"Hey." Lucy growled and smacked the jar. I allowed myself to turn into a swirling mess within. I didn't respond but just watched her as she screwed her face in to a disgusted look. She glowered at me. Like I had said before, I loved riling her.

"Hey, are you going to ask Lockwood out?" I asked when Lucy gave me her back. She stilled and looked at me but I refused to show my face to her, making her think that she was imagining things. She grumbled under her breath as I smiled the way skulls can.

Lockwood sighed before pulling her away to find the secret opening to the door. Soft voices whispered as I watched Lucy close in on the secret door. She placed her hand on the wall a few feet in front of the chains she had laid last night. Pain flashed across her face before she pulled away.

"Something is behind here. Something bad happened."

"Of course something bad happened Luce. Something bad always happens with visitors. That's why they return." George responded as Lucy rolled her eyes before running her hands along the wall, searching for the switch. Lockwood joined her before he glanced at George who was jotting down notes.

I grumbled as I glared at Lucy, allowing myself to reform but never speaking. I frowned as Lockwood froze; his fingers running over something. George finally put his things down and darted over to help. I didn't see where the latch was or where they found it, considering that I didn't really care. They took the fun out of everything. At least they'll be back tonight to find the source. The voices of the women had faded a long time ago.

"Well we found the hidden room." Lockwood frowned as he stared at the worn stained red chair. It was a small room. The chair was in the middle with tables on the sides and back; leaving a space big enough for a person to stand side-ways between the chair and tables.

"Anything could be a source here." Lucy said as she eyed what very little instruments remained on the rickety old tables. George sighed as he turned around and headed for the chain I was resting in. I growled as he picked up the chain and left the room, leaving Lucy to pick me up.

I huffed as Lucy made a circle of chains. She had placed me beside the door frame; which was now hanging off its hinges. I don't know how it got that way. It was that way when we arrived.

I blew ghostly bubbles as she turned her attention to me. She approached me before grabbing the backpack strap and carrying me over to the chains. They had returned to the house rather early. Now they were waiting for the manifestation so they could find the source.

I glared at her back as she disappeared out the door. She was heading for the kitchen where Lockwood and George were munching on biscuits and reading newspaper articles. I snorted. Lockwood had no hobbies. All he reads are gossip magazines.

"Lucy! Don't leave me!" I wailed as she turned and glared at me over her shoulder.

"We'll be back soon." She disappeared around the corner as I huffed, glaring at the wall in front of me.

"Fine, I'm not going to speak to you again for a while." I snorted as I stared at the wall, feeling bored. There was no one here for me to provoke. I knew what everyone was doing. The women were waiting til it was darker out, to start manifesting. Good thing it was winter time, nights were longer in the winter. Lockwood was chewing out George for sticking me in the oven again the other day. Lucy was reading the news clippings.

I stared at the walls as shadows started dancing along the walls. A whistle tore through the air. I growled, glaring at the ghostly shadows. I didn't want to stay put. I hated being alone. That much Lucy knew about. I glanced about my silvery trap. Why did I have to remain in the jar when I could go and bug them? I wouldn't hurt them if they just let me free . . . maybe.

I rolled my eyes to the secret door. Lockwood & Co. hadn't closed it, hoping to find the source much quicker than they usually did. I snorted as soft whispers began filling the room and leaking out the door. Ghost fog lightly filled the room, billowing out the door as Lockwood appeared, his trench coat swirling the fog around him. George was behind him, munching on a biscuit he had in his hand.

Lockwood trotted into the circle as I glared at George. He was messy from eating his biscuits, but then again he was always messy. "Lucy!" I whined when she didn't show up. I huffed as Lockwood looked at me. "Where is she? She is late, you two are and she never strays far from Lockwood." I snorted.

"I can hear you." Lucy huffed as she followed George into the room. She glared at me as I vanished into a murky swirling mist. She rolled her eyes. I glanced at the window. Night had fallen rather quickly. I couldn't help the ghostly grin that curled my mouth.

You said you loved me. The soft feminine voice filled the room as the dancing shadows swirled in circles. The sound of creaking floor boards followed shortly. You'd promised that you would love me, so why? I felt a smile curl my 'lips'. Lucy turned her attention to the room in front of us. So why is there more than one?

I could tell that Lucy wanted to take a closer look.

I smirked when a woman with tattered clothing appeared in the worn seat. Her head was hanging back on the backrest. Her arms hanging loosely beside her. The other six women appeared, standing beside her and behind her. Their arms crossed their chests as their hands rested on their shoulders, their chins resting on their collar bones. Their hair flowed around them as if they were in water.

They were all standing close to the chair. To my eyes only, the chair had the same ethereal glow as the ghostly women. Why is there more than one? Why did you choose us? Can't we go home now? WHY!? A jarring scream, with several voices that almost sounded like one. They all turned their attention to us. Their jaws dropping down, ghostly blood streaming from their wounds as the other six women around the black haired lass held their hands out like claws, their eyes empty and white.

I snorted with they erupted with a burst of green sparks. I turned my attention to the troop in time to see Lockwood, Lucy and George chuck the salt bombs at the black haired woman in the seat. "It's got to be the chair. They were all so close to it."

Lockwood dug through the backpack beside me, searching for the silver netting to drape over the chair. "Did you find it yet?" I sneered. "You better hurry. They are going to return if you don't find it in time." Lockwood pulled out the neatly folded silver net. I groaned as Lucy and George pulled out their own, making their way to the chair, letting it drag behind them as they tossed it over the chair.

"Yay." I said dryly, letting myself fall away from the world. I couldn't exactly leave but I could go to the one place ghosts went when it was day outside. I watched the ghostly women as they glared at the troop.

I sighed. So much for scaring the troop a bit more.

I'm soo sorry for such a long wait.