Animal Magnetism

Author's Note: Thanks for all the reviews. I hope you all enjoy the grand final of Animal Magnetism. Oh and if you're interested, please do feel free to check out my other stories.

Chapter Notation: This takes place five years after the previous chapter.

Chapter 13

It was a beautiful spring day. The Sun was shinning, the skies were clear, the birds were chirping, the flowers were blossoming, and the werewolf packs were gathering. The packs were gathering because today was a very big day. Two Alphas were getting married.

"I really am sorry that my campaign took up so much time. You two didn't have to put off your wedding this long." Itachi says to Sasuke as he helps the man adjust his tie.

"It's fine. This just proves to the public that we are very committed to each other. We've been together for five years. No one can say that we rushed into this. Besides, the wedding is more a formality than anything. We are already Mates and to me that matters more than a piece of paper." Sasuke replies with a smile.

Itachi nods. It was hard to believe. His baby brother was all grown up and getting married today. Granted that he was already Mated, but still. The elder Uchiha couldn't help but feel a little guilty. His presidential campaign had been a rather demanding one. Sasuke and Naruto had both stumped for him repeatedly out on the campaign trail.

Everyone had thought he was crazy. Itachi was extremely young to be running for President. But despite that, he had won. It probably helped that Mei was at his side and a far more experienced politician than he was. (The two of them had married, shortly before he declared that he was going to run).

"That's true. Tell me, how did you manage to make sure that Naruto wouldn't try to sneak a peek while we are getting you ready?" He asks in amusement.

"I told him that if he wanted to enjoy our Honeymoon together, he had better not jinx us by trying to see me before the wedding." The younger Uchiha says.

Itachi chuckles. He imagined that a large part of the reason why Sasuke was going through the formality of a wedding was for public appearances and because the idea of a Honeymoon was appealing to him. The President glances at the clock, in about a half hour his brother would be married.

"It was nice of Sai to offer to be your wedding photographer." Itachi comments.

"Mhm. I think he feels a little guilty about helping to kidnap Naruto and trying to turn me into some werewolf-vampire hybrid. His heart is in the right place, I think. He just fell in with the wrong crowd. Besides, he learned his lesson." Sasuke says with a smirk as he remembered that incident.

"Wait so you are telling me that he actually held Danzo while you ripped his throat out because he wants to turn you into a hybrid?! Sai wants to be with you?!" Naruto demanded in outrage.

Sasuke winced. Yeah, it might not have been his brightest idea to tell Naruto the truth about Sai. But he didn't want to keep any secrets from his mate. So he just nodded and tried his best to explain.

"Yeah. I told him no. I'm with you and I don't have any interest in becoming a hybrid. He seems to have backed off. I wouldn't worry about it." The Uchiha told him.

Naruto was Naruto though. He marched down the halls of Congress until he found Sai's office. He barged in without knocking and a very anxious Uchiha followed him. This might not end well.

"I'm glad you helped Sasuke. But if you EVER try to steal MY MATE again, I will rip your fangs out. Got it, bloodsucker?!" Naruto snarled at him.

The transformation was rather stunning. Naruto was still in his human form, but his teeth were those of a wolf. His eyes were a different color and the whisker like markings on his cheeks were now more jagged. Sasuke was also nearly positive that the blonde was now much bigger than he had been a few minutes ago.

"Really, Naruto? Isn't it beneath you to use such a slur? Of course I made the offer. He's very desirable. Clearly, Sasuke would have made an excellent vampire or even a hybrid. But he seems to want you. Oh and don't you threaten me. I have hundreds of years of combat experience on you." The vampire warned him.

That set off a fight. By the end of it, the entire office was in ruins. All Sasuke could do was watch in horror. Finally, several hours later, it was over. Suffice to say, Naruto definitely won that one and Sai never made the mistake of hitting on Sasuke again.

"I would imagine so. Where are you going on your Honeymoon?" Itachi asks curiously.

"London." Sasuke replies.

