sign language

"sign language and talking"

The epilogue enjoy!

"Zio Lovino! Zio Lovino!" came the excited voice, Lovino turned to see the eight-year-old's hands flying rapidly as he signed.

"whoa whoa, fuck!" he said "slow down Logan, I can't understand when you sign that fast" honestly… it was just blurs when he got worked up! kid barely used his voice, and yet he still managed to talk as fast as his father.

Logan wiggled and made a whining noise but slowed down daddy said if you said it was okay I could come with you into town and help with the stand, can I? Those large indigo eyes looked up pleadingly, hands clasped together and lower lip jutted out and Lovino knew he was powerless in the moment. Dammit Alfred… Lovino sighed and nodded. Logan's face lit up and he bounced thank you, thank you! he signed in between his jumps

Lovino looked sternly and held up a finger to stop him. Logan's smile didn't fade but he waited "you can come, but you better not be a pain! you behave and if you don't you won't get to come again, understand?" the boy nodded rapidly

I'm gonna go tell papa! he said, turning rapidly and running

"be careful!" He yelled, knowing that was a lost fucking cause… dammit… he sighed heavily but couldn't stop a small smile as he watched Logan dart across to the main house. He watched, not being able to see Logan's side, but Matthew, who had come out to the loud shouts of "Papa! Papa!" he could read clearly

"as long as daddy and Zio Lovino said it's fine, but you better behave young man! If you don't I'm gonna be mad. " his face was stern as he insured the tiny alpha understood him.

Lovino didn't care if Matthew was an Omega, he would willingly admit the man was scary as all hell when he got pissed off... Lovino had learned that when Logan was about four, he hadn't be watching close enough and the boy had a run in with a bear who had wandered too close to the grapes. Everyone had been fine, but Matthew had torn him a new one. He was certain if Matthew had screamed at the bear like that, the bear would have fled in fear. If the kid had any of Matthews sense (and he knew he damn well did) he would heed his Papa's warning.

Logan helped to load up the truck, trotting back and forth with the smaller creates when an unfamiliar car pulled into the long drive. Probably someone who had gotten lost again. He figured continuing his work as he watched the two blondes walk towards them.

"Francis..." one said, Lovino noted the wide eyed look of shock on the smaller man's face as Logan came into their view. The taller blonde looked and turned as white as a ghost. Lovino moved to Logan, eyeing the two strangers wearily. He got the boys attention,

go into the house please Logan

Logan frown but zio Lovino-

no buts! go! I'll come get you in a minute Logan pouted by walked slowly back to the house Lovino turned to the strangers once he was sure the kid was in "is there something I can help you with?" He said in a less than friendly tone.

The Omega he could now smell was watching the direction the boy had gone teary eyed. The other alpha looked at him with familiar blue eyes. Lovino knew what was coming "We're looking for our son" a picture was pulled out, Alfred had an arm slung over a smiling Matthew, big cheesy smile across his face.

Lovino looked at the pair with his usual pleasant expression, he was about to deny knowing them when Alfred, the dumb-ass, came around the side of the house.

"Hey boss! what do you want me to do with the-" Alfred froze. He had filled out over the years. going from the body of a teen into that of an adult. He had shot up and extra three inches, his face sharpening into that of a full Alpha. his eyes were wide behind the black frames as he looked on the two blondes "Papa…"

"Alfred..." It was the omega this time, breathless in relief.

the three stood staring at each other and not moving. Lovino looked between them in growing irritation. "You might as well fucking come in then." He finally snapped then turned to Alfred "go put away whatever the fuck you were using first dumbass, then wash your hands they're fucking filthy."

Lovino lead the two, Arthur and Francis as he'd been informed, into the house. He lead them into the kitchen,

but Papa! Zio Lovino told me to come in!

"I'm sure he didn't tell you to track mud through zio Feliciano's kitchen!"

"Matthew it's fine really… he's an Alpha, Alphas track dirt everywhere." Feliciano said while still signing, unless it was something Logan was specifically not suppose to listen to, signing was constant. The speech therapist stressing it would be how he developed proper social skills.

"not the point shoe's off is a pretty easy rule!"

The entrance drew Feliciano's gaze first, his eyes opening wide and fear escaping. Matthew's head flashed up, and he quickly grabbed Logan by the shoulders shoving the boy behind him, both Omega's leaving the scent now.

"Why are you here?" Matthew asked suddenly, securing the now fussing boy behind him, hands too busy and mind racing too much to sign.

"We aren't here to do any harm Matthew…" Francis said gently, both parents looking painfully at their son and grandson.

