Animal Magnetism

Author's Note: This is a YAOI story. That means there will be at least one male x male romantic pairing. Probably more than one pairing, actually. This also a supernatural story that is set in the year 2116. I'm also going back over this story and gradually adding scene breaks. So if you see some chapters without them, that's why. If any of that bothers you, you might want to turn back now. For those of you still here, I hope you all enjoy this story and reviews are always appreciated.

Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit from any of my fanfics.

Chapter 1

Naruto was one of a kind. He was the youngest member of the Senate, a werewolf, and did he mention that he was gay? Ironically, supernaturals were the 'new gays.'

Homosexuality for the most part, at least in the U.S. was for the most part accepted. It was the year 2116, after all. Now it was supernaturals turn to 'come out of the closet.'

The Congress was becoming increasingly diverse. There were a handful of werewolves, vampires, witches, and even a ghost or two. Thus far the supernaturals who looked the most human, were gaining the most acceptance and political power. (Though Naruto was firmly lobbying for the rights of more… exotic supernaturals). Still the Congress remained about 90% human. Not all of those humans were happy about their supernatural colleagues.

"If you don't get your hands off of her, I'm going to call security." Naruto hears Sasuke's velvety voice threaten.

Danzo, a human and the Senate Majority Leader, was not at all happy about the more diverse Congress. Something that never failed to get under Naruto's fur because Danzo was the biggest speciest that the blond had ever met.

He'd grabbed Karin. Karin was a witch. Her power was highly specialized. What was her special ability you might ask? She could heal anyone who bit her. But all magic came with a price, she took on their pain for awhile. If she overdid it, it could kill her. Danzo was suffering from cancer. (Naruto wasn't sure how the pain of that would transfer to a woman, but he digressed).

"Oh Sasuke, just getting a little help from a colleague to deal with my health issues." Danzo says.

"Better call them now. I don't mind dealing with the media fallout that will come from kicking your ass." He promises.

"Now, now Sasuke. If you keep this up, one might think you are in the closet." Danzo knew not to press his luck too far though, he lets go of Karin.

"If I was a supernatural, you'd be the first to know." Sasuke growls.

"Suppose that's true. You'd probably like to try to tear my throat out. Too bad for you that I'm the Majority Leader and you are a freshmen senator. Your little fan club, won't change that fact. Remember whose side you are on." Danzo seethes at the Uchiha as he walks off.

"You are proof that assholes come in all species." Sasuke glares at his retreating back.

"Really, Sasuke I completely agree with the sentiment, but make sure to wash your mouth out with soap, before public appearances." Kakashi says.

Kakashi was another Senator. He was also fairly young to be a Senator, but he had two terms on Sasuke and Naruto. He was funny, always late, and a total badass, when his butt finally showed up.

"Thanks Sasuke." Karin smiles at him with hearts in her eyes.

"Don't read too much into it." Sasuke rolls his eyes at the red head.

Sasuke was still pissed about Danzo's latest stunt. He might not like Karin, but she was useful. She was also a member of his party. There was a certain degree of loyalty that garnered. Though he definitely did not want the witch to think for one second, he was in love with her. Naturally, he nipped that in the bud.

A few minutes later, Sasuke shivers. It was happening again. The blonde was watching him. The weight of his blue eyes, watching his every move was always intense. His name was Naruto. Sasuke knew that he was a werewolf, that didn't bother him. It was the way that his eyes followed him that made his heart skip a beat.

It was like the wolf viewed Sasuke as some deer or something and wanted to pounce on his prey. Sasuke wasn't entirely sure if Naruto was gay and into him or wanted to eat him. Either way, Sasuke wisely kept his distance.

A few minutes later, Naruto realizes that Sasuke noticed him staring, again. Dammit. He was probably creeping the hot human out. He adverted his eyes. Sasuke heads off to go vote on some bill.

Kakashi walks over to Naruto. He tilts his head, gesturing that the blond should leave with him. There was a bill to vote on after all.

"If you like him that much, you should just ask him out." Kakashi suggests.

"It's one thing for him to vote on bills for supernatural rights; it's another to be dating someone who can turn into a wolf." The blond grumbles.

"But you do know that he prefers men at least, right?" The silver haired vampire asks.

"Yeah. That I DEFINITELY know. His scent tells me that much." Naruto answers without any hesitation.

Werewolves had some of the keenest noses in the supernatural world. To a certain degree, they could scent emotions. One of these was arousal. Sasuke was at least physically attracted to him, even if the feisty Senator tried to avoid him like the plague.

