I decided to move a few milder things over from my ao3. This story does contain twincest (x2!)! It is for mature audiences so shoo if you don't fit in that category! most of it was written almost a year ago (in april) but i left it and then picked it back up and finished it. so really, It's my first Omega-verse story, just not the first I put up! Much fluffier than gilded cage, but still has some angst.

A moan fell off Matthew's lips as he writhed in his bed. This was not fair, he wasn't ready for this… but ready or not it came. He was 16, he knew it was going to happen. he felt a wet slick run down his leg. "Papa!" he called out with a desperate whine and pant in his throat. He was in heat. His first heat. stupidly he had denied it was happening. He didn't want to admit he was an omega and this discomfort was going to come whether he wanted it too or not. "Alfred!" he cried out again, this time for his twin. He searching for any Alpha close to help… not that he wanted to mate with his family.. but he needed the protection. he hadn't made a nest, he wasn't in his heat room… there were windows, one was even open, and doors without locks, This was not safe for an unmated Omega. he groaned into his pillow as his erection brushed against the fabric making his breath hitch. God dammit! he heard footsteps and a door opening

"oh fuck! shit Matty! hey dad, Papa get in here!" he heard the window snap shut.

Alfred, oh good… though the instinct part of him cried for someone, any Alpha… he bit his pillow trying to muffle the moaning call. his body was tingling, he knew it would only get worse, soon he'd be burning for someone to touch him. "pleeease Alfred! I need.. I need… " he had no clue what he needed. he breathed in, the scent of Alfred's protective nature drowning him, soon it was followed by the worry of his father's Alpha and omega scents.

"merde! we said this would happen soon! why didn't you tell us?!" his Papa's scent matched his tone, angry, aggressive, Matthew whimpered and flinched curling into a ball under the overwhelming sensation. normally it would be uncomfortable, right now it was unbearable!

"Well, now's not the time for all that! It can't be helped!" his other father snapped "I'll go make up a nest as quick as I can, you move him Francis" Matthew looked towards his Family opening his eyes for the first time. his pupils were blown wide open by desire and hormones, even the scant amount of light hurt. he watched Arthur walk Towards the small nesting room attached to his and he whined closing his eyes again "papa…."

Alfred's scent spiked. it practically screamed through the room, protect. mine. attack. Matt's eyes flew open, his brother was looking out the window with a look that made his blood run cold. The open window had let this cries coming from Matt carry along with his scent. It wasn't a surprise that it had drawn a few Alphas. he yelped at his Papa's warm arms and scent surrounded him. he groaned and clung as he was carried to the room his father was in. "Stay here" came the sharp ordering tone from the tall blonde man towards the older Omega, as he placed Matthew gently in the half made nest. "They heard him. "

even being an Omega his father still had the drive to protect. Matthew was his child, that was just instinct. it was doubtful anything would get past the two Alphas in the house , but it was a third barrier just in case. This was all completely natural. Families were driven to protect their Omegas. Even the Betas felt the need to protect them, not as instinctively as Alphas.. but rather as a moral obligation.

Omegas were defenseless during heat, not only would they attract less than gentle or friendly Alpha attention, but they would welcome it just to stop the overwhelming ache. that's why the lock clicked on the door. Matthew eased his eyes open. the room was dark, he could look around, only a small night light threw shadows from the corner of the room. there were no windows, the sun was too harsh and it was a way Alphas could get in, or desperate Omegas could get out. the floor was hard so messes, that were inevitable, would be easily cleaned, and only two doors. one door leading out, and the other to a small bathroom. He would be stuck in the room for the next week.

Heat cycles happened four times a year generally, they could be triggered by other things occasionally. Omegas could have anywhere from ten to only two in their first few years. Matthew prayed it was the latter. he was only in his first hours and he was already very uncomfortable. he had been informed it wasn't pleasant, he had been through classes, doctors visits, talks with his parents…

It all started when he and alfred were about eight years old and their scent glands developed. it was unusual for twins to differ in their glands, so their parents had sought out a doctor when they notice the distinct difference. Sure enough after a few blood tests to be 100 percent certain, Alfred was an Alpha and Matthew was an Omega.

