Disclaimer: I do not own the Flash or Supergirl. This is a fan created work and no profit will be made.
Chapter 5
Kara, Winn and James were at CatCo meeting in their secret room. Kara had told them about her meeting with General Lane and Lucy as well as agreeing to fight Red Tornado.
"Are you sure about this," James asked.
"Yes. I want to show General Land and the others that they have nothing to fear from us."
What about game night," Winn asked her.
"Game night is still on. Speaking of, I want to invite Barry to join us." James and Winn gave each other a look before agreeing that they didn't mind.
'There is something else. I think I want to tell Barry who I am." Kara was silent as she let James and Winn process what she said.
"You, want to tell him you are Supergirl?" Winn was the first to speak. He had looked over to James, curious to know what he thought .
"Kara, Barry is a nice guy but are you sure you want to do this?" James was starting to like Barry, but he was having difficulty understanding what brought Kara to this decision.
"I have been thinking about this a lot, to be honest. There is something in me that keeps telling me I should." Kara sat down in one of the chairs. "I haven't even known him that long so it must seem crazy."
"I think, if you really feel that strongly about it then you should. In the end it is your secret to tell, we can't make that decision for you." James was trying to be supportive even though part of him didn't want to be. Barry hasn't been around long but he could see that there was something between them. He is with Lucy and was glad that they were trying again, but part of him still felt a little jealous.
"Even though I think this is a horrible idea," Winn finally said. "I think James is right. It is your decision Kara."
Upstairs Alex walked in to find Barry working. After talking with Henshaw after she showed him what she found she decided to confront Barry in private. "Barry," he looked up to see Kara's sister, who he saved when he first arrived.
"Uh, Alex right, Kara's sister. You just missed her, Winn and James had to see her about something."
"Actually Barry I came her to see you." He was surprised at that and couldn't help but wonder what it was about. He was in for another surprise when she asked him to come with her to someplace private. They went into a nearby break room where no one was around. He finally got his answer when Alex spoke again, "I'm just going to get right to it. I know you're the Flash Barry."
His mind immediately began to race. How did she know he thought to himself. Has she told anyone? Does anybody else know? He answered with a nervous laugh, "You think I'm the Flash? That's crazy, I'm not him."
Able to tell that he was lying she continued, "Then how do you explain that there is a Barry Allen currently living in Central City? How there is literally no record of you prior to the Flash showing up in National City?"
"Dealing with the extra-ordinary is part of my job. And to be able to tell when someone is lying. Now I am going to try again, and I want the truth. You are the Flash."
Seeing that she knew she had him caught he finally decided to lose the act. "Who else knows?"
"Just me and my superior, for the moment. I considered telling Kara but decided to leave that up to what happens during our conversation."
Letting out a sigh Barry looked to the floor before nodding. "Ok, what do want to know then?"
"You said you were from another earth right? If that's true what are you doing here?"
Barry sat down and ran his hands through his hair. "All year I've been facing a threat that goes by the name Zoom. He is a speedster like me and comes from a parallel earth. He has terrorized not only his world but mine as well."
Alex said nothing and just listened while Barry continued. "Zoom has been hell bent on stealing my speed. Sending Meta-humans from his earth to mine. I was trying to find a way to cross over to his earth and stop him, and there is someone there I promised to save."
"A friend of mine gave me a tachyon device to help me increase my speed and get fast enough to cross over. It worked, but I ended up here instead of there. The device is broken, I don't even know if it can be fixed."
As Alex listened she could tell that Barry was telling her the truth. "Who do you work for exactly? Government," she heard him ask.
"Something like that. I'll just say that officially we don't exist."
"So what, like Men In Black or something?"
"I will not confirm or deny that." Alex chose not to say anything else but as Barry looked at her she didn't need to. "Look Barry, Kara is my sister. The last thing I want is to see her hurt."
"I'm not trying to hurt her. I don't want to see that either," he told her.
"I believe you Barry."
"What about this Zoom? Could he get here to our world?"
"I think that's still a possibility. I managed to get here didn't I?"
"Could you beat him if he showed up?"
The look of anger and frustration on Barry's face at that question already told her. "He has beaten me every time we've faced each other. Zoom, is faster than me." She said nothing else after that.
"So what now? Are you going to tell anyone else," Barry finally had to ask.
Alex chuckled knowing that soon she wouldn't need to. "No, I'm not going to tell anyone else. I think I've learned what I needed to know."
"What is that exactly?"
Walking over to the door to leave she turned back to him once more. "That I can trust you." With that she left leaving Barry with questions of his own. What was this organization she works for? Even if Alex wasn't going to tell anyone else, what about her superior? As she was leaving Alex thought about what she learned as well as something else. Kara was right, there was something between them, and had a feeling she was beginning to see what it was.
Kara's apartment-
It was game night and Barry was there with Winn, James, Lucy and Kara. They had finally decided on a game of charades. Lucy talked about how she met Supergirl and wasn't impressed.
"Not impressed," Barry asked surprised. "So that fact that she is from outer space. The world's she must have seen. The things she could teach us, that doesn't' excite you?"
The group hadn't expected Barry to jump out of seat and pacing around the room. "Just imagine everything we know right now, then compare that to a whole universe of knowledge that we don't know. What we know is miniscule compared to what we could learn."
