The second man and the woman followed Takashi and the others

Man 2 – hey kid

Takashi – yeah?

Man 2 – if you actually reach anybody do you think you could..

Takashi – yeah, I'll let you know but we need to get out alive first!

They went through the emergency exit but the second man and the woman climbed up

Takashi – we should stick together!

Man 2 – you know challenge and adventure just aren't my thing. See ya around!

Takashi – good luck then

Asami saw this and frowned

Hirano – we're not abandoning them. They decided to go up their own

Asami then smiled

Tetsuya – we really have no choice but to break through them on foot

Takashi – Saya

Takagi – Tetsuya is right. We should be able to escape if we do this on foot. Ms. Shizuka and the midget should take the centre while Takashi, Bushijima and Tetsuya take the front! Kohta and the police girl are in charge of the rear guard! Miyamoto and I will handle the left and right sides! This formation should be an improvement over the current one! It's the same basic strategy the American army used in Vietnam and Iraq for guarding transport vehicles. Any questions?

Shimada – y-yeah I got one

Takagi – what is it, big mouth?

Shimada – what if those things swarm us?

Takagi – we'll use the cracker balls and firecrackers to keep them away!

Tetsuya – and remember to only use the guns for defence, not offence. Save as much ammo as you can and don't make any noise as possible!

The others agreed to the plan

Takashi – we're set then!

They all ran down the stairs and got on the ground.

Alice – Ms. Shizuka, let me have the bicycle!

Shizuka – okay!

Alice drove forward and threw a couple of cracker balls. It then made an opening for them. They made the formation Takagi said

Saeko – we could use an extra hand here

Takashi – yeah

Tetsuya – this really is a pain in the ass!

Voice – help me!

Asami – ah!

They all turned to where they heard the voice and saw the first student on top of a van. There were multiple zombies around the van trying to reach him. He was crying and shaking

Student – help me! Please help me! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Aaahhh!

Tetsuya – that guy..

Takashi – he must be the one who opened the door

Saeko – I don't think anyone else would have

Shimada – guess its up to me

Shimada rested his baseball bat on his right shoulder as he stepped forward

Tetsuya – you just didn't seem like that kind of guy

Shimada grinned

Shimada – aside from letting myself go with that hot nurse, did I ever do anything to make you think I was a bad guy?

Alice – don't do it mister!

Shimada – calling me a mister makes me sound so old

Shimada charged forward

Shimada – I don't need a title!

Saeko – what do we do?

Hirano – there's another 200 or so coming in at 5 o'clock!

Alice – can I use the rest of the fireworks?

Asami bit her lips and ran forward

Asami – Asami's going to back him up!

Hirano – Asami don't!

Asami – Asa- I mean this officer has a duty as a police officer! That's what I understood earlier! I cant just give that up!

Hirano – Komuro!

Takashi – but.. we cant-

Hirano – Komuro!

Takashi – when I say we cant, I mean it! We already had to abandon the people inside! We had to get out! Its no different now!

Back with the student he was still crying for help

Student – help me! Help me!

Shimada then arrived

Shimada – stop crying sissy boy! Fight!

He smacked a zombie head. Behind him were a couple more approaching him. They were then hit by cracker balls as Asami arrived

Shimada – thanks police girl!

Asami – calling me police woman would be more politically correct!

Shimada – sorry about that

Shimada smacked another zombie

Asami – hey, you up there! Come down! Hurry!

The student then came down. The zombies then surrounded them

Shimada – hey! Use some more of those fireworks!

Asami – I already used them all!

Shimada kept on smacking and kicking them away but one zombie bit his left shoulder from behind

Shimada – AAAAHHH!

Asami – NO!

Asami shot the zombie that was biting Shimada. Shimada then pushed it away and turned to the student

Shimada – now's your chance to get out of here! You're on your own now!

Student –b-but what should I.. I don't have any..


The student ran away screaming as Shimada was pushed down and eaten

Asami – Mr.. Shimada..

Asami was then cornered between two vehicles and the zombies came closing in. She tried to shoot but she wasn't a good aim and ended up running out of bullets. Asami then saw Takashi and the others. Takashi was fighting against Hirano

Hirano – we cant just leave Asami to die!

Takashi – how many times do I have to tell you!? There's nothing we can do!

