muscles.

The crowd was even more impressed with Atticus's strength. Everyone began to applaud Atticus before the judges brought the trophy up to him. Mo jumped over to Atticus into his open arm and shared a kiss with him on the lips as fireworks sparked behind the romantic ocean sunset.

"Atticus?" Darla asked. "Why are you kissing that pillow?"

Atticus's eyes widened as he woke up from his daydream, then saw Darla leaning against the door-frame with a smirk on her face and her free hand on her hip. "Uhh... Well... I... I was just practicing kissing..." he explained nervously.

"Uh-huh, sure." Darla smirked.

Atticus stuck his tongue out at her. Darla did the same and rolled her eyes. The two then laughed and hugged each other.

"So you almost packed?" Atticus asked.

"Mama Emily helped me," Darla smiled. "I'm so excited!"

"Same here." Atticus smiled.

"Too bad Daddy Patrick can't join us..." Darla pouted.

"It's okay, Dimples, I'm sure we'll all go together somewhere..." Atticus soothed.

"Yeah... Still, it's nice just to have family vacations..." Darla smiled at that. "Oh! I better call Amber." she then walked off to her room briefly, then took out her phone as she went to her room and dialed the number and told her best friend all about the trip.

"I wonder how Dad is doing right now with his new strength." Atticus said while looking out the window.

Patrick was in a hotel of where he was staying out of town on the phone with a new colleague. "When can we meet?"

"We'll have to meet maybe for dinner tomorrow," the colleague replied over the phone. "I have a case to go to tomorrow after lunch for my part time job, I'm also a social worker. I've been seeing this client for a while now."

"Social worker?" Patrick asked. "So you check in on families to see if they're happy and healthy?"

"Precisely," the colleague replied. "I'll have to rent a car as well, I hate to see anything go wrong on this case, but I will see you as soon as I finish."

"Great." Patrick said while lifting up some weights.

"I apologize for the inconvenience." the colleague replied.

"You're fine, thank you for calling." Patrick stated maturely.

"No problem, by the way, I have this feeling that you might be dog piled by a couple of goons." The Colleague said.

"I'm sorry?" Patrick asked then, slightly overwhelmed.

He then saw that there were a couple of goons coming at him.

"Oh, thanks for the warning, I'll talk to you later, I have company," Patrick said before hanging up. "Listen, guys, you don't wanna mess with me."

"You don't wanna mess with us..." one goon poked his finger against Patrick's chest.

"Look, I don't know why you're here, but you better leave before you get hurt." Patrick warned.

"First, we're here because we're here to kill you and second,... DOG-PILE!" The first goon shouted before all of the goons dog-piled on top of Patrick.

Patrick yelped, trying to run away from that, but the goons piled on top of him. "Big mistake..." he grumbled. "One... Two... THREE!" he then stood up, carrying them all over his back and glared. "I warned you."

"What the heck?!" The first goon glared.

"Let's take this outside, I'd hate to pay for an expensive room..." Patrick smirked, he then set the goons down and lifted them with a magic blast from his hands and threw them out the window, then came after them.

The goons screamed and looked very confused and scared of Patrick. Patrick smirked and came over to them, folding his arms.

"You're not human!" the first goon said.

"Really?" Patrick deadpanned. "What was your first clue?"

"B-B-B-But, we were only told that you were human, how did you get magic and that kind of strength?" The second goon asked scared.

"Wiccan magic by genetics, strength by my thoughtful son," Patrick smiled smugly. "At your service."

"Uh-oh." The goons said, scared.

Patrick grinned smugly. "I didn't wanna have to hurt ya, but i feel you leave me no choice~..."

This caused them to gulp before he lifted them all up.

"Goin' my way?" Patrick smirked.

"How is this possible!?" the first goon, who was probably the leader, demanded.

Patrick didn't answer them, but just simply soccer kicked them out of the country and back to where they came from. "Phew!" he then wiped his forehead. "That's my work-out for the day..." he then smiled as he came back to the room he was staying in and looked at the family photo he had, looking directly Atticus's shot. "And I couldn't have done it without you."

