Sorry about grammar error. I will not be getting a beta. Sorry. Thank you for clicking on my story to read. I appreciate it.

"Mr. Adams, do you want the extra pillow or not?" I said to the man I currently was a taking care of. He couldn't ever make a simple decision.

"Well, what if I don't want the pillow after a while. It might make my neck hurt using it too long." He said.

"Well then, you can push the nurse button and I will come in here and take it if you don't want it." I said with a fake smile.

"Ok.. And if I push this button I don't want you to come get it. Send in one of those hot, skinny chicks." He said rudely.

"Sir, you are my patient and I am your nurse, so if don't want the pillow soon it will probably be me." I said.

"Fine. Then I don't want the pillow." He said crossing his arms.

"Ok..." I said turning around to leave. I was by the doorway when he mumbled under his breathe "fat ass." I frowned and walked the rest of the way out.

I headed down to the break room to eat my lunch. I walked past the front desk where Lauren and Jane sat.

"Hey lard ass." Jane called as I walked past. I ignored her and kept walking. She did this everyday.

I made my way in the break room to see Dr. Mike and Dr. Ben. Two assholes I could not bear.I turned around and instead went to the locker room to eat my lunch. I ate my plain ham and cheese sandwich in silence.

10 minutes later I got up and headed back to work. I walked up to the care desk to see if Mr. Adams or any other patient had pushed the call button. At the desk was Alice. Alice is my best friend and really my only friend here.

"Any calls?"

" Your good." Thank god.

"Good. So what's up?"

"The ceiling." She said smirking.

"Alice." I said laughing.

Well, not much." As she said that Lauren and Jane walked by.

"Oh my god can't you just wait for Dr. Cullen to be here already." Jane said.

"Yes! I can't wait for him. He's so gorgeous. Maybe the whole hospital can throw him a welcome party." Lauren said excitedly.

"Yes, but don't invite the laughing pig." Jane said. They both looked in my direction then threw their heads back laughing. I turned away from Alice embarrassed.

"Oh just ignore them Bella. Your more beautiful then them and that's why they do this." She said looking at me with pity.

"I should probably go check on my patients." I said walking away.

I never heard any news about a new doctor coming. I thought to myself. I'll probably never see him though since I work the late shift. Oh well.

I checked my patients and they were all asleep and looked like they were doing okay. So, over my embarrassment, I went up to sit by Alice.

"Hi." She said when I sat down.

"Hi. who is this Dr. Cullen." I said.

"Oh. He's one of the best doctor in Chicago."

"Why is he coming here?" I said.

"I don't know about that. Kinda strange?" She said putting away some charts.

"Yeah.." I said getting up to go clock out. I walked to clock out with Alice by my side blabbing about some new clothes store.

"See you on Monday." I told Alice before we went our separate ways.

"See ya!" She said.

I walked to my orange truck that was starting to rust pretty badly, but hey it's good vehicle. It gets me to where I need to go.

At my apartment I threw my keys on the table and changed out of my scrubs in a pair of dark wash jeans and a blue t-shirt. I then headed back out to my car.

I drove down to the small cafe downtown to grab something to eat. Inside I sat alone while everyone else it seemed to have someone with them. Me being the oddball. Of I was. I always was.

I ordered a vegetable omelette and water. I looked around the room seeing a couple with 2 little ones. I wished to have kids one day, but I probably won't have any that are biological. Maybe I'll adopt. Yeah, I like the sound of that.

My food came after sitting there wondering about kids for 10 minutes.

"Here you go. A vegetable omelette."

"Thanks Rosalie." I said smiling.

"You're welcome sweetheart." She said and then walked away.

The food here was the best in town. I would come here everyday if I could.

I finally took the last bite and savored it knowing it would be awhile before I could come back here. I paid for my meal and went out to my truck. I then drove down to the store to get some groceries.

I grabbed some chicken breast, stuff to make spaghetti, and some vegetables. As I was waiting to check out I looked around and at the cash register about 2 lanes over I saw the most handsome man I had ever seen before. He had flawless skin and beautiful golden blonde hair. He was with a woman who was just a as beautiful as him. He caught my eye and I looked away fast looking at my shoes. I paid for my stuff and rushed out of the store.

I returned back to apartment tired. I threw on some pajamas and jumped into bed. It was even 30 seconds before I fell into a deep sleep.

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