"And that was it," Lincoln said as he finished recounting what had happened when he'd been captured and tortured by the Sky People. He was sitting up, shirtless, on a small cot as Nyko treated his injuries. Anya and Indra stood as they listened to his story. He'd arrived in TonDC less than an hour ago, dressed in Skaikru clothes, bloodied and bruised.

"The Sky People will pay for this," Anya seethed. Her face was filled with hatred.

"We should send word to the Commander," Indra interjected. "She'll want to know about this."

Anya nodded. "I agree." Then, nodding toward Lincoln, she told Nyko, "Take care of him."

The two women left the room.

After he'd treated the other injuries, Nyko set to work on Lincoln's right hand. He cleaned and re-bandaged the pierced flesh.

"Is it true that the Sky girl saved you from her people?" Nyko asked.

Lincoln nodded.

"Why did you tell them about her?"

"I thought that… maybe if they saw that they're not all the same, they might be more lenient, merciful even." The very last thing Lincoln wanted was a full-on war between their peoples, a war that might get Octavia killed. He shuddered internally.

"Be careful, brother. If they think you're allying yourself with a Sky Person, or even showing favor to one of them, you'll pay for it with your life."

"I know."

"Is she the one you were drawing?" Nyko inquired after a moment. He had noticed Lincoln's distracted smile as he'd drawn the portrait of a girl with dark hair.

He nodded again, smiling.

"She's not like the rest of them, Nyko," he told his friend. "Octavia's different. She's special."

Nyko was worried for his friend. He'd never seen Lincoln in love, and falling in love with the enemy was bound to end in tragedy. But, in the end, he couldn't help but be glad for him. His friend deserved to be happy. He only hope this Sky girl was worthy of Lincoln.

"Rest now," he instructed.

"I will," Lincoln promised, lying down. "Thank you, brother."

Nyko nodded, and left.

Lincoln tried to rest, but his mind raced. He couldn't stop thinking about her. And, despite the physical pain he was feeling, he smiled at the thought of her.


He wondered if he would ever see her again, if she was alright. Had anyone found out that she'd been the one to free him?

The memory of the gentle kiss he'd left on her lips before leaving was haunting him. He could still feel how warm and soft her lips had been on his. He'd had to do it, it was a now or never kind of moment. Lincoln had had no idea if he would get caught and killed by his captors, or even if he would ever see her again. He quietly wondered if she'd liked it.

He would return to his refuge soon, his cave in the woods. And, as soon as he was able, he would climb high atop the trees surrounding the Skaikru camp and look for her. He had to see her again, make sure she was okay.

Lincoln settled down to rest, pulling the furs up to cover him, with a smile on his lips and her name on his mind. His last thought before sleep took him was a prayer, that he would see Octavia again.