Sasuke didn't realize how truly vindictive Danzo could be. The Uchiha had stayed late, to read over a few proposals. He was heading to his car when the ambush happened.

He had always considered himself to be a good fighter, but his was ridiculous. It was almost impossible for a human to match one werewolf in hand to hand combat, let alone this many.

"Sorry, Kid. You pissed off the wrong person and the money was too good to pass up." One of the werewolves punches him in the gut.

Sasuke yells in pain and tries to block the next series of punches and kicks that came his way, but they were too fast. He could feel his right eye swelling shut from one of the blows.

"You're stupid, attacking a Senator right outside of Congress." Sasuke spits some blood in their faces.

"This fucker just spit in my face!" The largest of the werewolves snarls.

"Gotta make the brat pay for that one. We can't be tolerating that type of disrespect!" A second werewolf growls.

The largest werewolf shifts into his animal form. He was a truly massive black wolf with shaggy fur. He lunges at Sasuke and bites his neck. Sasuke screams in agony, feeling the venom interjected into his bloodstream. It felt like a thousand hot needles had been shoved into him.

"Gotta give the brat this much, he's tough. Most would have passed out by now." Yet another werewolf, laughs.

Suddenly, a blood chilling howl of pure rage is heard. The werewolves look and see an enormous golden wolf with blue eyes charging towards them. He was snarling and his fangs were truly a sight to behold.

"Get away from him or I will kill you!" Naruto warns them.

Sasuke's mind was swimming with pain. His vision as blurry. So he heard, more than saw Naruto's voice. Though Sasuke wasn't entirely sure, he wasn't just imagining it.

The other werewolves look at each other. This was a true Alpha, a very pissed off Alpha. The pure fury in the blue eyed wolf's voice was enough to make their blood run cold. Even six against one, they didn't like their odds. Besides, they had already done what Danzo asked. They make a hasty retreat.

"Sasuke! Shit. I'm going to knock you out. That way you won't have to feel the pain. It'll be okay, I promise." Naruto pinches a nerve in Sasuke's neck that makes the Uchiha go limp.

Naruto shifts back and carries Sasuke to his car. He speeds through at least 3 red lights and almost gets pulled over by the cops twice. It was a miracle, but somehow Naruto got them back to his place in one piece.

The Alpha werewolf sets Sasuke gently on his bed. He didn't want to move him more than necessary, lest the raven haired man wake up, and experience the pain of transforming once more. Naruto quickly takes out his cell phone and calls Tsunade.

"Brat what are you doing calling at this hour?" Tsunade demands.

"Granny Tsunade, I need you to come quick. A Senator was just attacked by werewolves. He was bitten. He's at my place." Naruto says all in one breath.

"Dammit! This could be disastrous for our entire species. I'm coming brat. I'll be there in ten minutes." She hangs up.

Ten minutes later, Tsunade rushes inside Naruto's home. Naruto had given Tsunade a key, years ago. The busty werewolf demands to know where the patient was and Naruto takes her to his room.

"They really did a number on him. That's a damn painful looking black eye. Fortunately, the werewolf healing should be kicking in soon. I can give him some pain medication. It might be best to tie him down. He might be confused when he wakes and with his newfound strength, that might not end well." She hooks up a morphine drip.

"He'll be okay though. Right?" Naruto asks while holding onto Sasuke.

"He looks like he's in excellent physical condition, minus the injuries they gave him tonight. I see absolutely no reason why he wouldn't survive the transformation. But that may not be good for us. He's a Senator like yourself. Should he choose to go public and blame all werewolves for his new lot in life, he could make things very difficult for us." Tsunade sighs.

"He won't do that. He was defending a witch today. Sasuke's always been a supporter of Supernatural Rights." Naruto says with absolute certainty.

"It's one thing to support it, when you have no skin in the game. It's another to support it after being turned, against your will." Tsunade counters.

Naruto gets out some fuzzy handcuffs and slaps them on Sasuke. He gives Tsunade a look at that one. His mate would never do that. He was too smart to blame an entire species based on the horrific actions of half a dozen thugs.

Naruto sighs. This sucked majorly. He had MANY fantasies involving Sasuke and those handcuffs. (He wasn't particularly picky about who was the one in the cuffs). Just his luck now that it had actually happened, instead of sexy times, Sasuke was fighting for his life.

Now there were two ways to become a werewolf. The first was you could be born a werewolf. The second you were bitten and turned into one. If you were bitten, the werewolf venom that caused the change was painful as Hell. That's why some people didn't survive the change. (For example, people with heart conditions were particularly at risk). But Sasuke was strong. He'd be fine. He had to be.