"I suppose that makes sense. He does want to show off his Big Ben." His elder brother says with a smirk and Sasuke swats him for that.

Itachi makes a crack about the Secret Service. Sasuke just rolls his eyes. His brother heads off with him, leading Sasuke down the aisle.

Naruto and Sasuke had agreed that Sasuke would be the one to walk down the aisle. This was mostly because Sasuke was more graceful than Naruto. They didn't want the blonde to trip in the Rose Garden during the ceremony and have that be splayed all over the internet.

Most of Congress, the White House Staff, and many members of the Press where there. In all, Sasuke wouldn't have been surprised if over a thousand people were in attendance. None off that mattered to him though. Only Naruto did.

"Wow." Naruto says as he stands at the golden alter that had red and white roses woven into it, next to the Preacher.

Sasuke was wearing a navy blue tux. It perfectly brought out his dark eyes and flattered his fair skin. It also caressed his lithe muscular form. Naruto loved it and couldn't wait to tear it off of the other werewolf. He felt his teeth elongating.

Itachi was leading Sasuke down the aisle at a rather dignified pace. The two brothers were the very definition of grace. He wondered if everyone in that family was just naturally that ethereal.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. If anyone has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace." The preacher begins.

Sasuke's eyes transform from obsidian black to ruby red. It was a not so subtle warning. If anyone dared to say anything, he was probably going to rip their throat out. Thankfully, the audience remained mercifully quiet.

"Wonderful. Do you Naruto Uzumaki take Sasuke Uchiha to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold? For better or for worse? In sickness and in health? To love and honor, for all your days…until death do you part?" The man asks.

"I do! Believe it." Naruto says with a smile and Sasuke shakes his head at the blonde's catchphrase.

Well the crowd got a kick out of it. It had been his campaign slogan for Senate after all. Everyone got that reference.

"Well that was very…enthusiastic. Sasuke Uchiha, do you take Naruto Uzumaki to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold? For better or for worse? In sickness and in health? To love and honor, for all your days…until death do you part?" The middle aged man continues.

"I do." Sasuke says with a smile.

"Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce thee wed. You may kiss your husband." The preacher says with more than a trace of amusement.

Naruto didn't waste any time. He grabs Sasuke and kisses him passionately. He completely ignored the gasps and catcalls from the massive audience. (Gaara and Itachi gave the loudest catcalls(.

Sasuke returns the kiss and wraps his arms around Naruto's neck, pulling the blonde werewolf closer. That was Naruto. For a Senator, he really didn't give a fuck about what was considered proper and what wasn't. Sasuke knew he was getting too excited by the kiss though when he felt his teeth get longer. So the Uchiha ends it.

"Awe why'd you stop?" Naruto whispers hotly in his ear.

Sasuke flashes him a fang-tastic smile. Naruto sees it and ohhhs. So that was why. He smiles and gestures for Sasuke to throw the first bouquet.

They had both gone with bouquets, as garter belts were just a bridge too far for both of them. While flowers were a little embarrassing, it was more acceptable than the garter belts to the werewolves.

Sasuke throws the bouquet into the crowd. He blinks when it lands on Suigetsu's head. He didn't see that one coming.

"Thanks, Sasuke!" The white haired man replies and smacks his own forehead with the palm of his hand.

"Sorry. I wasn't aiming for anyone in particular." The younger Uchiha apologizes as Naruto throws his flowers into the crowd.

This time the women were like a pack of wolves after that set of flowers. Sasuke blinks. Women could be quite vicious when it came to catching the bouquet it seemed. Finally, Karin emerges victorious. The witch looked rather shocked. Suigetsu bounded over. Sasuke blinks, hmm. It looked like that bouquet thing actually worked.

"Right. Well that was…interesting. Wanna go cut the cake, bastard?" Naruto asks with a smile.

"Probably a good idea. Half of the audience is made up of werewolves. There's a reason why it's called wolfing down your food." He muses and heads off with Naruto to do exactly that.

