"Damn it!", Nick cursed, sitting in traffic. He was supposed to be at the Lion Prince at 11:30. Nick glanced towards the car's clock and read the time, 11:40. Nick sighed irritably and shrunk down in his car. This isn't what he needed right now. Being late to your pissed off girlfriends lunch plans wasn't a good way to start off the day. Nick looked out the window and his heart stopped. A female bunny was sitting outside a cafe with, what it looked to be her boyfriend, who was also a bunny. Nick's heart started to beat rapidly while he started to growl.

"Carrots?" he thought, his mind spiraling into chaos.

The bunny then turned around and Nick realized, with relief, that is wasn't his favorite rabbit. What was wrong with him? Why did he care? No way a fox would love a silly rabbit...right? Nick's thoughts were disrupted by a angry honk from the car behind him. It seemed the traffic was finally clearing up. With another relieved sigh, Nick sped away.

Nick finally made it to the Lion Prince at 11:46. He got out of the car quickly and walked briskly towards the restaurant. He quickly found his beautiful girlfriend sitting in a booth at the back of the restaurant.

"Sorry I'm late.", said a clearly exhausted Nick. Vicky, god bless her, smiled, her eyes filled with love.

"Jeez, two more minutes more and I was going to order a shot.", Vicky teased, kissing her boyfriend on the cheek.

"Get me a shot anyway, after the terrible traffic I went through, I need one", Nick shot back, sitting across from her.

"Aw, you poor kit, maybe I can make it up to you later...", Vicky smiled leaning over onto the table, lust dancing in her eyes.

"I would sure like that.", Nick replied, pecking his girlfriend on the lips.

The date was going off without a hitch. It was so far, so good. The waiter, who was a pig, came over and took our order. Nick and Vicky were waiting for their food when they heard a huge commotion over near the entrance.

"Officer Hopps, sign my face!" Nick heard someone scream.

"Of-ficer H-hops?" Nick stuttered, beads of sweat trickling down his face. Vicky must've noticed the apprehensive look, because she then asked:

"Babe, everything okay?", Vicky wondered, resting her paw on his head. Nick took one look into Vicky's worry-filled eyes and his body became wracked with guilt.

"Y-yes! Of course e-everything is okay, just wondering w-what all the commotion is.", Nick replied, feeling bad about having to lie. But Vicky couldn't find out. She couldn't find out the girl Nick used to call 'Carrots'. Or even worse, find out Nick probably still loves her. Nick glanced back towards the entrance and connected eyes with Judy Hopps. The look of Judy's violet gaze was so entrancing, he couldn't look away. She was wearing one of her ruby red dresses that hugged her body perfectly. Damn, she was just so...beautiful. Nick then noticed his favorite rabbit marching over to him and Vicky, dragging another bunny behind her. Nick's face of happiness contorted into a face of utter terror. She couldn't see Vick and Nick out together, it would break her heart, or at least he thought. Nick quickly brought up his tail, which shielded his face from Judy and the other rabbit.

"Nick! Is that you?", Judy squealed, going in and squeezing the air out of Nick. Vicky eyes narrowed at the sudden show of affection, but realized she was only a rabbit.

"I'ma sorry, Ia don'ta thinka I knowa who you are?", Nick replied with a thick accent. Vicky picked up on Nick's signs but couldn't contain her giggles and blew away the disguise.

"Jeez Nick, I think this is a new low for you. Trying to trick an old friend into thinking she's got the wrong guy.", Judy said, shaking her head, while the rabbit behind her chuckled.

"Eh, can it, Ears. What are you doing here in this dump? Don't you have TV show appearances to make, huh?" Nick replied, a smirk inching onto his face.

Judy giggled and said, "Nope, not for awhile at least. Here Nick, I like you to meet Dylan. He's my 'date' for tonight." The second Nick heard that he tensed up and accidentally kicked his girlfriend under the table, making her slightly yelp, giving Nick a nasty glare.

"Nice to meet you, man. Where did you meet this dumb bunny, anyway? Bunny Borough?", Nick teased, receiving a glare from Judy, and a chuckle from Dylan.

"Actually, no. I met Judes here from work. See, I'm an Actuary and when someone robbed the bank I work at, Judy was the one who interviewed me as a eye witness. From there, we pretty much hit it off, though it is hard when your girlfriend is a big star like her, *chuckle*", Dylan said, putting his arm around Judy's waist. Nick's left eye started to twitch.

"Why do I already hate this guy?" Nick thought, while he clawed the underside of the table.

"Nick, who is this pretty lady, huh", Judy teased, elbowing my gut.

"Well, this is my beautiful girlfriend, Vicky. Vicky this is Judy Hopps, the most famous pig-uh, I mean cop.", Nick teased, his charming smile working its way onto his face. Judy stuck out her tongue at Nick and greeted Vicky. Then, Judy and Dylan said they have to go back to their table and order. Before Judy left though, she grabbed my and whispered in my ear:

"Way to go, Nick. Now don't mess this up. Something tells me she's a keeper." Judy whispered, kissing Nick on the cheek and waving to Vicky. Judy then returned to her table.

"Now that was a nice looking couple, huh Nick?", Vicky said, smiling sweetly.

Nick snorted and looked over at Judy, "Yeah, if that's a nice looking couple, than we must be godly.", Nick responded, hearing Vicky's cute giggling in the background. Nick studied Judy's facial expression and she looked...happy? Or was that just a facade? Probably not, Nick knew when Judy Hopps was being genuine and this had to be one of those times. But why does knowing that just eat me up inside?

Nick sighed irritably and slumped down in his chair.

"What could've been? I wonder", Nick thought, looking out the dark sky lit up by the lights of Zootopia.

Turns out this might be a three-shot instead, so could you please...REVIEW THIS STORY. IT REALLY MOTIVATES ME TO KEEP GOING.