A/N Wanted to start a story that has no particular direction or ending. Willing to take suggestions, just want to have some fun with this one. Bonnie Bennett and the Salvatore Brothers, and Lily.
What is happening Mother? Why are those men in those horses headed here as means of destroying our village?
"I don't know Bonnie but get Melissa and run. Run as fast as you can. When you get to the quarry, you need to get out of here before they get you. Get in a raft and put a protection spell around it. Trail the river down the mountain, when you get to the valley, go to the next city. Ask for Marie Laveau, tell her we are over taken on Freedom Mountain. She will offer you girls shelter."
"Mother, What about you?"
"I can't leave Grams here. And she is not well enough to go." Tears stream down Abby's face as she tells her daughters to leave her. "Go! I will find you again."
"Mother, NO! NO! I won't leave you."
"Bonnie, you two are the last Bennett witches of our coven. You must survive the line. Don't you stay here for me. Take yourself and leave to save you and your sister. Please, now is not the time to be pig headed and stubborn, get your tail out of here, and disappear. I will find you girls. I promise you that. Now GO!
"Mother, come with us, the three of us together we can handle Grams. Please Mother, Bonnie and I, we need you. We're not even of age yet Mother. We can't do this without you." Melissa said.
"You've got no choice. Now go. I love you both very much!"
The men were driving closer on the steeds, and the eldest witches of the coven stayed back to fight for as long as they could. Bonnie and Melissa, ran as fast as they could. As fast as their legs would carry them. When they made it to the quarry, the rafts were all taken, except the one raft that was stuck in the river bed on the other side. Melissa couldn't swim and so Bonnie had to trust leaving her to go and get the raft and bring it back!
"Bonnie, Hurry! Bonnie please. They are getting closer."
Bonnie was trying to make it back to Melissa as fast as she could but the current was too strong, carrying Bonnie away instead of across.
Melissa was screaming and Bonnie was trying to get back to her sister as fast as she could. She saw men some hundreds of yards away from Melissa and she had almost made it to her. The river current was so strong.
"Melissa, jump, please, I will swim to you, but you must jump sister. Or I cannot reach you in time". "
"No Bonnie I can't. Please don't make me!" Melissa cried.
"Melissa, if you don't jump, we will be separated forever. Please, just trust me baby sis. I will get to you. Just JUMP!" Bonnie screamed. The men on steeds were right on Melissa tail, just as she ran to the edge, she was almost caught by her hair. She landed into the quarry and Bonnie swam to her as fast as she could Using all of her strength to get Melissa on to the raft.
"Melissa hurry up and help me up. They are getting their bow and arrows and their spears, get me in the raft so I can spell it. Hurry."
"Bonnie I've got you. Hold on to me tight. I am trying to pull you as hard as I can." With a full thrust upward from Melissa she got Bonnie in the boat, and within a few seconds Bonnies spelled the raft with protection around it. When Bonnie turned to look at her village it had been over thrown, and the elders were call either dead or captives. As far as Bonnie knew, she would never see her momma or grandmamma again. Her heart broke, her entire life changed before her eyes, and now she had to make sure that she and her sister made it. Survived whatever it was that was happening to their kind right now.
The two sisters drifted down the river all the way to the valley. It had to be at more than 90 kilometers away. As long as they made it before the horsemen, all they had to do was search the nearest city for Shelter. Nearly an entire day of their travels gone, the girls decided to rest out the night and regain their strength in a nearby cave. Until sun up. The two sister had no idea what they were doing. The only thing they could count on was each other.
Melissa and Bonnie were certain they found a cave deep in the valley, and spell protected it. As the two girls got themselves ready to get some rest, they pondered what could have possibly gone wrong. As far as they knew, they were both promised to two of the most powerful witches from one of the most powerful covens. Malakai and Lucas Parker of the Gemini Coven. Bonnie was to be married in a year and Melissa in two years. While the girls weren't thrilled to be getting married so young, they had known the Gemini coven since childhood. They were powerful and with that came more power for both Bennett girls. Both Melissa and Bonnie were special witches. Both siphons, But only Bonnie could siphon power from any supernatural being. But they had yet to practice those powers, The Gemini Coven were siphons and the Bennett girls were going to learn how to use their siphon from their future husbands. Although the families had grown up together, the Gemini coven was a greedy coven. Bonnie was afraid that marrying Kai would darken her magic, because he was a dark magic Warlock. Now she could forget about her magic ever being tainted by Malakai Parkers darkness, because she and Melissa went rogue and they would never see the Parkers or the Gemini coven again. Which would be the least of their worries. The girls woke up to barricades outside of the cave they were asleep in.
"We know you are in there. There is no use hiding anymore. We have done a location spell on you."
"Bennett Witch, you are hereby mandated as by order of the Authority of the King to accompany the Royal henchman to the Castle. You are ordered to serve the King and the Royal family from this day forth. Any disorderly conduct will result in your imprisonment."
"What are you talking about we are not slaves."
"You are; you have been sold by your soon promised Coven, by order of Malakai Parker. "
"You're lying."
"Are we?" One man says sternly. Another answers.
