*Disclaimer- All Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowling. Supernatural characters belong to Eric Kripke.
Warnings-There will be some descriptions of violence and very mild language. Also references to physical and sexual abuse. There may be rape but it won't be descriptive. There will be male x male relationships again not very graphic.
Summary- Nonmagic! Harry just wants to find people who will love him. His uncle's abuse takes a turn for the worst when the Winchesters come to Privet Drive. They are searching for Sam's son. When they find out just how badly Harry is hurt, can they get him away from the Dursley's before he succumbs to his injuries? Before the headmaster finds out and Harry is lost to them forever? Evil! Dumbledore Good! Voldemort (will be known by Tom).
Chapter 1
Harry winced as the glass that his uncle had thrown at him shattered. His hands shook as Vernon laughed.
"Come here freak."
Harry quickly obeyed, knowing what would happen if he didn't. He kept his head down as he approached his uncle. He flinched as his uncle wrapped his meaty fist around his wrist.
Vernon smirked as Harry winced.
"I have decided that it's time for you to start earning your keep. After all your parents were worthless drunks."
"Yes sir." Harry said quietly. Vernon only smirked.
"My boss has a liking for younger boys. I've sold you to him for the nights to do with as he pleases. During the day you will be here doing your chores as normal."
Harry shook his head and tried to pull his wrist from his uncle's grasp. As much as he hated it here he knew that if he ended up with that man he wouldn't survive.
"Please. I'll be better! I promise! Just don't send me to him!" Harry cried as his uncle's grip tightened.
"Listen freak. Don't think I'm going to do any favors for you. I'm not changing my mind, you start tonight." Vernon let Harry's wrist go. As soon as Harry felt his wrist released he bolted from the kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom. He shut the door and sank down to the ground crying. He curled his arms around his body and shivered. For the first time in his life he was angry at his parents for leaving him.
3 hours later…
Harry sat on his bed, his hands clenched on the sheets. His uncle's boss was coming to get him in an hour. His uncle had locked him in his room so he couldn't run away. His window was bolted as well.
Harry looked over at the picture of his parents on his desk. He had gotten the picture from Professor Snape who had known his parents. Harry smiled as he thought of the man. Professor Snape was really nice to him and had helped him get his chemistry grades up.
Harry was lost in his thoughts and was startled when his door slammed open. His eyes widened when his uncle grabbed his arm and yanked him off his bed. Harry screamed and twisted trying to escape his uncle's grasp. His uncle tightened his grip and dragged a screaming Harry out of his room.
"Please! No!" Harry cried as he continued to try to escape. Harry heard his uncle growl in anger and slammed him against the wall. Dazed, he could only whimper as he was thrust into a different pair of arms. He felt a pinch in the small of his back and could feel himself getting heavier. He slumped over, held up only by the person holding him. His eyes started to feel heavy. He blinked once trying to clear his vision but felt the darkness coming. With fear clenching his heart, he fell unconscious.
. . . . . .
When Harry came to he noticed that he was tied face down to a table with his backside hanging off. His legs were strapped down to the legs of the table. His arms were stretched above him and fastened to the other legs of the table. He had some sort of gag in his mouth.
He wiggled trying to get free and noticed that he was naked. He felt tears filling his eyes. There was no way he could get out.
Harry whimpered when he felt a hand on his back. The man whispered words to him but Harry was too far gone to hear what he said. He felt the man touching him and then pain was shooting up his back. The pain consumed him and he screamed.
*****LINE BREAK*****.
"That was unnecessary. She was helping us." Sam said. "You didn't have to kill her."
John looked up at him.
"Yes I did. She was a witch."
Sam sighed angrily and watched his dad walk towards Dean. He found himself wishing that his dad hadn't come back.
As their dad packed up Dean came up to Sam.
"He's really trying his best Sammy."
"Don't call me that. He didn't have to kill her. We could've saved her."
Dean just shook his head at him. Sam sighed and just got into the car. He didn't want to argue anymore. He wanted to be back at school with Jess. As he thought of Jess, he remembered his first love Lily. When he first had been at school he had met Lily and fallen instantly in love with her. He asked her on a date and they had been together after that. He had been getting ready to propose to her when she told him that she was pregnant with his baby. At first, he was excited and he went to all the classes with her. It was when they found out it was a boy that it somehow became real and he left.
Sam still regretted that he had left her and his son. He wondered how they were. It had been thirteen years since he had last seen Lily.
He was jerked out of his thoughts when Dean opened the door to the Impala and got in.
"Dad's leaving on a different hunt."
Sam just huffed and turned away from Dean. He could tell Dean was hurt by their father leaving again but right now he didn't care. He was filled with the desire to find his son. He hoped that they had happy lives. He stared out the window at the scenery passing by.
*****LINE BREAK*****
When Harry woke up he was in his clothes. Harry felt around and realized by the feel of the scratchy sheet above him that he was in his own bed. There was a cup of water on the desk by his bed. He shifted over to reach it and whimpered as pain shot through him. Harry felt his body slump onto the bed. He clutched his thin sheet around his shaking body and sobbed.