"I think my dad would disagree. He sees aliens as a threat to national security."
"But not all aliens are like that. Look at Superman or Supergirl. They're using their powers to help people. To protect others, they're heroes."
Kara was looking at Barry intrigued to see him so adamantly defend her without even knowing it. Even more surprising was that is seemed being an alien wasn't something to be feared to him. It was a thing of wonder.
"Well said Barry," James said looking impressed.
"Well of course you would agree with him. You're practically Superman's best friend," said Lucy.
CatCo's roof-
Supergirl had fought the android that the army wanted her to, although things didn't go as planned. Her anger had caused her to go overboard and now Red Tornado was loose in National City. She turned to the Flash for help.
"I didn't even realize I had all this anger and frustration building up inside me," she told him. "I've been angry at so many things."
"We all get angry. I know there have been times that I've reached my boiling point. I'd be surprised if you didn't have one at all." He walked over to her disguising his voice once again.
"Does it bother you not having a normal life?" She looked over to him.
"For the longest time, I just wanted to be more than what I was. I was always searching for a way to help people. I spent my life searching for the impossible. Then a Particle Accelerator exploded. I got struck by lightning and ended up in a coma for nine months."
Kara said nothing as she listened. "When I woke up, it wasn't long before I found out how that bolt of lightning changed me. I was fast," he looked right at her now. "I love being the Flash. The feeling of moving as fast as I can. The feeling of saving people, it's a feeling I wouldn't trade for almost anything."
Supergirl smiled at him. "Will you help me stop Red Tornado?" He nodded as she thanked him. "Dr. Morrow is still controlling the android, but I know someone who is going to take care of that."
Flash and Supergirl lured Red Tornado out with a hologram of General Lane. Supergirl began by firing at it, but it didn't have any effect. Flash rotated his arms knocking the android back. Supergirl flew over and punched it. They fought until it knocked Supergirl into a truck. Flash sped at it and used the momentum to carry it back before dropping it on the ground.
After it got up it looked to Flash before unleashing a tornado at him. Thinking quickly he began running around it like he did against Clyde Mardon. Supergirl began to fight it again. It then rotated it's hands again to send Supergirl flying back.
The Flash managed to unravel the tornado and join Supergirl. "Dr. Morrow is dead but the android has a mind of it's own now," she told him.
"Okay I'm going to try something." When she asked him what it was he told her to just keep it busy. She told him she could do that before he ran off in the opposite direction. Supergirl began fighting it again.
Once he got miles away he turned around and got himself ready. He then began running as fast as he could back to the android. He created a sonic boom around him as he ran. Once Supergirl heard him coming she flew up and out of the way. Flash ran at Red Tornado before delivering a punch right to it's face. The force sent the android flying back several feet.
Supergirl landed to check on him. "Are you okay?"
Flash was kneeling on the ground holding his hand. "Yeah, that just hurt." It paid off though as the android was now badly damaged. Sparks flying out of it while some parts were loosely attached. Supergirl walked over the Red Tornado before punching right though it's chest. That was enough to finally shut it down.
Kara's apartment-
Kara was pacing back and forth waiting for her guest to arrive. She had tried to plan out what she was going to say, but was still anxious. A knock finally came as she went to open the door. She smiled as she greeted Barry on the other side and invited him in.
"Thanks for coming Barry," she said as he stood in the middle of the room.
"Yeah, so what's going on? Is everything alright?"
"Everything's fine. You uh, you might want to sit down." She gestured to a chair that he then sat down in. "There's something I want to tell you."
She began pacing again as tried figuring out how to begin. "Kara, whatever it is you want to tell me it's okay."
"I hope so. Okay," she let out a breath as she stopped pacing and faced him. She looked to the floor now as she began to take off her glasses. "Barry, I'm Supergirl," She opened her shirt to show him the suit.
Barry's jaw dropped now, he had not expected this. He did have to admit that it explained a few things. "Wow, uh okay," he let out a laugh then. "You're Supergirl."
"Yeah, I am. I know this may seem like a lot to take in, but I hope this doesn't change things between us." She had a hopeful look on her face that he would still want to be her friend.
After a minute to process this Barry had come to a decision of his own. As he thought about his time here and all his interaction with both Kara and Supergirl, he understood. He knew how hard it was to keep a secret like this from someone, and how scary it can be to finally tell them. "Kara, I don't know how things are going to change after this. But there is something I need to tell you now."
Kara looked confused at first but then nodded for him to continue. What she was about to find out though she wasn't prepared for. "I'm the Flash."
Kara stared at him as she took in what he had said. "Y-you are?" Suddenly it made sense to Kara. Why she had been feeling like there was a connection between them and why she felt the need to tell him. They were the same, both hiding who they were to protect and save people. She wasn't angry just as he didn't seem to be angry with her. In that moment both had an understanding of the other. That didn't mean that there wouldn't be more they need to talk about.
Note: So Kara didn't lose her powers in this time. The reason for that is while I am following the episodes to a degree, I don't see that point of having Flash there if things are just going to be the same instead of changing things up if even a little. He was helping her fight Red Tornado this time so I think she had an easier time beating it without having to burn herself out.