Asami – KOHTA!

They all turned to Asami


Hirano – A-Asami.. you already fired your gun, so yelling like that will only make it worse!

Takashi – she knows, she's doing it on purpose. She wants us to get away

Hirano – but why!?

Takashi – we're still high school students and she's already an adult!

Hirano – a-an adult!? She's only two years older than us!

Tetsuya – she wants us to get away and leave her..

Hirano was shocked to his core

Hirano – n-no.. there's no way we would do that!

Asami continued


Hirano did the only thing he could do. He got into position and aimed his sniper rifle at Asami

Tears ran down Asami's cheeks

Asami – you always understood me, Kohta.. I love you..

Hirano could see Asami saluting to him through the scope

Hirano – I know, you don't need to say anything, Asami..

Tears also ran down Hirano's cheeks. And with that he pulled the trigger. The others could only lower their heads and frown. Tetsuya who was gritting his teeth was the first one to speak

Tetsuya – lets go..

The others started to get away as Takashi and Tetsuya had to drag the devastated Hirano


Later they were running through the streets. A zombie turned to them and without a slight hesitation Hirano shot it. Everyone widened their eyes or gasped at this. Other zombies heard the gunshot and approached them

Takashi – what the hell are you doing Hirano!? Stop shooting!

Takagi – you'll only draw more towards us!

Hirano – I'll be sure to kill of them..

Hirano shot the ones who were approaching them without any emotion. Hirano then turned around

Hirano – no problem, I eat these sons of bitches for breakfast

Takagi – are you crazy!?

Hirano pointed his gun at them and shot the zombie who was behind them

Hirano – piece of cake

Takagi then slapped Hirano

Takagi – shut the fuck up! Get a goddamn hold of yourself!

Hirano – b-but I eat these sons of bitches for-

Takagi slapped him again. This time even harder. His glasses was dropped

Takagi – do you think I don't know that!?

Hirano – b-but.. I have to.. I shot her, so I have to..

Tears started running down Hirano's cheeks

Hirano – I have to shoot, I-I shot her.. se told me to shoot. Asa.. A-Asa..

Hirano grabbed his hand and started to sob. He fell on his knees


Hirano sobbed as the others remained silent

Alice – Kohta!

Hirano – w-what..?

Alice – don't yell like that. They might hear you. And.. and.. I know hw it feels. My daddy died too

Hirano grinded his teeth in sadness. Tetsuya then spoke

Tetsuya – in coming! Behind us!

Saeko and Rei dashed behind and hit them each

Rei – how are we suppose to get through this if our leader's spacing out!?

Takashi – I still have ammo left.. at this rate I'm gonna have to fire. But if I shoot. We have to put off going home

Rei – what!? Why?

Takashi – it looks like we're gonna have to fight our way through an army of them to get home. But we're almost out of ammo

Rei – but- but what about my mom!?

Tetsuya – we'll get to her. Just wait a bit, okay?

Takashi – Ms. Shizuka

Shizuka – yes?

Takashi whispered to her

Takashi – I need you to tell me about Hirano. Do you think he'll be okay? Don't you think he'll ever be back to normal?

Shizuka – the psychology classes I took didn't really talk much about this kind of thing.. but I think he might have combat stress reaction.. shell shock, in other terms. He's already showing symptoms of it

Tetsuya – could you explain what that is?

Shizuka – how would you feel if you were a high school genius who's never failed a test, but when it comes time to take your entrance exams for college you fail every one you take? It feels like that, but 1000 times worse

Saeko thoughts – like when the time Tetsuya and his girlfriend..

Saeko turned to Tetsuya who was frowning

Tetsuya – I-I think I understand..

Saeko – Tetsuya..

Shizuka – do you have the same experience too Tetsuya?

Tetsuya recalled his past. On how his former girlfriend loved him but in truth, she didn't

Tetsuya – yeah.. you could say that

Takashi understood what he meant

Rei – so how did you overcome this?

Tetsuya – it took some time. I would panic a lot, be paranoid all the time, and would break down like Hirano did. I had a friend that comforted me and helped me overcome my situation back then. I guess all Hirano needs is a helping hand. He needs us now and I don't plan on letting him down

Rei – right

Takashi – but we don't have that much time for comfort. They wont let us take our time. We probably could make it to our homes if we pushed ourselves but.. Hirano would probably die on the way there.