The cake was massive. Naruto actually hoisted Sasuke up over his shoulders to help the other man cut it. It was that big. Naruto had gotten them a white cake, with rainbow frosted flowers and a red filling in the center. The blonde did love his colors.

"Alright. I got it. Catch me." Sasuke says as he jumps down and is caught by his lover.

"Always." Naruto says and leans in for a kiss.

He didn't expect to get a piece of cake shoved in his face. The blonde blinks. His lover could be such a sneaky bastard sometimes!

"Oh so that's how you wanna play it!' Naruto exclaims and Sasuke wiggles out of his hold and runs off.

The blonde chases after him with some cake in his hands. He was going to get him! The blue eyed werewolf does what werewolves do best. He stalks his very sexy prey and he pounces.

"Oh come on, Naruto. You know that's going to be all over front pages of every newspaper and website tomorrow, right?" Sasuke says, squirming underneath him.

"Don't care, you started it." Naruto says and he bites down lightly on his Mating Mark, sucking on it lightly.

"Nnhh N-Naruto, that's not fair." Sasuke pants.

Naruto didn't care though. He was just happy to have finally claimed his Mate in every way possible. Now Sasuke was his in the werewolf way and the human way. That and he looked so fucking hot in his tux.

"Neither was shoving cake in my face." He mutters and brushes the bangs away from the dark haired werewolf's eyes.

"It's tradition and it was funny." Sasuke snickers and Naruto grumbles, shoving cake in Sasuke's face.

"Alright. I deserved that. I guess I should just be glad you aren't wearing an orange tux." Sasuke says as he tries to lick his face clean.

Naruto gives Sasuke a dirty look. He really didn't see why Sasuke objected to the color orange so much. It was a great color!

"Besides, I like the black on you. It brings out your eyes." Sasuke says with a smile and Naruto shakes his head in amusement.

He couldn't stay mad at his Mate. The blonde smiles and stands up. He offers his hand to the other Alpha, pulling him up.

"Thanks. Guess we should probably get in our first dance as a married couple." Sasuke suggests and Naruto nods in agreement, heading off to the dance floor with him.

Sasuke wraps his arms around Naruto's waist. The blonde throws his own around his lover's neck. It seemed that Sasuke had decided he was going to lead this time. Naruto didn't mind. He was far more interested in gazing at those beautiful, ruby red orbs than anything else.

The two sway to the music for a few minutes. Then they hear a clink of wine glasses. They both look over and notice that everyone else had gone to he table to sit down. It looked like Itachi was going to make a toast, so they headed over.

"Thank you all for coming today. I'm sure it means the world to my little brother and to Naruto. I must admit that I was surprised by their relationship at first. I didn't know that Sasuke preferred to take a walk on the wild side. But I have witnessed their love only grow over the years. I couldn't be happier for you Sasuke. Oh and Naruto, do take it easy on him. It would look rather awkward if either of you returned to Congress with a limp or claw marks on your back." Itachi finishes cheerfully.

"Itachi." Sasuke warns him with a growl.

"Welcome to the family." Kushina says and squeezes Sasuke tightly in a hug.

"Thank you. C-Can't breathe though." Sasuke squeaks out and the red head slowly loosens her grip.

Minato watches with amusement. He pats Naruto on the back. He was very happy for his son. The older werewolf just hoped his mate didn't accidentally smother Naruto's Mate to death before the Honeymoon. That would be terribly unfortunate.

"Welcome to the family." Minato says with a smile and Sasuke nods.

The next day, Naruto and Sasuke arrived in London. It was beautiful. But even the ancient castles couldn't hold a candle to the beauty that was his Mate. (Well at least not in Naruto's mind). He gets them to the hotel rather quickly and locks the door behind them.

"Here let me help you get out of that tux. It must be murder in this heat." Naruto murmurs and gets behind Sasuke.