Matthew eyes darted between them and over at Lovino who stood in the doorway. He looked down at the boy who was tugging his shirt

Papa, who are they? Logan's head was tilted to the side. he was confused at the lack of signs and the smell coming off his Papa and uncle. Matthew threw another warning glance at his parents and ducked down in front of Logan,

" We'll discuss it later, I promise. right now can you go play in the living room for papa?"

He looked like he was about to argue when Alfred came in the door and a light aggression filled the room. Logan's eyes opened wider. Feliciano waved a hand to get his attention

"come on Logan, lets go watch that superman movie your daddy brought home last week" Logan smiled a bit and nodded. Matthew gave Feli a grateful look and watched as the two retreated to the other room, shutting the kitchen door behind them.

"Why are you here?" Came Alfred's voice as he positioned himself beside and a little in front of Matthew who, now that his child was safe, clung to his Alpha's arm.

"What do you mean why are we here?!" Arthur's said, voice straining "You take off nine years ago… we have no idea where you went, what happened to you, nothing!"

Alfred cringed slightly, feeling his father's pain. Matthew however hardened "we had to." He said simply. "you would have forced me to get rid of Logan." his eyes were locked on Francis. "We left to save him, we stayed away to protect him"

Francis eyes hit the floor and Matthew felt a slight shock watching an Alpha willingly giving up "I was wrong…" Francis said, voice strained "but please, just…" his voice choked off and he took a breath "losing you both was worse. I acted rashly and I wasn't thinking..."

"No shit" Lovino grumbled, still leaning against the door frame. Francis cringed. "If you wanna kick 'em out," The grumpy alpha continued looking away "Give me a call… I'm going into the living room."

Alfred nodded. and walked as Lovino moved through the kitchen and out the door towards his omega and Logan.

"Can we all just sit and talk?" Asked Arthur, voice wavering.

So they did. An Alpha and an Omega on either side of the table. Francis and Arthur explained how they had started looking six months after the boys left… after Arthur had packed his things threatening to leave. He couldn't forgive the Alpha for driving their children out…

They hadn't even began looking this far out of the way until three years ago, combing everywhere they could think of. They had found and lost leads and coming through here had been a fluke, but a doctor had recognized them by the picture instantly. He had been hesitant to tell them, but after a very un arthur like bout of crying… had given in.

"We aren't expecting anything… We didn't even expect this much from you," Francis started "But, we needed to know you were alright. If this is all we get, we are at least happy to know you found a place. Knowing you are all safe…" Francis said looking at the table.

"But maybe," Arthur said looking up at Matthew "if you could find a way to let us into your lives again, just a little."

Matthew looked at their fathers, he could hear the desperation, see the sorrow… It was breaking his heart all over again. He looked up at Alfred who was staring down Francis, holding tightly to Matthew's hand "Alfie…" He said softly

"How do we know you're not just going to turn around and try and wreck everything?" He growled, narrowing his eyes at the other Alpha

Francis nodded looking down again, accepting the fear silently "Because, then I would be driving our sons away again… I couldn't handle the uncertainty and guilt the first time, I won't feel that again." He paused "And I wouldn't put my grandson in danger by making him run…"

Alfred watched him for a moment assessing the statement before giving a slight nod. It was another tense moment before Arthur spoke, voice quiet "could we meet him?"

Once more Matthew looked up at Alfred, a nervous half smile on his face. Alfred looked back at him and sighed. he leaned over pausing and shooting a warning look at his parents before kissing his mate softly. "Go ahead and get him then" He said as he put his forehead to Matthew's. Matthew smiled softly and nodded, kissing Alfred on the cheek before leaving the room.

Alfred eyed the other two for a reaction, neither seemed comfortable, but nothing was said, so he didn't blow up, only spoke calm and firmly "We are mates, not brothers." He said simply "Logan is our son and we won't have you treating us like children or perverts in front of him. If I see you doing so, that's it, you're cut. I'm doing this for Mattie's sake.." He said to both of them before turning to look directly at Francis again "but I still don't trust you" Francis nodded. looking hurt, but accepting it.

"we'll be on our best behavior Alfred" Arthur said, voice cracking. Alfred nodded and just then Matthew came back through the door, three people following.

He signed as he spoke "This is Lovino and Feliciano" He said directing to the older twins continuing firmly, but smiling "We work for them here. they took us in and they're Logan's uncles." He was making it clear that they were important people to Logan, Alfred and Matthew, there for they were to be respected.

He moved to kneel beside Logan "And this is Logan" He looked at his son "This is your Grandpapa and Granddad, can you say hello? If you don't want to talk, I can tell them what you're saying okay?"

