My brother once said that to love someone didn't mean you have to be sexually attracted to them, that you didn't need to have that urge to rip off their clothes and ravage them. That was lust, he thought of them as two completely different things. I could never agree or disagree with him because I didn't know what it felt like to be in love, to me it was something I could dream to maybe have a small taste of one day. Who knew that I would , with her. She was back. The girl who would become both our obsession.

Chapter 1:

People said lots of different things about Reggie Kray, the people in the East End said that he was a good man, that he was kind, kept them safe and stopped the crime in the area. Others would say that he was a bad man, that he was dangerous, that he was a gangster and he wouldn't deny it, he would just say he was a club owner.

Reggie Kray smoothed the blazer of his suit and then ran his hands over his hair one more time making sure every strand was slicked back and in place. Once he gave himself a once over in the mirror he nodded and went down the stairs. He said good morning to his father who was sat down in his usual armchair, reading his newspaper. He went into the kitchen, where his mother was making breakfast and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning Ma" he said smiling as he took the mug of tea she handed him. If there was one thing that was well known around town, was that the Kray twins loved their mother. She knew what they did was wrong but she was still there to support them and was still encouraging because she thought her boys deserved more out of life, they deserved everything. More than what the East End had to offer. She set a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon, with toast on the side on the table in front of him. "Thanks Ma" he said, giving her a wink, she smiled back at him and squeezed his right shoulder before heading into the living room, to give her husband his breakfast. When she came back in, she sat down in front of her son and told him about all the gossip.

"It'll be nice when our dear Ronnie gets home." his mum said, Reggie reached over and took one of her hands in both of his, "Don't worry Ma, I'll make sure he's home soon.". Violet nodded and patted his hands with her free hand, "I know you will, because you're my good boy. Always looking after your brother.". Of course he was always looking after his brother, somebody had to. "I better get going Ma." Reggie said as he stood up and leant over to kiss his mum on the check. On his way out he said goodbye to his dad who was happily reading the newspaper and munching on his breakfast.

Albert who was his right hand man was waiting outside, standing beside Reggie's car where his driver Frankie sat happily in the drivers seat. As Albert started to tell him about some things he had missed the previous night, he pulled out a cigarette. Just then a cab stopped in front of the house a cross the street. Ignoring Albert, he lit his cigarette and took a drag as he watched the cab. The door opened and Reggie was blew away, an angel stepped out of the cab. He cigarette remained forgotten in his mouth as he starred, she was tall and lean yet had lovely delicate curves. She was beautiful, with high cheekbones, plump lips that a man would give everything he had to kiss and a small elegant nose. From across the street he couldn't see the colour of her eyes but he was pretty sure they were a light colour. She had long pale blonde hair that shone in the sun, it reached halfway down her back in large luscious curls. She had an air of elegance and beauty that he had never seen before, in either the East or the West End. He looked over at Albert and Frankie and saw that he wasn't the only one who noticed the beauty.

The front door across the street opened and out came Mrs Song well Miss Song as she often liked to correct them all, she opened her arms wide and hugged the blonde beauty. Reggie and Albert looked at each other and Albert whispered lowly "Arabella". Reggie looked back over to the house facing his childhood home and all he could think was that she was back, the little blonde girl who had his brother, Ronnie wrapped around her little finger before she could even walk and talk. The reason his brother went on a mental rampage and nearly paralysed a man, the reason his brother was in jail for nearly 3 years before ending up in a nut house. He was terrified of what his brother's reaction was going to be.