Not that there was anything wrong with that. Their parents had been thrilled, one of each! a nice balance and no dreading Dominance wars that were common between alpha twins or lined up heats that came with Omega twins. Francis had spent many a night before they knew terrified he'd be the sole protector of three Omegas in heat at some point. he simply couldn't be in that many places at once! but this brought a nice balance. Alfred was so very much the ideal Alpha, he was tall, strong built, fast, his protective streak ran deep, even past instinct into his core being. Before their natures had developed he was Matthews protector. Francis knew that if they dealt with a dual heat in future he could trust his son to be the one to care for Matthew.

But tonight was different. Matthew had been stupid and now they had to work with a little extra. it wasn't a complete mess, they could deal with it. the scent of two aggressive Alphas would be enough to hold most others back. any stupid enough to still try wouldn't be successful.

In the room Arthur was trying to fill the nest with blankets and pillows for his moaning son, he muttered curses under his breath as he worked. this was not ideal... he could see the red flush across the younger boys face. He hurried to the closet and pulled out an air vacuum bag containing specific blanket. All heat rooms had these, it was a blanket that was full of the families head Alpha's scent. it would ease at least a bit of the nerves. If nothing else he would feel safe. the scent filled the room as the bag was ripped open. Matthews head whipped around trying to locate it, he reached out his hands and grabbed it to his face as soon as it was close enough. Arthur smiled down on his son and sighed. he felt sad for him to be in so much discomfort, but it was part of growing up. he couldn't help the nostalgic feeling. "thank you daddy" squeaked the blonde, and oh poor Arthur's heart...

Arthur went to the chair in the corner of the room. He'd be stuck in here for a while. it wasn't exactly comfortable… Omegas avoided being around others in heat. it could trigger jealousy at the attention and care the Omega in question was receiving and occasionally set off their own heats. It was unlikely for Arthur currently. he had just finished his last cycle a few weeks back. Besides that he was worried about his son. However he wasn't overly keen on watching Matthew moan and twist around in the blankets… No matter how natural a process, it just wasn't one he wished to witness.

Outside of the door Alfred was situated in Matt's bedroom. His eyes followed his father as the barriers were pulled over the bedroom windows. it was too unsafe to leave them unlocked. if the alphas needed to be out of the room, someone could sneak in. Matthew's room was on the second floor, right next to his parents. There were only the two rooms upstairs so once the windows were locked they would be safe to let Arthur leave the room and return to his own. Alfred's room was downstairs, it was just off the side of the living room. he wouldn't be using it this week. he would be sleeping in his brother's room so he could guard the door. Alfred watched his Papa leave for the second room on this floor.

His brother was his responsibility. He took it very seriously, the usually playful and goofy Alfred's face was set in a scowl. He was pissed off. Mattie had endangered himself. He was aware his brother wasn't comfortable about being an Omega. In fact Matt had been terrified about the heat and the thought of eventually carrying children, but that still didn't mean he had to be reckless! Matthew was every bit an Omega as Alfred was an Alpha. He was soft spoken, shy, kind and nervous. his figure was slight, he had a layer of fat over his hips and stomach, his features, though a lot like Alfred's, were softer and inviting rather than hard and intimidating.

Alfred's jaw clenched and fists tightened. the stench of disapproval filled the room. it was a smell that would make any omega shake. The scent said you've done something very wrong. Making an Alpha that unhappy was something any Omega avoided. Their alphas would never hurt them, well.. not good ones, but it felt like a failure. An omegas job was to make his Alpha (weather that be mate or family alphas) happy and eventually produce young for their mate. they didn't have to be slaves, but at least making it easy on the alphas to do their job was expected! The alphas job was to protect and provide, if an Omega put themselves in danger, that job became harder

Francis returned to the room and wrinkled his nose. "ugh… well that's unpleasant." he was irritated, but his own disapproval wasn't enough to suffocate anyone. "Alfred, he was scared. yes, he was stupid but it can't be helped now. " he sighed "It's overwhelming for Omegas… Losing control of their bodies like that. suddenly not feeling anything but aching and want. fearing and hoping they'll be found all at once." he recited the words that had been driven into his own thick skull for years by Arthur. Once they had discovered they had an Omega son, his husband had felt the need to ensure Francis understood all of this.