About an hour later, Sasuke's eyes flutter open. Thanks to his newfound werewolf healing abilities, his swollen eye was now able to open. Which was good because seeing Sasuke with a black eye, got Naruto's boiling. He was VERY tempted to hunt those assholes down and rip them limb from limb. (Which was saying something as Naruto wasn't violent by nature).

Sasuke looks around. He definitely wasn't in the parking lot anymore. He wasn't home either. It didn't look like a hospital. He doubted Heaven came complete with a fucking morphine drip. Then he saw Naruto. He sighs in relief.

"Naruto, thank God. Where are we? What happened to those werewolves that attacked me?" Sasuke demands.

"You're at my place. I chased them off. I had Granny Tsunade look you over. She gave you the drip. You might want to take it easy for awhile. Sorry about the cuffs, some people when they first wake up… lash out." Naruto explains.

It was then that Sasuke noticed the fuzzy handcuffs. He raises an eyebrow at Naruto at this. He pushes his hands up, as much as he could. His implication as clear Get these off of me, now!

"I don't know. I kinda like the cuffs on you." Naruto teases.

Sasuke twitches. Yeah, Naruto knew he was playing with fire. But well, he couldn't resist.

"I'll take them off, once I tell you the news. Don't freak out, okay?" Naruto begs.

"I won't freak out." Sasuke promises.

"You were bitten HARD. Hard enough to inject the venom into your system. You are a werewolf now." Naruto murmurs.

Sasuke's eyes widen, "I… wait what?!" He yells.

"You're a werewolf now. It's okay though Sasuke. You are really well liked in the werewolf community anyway. Plus there are some benefits. Like that black eye you got, it's gone." Naruto says.

"…" Sasuke finds himself suddenly speechless.

"It'll be alright. I'll take care of you, I promise," Naruto reassures him.

"Take care of me?" Sasuke looks at the other werewolf in an incredulous way.

"Always." Naruto says.

"No, what do you mean by that?" Sasuke didn't know how to react to such a declaration.

"Well it can be a big culture shock to become a werewolf. I can help you adjust. You can crash at my place till you get used to it, if you like." Naruto offers hopefully.

"Take the offer. Our mate will protect us. He always has. We'd be dead if he hadn't stepped in." Sasuke hears a voice that sounded familiar, yet alien inside his head.

"I'm hearing voices!" Sasuke panics.

Naruto gets behind him and pulls him into his lap. The blonde holds Sasuke rather firmly. He had to. Sasuke was spazzing out big time. He looked like he was having a seizure. Thankfully he wasn't, he was just scared.

"Whoa. Whoa. Calm down there bastard. That's just your inner wolf." Naruto explains.

"Inner wolf?" Sasuke inquires cautiously as he slowly being to settle down.

It was futile to struggle against Naruto. He was cuffed. Naruto was buff. Hey, that rhymed.

"Yeah, every werewolf has one. Um think of it as sorta similar to your conscience, only more customized. It operates on instinct. It allows us to deal with our animal urges and still be in the driver's seat most of the time. Why what did yours say to you?" Naruto asks curiously.

"Oh. So I'm not going crazy," Sasuke ignores the question.

"No, you aren't going crazy. You are perfectly normal, at least by werewolf standards. Seriously, what did he say?" Naruto repeats the question.

"He thinks I should stay with you." Sasuke gives an edited version, he definitely wasn't going to mention that Mate thing.

"Oh good. I like your inner wolf." Naruto smiles.

"Thanks." Sasuke mumbles.

"This is not what I had in mind, when I said I wanted him in our bed. But I'll take what we can get. At least it sounds like he's decided to stay with us, for now. We'll just have to convince him to stay permanently. Would it be wrong to try to mount him now? He looks so good in those cuffs." Naruto's own inner wolf asks.

Naruto tells his inner wolf that YES, now it would be wrong to try to ravish Sasuke now. It didn't matter how hot he looked in the fuzzy handcuffs. Sasuke had just been attacked. His safety came FIRST. Then they could try to seduce him. Naruto's inner wolf seemed satisfied with that answer.

"Can you take the cuffs off now?" Sasuke hated the slight pleading edge to his tone.

"Yeah. Just had to make sure you weren't going to flip." Naruto takes the cuffs off him.

"Thanks," Sasuke felt a little better now that he was somewhat less helpless.