The others frown

Tetsuya – if that happens Takagi would probably lose its then its just downhill from there. We'd all die in a single day

Rei – Hirano just had to go crazy didn't he?

Tetsuya – you cant really blame him, I know how it feels like. And it feels like shit, give the guy a break okay?

Rei – fine

Tetsuya – I wont let Hirano die that easily. I'll make sure he lives

Saeko – are you guys finished? I'm afraid we still have an imminent dilemma involving them on our hands

Takashi – yeah, lets go

They started to run

Rei – what about my dad?

Takashi – good thinking. Who better to help us in our time of need than the police!?

They ran through the streets with Hirano barely following behind. Tetsuya was falling behind as well to keep Hirano in check. Saeko and Takashi were the ones who dealt with the zombies in the front

Saeko – so where are we heading now?

Takashi – we need to get to the highway first! They wont be able to surround us there! After that, its off to the east police station!

Saeko – sounds like a blast!

Tetsuya and Hirano caught up to them. Tetsuya then saw Saeko smirking as he saw a couple of zombies ahead. He then grinned

Tetsuya – oh it'll be a blast. Go get em girl!

Saeko – yes sir!

Saeko dashed forward and too zombies at once

Rei kicked a zombie as Takashi hit one with the back of his gun. Tetsuya shot one with his crossbow and picked up the arrows. After that they made out of the corner and onto the highway

Takashi – alright! The road's all clear!

They then heard a gunshot

Shizuka – what was that?

Takagi – gunshot?

Tetsuya – was that the police?

Shizuka – they're okay! The police are still okay!

Rei – I'm sure my dad must be too then! I cant wait to see him!

They all smiled as Alice looked around

Alice – hey, where's Kohta?


They all turned to Hirano in the distance. He was smiling at them

Hirano – I'm done with it all! go on without me!

Takagi – Kohta!

Takashi – fuck!

Tetsuya then hurried to Hirano

Tetsuya – damn it Hirano!

Tetsuya angrily came up to Hirano and let go of is crossbow. The crossbow was strapped to his body so it didn't fall. Tetsuya then grabbed Hirano's shoulder and right punched his stomach. This shocked the others

Hirano – uugh!

Tetsuya then straightened him up and he looked at him in the eyes

Tetsuya – Kohta Hirano! Where are you from private!?

Hirano – uh, T-Tokonosu sir

Tetsuya – Tokonosu, you say? There are only two things that live in Tokonosu! Humans and them! WHICH ONE ARE YOU SOLDIER!?

Hirano – I.. I am..

Tears ran down on Hirano's cheeks and Tetsuya smiled

Tetsuya – you're not in high school now Hirano. You're a soldier now, its your job to protect everyone, just like Asami did! You cant give up like that, Asami sure didn't. So I ask you here private, will you come and fight for your comrades once more?

Hirano then saluted

Hirano – SIR, YES SIR!

Takagi – what the hell? That actually worked? I cant believe that actually worked!

Saeko – now there's the Hirano I know

Rei – Tetsuya!

Shizuka – hooray! Hirano's back!

Takashi saw Hirano and Tetsuya walking towards them

Takashi – I guess we're all ready to go then. Next stop, the east police station!

They all rushed through the road


On the road there was a zombie again

Tetsuya – don't you guys know when to quit!?

Tetsuya hit the zombie the zombie with his crossbow. Saeko stabbed the one that next to it.

Takagi – I hate persistent bastards like them.

Saeko – as do I

Alice – do you hate people like that too Ms Shizuka?

Shizuka – well, not always. Sometimes persistence is attractive

Hirano – I guess an adult like you would have experience with that..

Takashi – how exactly did you get on that subject!?

They then arrived at the east police station. They looked around and it was all in ruins

Rei – what's going on!? We heard gunshots earlier!

Takashi – I was preparing for the worst, but I wasn't expecting it to be this bad..

Rei – what do you mean you were prepared for the worst!?

Takashi looked down

Rei – what!? Why aren't you saying anything!?

Tetsuya was about to step in when Saeko blocked him

Tetsuya – Saeko?

Saeko – don't, let your brother handle this as the leader

Takashi – can you try to calm down a little bit so we can talk?