"Yes, I'm sure that's the only reason you want me out of it." Sasuke says with a smirk and Naruto starts sliding it off of his lover.

The blonde had always hated formal dress codes, but he was used to having to get out of these things. He worked in Congress. It was a hazard of the job.

If Naruto had his way, he would just chain Sasuke to the bed. Sasuke could just lay around naked all day. If he got cold, he could cover up with some blankets. The thought of being able to have him anytime he wanted, without having to bother with taking off clothes was rather appealing. He wondered if the dark haired Senator might indulge him.

Warning Lemon

"Well it's not the only reason." Naruto concedes as he licks the Mating Mark and tugs off Sasuke's pants and boxers.

"Nhh. You know it's not really fair if I'm the only one who is naked." Sasuke muses.

"Yeah. Good point." Naruto says and quickly strips.

The blond leads Sasuke over to a rather tall mirror. He looks at his husband curiously. Sasuke didn't really get it.

"Look how beautiful we look together." The blue eyed werewolf says as he kisses Sasuke heatedly.

Well now Sasuke got it. That was new. He glances at the mirror as they kissed. It was gorgeous mix of contrasts. His dark hair against Naruto's golden tresses. Naruto's blue eyes and his currently ruby red ones. Sasuke's fair skin and the blonde's sun kissed tan. They couldn't be anymore different and yet they fit together so perfectly.

"Mmm you're right." Sasuke replies after breaking the kiss.

He decides to get a little revenge. Sasuke kisses the Mating Mark. He ghosts the fingertips of one hand over Naruto's muscular chest and grabs his Mate into his other, stroking him. The younger Uchiha couldn't help but smirk when he heard Naruto's groans of pleasure.

"Have I ever told you that you are a really evil fucking tease sometimes?" Naruto growls lustfully.

"You might have mentioned it once or twice." Sasuke says with a smirk.

That's when Naruto decided to get his own "revenge." He drops to his knees and takes his Mate into his mouth. Sasuke's pants and moans. There were very few things that could compete with the exquisite ecstasy that was being sucked off by his lover.

Hot and wet. Naruto knew how to use his tongue to. Somehow the blonde could graze his teeth over the sensitive flesh, without drawing blood or biting him. That always drove Sasuke crazy. The Uchiha runs his fingers through his lover's hair and does his best not to give into the impulse to fuck the blonde's throat raw.

"Oh God! Naurto!" He howls in pleasure.

Naruto smirks around Sasuke's cock. He was just so fucking beautiful when he was like this. When Sasuke completely let his guard down and just let himself enjoy the moment.

The blonde sucks harder and faster. It didn't take long for Sauske to cum hard. The dark haired werewolf only managed to get out of his husband's mouth at the last second to avoid a very…messy situation.

"That's one of the many things I love about you. You're so sensitive to my touch and you make the hottest moans." Naruto observes as he gets up.

"I think anyone would be sensitive if they had you sucking on their cock. Fuck you're mouth is amazing." Sasuke pants, trying to come down from his high.

"Go lay on the bed, on your stomach." Naruto says.

Sasuke gives Naruto a look. Uh oh. It looked like Sasuke's inner wolf had decided to assert itself. This happened sometimes when you had two Alphas. Well Naruto wasn't having any of that. He wanted his Mate now.

"Sasuke, go lay down." Naruto says again.

"Make me." He replies and the blonde does exactly that.

He pushes his lover onto he bed and admires how his creamy pale skin looked against the red silken sheets. There ought to be a shrine or something. Beautiful.

"My Mate." He murmurs almost reverently and bites down gently on the Mark, causing Sasuke to moan.

Naruto smiles and sucks on his fingers hard for a few minutes. He parts Sasuke's legs and slides two digits inside him. Sasuke was still so fucking tight, that he always had to prepare him. But it was always worth it.

"Just relax and let me take care of you. I love you so much, bastard." The blonde whispers and places a trail of kisses along his back while he stretches him.