"Said Coven received an entire kingdom for your purchase. Apparently you are very valuable."
"This is absurd, where is my Mother?"
"Unfortunately, she and your grandmother are not a part of the deal. We raided the village looking for you Miss Bonnie Bennett. Now you are rogue so if you don't come with us, you risk punishment."
"But I had no idea of the status of my freedom when I left my village today. How could my future husband sell me?"
"I am sorry Bennett Witch, but...Either way, these are orders of the King.
"Another thing Bennett Witch, your sister will be returning to your village. We only request you!"
"What?" Melissa yelled. "No! Don't separate us, please. WE are a packaged deal. Please don't take my sister from me." Melissa pleaded.
Bonnie looked at her sister and said, "This is what is best for you Melissa, stay with Mother and Grams. Look after them, I will be home before you know it dear sister. Okay?" Bonnie bit back tears as they tore she and Melissa apart. "Please let me say a proper good bye to my kin. Don't rip her from my arms like so." Bonnie screamed as Melissa was ripped away and taken back to the Village of Freedom.
"Bonnie was thrown in a carriage with two unattractive men, that looks like they belonged on the King's council. She was on her way to the castle, leaving a free woman, showing up a slave. How did this happen? "Malakai Parker did this to me." Bonnie wept the whole way there in lonely silence to the Castle.
When Bonnie showed up, she was hardly welcomed in the dark grimacing castle. Her entire Body shivered in fear of the energy that covered her body. The darkness, was too much for a witch to bear. It could swallow her if she let it. When she came to, a man and his beautiful, fair wife sat in a royal thrown. Bonnie curtsied.
"Milady, Milord"
"Afternoon Bennett witch, or do you have a name?"
"My name is Bonnie Milord."
"Means beautiful."
She nods.
"You are very beautiful Bonnie."
Tears wanted to swallow her whole. She felt as though his compliment was to be backhanded of what he was going to say next.
"You will do perfectly."
"Yes. Bonnie, I am also a witch, and I simply have scoured the Earth in search of you. I have taken ten kingdoms in search of you."
"Yes Milady."
"I understand you aren't of age yet?"
"No Milady."
She offers Bonnie a formidable smile.
"So you are just a witchling? Beautiful. You haven't been broken in yet. You will be an amazing addition to our family. I have always wanted my very own wichling to mold. What better, then the future wife?"
"Excuse me Milady, what are my duties here. If I may ask?"
"You are to be the witchling servant of both my sons. Your beauty and power unmatched. You most definitely are the one."
"The one?"
"The one strong enough to for both of my boys."
"I um, I am afraid I have no idea what you are talking about."
"I have two sons coming of age. They are too strong for the average witch. Fortunately, you are a witch with her own powers as well as the power to siphon supernatural energy. Like me." The only witches that can handle The Salvatore men, are a Siphons. Means you can absorb their powers Bonnie."
"I am sorry; you have the wrong witch."
"I do, do I? There are only a handful of female siphons. I being one. Malakai Parker was about to marry you. The other two are old and one is a new born baby. Your sister is not the same siphon type you are. She can only siphon magic of witches. If she were like you, I would have bought her too. Bonnie, you were to be his wife of Prince Malakai,. Correct?"
"He has informed me of your status. Please don't hate him, we searched far and wide for you. When We found you, we found you were to be promised to the Gemini coven where Malakai would help you channel your siphon energy. But it is okay, because I can help you."
"What do you want me for?"
"You will be the only one strong enough to handle my sons."
"Why what is wrong with them? Are they witches?"
"No darling they are vampires."
Bonnie's gasp was gut wrenching. Her entire stomach fell to the floor.
"I have never seen a vampire up close."
"Today is the day your life changes then right.?"
"Why must I serve them both Milady?"
"Their power is dark, and I had no means to make them that way. They were just born two special boys. Now they are grown young men, and the very ruthless. Anyone else they will swallow whole. But you, are all powerful and beautiful, you will become their weakness. They will love you loyally.
"When will I meet them."
"Whenever you are ready."
"I don't understand what is wrong with them, that I can actually help them?"
"They are covered in darkness my Beautiful Bonnie. You may be able to help cure them."
"They were cursed by my line of witches, because I abandoned my coven for my husband who is a vampire."
"What are they cursed with?"
"One is a Ripper and the other is an Augustine."
"I don't understand Milady?"
"Their thirst for blood is greater than their need for anything else. One mercilessly kills humans and the other mercilessly kills vampires."
Bonnie said nothing. Did nothing. Moved not one muscle.
"Please don't let this scare you off Bonnie. You are not a regular Siphon Bonnie; you can siphon the power of ANY supernatural. Not just magic of witches."
"Milady, are they going to try and Kill me?"
"You are very humorous Bonnie."
But Bonnie wasn't laughing.
"So when I help them, or cure them, will I ever be freed?"
"One day at a time Bonnie." Lily Laughs.
Bonnie was still unaware of what the Salvatores wanted from her.
How easy was it to tell your future daughter in law she was to be promised to both of your murderous sons for the rest of her life?
A/N I just wanted to write a story and have some fun with it. I have no idea where it is going.