Logan looked up at the two blondes at the table blinking and nodded hello He signed simply, Matthew translating.

Arthur stood cautiously, not moving until Matthew nodded, he walked to Logan crouching in front of him "Hello Logan, It's very nice to meet you" Logan looked at Matthew as he signed. then gave Arthur a smile "He looks just like you" Arthur said smiling, though tilting his head when Matthew signed that part.

"We sign everything" Matthew said "He's been learning to read lips a little, but It would be rude not to include him fully" Logan nodded

I don't like being left out Logan said with a slightly angry pout, Matthew relaying it

"well we would never dream of trying to leave you out" Arthur said with a smile voice catching in slight upset.

"You can come over to Papa" Matthew said looking at him and causing the Alpha to jump at the name. already tearing up.

Francis made his way over Imitating his mate "Hey there Logan" He said carefully, "I've been wanting to meet you for a while..."

Francis and Arthur stayed for dinner, it was a little tense, but not as bad as Matthew would have guessed it would be. By the end of dinner in fact, Logan was sitting in Francis's lap happily signing at a speed even Matthew had problems keeping up with. He was telling his grandparents about the farm and the cats. about how he loved to help Zio Feliciano cook and Zio Lovino pick grapes. He talked about how Papa helped with planting and how Daddy sometimes took him out on the tractor.

It was no surprise to anyone when the young Alpha fell asleep against Francis's shoulder.

"Here, I'll put him in bed" Alfred said moving to gather him

"I could carry him… if it's okay" Francis said, stroking the blonde hair. Alfred was about to protest, but Matthews hand on his arm made him sigh and nod.

They all said goodnight to the older twins, Matthew giving each a hug and a kiss on the cheek, before setting out for the fifteen minute walk to their house.

Arthur walked beside Francis, running fingers through Logan's hair as the boy snoozed cradled in Francis's arms. It was a fairly quiet walk, more so than usual. Alfred and Matthew usually talked and laughed on their way back, even if Logan was conked out, but what was there to say?

Matthew lead them up the stairs when they reached the house, taking them to Logan's room, the Mural still proudly on the wall, Although a superhero had been added, flying across the sky. He really was his father's son. He was tucked into bed and kissed by all three.

They went back down stairs and stood awkwardly at the door. Matthew spoke first "I-it was good to see you again… papa, dad…" He moved to tuck under Alfred arm.

"It was good to see you both again too" Arthur said smiling, Francis smiled too, maybe slightly tighter.

Alfred sighed and bend to kiss Matthew's head "I'll walk 'em back and bring the truck home okay? I'll be back soon"

"Okay Al" Matthew said reaching up to kiss the Alpha on the cheek.

Final goodbyes were said, somewhat awkward hugs given and Matthew retreated into the house leaving Alfred alone to take their parents back in the near dark. Another painfully silent walk… Alfred finally broke it as they closed in on the main house, going around the side to where the two had parked.

"you know…" He said looking up and away speaking nonchalantly "If you could… keep up the tolerance level with things, you could come visit again. Maybe figure out a way for you to stay a weekend or something. have more time with Logan or whatever." he looked back over to them, nervously waiting for the judgement or repulsion… but he found neither, only tears and smiles.

"We would love to Alfred" Arthur said softly, Alfred smiled and nodded.

"Well… We'll see ya around then… come by tomorrow or something if you're going to be in town."

"We'll see you tomorrow than" Arthur said, moving to give his full grown Alpha son a kiss on the cheek before moving to the van with a meaningful glance at Francis.

Alfred watched his father get in the car before turning to the silent blonde "well.. uh.. you should probably get driving… it's getting dark and all." He said awkwardly. He still wasn't comfortable around his Papa…

"I just have to say this Alfred, just once…" Alfred crossed his arms and nodded, preparing himself. "I… I'm proud of you"

well… he wasn't expecting that "what?" he dead panned.

"You took care of your broth- mate… even when things were hard. You've made a good place for your family. And Logan… well, he seems like a good kid. A lot of people who had babies at your age couldn't even hack it under normal circumstances… so, I'm proud of you Alfred." Francis said, awkwardly.

Alfred blinked but offered a small smile after a minute. "Thanks Papa" He said, "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Francis nodded stiffly and turned to the car. Alfred watching them pull away.

He got back to the house, finding Matthew already in their bed waiting for him. He smiled, stripping himself down to his boxers before crawling in behind his mate holding him close. He kissed Matthew's shoulders earning a happy hum.

"I told them they could come back tomorrow" Alfred said quietly.

Matthew nodded moving his head to twist around and coax a kiss out of Alfred. "I love you Alfie" He said with a smile.

"Love you too Mattie"