Alfred growled but the scent lessened. Francis rolled his eyes, the young Alpha wasn't particularly forgiving. "Go sweep over the down stairs, make sure everything is clear and I'll let your father out. It'll give the room time to air. we don't need the pair of them sobbing messes, on top of everything else, because they smell all this. "

Alfred pushed off the door and walked out of the room to the stairs. he inhaled deeply, nothing yet. his eyes were sharp as they scanned room after room, taking in the smell of his family in every room. everywhere he walked the slight scent of Matthews heat clung, he growled. mine. the thought flashed through his head. it was a familial thing, he was sure. Matthew was his brother and he wanted to keep him safe. He checked the windows, there were no shutters, but they were locked. he could see four Alphas in total hanging just outside their territory. no. stay away. mine. protect. he stepped out the front door, the wind whipped around him spreading the warning scent far and wide. This house was protected. One alpha inched closer, Alfred was young, but he retreated quickly as Francis followed him to the porch. the stronger, older Alpha's scent joining his sons. without speaking the two turned and went back inside.

it was the next morning when Alfred woke to the smell of food. Lifting himself up he groaned and stretched, he had fallen asleep in front of the heat room door. scanning the room once more he trudged out and down the stairs. He was met halfway by his father holding a tray of food. "oh good you're up! could you take this to Matthew? "

Alfred smiled and took the food along with the key that was handed to him. It was an Alpha's job to bring food to an Omega in heat. part of the providing thing. usually it would have been his father's job but after the long night the elder Alpha was still asleep on the couch. "yup! I'm sure he's probably hungry." he eyed the food in his hands… he wasn't sure he was hungry for this… but food was food.

Arthur grabbed his arm biting his lip and looking thoughtful for a second, eye's flashing to the couch and then back to his son. "Maybe… maybe i should...you've never really seen.. I mean.. It's not going to be a pleasant sight.."

"Don't worry dad, i got this okay? Mattie's hungry, and I'll have to do this someday for my own Omega right?" he swooped down and placed a kiss on his father's cheek. earning a displeased look. for an Omega Arthur was unnaturally opposed to affectionate displays. Alfred turned and carried the plate upstairs taking two steps at a time.

It wasn't pleasant. opening the door Alfred almost dropped the plate. his hand flew to cover his nose. holy mother of god that smell was strong. lust. everywhere. in the middle of all of it was Mattie. he was curled up in the nest, a sheet tangled around his naked form. he whimpered as Al entered the room and Alfred had to bite back a groan. wasn't he suppose to be immune to this!? the tray slid onto the table. the Alpha gathered his thoughts and calmed. he softly regarded his brother "Mattie, I brought you breakfast. are you doing okay? do you need anything?"

"nothing I can have~" came the muffled whimper as his brother stuffed his bright red face into a pillow.

Alfred gave a half smirk, he couldn't help it as a small chuckle rose. "It'll be over in a week Mattie. try and eat okay?"

A sigh heaved from the nest. "okay… where's papa?" small eyes peeked over the pillow and squinted "Or my glasses"

"Papa is still sleeping, those assholes outside wouldn't give up until like three in the morning." a slight disapproval filled the room even though Alfred tried very hard to keep it at bay

Matthew whimpered cowering and his eyes looked down in submission "I'm sorry" he mumbled.

"Just be more careful next time okay? Papa'll be in with your lunch later, and your glasses are on the table." With that he left and shut the door. this was just the start of everything, now Matt would have more heats and they would repeat this process, hopefully next time more carefully.