" Where am I?"

No one bothered to answer. She could see clearly now, the red, blue and green wires that connected to her body, she mouthed a few words that she don't intend to say.

" Kill him,"

Her mouth repeated once more, more mercilessly and coldly," Kill,"



She could feel it, her memories vanishing, she forgot who she is, or what she is, her mouth kept repeating the word," Kill over and over," and her emotions was gone, her voice was emotionless than warm and inviting as it should been. She was disappearing, she could felt that a brand new self is talking over her.

" No...no...NO," she screamed, only surprised by her voice, so cold, so robotic. Her memories and emotion was slipping away from her, or it had never been inside of her at all.

Void, all could she could feel is void. A wave of emptiness filled her, replacing everything she have.

" Kill," is the only last word she hear, before everything turn black.




" Class, we had a new student, please come in Ritsu," Gakuho announced.

A girl walked into the classroom, one look at her the student got the feeling she's not a prefect guy to mess with, she had crimson eyes and a beautiful lilac hair, her face was so pale and emotionless as she was not a human at all, she wore a gray school uniform that matched everyone else's along with a black short skirt.

Her empty red eyes tilted at the class as she spoke.

" Hello, my name is Ritsu, nice to meet you,"

Her voice was monotone as a robot's voice, it contains no excitement, or any emotions. Only void.

No one spoke anything, not even the principal, who looked slightly shocked at her.

" Principal Gakuho, am I sitting next to Ren Sakakibara? What I've seen there's only one seat left," Ritsu asked Gakuho, who snapped back to reality and casted a fake smile at her,"Yes, of course..." No one even asked how she know Ren's name, or they are too shocked to.

" Hello," Ritsu said to Ren as she sit next to him.

" Hey," Ren replied, in a not hostile yet friendly voice.

After what it seemed like forever, school rung as a signal that class is officially ended," Class, you may dismissed," Gakuho said," And Ritsu, I would like you to stay, just a little talk," Ritsu nodded silently.