"You'll be a lot stronger now. So be GENTLE whenever you do stuff. Your senses will also be a lot stronger. Oh and you'll be faster. You will also heal faster," Naruto starts to explain.

"That all sounds great. What's the catch," Sasuke asks warily.

"Well the Inner Wolf can be your best friend or a complete pain in the ass. Sometimes the enhanced senses can be overwhelming. There's obviously the prejudice and discrimination you'll have to face now. It can take awhile to get the hang of pack life. Though you can be a lone wolf too, if you want. I don't recommend it though. Wolves are naturally social creatures." Naruto finishes.

"Why did you tell him he could be a lone wolf? We want him to STAY!" Naruto's inner wolf snarls.

Naruto told his inner wolf to shove it. Besides, Sasuke was smart. He would have figured it out anyway. This lead to some grumbling from Kurama, Naruto had named his inner wolf. But eventually he settled down.

"So are werewolves like regular wolves, just smarter?" Sasuke tilts his head at that.

Sasuke had watched as many nature documentaries as the next kid growing up. He knew a fair bit about wolves. That whole only Alphas mating thing, yeah he was NOT going to be a monk for the rest of his life. Screw that.

"Well there are some differences. We aren't as hung up on the hierarchy. It's still there and important. But it's not like the old days where Alphas mostly operated as pack dictators, some benevolent and some not." Naruto replies.

"I didn't know you even knew the word benevolent, much less how to use it correctly in a sentence." Sasuke smirks.

"You're such a bastard. I'm smart. I know stuff. Just because I don't strut like a lawyer on the Senate Floor, doesn't mean I don't have a fantastic vocabulary." Naruto screams at him and pins Sasuke playfully.

"Oh please, you are the walking stereotype of a lovable, dumb jock." Sasuke squirms underneath them for a bit, but manages to flip them.

Naruto smiles up at him, "As long as I'm lovable, I can live with that."

"…" Sasuke didn't know how to respond to that or how not to be in awe of Naruto's smile.

"I'll take your silence as proof that I AM lovable." Naruto laughs smugly.

"You really are such a loser." Sasuke scoffs.

"Could a loser, do this?" Naruto teases him as he reverses their position.

Naruto decides to have a little fun. It didn't help that Kurama was egging him on. Sasuke was strong for a human. He'd be stronger as a werewolf now.

But Naruto had been born a werewolf. He knew how to use his strength. Sasuke probably didn't really know yet, how to use his newfound strength. So Naruto had the advantage. He pins the raven haired man underneath him.

"It's best to establish dominance now. Our mate is also an Alpha. The early days are very formative after the change." Kurama, who was also sometimes called Kyuubi, said.

Naruto wasn't even going to comment on how fucked up his inner wolf could sound at times. He was just enjoying the view. Sasuke had always been stunning, but his dark hair and fair skin against the red sheets on the bed was even more so.

"He wants to play. Best to try to get out of the pin. We don't want him to think we are weak." Sasuke's own inner wolf spoke up and Sasuke was inclined to agree with him this time.

Sasuke shoves, but Naruto wouldn't budge. The blonde was practically solid muscle. It was like moving a mountain. Sasuke growls, growing frustrated. He wouldn't notice it at the time, but his eyes changed from their natural black color, to red. He 'wolfed out,' just a little bit. With a growl that sounded more animal than human, he shoves Naruto off of him, and pins the blonde underneath him.

Naruto, however, did notice the eye color change. Sometimes when wolves felt strong feelings, they'd 'wolf out.' Their physical characteristics would change slightly. They wouldn't change into a wolf, but there were little things. Their teeth sometimes got sharper, their eyes might change color, and they might get physically bigger for a short time.

"Gotta say, I'm impressed. Most don't wolf out for weeks." Naruto rolls Sasuke back onto his back.

"Wolf out?" Sasuke looks up at him in confusion.

"When the adrenaline is pumping, we can take on some wolf traits. We don't actually transform. Your eyes are red now. Very pretty actually. I like them." Naruto grins.

"You did NOT just call me pretty," Sasuke growls in disgust.

"Well I called your eyes pretty. You're beautiful, always have been." Naruto smiles down at him and couldn't resist brushing his bangs out his eyes.

"Stop making me sound like a girl." Sasuke twitches.

"Don't worry bastard, I'm fully aware that you are a man. Your masculinity is not in doubt. Would it make you feel better if I said handsome?" Naruto smiles at him.

"A little." Sasuke sighs in relief, now that his dignity had been restored.