Rei – how do you expect me to calm down at a time like this!? Th-this is where my dad was supposed to be, but now he might be-

Takashi – do you think I don't know how serious this is?

Hirano – mind if I butt in?

They turned to Hirano

Hirano – there are tire tracks in the parking lot and on the road around here

Saeko – so you're saying a lot of cars took off in a hurry

Shizuka – they probably left before the Ee Empee or what ever it was called

Tetsuya – EMP Ms. Shizuka

Shizuka – right!

Hirano – uh, but its possible that they had older cars here that didn't have electronics in them

Takagi – whatever the case, they were out of here before we left the shopping mall

Alice – so everyone's gone?

Takashi – we don't know yet. We need to get in and find out

They went inside and closed the door

Takagi – it looks like the other entrances are closed. So why was this one open?

Tetsuya – guess people were here before and barricaded the place. They then fled the area and left the door opened

Rei – there's a little blood on the floor here. Maybe someone broke in after everyone left

Saeko – so what's our next move?

Takashi – lets try to find any ammo and weapons first, then we'll see if we can find any leads on Rei's dad. That's all I got. Is there anything else we should keep in mind?

Takagi – are you asking me to do the thinking for you?

Takashi – a leader usually has staff to help him strategize

Takagi blushed in embarrassment

Tetsuya – Miyamoto, do you know where they put the guns?

Rei – they probably have a storeroom or something.

Tetsuya – hey Hirano, you're into this kind of stuff, right? Do you know where they'd put the weapons?

Hirano – um, it would have to be somewhere that's easy to get to when they dispatched, so I bet its on the first floor. It'll probably be labelled as an armoury

Tetsuya – right, then let search this floor!

Takashi – why don't we just find a map or something?

Takagi – do you think the police are stupid enough to point out where they keep all their weapons to every schmuck who comes in off the streets?

Saeko – looks like they don't have a description for the room in the back on the left side

Takashi – Hirano, keep an eye out behind us!

Hirano – roger!

Tetsuya, Takashi, and Saeko went through the hall

Saeko – I don't see any evidence that there was a struggle here.. you don't suppose there are still people inside, do you?

Takashi – it seems like a lot of police have been trying to help people outide so I'm not sure. Actually, there were some special forces here that mainly just helped out airport security s they might be okay

Tetsuya – watch out! Up front!

They then saw two zombies came out of a room. Saeko stabbed one and Takashi smacked the other with the back of his gun. Tetsuya wasn't sure but he could've sworn that he saw Saeko grinning while stabbing the zombie

Saeko – these must be the people who broke in after this place was abandoned

Takashi – it looks like a couple that tried to treat themselves after they got bitten by them.. at least they were together to the end

Saeko – a couple?

Takashi pointed at the phone in the male zombie's hand. There was a picture of them when they were alive

Saeko – oh..

Tetsuya – may these two rest in peace

Rei then arrived

Rei – hey Takashi

Takashi – what?

Rei – I just realized that the gun room is probably locked. I bet only people in charge could get in

Takashi – we'll find someway in. we'll break the door down if we have to

They then searched the area and found the gun room

Takashi – here it is!

The other group then arrived

Takashi – its locked alright, it looks like it needs a pass code

Takashi grabbed his shotgun

Takashi – I'll just have to blast it open then

Hirano – stop! It'd take too many shots to do that! And what if a shot ricocheted and hit one of us?

Takashi – oh

Takashi stepped back

Hirano – try shooting the hinges.. ugh, never mind. I doubt we'd be able to get this door open off even with breaching rounds. It looks like the lock power outage-proof, but the EMP probably blew it out..

Tetsuya – I know how, does anyone know the last time they renovated this station?

Rei – it was when my dad got transferred here.. so I guess around when we were in kindergarten?

Tetsuya grinned

Tetsuya – just our luck then

Takagi reached in the bag

Takagi – in that case, its probably not drill-proof. You sure know all about breaking and entering

Tetsuya – what can I say? I had a life before this

Takagi got out a hand-powered drill out the bag. The drill has a pedal due to the electronics not working

Takagi – this knowledge is highly relevant to covert operations

Takagi handed the drill to Tetsuya

Tetsuya – this'll need time