Back at the house, Atticus continued to pack up for the trip. Patch helped in any way that he could. After Darla had packed her things, she was having a daydream of her very own about visiting Hawaii.

Darla saw herself in a pink heart shirt with a grass skirt and a leaf wreath over her head and she was dancing with hula dancers aligned next to her. One of them was a black-haired girl. Darla wasn't sure who this girl was, but she smiled and danced with her as the beating of the drums seemed to highlight their dancing.

There were suddenly flames, but luckily, they did not burn the girls. Darla and the black-haired girl stopped dancing and looked over to see one of the fire dancers. He stepped out of the shadows, looking quite familiar, he had longish blonde hair with copper brown eyes.

"Urchin!" Darla beamed.

Urchin waved at her while dancing. Darla and the black-haired girl sat on their knees as Urchin danced like the fire dancers, spinning and twirling the flames on torches without burning himself. Darla couldn't help but swoon over like a drooling fan girl.

"Darla, are you ready?" Emily asked.

Darla woke up suddenly. "Uh, yeah, my bag's under my bed now." she then smiled shyly to her new mother.

"You all right, dear?" Emily asked. "You look like you were in another world..."

"More like Heaven..." Darla mumbled nervously since she had daydreamed about Urchin.

"Let me guess, you were daydreaming, right?" Emily smirked.

"Uhh... Yeah..." Darla mumbled.

"About boys?" Emily asked.

Darla gaped at her. "How did you know!?"

"Jessie did the same at your age," Emily giggled. "Is this a boy you go to school with? Did you know him in Hollywood?"

Darla rubbed her arm. "Actually, it's Urchin."

"Awww!" Emily smiled.

"I've thought about him a lot lately..." Darla said. "Even though he bugs me..."

"He bugs you?" Emily asked.

"He keeps callin' me 'Goldilocks'..." Darla pouted. "He just keeps annoying me and messing with my head..."

Emily smiled. "That's how a young boy shows he likes you."

"Ohh," Darla said, now understanding, but not really. "What?"

"I know it sounds strange, but it's true..." Emily said. "Ya know, since we'll be near an ocean, you just might be able to see him if you bring your shell from my sister, Athena."

"You think so...?" Darla sounded almost hopeful.

"Never know unless you try..." Emily shrugged. "Since you'll be near the ocean, you could think of him coming on vacation with us and he might be able to turn into a human so you two can spend some time together."

"That sounds perfect." Darla smiled.

"Never know unless you try." Emily smiled back.

"True," Darla smiled. "So, Mom, do you think they'll have body-builder contests in Hawaii? Knowing Atticus, he'll want to enter."

"I'm sure they have some, but I don't know honestly," Emily said. "I have an old friend in Hawaii though, her name's Layla and she really liked this boy Jose Pelekai she told me about... Maybe she could tell us if we see her."

"Yay!" Darla cheered.

Emily giggled, then hugged Darla. "You do realize you called me 'Mom', right?" she then asked. "You always called me Mama Emily before."

"Oh, I'm sorry, does that bother you?" Darla asked, a little concerned.

"No, not at all, dear." Emily smiled.

Darla smiled then.

"It just means that I'm doing a great job raising you." Emily then said.

Darla hugged Emily again, loving the feeling of a real mother's endless warmth and love.

After a short while, everyone was ready for the trip.

"Too bad Jessica can't make it." Atticus said.

"Where is she again?" Patch asked.

"She said she wanted to meet someone from her school, but she sends hugs and kisses." Atticus said.

"Who's this friend of her's again?" Patch asked.

"I think his name's Chris..." Atticus guessed.

"Wait, isn't that her boyfriend?" Patch asked.

"Oh, yeah..." Atticus then slowly smiled with a chuckle. "I really like this one so far, Jessica's never had a real boyfriend before and they've been going out for a while now."

"Cool." Patch smiled.

"Just think, by tomorrow, we'll all be in Hawaii." Emily smiled fondly.

Atticus, Patch, and Darla smiled to that. The Fudo family then went to sleep, dreaming of their upcoming vacation.