"Good. You are handsome and your eyes are hot then." Naruto laughs.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I was wondering about something." Sasuke starts to say.

"You can ask me anything you want. I won't get mad." Naruto interrupts.

"Good. You've made no secret that you are, you know… is that common in the werewolf community? I mean are there are a lot of LGBT wolves?" Sasuke dares himself to inquire.

"Well more common than in the human community. I'd say they probably make up about a quarter of our population. It's very normal for us. I think it probably evolved to keep our population more stable. It's harder to hide a huge werewolf population, than a big one/" Naruto says in an uncharacteristically academic fashion.

"Oh good to know." Sasuke tries to process all that.

"Yeah we aren't the only gay werewolves out there." Naruto assures him.

"How'd you know that?" The newly turned werewolf couldn't help, but feel stunned.

"Oh don't worry. I mean to a human, no one could tell. But I'm a werewolf. We can tell these things. It's our noses really. We can sometimes scent emotions. Arousal is very easy to pick up on, once you know the scent." Naruto shrugs as if this was all perfectly normal.

"That feels like spying." Sasuke glares at Naruto.

"Not really. No more spying than walking into a house and smelling something cooking in the kitchen." Naruto replies a little defensively.

"I guess. It's not like I was trying to hide it. It was just…easier." Sasuke crosses his arms and looks away, trying not to blush.

"You didn't want the media to make a big deal out of it. I get it. Not everyone is as secure in their sexuality as me." Naruto grins.

"I am PERFECTLY secure." Sasuke turns his head and scoffs.

"Oh really? Wanna prove that?" Naruto grins wolfishly.

Well now Sasuke knew where that expression came from. Just then he was very aware that he was alone with Naruto. Alone with Naruto in his bedroom. Alone with Naruto and pinned underneath him. He swallows hard.

Just then there was a knock on the door. Well there was about two. Apparently, whoever was behind the door wasn't eager to wait. A red head barges in, with a rather sheepish looking blond who was the spiting image of an older (though more mellow looking) Naruto.

"Mom! Dad!" Naruto blushes deeply, though was still on top of Sasuke, frozen in embarrassment.

"Kushina, this is why I told you it is a good idea to knock first." Minato smiles.

"He's our son, we shouldn't have to knock. Ohhhh I didn't realize you had company." Kushina blinks.

"Sorry Naruto. I told her that we should have called before showing up before, but she was just so excited to take you out for your birthday," Minato says.

"It's okay." Naruto blushes more.

"So…who is your friend?" Kushina asks with great interest.

Sasuke could almost imagine her getting out a magnifying glass and inspecting him. Thankfully, Naruto was blocking his mother's view of him. Great, Naruto's parents. Who probably thought they were together now.

Naruto gets off Sasuke. Dammit! Now he was visible. Sasuke just hoped to God he was not blushing.

"This is Sasuke. He works with me." Naruto looks just as awkward as Sasuke felt.

"Apparently he works VERY closely with you." Minato chuckles.

"Dad! Sasuke was attacked by werewolves. He was bitten, so I took him here. You know to make sure he was safe." Naruto defends himself.

"Uh huh." Kushina walks over and looks Sasuke over from head to toe.

"I'm Kushina. I'm Naruto's mother. You hurt my son and becoming a werewolf will be the least of your problems. I hope we can be good friends." She smiles.

"Sasuke Uchiha. Noted." Sasuke backs away from the crazy red head slowly.

"Kushina, don't scare the poor guy to death. He's already been through quite enough trauma today. Hello, Sasuke. I'm Minato. You are one of the New York Senators, right?" Minato smiles at him.

"Yeah." Sasuke looks at Minato gratefully.

Sasuke took the moment to compare the two blondes. So that's what Naruto might look like in twenty years give or take a few. Yeah, he could definitely work with that. He liked Minato's haircut. Maybe Naruto would be willing to change it up a bit.

"Oh right! My birthday. Hey, Sasuke I know it's short notice. But if you want you can come to the party. The whole pack is going to be there. No pressure." Naruto laughs nervously.

"Um sure, I'll go." Sasuke nods.

"Great! It's at the beach." Naruto exclaims merrily.

"…" Sasuke hadn't expected that.

"What's the matter, Bastard? Don't you like beaches?" Naruto looks at him in confusion.

"I don't like fan girls. Beaches equals fan girls." Sasuke sighs.

"Oh don't worry. I'll protect you." Naruto strikes a heroic pose.

"You're such an idiot." Sasuke smiles fondly at him.

"Maybe, but I'm YOUR idiot." Naruto smiles.