*****LINE BREAK*****
Sam looked at the letter in his hand. He had searched for his son and Lily for two weeks and had finally decided to ask for Dean's help. Dean had found Lily's bank and to Sam's surprise they had a letter for him. Dean had immediately gathered their stuff and they left to go get the letter. Sam hadn't opened it yet. He wanted to read it when Dean wasn't in the room with him. When Dean left to shower, Sam opened the letter.
My dear Sam,
The first thing I want you to know is that I don't blame you for leaving. We were young and it just would've gotten harder with a baby. I admit that I was hurt when you left. I went home and cried. I didn't know how I was going to cope on my own. I eventually realized I had to move on with my life because you weren't going to come back. I got a job as a receptionist at the police station. It was there that I met James. He healed my broken heart. He loved coming to doctor appointments and listening to little baby's heart. It was unreal. James was instantly in love when he saw Harry for the first time. Harry came two months early and was in the hospital for quite some time but James was there every day. Harry was so small in James arms. I only wish that you could've been there for the birth of your son.
Right now, I am watching Harry devour his ball. I am filled with love when I look at my little guy and this is why I am writing to you. I hope that this letter reaches you before anything bad happens but I don't know where you are so I don't have high hopes for that. James has been working a case with the police and the men that they are chasing are dangerous. One of the men has managed to remain disguised and the police have found that he masquerades as someone children can trust. Like a teacher. James and his partner found out the name of one of the men, Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore's men have been leaving threats for James and yesterday they got into our house and ransacked it. They left a warning and told James to stop this case otherwise they would kill little Harry. Sirius, James' best friend, moved us to a safe house. This is where I am writing from. I am scared for my baby's life and I want to give him to you. That way if the guy finds us Harry won't be here and can't be killed. I'll be comforted knowing my baby is safe. One of our close friends Tom Riddle left to track you down. If for some reason Harry survives I fear that the court will give him to my sister, Petunia Dursley. Please do not let it come to that! Petunia hates me and I fear what she would do to an innocent baby in her care. But if it does Petunia lives at #4 Privet Drive in Surrey.
Sam, I have a bad feeling about this one. I don't think that I am going to live through this. It breaks my heart knowing I might not be there for Harry. Please save little Harry. Protect him and love him.
Dean came out of the shower to find Sam hunched over the letter sobbing.
"Sammy?" Dean sat on the bed and was surprised when Sam latched onto him and sobbed harder.
"It's okay. Let it out." Dean murmured until he felt Sam's shaking body still under his hands. "Sammy can you tell me what's wrong?" Dean asked, worried. Sam just thrust the letter into his hands and hunched down. Dean looked down at the letter.
"Sam we are not going to stop till we find your son, alright? It's going to be okay."
*****LINE BREAK*****
Harry whimpered as he twisted in front of the mirror, trying to see the extent of his injuries. It had been worse in the past two weeks. The man had gotten extremely cruel and loved to make Harry feel pain. He usually passed out from the pain still at the man's house and woke up in his bed. He touched a dark bruise on his hip and clenched his jaw when pain flared with the lightest touch. He felt his ribs and could tell that one was broken. It was practically pushing against his skin. It disgusted him to see it. He wondered if he would die from his injuries or from just plain exhaustion. Once he was done examining his body he looked at his face. One of his eyes was swollen shut and his eyes had dark circles underneath them. His face was gaunt and pale. His eyes were dead. He looked away once he couldn't stand to look anymore. He slipped on his shirt wincing as it slid over his broken body. He didn't know why he was still fighting to get up each day and do his uncle's chores.
Harry went downstairs to start on the chores wishing that he had someone who loved him and could protect him. Little did he know that he would get exactly what he wished for that day.
*****LINE BREAK*****
Sam and Dean walked up to the door of #4 Privet Drive. Dean could feel Sam's excitement. He was excited to meet his nephew. Dean knocked on the door. They were surprised when a giant man answered the door.
"Yes?" He snarled out. Sam looked at Dean and then Dean answered the man.
"We are here to see Harry." Dean was alarmed when the man's face went red.
"That freak?" Dean was even more alarmed when the man didn't move from the doorway. "Sorry he can't come to the door. He is getting ready for work." Vernon went to shut the door but was stopped by the taller of the men.
"Excuse me, but you don't have an option. I am Harry's biological father and I am here to get him." Sam was grateful that Dean made sure they had the correct documents stating that Harry was to be placed in Sam's custody.
Dean watched as the man's face got red and twisted.
"I'm not giving you the boy! He belongs to me!"
"He doesn't belong to anyone!" Sam screamed back. "I have custody of him. Bring him to us or I will call the police." Vernon looked between the two men and sneered.
"Dudley go get the freak."
Sam watched as a chubby boy ran up the stairs. While Sam was watching the boy, Dean turned his attention to the man.