"I love you to, loser." Sasuke shivers and moans when he felt Naruto stroke him with his other hand.

"I can tell. Fuck you're hard as a rock and I just got done sucking you off. Such a beautiful, needy mate you are." Naruto says and before Sasuke could protest the beautiful label, he removes his fingers, and slowly buries himself inside his lover.

Sasuke moans and writhes underneath him. It didn't take long for Naruto to begin claiming his lover. The two of them moved as one, They knew what their lover enjoyed. They knew exactly where to touch and how much.

The blonde would never get tired of his Mate. The way he looked in the heat of passion. The sexy sounds he'd make. His scent. How fucking tight he was. He was perfect. He could feel his own climax building.

"More." Sasuke practically snarls out.

It felt so good. But he needed more. He was so close. Fuck! That was it! Naruto had found his spot again and was driving against it fast and hard, making Sasuke feel like he was flying.

It didn't take either man long to cum. Both came with mighty howls. They spent the rest of the night together. Naruto lost count how many times they made love. Sometimes he would top. Sometimes Sasuke's Inner Wolf decided it wasn't going to take no for an answer and would decide to claim Naruto. Neither minded. It just felt good to be together.

Finally, just as the Sun was rising, Naruto pulled out of his lover. The blonde wraps his arms protectively around his Mate. The blue eyed werewolf figured Sasuke would indulge him in some cuddling during the afterglow as they watched the Sun rise through the window.

End Lemon

"God, I love you." Naruto says and snuggles into him.

"I love you to." The other Alpha replies as he enjoys the snuggling and tries to come down from the high of their lovemaking.

Naruto smiles and laces his fingers with Sasuke. It was hard to believe sometimes. Sasuke was his Mate AND his husband now. Danzo would never be able to bother them again and even Sai had stopped being creepy. Life was perfect.

"So when we get back to Congress, I was thinking that we should celebrate the proper way." Naruto says cheekily.

"I'm almost afraid to ask, but what did you have in mind?" Sasuke inquires.

"We can go back to your office and I can bend you over that fancy desk of yours…" He whispers hotly into his ear.

Sasuke tries not to blush. He really did. Only Naruto would come up with something like that. After Danzo's death, Sasuke had easily won the leadership position. Naruto seemed to take this as a challenge of sorts. How much frisking could he get away with, without them getting caught.

The fact that was now the Senate Majority leader, only seemed to add to his fun. Yeah, Naruto was a little bit of a deviant. But Sasuke loved him for it. He just really hoped they wouldn't get caught one of these days.

"Keep dreaming." He mutters and smiles as he reaches for the morning newspaper.

"Oh I believe me, I will." Naruto says with a grin and kisses the top of his head, as he reads along with his lover.

Their wedding was all over the newspaper. Perhaps it wasn't shocking that a photo of Sasuke underneath Naruto and the blonde biting his Mating Mark was the one they had chosen for the front page, but it made Sasuke blush anyway.

"Well you can't blame them really. We look pretty sexy in that picture. Everyone loves a fairy tale ending." Naruto muses and Sasuke nods.

Two weeks later, Sasuke and Naruto were back in the Senate. They had 'broken in' Sasuke's desk during one of their lunch breaks. So Sasuke was in a pretty good mood as he was heading back to his car with the blonde and a reporter asked them the following.

"So everyone wants to know what got one of D.C.'s favorite political power couples together." The reporter inquired.

"Animal magnetism." Sasuke says with a smirk and darted inside the car with Naruto, driving off.

"Why'd you say that?" His husband asks curiously.

"They wanted an answer and it was an honest one. There's something that draw me to you like a magnet. It's primal really. Animal instincts, I guess." The newly married man tries to explain.

"Oh makes sense I guess. I love you, bastard." Naruto says and leans over to kiss him.

"I love you to, loser. And I always will. " The dark haired werewolf replies after returning the kiss.

Naruto smiles. He knew that his Mate meant that and that made him very happy. Wolves mated for life, after all.