"If anything has happened to Harry I will drag your ass to court so fast—" Dean drew off as he saw the chubby boy dragging a smaller, limp boy by the hair down the stairs. Sam managed to push past the man and caught Harry's body before the chubby boy could drop him to the floor. Dudley opened his mouth in protest but was stopped by Sam's snarl.
Dean watched as Sam tugged off his jacket and wrapped it around his limp son and cradled him against his chest.
"Sammy?" Dean asked when Sam reached him.
"He's in bad shape. I'll need to look him over more closely at the hotel."
Dean nodded and opened the Impala door for Sam and helped him situate himself with Harry in the back. Once they were settled, Dean turned towards the man who was still glaring at them. Dean glared back then got in his car and drove determined to get Harry as far away from that man as he could.
. . . . .
Sam stared at his son. He still held his son's unconscious body in his arms. Harry had dark black hair that was strewed every way. Sam recognized Lily's nose and face shape. He saw his ears on Harry. He lightly traced the black bruise that was covering Harry's face. There was another huge bruise peeking up over his collar and Sam could only imagine how many bruises covered his son's body.
When Sam had caught his son he had felt Harry's rib pushing against his skin. He didn't want to take Harry to a hospital. As hunters they generally stayed away from hospitals. But he was worried about the state of his son.
Sam was relieved when they got to the hotel and after some maneuvering he laid Harry on the bed.
"Okay let's see what we are dealing with." Dean murmured and cut open Harry's shirt. Both brothers could barely hold back their gasps as they saw the real state of Harry's body. He had deep bruises covering most of his body. There were long gashes in random places. A horrible bruise over his hip area that was swelling. Once they turned him over they saw more gashes strewn along his back. On the small of his back was the carved word of WHORE and MINE.
Sam clenched his teeth as he ran gentle fingers over the infected words.
"Who would do this to a child?" Dean whispered as he looked at his nephew's body. He froze as he saw blood coming from Harry's backside.
"Sam," he whispered. "Look." He watched as Sam gently rolled down Harry's pants to reveal blood flowing down his thighs.
"He was raped." Sam whispered. "Oh, Harry. I'm so sorry I didn't save you in time to prevent this. I'm so so sorry." Sam broke into sobs and felt Dean's arms come around him. The two brothers cried and held each other as they mourned the lost innocence of this child.
"Sam I think we should take him to the hospital. He practically has a rib poking out of his skin."
Sam just nodded and they wrapped Harry in blankets and secured him in the car to take him to the hospital.
. . . . .
Sam sat at Harry's bedside, holding a limp hand. Once they had gotten to the hospital and explained to the nurse what had happened, Harry had been rushed into surgery to stop the bleeding and to fix his rib. They lost him twice during the surgery and had to intubate him. Sam was just grateful when Harry was put into a room in the ICU and Sam was allowed to be with his son.
Dean had stayed in the waiting room and after talking with Sam while Harry was in surgery, decided to call their father. Dean tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for John to answer the phone. When his father didn't answer after the fifth call he left a voicemail.
"Dad I've been trying to reach you. Sam and I have run into an emergency situation and we need your help. Sam told me that when he went to college he met Lily. They have a son together. Lily was killed and Harry was sent to his relatives where he was abused. We got custody of the kid but we could really use your help. Harry's injured bad." Dean hung up and slipped his phone back into his pocket.
It took some sweet talking and flirting with the nurse but Dean was finally allowed back into his nephew's room. Dean took a seat by Sam.
"How is he?"
"Not good." Sam replied. "They fixed his rib but found he had been bleeding into his lung. They put in a chest tube to drain the blood. The bruises will fade eventually. They found that his hip is fractured and that is why the bruise is so big and swollen. They had to stitch a few of the gashes closed. They put antibiotics in his IV to counter the infection from the carved words. The doctors don't think they will fade. They had to stitch his—" Sam stopped when his voice cracked.
"Just continue when you can."
"They had to stitch some of the wounds in his rectum because he was torn so bad and they couldn't stop the bleeding. Dean, they said he must've been raped multiple times based on the amount of tearing they found."
"We'll help him get through this Sammy. I don't doubt that kid is fighter just like you. He was come through this. He has us now."
"What did dad say?" Sam asked, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"He didn't answer. I left a message."
"Typical." Sam snorted. "When we need him he is nowhere to be found."
"Sammy." Dean said, warningly.
"I know. I'm just worried." Sam looked over when a whimper came from the bed.
"Harry, it's okay. You're safe. Daddy's got you." Sam rubbed his thumb over Harry's hand and murmured to him. He was surprised when it worked and Harry slipped back into the calmness that he was at before. Sam held onto his son's hand as it went limp.
"I'm never going to leave you Harry. I promise."
. . . . .
That's the end for now. Don't worry there will be more coming. I have been working on this piece since last year and it is finally at a place that I feel is a good ending for chapter 1. My other stories Little Brother, A Prince's Consort, and Unseen Love will be updated soon.